Einführung in Linux/UNIX -- Anhang -- Sonderausgabe für Leseprogramme Wulf Alex, 2008, Karlsruhe Copyright 2000--2008 by Wulf Alex, Karlsruhe Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sec- tions, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License on page 402. Ausgabedatum: 18. November 2008. Email: alex-weingarten@t-online.de Dies ist ein Skriptum. Es ist unvollständig und enthält Fehler. Geschützte Namen wie UNIX oder PostScript sind nicht gekennzeichnet. Geschrieben mit dem Texteditor vi, formatiert mit LaTeX unter Debian GNU/Linux. Die Skripten liegen unter folgenden URLs zum Herunterladen bereit: http://www.alex-weingarten.de/skripten/ http://www.abklex.de/skripten/ Besuchen Sie auch die Seiten zu meinen Büchern: http://www.alex-weingarten.de/debian/ http://www.abklex.de/debian/ Von dem Skriptum gibt es neben der Normalausgabe eine Ausgabe in kleine- rer Schrift (9 Punkte), in großer Schrift (14 Punkte) sowie eine Textausgabe für Leseprogramme (Screenreader). Seite 3 Vorwort Die Skripten richten sich an Leser mit wenigen Vorkenntnissen in der Elek- tronischen Datenverarbeitung; sie sollen -- wie Fritz Reuters Urgeschicht von Meckelnborg -- ok för Schaulkinner tau bruken sin. Für die wissenschaftliche Welt zitiere ich aus dem Vorwort zu einem Buch des Mathematikers Richard Courant: Das Buch wendet sich an einen weiten Kreis: an Schüler und Lehrer, an Anfänger und Gelehrte, an Philosophen und Ingenieure. Das Lernziel ist eine Vertrautheit mit Betriebssystemen der Gattung UNIX einschließlich Li- nux, der Programmiersprache C/C++ und dem weltumspannenden Internet, die so weit reicht, dass der Leser mit der Praxis beginnen und sich selbständig weiterbilden kann. Ausgelernt hat man nie. Zusammen bildeten die Skripten die Grundlage für das Buch UNIX. C und Internet, im Jahr 1999 in zweiter Auflage im Springer-Verlag erschienen (ISBN 3-540-65429-1). Das Buch ist vergriffen und wird auch nicht weiter gepflegt, da ich mich auf Debian GNU/Linux konzentriere. Meine Debian- Bücher (ISBN 3-540-43267-1 und 3-540-23786-0) sind ebenfalls bei Springer erschienen, aber nicht im Netz veröffentlicht. Die Skripten dagegen bleiben weiterhin im Netz verfügbar und werden bei Gelegenheit immer wieder über- arbeitet. Warum ein Linux/UNIX? Die Betriebssysteme der Gattung UNIX laufen auf einer Vielzahl von Computertypen. Unter den verbreiteten Betriebssys- temen sind sie die ältesten und ausgereift. Die UNIXe haben sich lange oh- ne kommerzielle Einflüsse entwickelt und tun das teilweise heute noch, sie- he Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD und andere. Programmierer, nicht das Marketing, haben die Ziele gesetzt. Die UNIXe haben von Anfang an ge- mischte Hardware und die Zusammenarbeit mehrerer Benutzer unterstützt. In Verbindung mit dem X Window System, einem netzfähigen Fenstersystem, sind die UNIXe unter den Betriebssystemen mittlerer Größe die leistungs- fähigsten. Linux/UNIX-Rechner waren von Anbeginn im Internet dabei und haben seine Entwicklung bestimmt. Warum C/C++? Die universelle Programmiersprache C mit ihrer mäch- tigen Erweiterung C++ ist -- im Vergleich zu BASIC etwa -- ziemlich ein- heitlich. Der Anfang ist leicht, an die Grenzen stoßen wenige Benutzer. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen C/C++-Programmen und Linux/UNIX funktioniert reibungslos. Warum das Internet? Das Internet ist das größte Computernetz dieser Erde, ein Zusammenschluss vieler regionaler Netze. Ursprünglich auf Hoch- schulen und Behörden beschränkt, sind mittlerweile auch Industrie, Handel und Privatpersonen beteiligt. Unser berufliches Leben und zunehmend un- ser privates Dasein werden vom Internet berührt. Eine Email-Anschrift ist so wichtig geworden wie ein Telefonanschluss. Als Informationsquelle ist das Netz unentbehrlich. Bei der Stoffauswahl habe ich mich von meiner Arbeit als Benutzer, Ver- Seite 4 walter und Programmierer leiten lassen. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Er- läuterung der zahlreichen Fachbegriffe gelegt, die dem Anfänger das Leben erschweren. Die typische Frage, vor der auch ich immer wieder stehe, lautet: Was ist XYZ und wozu kann man es gebrauchen? Hinsichtlich vieler Ein- zelheiten verweise ich auf die Referenz-Handbücher zu den Rechenanlagen und Programmiersprachen oder auf Monografien, um den Text nicht über die Maßen aufzublähen; er ist ein Kompromiss aus Breite und Tiefe. Alles über UNIX, C und das Internet ist kein Buch, sondern ein Bücherschrank. An einigen Stellen gehe ich außer auf das Wie auch auf das Warum ein. Von Zeit zu Zeit sollte man den Blick weg von den Wellen auf das Meer rich- ten, sonst erwirbt man nur kurzlebiges Wissen. Man kann den Gebrauch eines Betriebssystems, einer Programmierspra- che oder der Netzdienste nicht allein aus Büchern erlernen -- das ist wie beim Klavierspielen oder Kuchenbacken. Die Beispiele und Übungen wurden auf einer Hewlett-Packard 9000/712 unter HP-UX 10.20 und einem PC der Mar- ke Weingartener Katzenberg Auslese unter Debian GNU/Linux entwickelt. Als Shell wurden Bourne-Abkömmlinge bevorzugt, als Compiler wurde neben dem von Hewlett-Packard der GNU gcc verwendet. Die vollständigen Quellen der Beispiele stehen im Netz. Dem Text liegen eigene Erfahrungen aus fünf Jahrzehnten zugrunde. Sei- ne Wurzeln gehen zurück auf eine Erste Hilfe für Benutzer der Hewlett- Packard 9000 Modell 550 unter HP-UX, im Jahr 1986 aus zwanzig Akten- ordnern destilliert, die die Maschine begleiteten. Gegenwärtig verschiebt sich der Schwerpunkt in Richtung Debian GNU/Linux. Ich habe auch fremde Hil- fe beansprucht und danke Kollegen in den Universitäten Karlsruhe und Lyon sowie Mitarbeitern der Firmen IBM und Hewlett-Packard für schriftliche Un- terlagen und mündlichen Rat sowie zahlreichen Studenten für Anregungen und Diskussionen. Darüber hinaus habe ich fleißig das Internet angezapft und viele dort umlaufende Guides, Primers, HOWTOs, Tutorials und Samm- lungen von Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) verwendet. Die Ausgabe für Leseprogramme blinder Leser wurde aus der dvi-Datei mittels des Werkzeugs catdvi erzeugt. Für Verbesserungsvorschläge bin ich dankbar. Weingarten (Baden), 15. Februar 2006 Wulf Alex Seite 5 Inhalt A Zahlensysteme 7 B Zeichensätze und Sondertasten 13 B.1 EBCDIC, ASCII, Roman8, IBM-PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 B.2 German-ASCII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 B.3 ASCII-Steuerzeichen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 B.4 Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 B.5 Latin-2 (ISO 8859-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 B.6 HTML-Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 B.7 Sondertasten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 C Typografische Maße 32 C.1 Papierformate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 C.2 Schriftgrößen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 D Farben 34 D.1 RGB-Farbwerte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 D.2 X11-Farben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 D.3 HTML-Farben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 E Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 36 F Die wichtigsten UNIX-Kommandos 39 G Vergleich UNIX -- DOS-Kommandos 44 H Besondere UNIX-Kommandos 46 H.1 vi(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 H.2 emacs(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 H.3 joe(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 H.4 Drucken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 H.5 ftp(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 I UNIX-Dateisystem 49 I.1 Zugriffsrechte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 I.2 Kennungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 J UNIX-Systemaufrufe 59 K UNIX-Signale 61 L Videomodi des Linux-Kerns 63 Seite 6 M C-Lexikon 65 M.1 Schlüsselwörter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 M.2 Operatoren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 M.3 Standardfunktionen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 M.4 printf(3), scanf(3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 M.5 Include-Dateien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 M.6 Präprozessor-Anweisungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 N Slang im Netz 75 O Spezielle Sprachen 82 O.1 Hayes-Modem-Kommandos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 P ISO 3166 Ländercodes 84 Q Requests For Comment (RFCs) 87 Q.1 Ausgewählte RFCs, ohne FYIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Q.2 1.-April-RFCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Q.3 Alle FYIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Q.4 Alle BCPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 R Internet-Protokolle 99 S Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 101 T Abkürzungen aus Informatik und Telekommunikation 103 U Karlsruher Test 388 V GNU Lizenzen 396 V.1 GNU General Public License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396 V.2 GNU Free Documentation License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 W Zeittafel 410 Seite 7 A Zahlensysteme Außer dem Dezimalsystem sind das Dual-, das Oktal- und das Hexadezimal- system gebräuchlich. Ferner spielt das Binär codierte Dezimalsystem (BCD) bei manchen Anwendungen eine Rolle. Bei diesem sind die einzelnen Dezi- malstellen für sich dual dargestellt. Die folgende Tabelle enthält die Werte von 0 bis dezimal 255. Bequemlichkeitshalber sind auch die zugeordneten ASCII-Zeichen aufgeführt. dezimal dual oktal hex BCD ASCII 0 0 0 0 0 nul 1 1 1 1 1 soh 2 10 2 2 10 stx 3 11 3 3 11 etx 4 100 4 4 100 eot 5 101 5 5 101 enq 6 110 6 6 110 ack 7 111 7 7 111 bel 8 1000 10 8 1000 bs 9 1001 11 9 1001 ht 10 1010 12 a 1.0 lf 11 101 13 b 1.1 vt 12 1100 14 c 1.10 ff 13 1101 15 d 1.11 cr 14 1110 16 e 1.100 so 15 1111 17 f 1.101 si 16 10000 20 10 1.110 dle 17 10001 21 11 1.111 dc1 18 10010 22 12 1.1000 dc2 19 10011 23 13 1.1001 dc3 20 10100 24 14 10.0 dc4 21 10101 25 15 10.1 nak 22 10110 26 16 10.10 syn 23 10111 27 17 10.11 etb 24 11000 30 18 10.100 can 25 11001 31 19 10.101 em 26 11010 32 1a 10.110 sub 27 11011 33 1b 10.111 esc 28 11100 34 1c 10.1000 fs 29 11101 35 1d 10.1001 gs 30 11110 36 1e 11.0 rs 31 11111 37 1f 11.1 us 32 100000 40 20 11.10 space 33 100001 41 21 11.11 ! Seite 8 34 100010 42 22 11.100 " 35 100011 43 23 11.101 # 36 100100 44 24 11.110 $ 37 100101 45 25 11.111 % 38 100110 46 26 11.1000 & 39 100111 47 27 11.1001 ' 40 101000 50 28 100.0 ( 41 101001 51 29 100.1 ) 42 101010 52 2a 100.10 * 43 101011 53 2b 100.11 + 44 101100 54 2c 100.100 , 45 101101 55 2d 100.101 - 46 101110 56 2e 100.110 . 47 101111 57 2f 100.111 / 48 110000 60 30 100.1000 0 49 110001 61 31 100.1001 1 50 110010 62 32 101.0 2 51 110011 63 33 101.1 3 52 110100 64 34 101.10 4 53 110101 65 35 101.11 5 54 110110 66 36 101.100 6 55 110111 67 37 101.101 7 56 111000 70 38 101.110 8 57 111001 71 39 101.111 9 58 111010 72 3a 101.1000 : 59 111011 73 3b 101.1001 ; 60 111100 74 3c 110.0 < 61 111101 75 3d 110.1 = 62 111110 76 3e 110.10 > 63 111111 77 3f 110.11 ? 64 1000000 100 40 110.100 @ 65 1000001 101 41 110.101 A 66 1000010 102 42 110.110 B 67 1000011 103 43 110.111 C 68 1000100 104 44 110.1000 D 69 1000101 105 45 110.1001 E 70 1000110 106 46 111.0 F 71 1000111 107 47 111.1 G 72 1001000 110 48 111.10 H 73 1001001 111 49 111.11 I 74 1001010 112 4a 111.100 J 75 1001011 113 4b 111.101 K 76 1001100 114 4c 111.110 L 77 1001101 115 4d 111.111 M 78 1001110 116 4e 111.1000 N 79 1001111 117 4f 111.1001 O 80 1010000 120 50 1000.0 P Seite 9 81 1010001 121 51 1000.1 Q 82 1010010 122 52 1000.10 R 83 1010011 123 53 1000.11 S 84 1010100 124 54 1000.100 T 85 1010101 125 55 1000.101 U 86 1010110 126 56 1000.110 V 87 1010111 127 57 1000.111 W 88 1011000 130 58 1000.1000 X 89 1011001 131 59 1000.1001 Y 90 1011010 132 5a 1001.0 Z 91 1011011 133 5b 1001.1 [ 92 1011100 134 5c 1001.10 \ 93 1011101 135 5d 1001.11 ] 94 1011110 136 5e 1001.100 ^ 95 1011111 137 5f 1001.101 _ 96 1100000 140 60 1001.110 ' 97 1100001 141 61 1001.111 a 98 1100010 142 62 1001.1000 b 99 1100011 143 63 1001.1001 c 100 1100100 144 64 1.0.0 d 101 1100101 145 65 1.0.1 e 102 1100110 146 66 1.0.10 f 103 1100111 147 67 1.0.11 g 104 1101000 150 68 1.0.100 h 105 1101001 151 69 1.0.101 i 106 1101010 152 6a 1.0.110 j 107 1101011 153 6b 1.0.111 k 108 1101100 154 6c 1.0.1000 l 109 1101101 155 6d 1.0.1001 m 110 1101110 156 6e 1.1.0 n 111 1101111 157 6f 1.1.1 o 112 1110000 160 70 1.1.10 p 113 1110001 161 71 1.1.11 q 114 1110010 162 72 1.1.100 r 115 1110011 163 73 1.1.101 s 116 1110100 164 74 1.1.110 t 117 1110101 165 75 1.1.111 u 118 1110110 166 76 1.1.1000 v 119 1110111 167 77 1.1.1001 w 120 1111000 170 78 1.10.0 x 121 1111001 171 79 1.10.1 y 122 1111010 172 7a 1.10.10 z 123 1111011 173 7b 1.10.11 { 124 1111100 174 7c 1.10.100 | 125 1111101 175 7d 1.10.101 } 126 1111110 176 7e 1.10.110 ~ 127 1111111 177 7f 1.10.111 del Seite 10 128 10000000 200 80 1.10.1000 129 10000001 201 81 1.10.1001 130 10000010 202 82 1.11.0 131 10000011 203 83 1.11.1 132 10000100 204 84 1.11.10 133 10000101 205 85 1.11.11 134 10000110 206 86 1.11.100 135 10000111 207 87 1.11.101 136 10001000 210 88 1.11.110 137 10001001 211 89 1.11.111 138 10001010 212 8a 1.11.1000 139 10001011 213 8b 1.11.1001 140 10001100 214 8c 1.100.0 141 10001101 215 8d 1.100.1 142 10001110 216 8e 1.100.10 143 10001111 217 8f 1.100.11 144 10010000 220 90 1.100.100 145 10010001 221 91 1.100.101 146 10010010 222 92 1.100.110 147 10010011 223 93 1.100.111 148 10010100 224 94 1.100.1000 149 10010101 225 95 1.100.1001 150 10010110 226 96 1.101.0 151 10010111 227 97 1.101.1 152 10011000 230 98 1.101.10 153 10011001 231 99 1.101.11 154 10011010 232 9a 1.101.100 155 10011011 233 9b 1.101.101 156 10011100 234 9c 1.101.110 157 10011101 235 9d 1.101.111 158 10011110 236 9e 1.101.1000 159 10011111 237 9f 1.101.1001 160 10100000 240 a0 1.110.0 161 10100001 241 a1 1.110.1 162 10100010 242 a2 1.110.10 163 10100011 243 a3 1.110.11 164 10100100 244 a4 1.110.100 165 10100101 245 a5 1.110.101 166 10100110 246 a6 1.110.110 167 10100111 247 a7 1.110.111 168 10101000 250 a8 1.110.1000 169 10101001 251 a9 1.110.1001 170 10101010 252 aa 1.111.0 171 10101011 253 ab 1.111.1 172 10101100 254 ac 1.111.10 173 10101101 255 ad 1.111.11 174 10101110 256 ae 1.111.100 Seite 11 175 10101111 257 af 1.111.101 176 10110000 260 b0 1.111.110 177 10110001 261 b1 1.111.111 178 10110010 262 b2 1.111.1000 179 10110011 263 b3 1.111.1001 180 10110100 264 b4 1.1000.0 181 10110101 265 b5 1.1000.1 182 10110110 266 b6 1.1000.10 183 10110111 267 b7 1.1000.11 184 10111000 270 b8 1.1000.100 185 10111001 271 b9 1.1000.101 186 10111010 272 ba 1.1000.110 187 10111011 273 bb 1.1000.111 188 10111100 274 bc 1.1000.1000 189 10111101 275 bd 1.1000.1001 190 10111110 276 be 1.1001.0 191 10111111 277 bf 1.1001.1 192 11000000 300 c0 1.1001.10 193 11000001 301 c1 1.1001.11 194 11000010 302 c2 1.1001.100 195 11000011 303 c3 1.1001.101 196 11000100 304 c4 1.1001.110 197 11000101 305 c5 1.1001.111 198 11000110 306 c6 1.1001.1000 199 11000111 307 c7 1.1001.1001 200 11001000 310 c8 10.0.0 201 11001001 311 c9 10.0.1 202 11001010 312 ca 10.0.10 203 11001011 313 cb 10.0.11 204 11001100 314 cc 10.0.100 205 11001101 315 cd 10.0.101 206 11001110 316 ce 10.0.110 207 11001111 317 cf 10.0.111 208 11010000 320 d0 10.0.1000 209 11010001 321 d1 10.0.1001 210 11010010 322 d2 10.1.0 211 11010011 323 d3 10.1.1 212 11010100 324 d4 10.1.10 213 11010101 325 d5 10.1.11 214 11010110 326 d6 10.1.100 215 11010111 327 d7 10.1.101 216 11011000 330 d8 10.1.110 217 11011001 331 d9 10.1.111 218 11011010 332 da 10.1.1000 219 11011011 333 db 10.1.1001 220 11011100 334 dc 10.10.0 221 11011101 335 dd 10.10.1 Seite 12 222 11011110 336 de 10.10.10 223 11011111 337 df 10.10.11 224 11100000 340 e0 10.10.100 225 11100001 341 e1 10.10.101 226 11100010 342 e2 10.10.110 227 11100011 343 e3 10.10.111 228 11100100 344 e4 10.10.1000 229 11100101 345 e5 10.10.1001 230 11100110 346 e6 10.11.0 231 11100111 347 e7 10.11.1 232 11101000 350 e8 10.11.10 233 11101001 351 e9 10.11.11 234 11101010 352 ea 10.11.100 235 11101011 353 eb 10.11.101 236 11101100 354 ec 10.11.110 237 11101101 355 ed 10.11.111 238 11101110 356 ee 10.11.1000 239 11101111 357 ef 10.11.1001 240 11110000 360 f0 10.100.0 241 11110001 361 f1 10.100.1 242 11110010 362 f2 10.100.10 243 11110011 363 f3 10.100.11 244 11110100 364 f4 10.100.100 245 11110101 365 f5 10.100.101 246 11110110 366 f6 10.100.110 247 11110111 367 f7 10.100.111 248 11111000 370 f8 10.100.1000 249 11111001 371 f9 10.100.1001 250 11111010 372 fa 10.101.0 251 11111011 373 fb 10.101.1 252 11111100 374 fc 10.101.10 253 11111101 375 fd 10.101.11 254 11111110 376 fe 10.101.100 255 11111111 377 ff 10.101.101 Seite 13 B Zeichensätze und Sondertasten B.1 EBCDIC, ASCII, Roman8, IBM-PC Die Zeichensätze sind in den Ein- und Ausgabegeräten (Terminal, Drucker) gespeicherte Tabellen, die die Zeichen in Zahlen und zurück umsetzen. dezimal oktal EBCDIC ASCII-7 Roman8 IBM-PC 0 0 nul nul nul nul 1 1 soh soh soh Grafik 2 2 stx stx stx Grafik 3 3 etx etx etx Grafik 4 4 pf eot eot Grafik 5 5 ht enq enq Grafik 6 6 lc ack ack Grafik 7 7 del bel bel bel 8 10 bs bs Grafik 9 11 rlf ht ht ht 10 12 smm lf lf lf 11 13 vt vt vt home 12 14 ff ff ff ff 13 15 cr cr cr cr 14 16 so so so Grafik 15 17 si si si Grafik 16 20 dle dle dle Grafik 17 21 dc1 dc1 dc1 Grafik 18 22 dc2 dc2 dc2 Grafik 19 23 dc3 dc3 dc3 Grafik 20 24 res dc4 dc4 Grafik 21 25 nl nak nak Grafik 22 26 bs syn syn Grafik 23 27 il etb etb Grafik 24 30 can can can Grafik 25 31 em em em Grafik 26 32 cc sub sub Grafik 27 33 esc esc Grafik 28 34 ifs fs fs cur right 29 35 igs gs gs cur left 30 36 irs rs rs cur up 31 37 ius us us cur down 32 40 ds space space space 33 41 sos ! ! ! 34 42 fs " " " 35 43 # # # Seite 14 36 44 byp $ $ $ 37 45 lf % % % 38 46 etb & & & 39 47 esc ' ' ' 40 50 ( ( ( 41 51 ) ) ) 42 52 sm * * * 43 53 + + + 44 54 , , , 45 55 enq - - - 46 56 ack . . . 47 57 bel / / / 48 60 0 0 0 49 61 1 1 1 50 62 syn 2 2 2 51 63 3 3 3 52 64 pn 4 4 4 53 65 rs 5 5 5 54 66 uc 6 6 6 55 67 eot 7 7 7 56 70 8 8 8 57 71 9 9 9 58 72 : : : 59 73 ; ; ; 60 74 dc4 < < < 61 75 nak = = = 62 76 > > > 63 77 sub ? ? ? 64 100 space @ @ @ 65 101 A A A 66 102 â B B B 67 103 ä C C C 68 104 à D D D 69 105 á E E E 70 106 ã F F F 71 107 å G G G 72 110 ç H H H 73 111 ñ I I I 74 112 [ J J J 75 113 . K K K 76 114 < L L L 77 115 ( M M M 78 116 + N N N 79 117 ! O O O 80 120 & P P P 81 121 é Q Q Q 82 122 ê R R R Seite 15 83 123 ë S S S 84 124 è T T T 85 125 í U U U 86 126 î V V V 87 127 ï W W W 88 130 ì X X X 89 131 ß Y Y Y 90 132 ] Z Z Z 91 133 $ [ [ [ 92 134 * \ \ \ 93 135 ) ] ] ] 94 136 ; ^ ^ ^ 95 137 ^ _ _ _ 96 140 -- ' ' ' 97 141 / a a a 98 142  b b b 99 143 Ä c c c 100 144 À d d d 101 145 Á e e e 102 146 à f f f 103 147 Å g g g 104 150 Ç h h h 105 151 Ñ i i i 106 152 | j j j 107 153 , k k k 108 154 % l l l 109 155 _ m m m 110 156 > n n n 111 157 ? o o o 112 160 ø p p p 113 161 É q q q 114 162 Ê r r r 115 163 Ë s s s 116 164 È t t t 117 165 Í u u u 118 166 Î v v v 119 167 Ï w w w 120 170 Ì x x x 121 171 ' y y y 122 172 : z z z 123 173 # { { { 124 174 @ | | | 125 175 ' } } } 126 176 = ~ ~ ~ 127 177 " del del Grafik 128 200 Ø Ç Seite 16 129 201 a ü 130 202 b é 131 203 c â 132 204 d ä 133 205 e à 134 206 f å 135 207 g ç 136 210 h ê 137 211 i ë 138 212 ? è 139 213 ? ? 140 214 î 141 215 ý ì 142 216 Ä 143 217 ± Å 144 220 É 145 221 j oe 146 222 k Æ 147 223 l ô 148 224 m ö 149 225 n ò 150 226 o û 151 227 p ù 152 230 q y 153 231 r Ö 154 232 a ¯ Ü 155 233 o ¯ 156 234 æ £ 157 235 -- Yen 158 236 Æ Pt 159 237 f 160 240 ? á 161 241 ~ À í 162 242 s  ó 163 243 t È ú 164 244 u Ê ñ 165 245 v Ë Ñ 166 246 w Î a ¯ 167 247 x Ï o ¯ 168 250 y ' ¿ 169 251 z ' Grafik 170 252 ¡ ^ Grafik 171 253 ¿ 1/2 172 254 ~ 1/4 173 255 Ý Ù ¡ 174 256 Û ? Seite 17 175 257 ? 176 260 Grafik 177 261 £ Grafik 178 262 Yen Grafik 179 263 ? Grafik 180 264 f Ç Grafik 181 265 § ç Grafik 182 266 ¶ Ñ Grafik 183 267 ñ Grafik 184 270 ¡ Grafik 185 271 ¿ Grafik 186 272 Grafik 187 273 | £ Grafik 188 274 -- Yen Grafik 189 275 § Grafik 190 276 f Grafik 191 277 = Grafik 192 300 { â Grafik 193 301 A ê Grafik 194 302 B ô Grafik 195 303 C û Grafik 196 304 D á Grafik 197 305 E é Grafik 198 306 F ó Grafik 199 307 G ú Grafik 200 310 H à Grafik 201 311 I è Grafik 202 312 ò Grafik 203 313 ô ù Grafik 204 314 ö ä Grafik 205 315 ò ë Grafik 206 316 ó ö Grafik 207 317 õ ü Grafik 208 320 } Å Grafik 209 321 J î Grafik 210 322 K Ø Grafik 211 323 L Æ Grafik 212 324 M å Grafik 213 325 N í Grafik 214 326 O ø Grafik 215 327 P æ Grafik 216 330 Q Ä Grafik 217 331 R ì Grafik 218 332 Ö Grafik 219 333 û Ü Grafik 220 334 ü É Grafik Seite 18 221 335 ù ? Grafik 222 336 ú ß Grafik 223 337 y Ô Grafik 224 340 \ Á ? 225 341 à ? 226 342 S ã ? 227 343 T ? 228 344 U ? 229 345 V Í ? 230 346 W Ì ? 231 347 X Ó ? 232 350 Y Ò ? 233 351 Z Õ ? 234 352 õ ? 235 353 Ô ? ? 236 354 Ö ? ? 237 355 Ò Ú Ø 238 356 Ó Y ? 239 357 Õ y ? 240 360 0 thorn ? 241 361 1 Thorn ± 242 362 2 >= 243 363 3 =< 244 364 4 Haken 245 365 5 Haken 246 366 6 -- ÷ 247 367 7 1/4 ? 248 370 8 1/2 ? 249 371 9 a ¯ ? 250 372 o ¯ · 251 373 Û ? ? 252 374 Ü ? n 253 375 Ù ? 2 254 376 Ú ± ? 255 377 (FF) B.2 German-ASCII Falls das Ein- oder Ausgabegerät einen deutschen 7-Bit-ASCII-Zeichensatz enthält, sind folgende Ersetzungen der amerikanischen Zeichen durch deut- sche Sonderzeichen üblich: Nr. US-Zeichen US-ASCII German ASCII 91 linke eckige Klammer [ Ä 92 Backslash \ Ö Seite 19 93 rechte eckige Klammer ] Ü 123 linke geschweifte Klammer { ä 124 senkrechter Strich | ö 125 rechte geschweifte Klammer } ü 126 Tilde ~ ß Achtung: Der IBM-PC und Ausgabegeräte von Hewlett-Packard verwenden keinen 7-Bit-ASCII-Zeichensatz, sondern eigene 8-Bit-Zeichensätze, die die Sonderzeichen unter Nummern höher 127 enthalten, siehe vorhergehende Tabelle. B.3 ASCII-Steuerzeichen Die Steuerzeichen der Zeichensätze dienen der Übermittlung von Befehlen und Informationen an das empfangende Gerät und nicht der Ausgabe eines sicht- oder druckbaren Zeichens. Die Ausgabegeräte kennen in der Regel je- doch einen Modus (transparent, Monitor, Display Functions), in der die Steu- erzeichen nicht ausgeführt, sondern angezeigt werden. Die meisten Steuer- zeichen belegen keine eigene Taste auf der Tastatur, sondern werden als Kom- bination aus der control-Taste und einer Zeichentaste eingegeben. In C/C++ läßt sich jedes Zeichen durch seine oktale Nummer in der Form \123 oder durch seine hexadezimale Nummer in der Form \x53 eingeben (hier das S). dezimal C-Konst. ASCII Bedeutung Tasten 0 \x00 nul ASCII-Null control @ 1 soh Start of heading control a 2 stx Start of text control b 3 etx End of text control c 4 eot End of transmission control d 5 enq Enquiry control e 6 ack Acknowledge control f 7 \a bel Bell control g 8 \b bs Backspace control h, BS 9 \t ht Horizontal tab control i, TAB 10 \n lf Line feed control j, LF 11 \v vt Vertical tab control k 12 \f ff Form feed control l 13 \r cr Carriage return control m, RETURN 14 so Shift out control n 15 si Shift in control o 16 dle Data link escape control p 17 dc1 Device control 1, xon control q 18 dc2 Device control 2, tape control r 19 dc3 Device control 3, xoff control s 20 dc4 Device control 4, tape control t 21 nak Negative acknowledge control u Seite 20 22 syn Synchronous idle control v 23 etb End transmission block control w 24 can Cancel control x 25 em End of medium control y 26 sub Substitute control z 27 \x1b esc Escape control [, ESC 28 fs File separator control \ 29 gs Group separator control ] 30 rs Record separator control ^ 31 us Unit separator control _ 127 del Delete DEL, RUBOUT B.4 Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1) Die internationale Norm ISO 8859 beschreibt gegenwärtig zehn Zeichensät- ze, die jedes Zeichen durch jeweils ein Byte darstellen. Jeder Zeichensatz umfaßt also maximal 256 druckbare Zeichen und Steuerzeichen. Der erste -- Latin-1 genannt -- ist für west- und mitteleuropäische Sprachen -- darun- ter Deutsch -- vorgesehen. Latin-2 deckt Mittel- und Osteuropa ab, soweit das lateinische Alphabet verwendet wird. Wer einen polnisch-deutschen Text schreiben will, braucht Latin 2. Die deutschen Sonderzeichen liegen in La- tin 1 bis 6 an denselben Stellen. Weiteres siehe in der ISO-Norm und im RFC 1345 Character Mnemonics and Character Sets vom Juni 1992. Auch http://wwwwbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~czyborra/charsets/ hilft weiter. Die erste Hälfte (0 -- 127) aller Latin-Zeichensätze stimmt mit US-ASCII überein, die zweite mit keinem der anderen Zeichensätze. Zu jedem Zeichen gehört eine standardisierte verbale Bezeichnung. Einige Zeichen wie das is- ländische Thorn oder das Cent-Zeichen konnten hier mit LaTeX nicht darge- stellt werden. dezimal oktal hex Zeichen Bezeichnung 000 000 00 nu Null (nul) 001 001 01 sh Start of heading (soh) 002 002 02 sx Start of text (stx) 003 003 03 ex End of text (etx) 004 004 04 et End of transmission (eot) 005 005 05 eq Enquiry (enq) 006 006 06 ak Acknowledge (ack) 007 007 07 bl Bell (bel) 008 010 08 bs Backspace (bs) 009 011 09 ht Character tabulation (ht) 010 012 0a lf Line feed (lf) 011 013 0b vt Line tabulation (vt) 012 014 0c ff Form feed (ff) 013 015 0d cr Carriage return (cr) 014 016 0e so Shift out (so) Seite 21 015 017 0f si Shift in (si) 016 020 10 dl Datalink escape (dle) 017 021 11 d1 Device control one (dc1) 018 022 12 d2 Device control two (dc2) 019 023 13 d3 Device control three (dc3) 020 024 14 d4 Device control four (dc4) 021 025 15 nk Negative acknowledge (nak) 022 026 16 sy Synchronous idle (syn) 023 027 17 eb End of transmission block (etb) 024 030 18 cn Cancel (can) 025 031 19 em End of medium (em) 026 032 1a sb Substitute (sub) 027 033 1b ec Escape (esc) 028 034 1c fs File separator (is4) 029 035 1d gs Group separator (is3) 030 036 1e rs Record separator (is2) 031 037 1f us Unit separator (is1) 032 040 20 sp Space 033 041 21 ! Exclamation mark 034 042 22 " Quotation mark 035 043 23 # Number sign 036 044 24 $ Dollar sign 037 045 25 % Percent sign 038 046 26 & Ampersand 039 047 27 ' Apostrophe 040 050 28 ( Left parenthesis 041 051 29 ) Right parenthesis 042 052 2a * Asterisk 043 053 2b + Plus sign 044 054 2c , Comma 045 055 2d - Hyphen-Minus 046 056 2e . Full stop 047 057 2f / Solidus 048 060 30 0 Digit zero 049 061 31 1 Digit one 050 062 32 2 Digit two 051 063 33 3 Digit three 052 064 34 4 Digit four 053 065 35 5 Digit five 054 066 36 6 Digit six 055 067 37 7 Digit seven 056 070 38 8 Digit eight 057 071 39 9 Digit nine 058 072 3a : Colon 059 073 3b ; Semicolon 060 074 3c < Less-than sign 061 075 3d = Equals sign Seite 22 062 076 3e > Greater-than sign 063 077 3f ? Question mark 064 100 40 @ Commercial at 065 101 41 A Latin capital letter a 066 102 42 B Latin capital letter b 067 103 43 C Latin capital letter c 068 104 44 D Latin capital letter d 069 105 45 E Latin capital letter e 070 106 46 F Latin capital letter f 071 107 47 G Latin capital letter g 072 110 48 H Latin capital letter h 073 111 49 I Latin capital letter i 074 112 4a J Latin capital letter j 075 113 4b K Latin capital letter k 076 114 4c L Latin capital letter l 077 115 4d M Latin capital letter m 078 116 4e N Latin capital letter n 079 117 4f O Latin capital letter o 080 120 50 P Latin capital letter p 081 121 51 Q Latin capital letter q 082 122 52 R Latin capital letter r 083 123 53 S Latin capital letter s 084 124 54 T Latin capital letter t 085 125 55 U Latin capital letter u 086 126 56 V Latin capital letter v 087 127 57 W Latin capital letter w 088 130 58 X Latin capital letter x 089 131 59 Y Latin capital letter y 090 132 5a Z Latin capital letter z 091 133 5b [ Left square bracket 092 134 5c \ Reverse solidus 093 135 5d ] Right square bracket 094 136 5e ^ Circumflex accent 095 137 5f _ Low line 096 140 60 ' Grave accent 097 141 61 a Latin small letter a 098 142 62 b Latin small letter b 099 143 63 c Latin small letter c 100 144 64 d Latin small letter d 101 145 65 e Latin small letter e 102 146 66 f Latin small letter f 103 147 67 g Latin small letter g 104 150 68 h Latin small letter h 105 151 69 i Latin small letter i 106 152 6a j Latin small letter j 107 153 6b k Latin small letter k 108 154 6c l Latin small letter l Seite 23 109 155 6d m Latin small letter m 110 156 6e n Latin small letter n 111 157 6f o Latin small letter o 112 160 70 p Latin small letter p 113 161 71 q Latin small letter q 114 162 72 r Latin small letter r 115 163 73 s Latin small letter s 116 164 74 t Latin small letter t 117 165 75 u Latin small letter u 118 166 76 v Latin small letter v 119 167 77 w Latin small letter w 120 170 78 x Latin small letter x 121 171 79 y Latin small letter y 122 172 7a z Latin small letter z 123 173 7b { Left curly bracket 124 174 7c | Vertical line 125 175 7d } Right curly bracket 126 176 7e ~ Tilde 127 177 7f dt Delete (del) 128 200 80 pa Padding character (pad) 129 201 81 ho High octet preset (hop) 130 202 82 bh Break permitted here (bph) 131 203 83 nh No break here (nbh) 132 204 84 in Index (ind) 133 205 85 nl Next line (nel) 134 206 86 sa Start of selected area (ssa) 135 207 87 es End of selected area (esa) 136 210 88 hs Character tabulation set (hts) 137 211 89 hj Character tabulation with justification (htj) 138 212 8a vs Line tabulation set (vts) 139 213 8b pd Partial line forward (pld) 140 214 8c pu Partial line backward (plu) 141 215 8d ri Reverse line feed (ri) 142 216 8e s2 Single-shift two (ss2) 143 217 8f s3 Single-shift three (ss3) 144 220 90 dc Device control string (dcs) 145 221 91 p1 Private use one (pu1) 146 222 92 p2 Private use two (pu2) 147 223 93 ts Set transmit state (sts) 148 224 94 cc Cancel character (cch) 149 225 95 mw Message waiting (mw) 150 226 96 sg Start of guarded area (spa) 151 227 97 eg End of guarded area (epa) 152 230 98 ss Start of string (sos) 153 231 99 gc Single graphic character introducer (sgci) 154 232 9a sc Single character introducer (sci) 155 233 9b ci Control sequence introducer (csi) Seite 24 156 234 9c st String terminator (st) 157 235 9d oc Operating system command (osc) 158 236 9e pm Privacy message (pm) 159 237 9f ac Application program command (apc) 160 240 a0 ns No-break space 161 241 a1 ¡ Inverted exclamation mark 162 242 a2 Cent sign 163 243 a3 £ Pound sign 164 244 a4 Currency sign (künftig Euro?) 165 245 a5 Yen sign 166 246 a6 Broken bar 167 247 a7 § Section sign 168 250 a8 Diaresis 169 251 a9 © Copyright sign 170 252 aa a Feminine ordinal indicator 171 253 ab ? Left-pointing double angle quotation mark 172 254 ac ¬ Not sign 173 255 ad - Soft hyphen 174 256 ae Registered sign 175 257 af ¯ Overline 176 260 b0 ? Degree sign 177 261 b1 ± Plus-minus sign 178 262 b2 2 Superscript two 179 263 b3 3 Superscript three 180 264 b4 ' Acute accent 181 265 b5 ? Micro sign 182 266 b6 ¶ Pilcrow sign 183 267 b7 · Middle dot 184 270 b8 ¸ Cedilla 185 271 b9 1 Superscript one 186 272 ba ? Masculine ordinal indicator 187 273 bb ? Right-pointing double angle quotation mark 188 274 bc 1/4 Vulgar fraction one quarter 189 275 bd 1/2 Vulgar fraction one half 190 276 be 3/4 Vulgar fraction three quarters 191 277 bf ¿ Inverted question mark 192 300 c0 À Latin capital letter a with grave 193 301 c1 Á Latin capital letter a with acute 194 302 c2  Latin capital letter a with circumflex 195 303 c3 à Latin capital letter a with tilde 196 304 c4 Ä Latin capital letter a with diaresis 197 305 c5 Å Latin capital letter a with ring above 198 306 c6 Æ Latin capital letter ae 199 307 c7 Ç Latin capital letter c with cedilla 200 310 c8 È Latin capital letter e with grave 201 311 c9 É Latin capital letter e with acute Seite 25 202 312 ca Ê Latin capital letter e with circumflex 203 313 cb Ë Latin capital letter e with diaresis 204 314 cc Ì Latin capital letter i with grave 205 315 cd Í Latin capital letter i with acute 206 316 ce Î Latin capital letter i with circumflex 207 317 cf Ï Latin capital letter i with diaresis 208 320 d0 Latin capital letter eth (Icelandic) 209 321 d1 Ñ Latin capital letter n with tilde 210 322 d2 Ò Latin capital letter o with grave 211 323 d3 Ó Latin capital letter o with acute 212 324 d4 Ô Latin capital letter o with circumflex 213 325 d5 Õ Latin capital letter o with tilde 214 326 d6 Ö Latin capital letter o with diaresis 215 327 d7 × Multiplication sign 216 330 d8 Ø Latin capital letter o with stroke 217 331 d9 Ù Latin capital letter u with grave 218 332 da Ú Latin capital letter u with acute 219 333 db Û Latin capital letter u with circumflex 220 334 dc Ü Latin capital letter u with diaresis 221 335 dd Ý Latin capital letter y with acute 222 336 de Latin capital letter thorn (Icelandic) 223 337 df ß Latin small letter sharp s (German) 224 340 e0 à Latin small letter a with grave 225 341 e1 á Latin small letter a with acute 226 342 e2 â Latin small letter a with circumflex 227 343 e3 ã Latin small letter a with tilde 228 344 e4 ä Latin small letter a with diaresis 229 345 e5 å Latin small letter a with ring above 230 346 e6 æ Latin small letter ae 231 347 e7 ç Latin small letter c with cedilla 232 350 e8 è Latin small letter e with grave 233 351 e9 é Latin small letter e with acute 234 352 ea ê Latin small letter e with circumflex 235 353 eb ë Latin small letter e with diaresis 236 354 ec ì Latin small letter i with grave 237 355 ed í Latin small letter i with acute 238 356 ee î Latin small letter i with circumflex 239 357 ef ï Latin small letter i with diaresis 240 360 f0 Latin small letter eth (Icelandic) 241 361 f1 ñ Latin small letter n with tilde 242 362 f2 ò Latin small letter o with grave 243 363 f3 ó Latin small letter o with acute 244 364 f4 ô Latin small letter o with circumflex 245 365 f5 õ Latin small letter o with tilde 246 366 f6 ö Latin small letter o with diaresis 247 367 f7 ÷ Division sign Seite 26 248 370 f8 ø Latin small letter o with stroke 249 371 f9 ù Latin small letter u with grave 250 372 fa ú Latin small letter u with acute 251 373 fb û Latin small letter u with circumflex 252 374 fc ü Latin small letter u with diaresis 253 375 fd ý Latin small letter y with acute 254 376 fe Latin small letter thorn (Icelandic) 255 377 ff ÿ Latin small letter y with diaresis B.5 Latin-2 (ISO 8859-2) Der Zeichensatz Latin-2 deckt folgende Sprachen ab: Albanisch, Bosnisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Finnisch, Irisch, Kroatisch, Polnisch, Rumänisch, Serbisch (in lateinischer Transskription), Serbokroatisch, Slowakisch, Slowenisch, Sor- bisch, Tschechisch und Ungarisch. Samisch wird in Latin-9 berücksichtigt. Auf: http://sizif.mf.uni-lj.si/linux/cee/iso8859-2.html finden sich Einzelheiten und weitere URLs. Hier nur die Zeichen, die von Latin-1 abweichen: dezimal oktal hex Zeichen Bezeichnung 161 241 a1 Latin capital letter a with ogonek 162 242 a2 Breve 163 243 a3 ? Latin capital letter l with stroke 165 245 a5 ? Latin capital letter l with caron 166 246 a6 ? Latin capital letter s with acute 169 251 a9 ? Latin capital letter s with caron 170 252 aa ? Latin capital letter s with cedilla 171 253 ab ? Latin capital letter t with caron 172 254 ac ? Latin capital letter z with acute 174 256 ae ? Latin capital letter z with caron 175 257 af ? Latin capital letter z with dot above 177 261 b1 Latin small letter a with ogonek 178 262 b2 Ogonek (Schwänzchen) 179 263 b3 ? Latin small letter l with stroke 181 265 b5 Latin small letter l with caron 182 266 b6 Latin small letter s with acute 183 267 b7 Caron 185 271 b9 Latin small letter s with caron 186 272 ba Latin small letter s with cedilla 187 273 bb Latin small letter t with caron 188 274 bc Latin small letter z with acute 189 275 bd Double acute accent 190 276 be Latin small letter z with caron Seite 27 191 277 bf Latin small letter z with dot above 192 300 c0 Latin capital letter r with acute 195 303 c3 Latin capital letter a with breve 197 305 c5 Latin capital letter l with acute 198 306 c6 Latin capital letter c with acute 200 310 c8 Latin capital letter c with caron 202 312 ca Latin capital letter e with ogonek 204 314 cc Latin capital letter e with caron 207 317 cf Latin capital letter d with caron 208 320 d0 Latin capital letter d with stroke 209 321 d1 Latin capital letter n with acute 210 322 d2 Latin capital letter n with caron 213 325 d5 Latin capital letter o with double acute 216 330 d8 Latin capital letter r with caron 217 331 d9 Latin capital letter u with ring above 219 333 db Latin capital letter u with double acute 222 336 de Latin capital letter t with cedilla 224 340 e0 Latin small letter r with acute 227 343 e3 Latin small letter a with breve 229 345 e5 Latin small letter l with acute 230 346 e6 Latin small letter c with acute 232 350 e8 Latin small letter c with caron 234 352 ea Latin small letter e with ogonek 236 354 ec Latin small letter e with caron 239 357 ef Latin small letter d with caron 240 360 f0 Latin small letter d with stroke 241 361 f1 Latin small letter n with acute 242 362 f2 Latin small letter n with caron 245 365 f5 Latin small letter o with double acute 248 370 f8 Latin small letter r with caron 249 371 f9 Latin small letter u with ring above 251 373 fb Latin small letter u with double acute 254 376 fe Latin small letter t with cedilla 255 377 ff Dot above B.6 HTML-Entities HTML-Entities sind eine Ersatzschreibweise für Zeichen, die nicht direkt in HTML-Text eingegeben werden können. Zu diesen Zeichen gehören: ? Sonderzeichen außerhalb des US-ASCII-Zeichensatzes (Umlaute), ? Zeichen, die eine besondere Bedeutung in HTML haben (&, <), ? mathematische und andere Symbole (±, ©). Für den Ersatz gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten: ? die dezimale oder hexadezimale Nummer des Zeichens im Zeichensatz, Seite 28 ? eine Umschreibung mit ASCII-Zeichen. Soweit die Zeichen im Latin-1-Zeichensatz enthalten sind, können die dort angegebenen Nummern verwendet werden. Die vollständige Tabelle ent- nimmt man am einfachsten der HTML-Spezifikation. Hier nur die häufigsten Zeichen: dezimal hex char ent Zeichen Bezeichnung & & & & ampersand < L < < less-than sign > N > > greater-than sign       non-breaking space ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ inverted exclamation mark £ £ £ £ pound sign © © © © copyright sign « « « ? left pointing guillemet ­ ­ ­ soft or dicretionary hyphen ® ® ® registered sign ° ° ° ? degree sign ± ± ± ± plus-minus sign ² ² ² 2 superscript two ³ ³ ³ 3 superscript three µ µ µ ? micro sign » » » ? right pointing guillemet ½ ½ ½ 1/2 fraction one half À À À À latin capital letter A with grave Á Á Á Á latin capital letter A with acute     latin capital letter A with circumflex à à à à latin capital letter A with tilde Ä Ä Ä Ä latin capital letter A with diaresis Å Å Å Å latin capital letter A with ring above Æ Æ Æ Æ latin capital ligature AE Ç Ç Ç Ç latin capital letter C with cedilla Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ latin capital letter N with tilde Ø Ø Ø Ø latin capital letter O with stroke ß ß ß ß latin small letter sharp s ë ë ë ë latin small letter e with diaresis ñ ð ñ ñ latin small letter n with tilde B.7 Sondertasten Computertastaturen weisen im Vergleich zu den Tastaturen herkömmlicher Schreibmaschinen einige Tasten zusätzlich auf -- mit besonderen Bedeutun- gen. Obwohl die PC-Tastatur (MF-2) weit verbreitet ist, gibt es eine Vielzahl abweichender Tastaturen. Die Wirkung, die von einer Taste ausgelöst wird, Seite 29 hängt in den meisten Fällen von der Software ab, lässt sich daher nicht all- gemein angeben und kann von Programm zu Programm variieren. Typische Beispiele sind die Funktionstasten, aber auch fast alle anderen Tasten las- sen sich umprogrammieren. In der folgenden Tabelle werden die wichtigsten Sondertasten aufgeführt: DÜZ Datenübertragung zeilenweise ACK Acknowledge AlphaLock wie Caps Lock Alt Alt Alternate AltGr AltGr Alternate graphic(s) BackTab BS, Backspace Rücktaste einen Schritt zurück BEL Glocke, ASCII-Nr. 7 Break Untbr Signal SIGINT, Signal Nr. 2 CAN Cancel Caps Lock Feststelltaste Umschaltung feststellen CBT Cursor back tab CE, ClearEntry CharDel Lösche Zeichen CharInsert Füge Zeichen vor Cursor ein ClearSpace CR Carriage return, Wagenrücklauf, ASCII-Nr. 13 Ctrl Strg Control, Steuerung CUB Cursor back CUD Cursor down CUF Cursor forward CUU Cursor up DCH Delete character DC1 Device control 1, ASCII-Nr. 17 DC2 Device control 2, ASCII-Nr. 18 DC3 Device control 3, ASCII-Nr. 19 DC4 Device control 4, ASCII-Nr. 20 Dead Keys Tod-Tasten, T. für diakritische Zeichen, Akzent-Tasten Akzente ohne Zeichenvorschub DEL, Delete Entf Zeichen entfernen, löschen DL Delete line DLE Data link enable Down Pfeil abwärts Cursor abwärts EM End of media End Ende Cursor zum Seitenende ENQ Enquiry Enter Zeilenwechsel Eingabe vollziehen EOT End of transmission Esc Escape Escape, Fluchtsymbol, ASCII-Nr. 27 ETB End of transaction block Seite 30 ETX End of text ExtChar F1 F1 Funktionstaste 1 usw. FF Form feed, Blattvorschub, ASCII-Nr. 12 Funct ähnlich wie Ctrl Home Pos1 Cursor zum Seitenanfang HT Horizontal tab INS, Insert Einfg Zeichen vor Cursor einfügen IS1 Information separator 1 IS2 Information separator 2 IS3 Information separator 3 IS4 Information separator 4 Left Pfeil links Cursor nach links LF Line feed, ASCII-Nr. 10 LineDel Lösche Zeile LineErase Lösche Zeile ab Cursor LineFeed wie Down LineIns Füge Zeile oberhalb Cursor ein LocEsc Local Escape NAK Not acknowledge NoScroll Hält Bildschirm an NumLock Num Number lock key Page Nächste Seite des Speichers Page Down Bild abwärts Nächste Seite des Speichers PageErase Seite löschen Page Up Bild aufwärts Vorige Seite des Speichers Pause Pause Pause PFK Program Function Key PrevWin Previous window PrintScreen Druck Hardcopy des Bildschirms Reset Setzt Terminal zurück Return Zeilenwechsel Zeilenwechsel, Eingabe vollziehen Right Pfeil rechts Cursor nach rechts Rubout Zeichen löschen, wie DEL ScrollLock Rollen Hält Bildschirm an Send Sende Seite zum Computer Setup Zeigt Konfiguration an Shift Umschaltung Umschaltung groß-klein Space Leertaste ASCII-Nr. 32, Leerschritt SOH Start of header SUB Substitute character, ASCII-Nr. 26 SYN Synch idle SysRq S-Abf System request, System-Anfrage Tab Tab (Horizontal-)Tabulator Up Pfeil aufwärts Cursor nach oben Seite 31 Daneben finden sich auf den Tastaturen einzelner Hersteller noch Tasten mit angebissenen Äpfeln, fliegenden Fenstern und dergleichen. Seite 32 C Typografische Maße C.1 Papierformate In der EDV sind folgende Papierformate gebräuchlich (Ein Zoll (inch) sind 25,4 mm oder 72 Punkte): ? DIN A3 Blattgröße 297 mm x 420 mm entsprechend 842 p x 1190 p. ? DIN A4 Blattgröße 210 mm x 297 mm entsprechend 595 p x 842 p, nä- herungsweise 8 Zoll x 12 Zoll. ? Briefumschlag DIN lang 110 mm x 220 mm ? Tabellierpapier schmal Blattgröße einschließlich Lochrand 240 mm x 305 mm, ohne Lochrand 210 mm x 305 mm, also annähernd DIN A4. 305 mm sind 12 Zoll. ? Tabellierpapier breit Blattgröße einschließlich Lochrand 375 mm x 305 mm. Bei 10 Zeichen/Zoll faßt die Zeile 132 Zeichen, bei 12 Zeichen/Zoll 158 Zeichen, bei 15 Zeichen/Zoll 198 Zeichen. ? Executive amerikanisch, Blattgröße 7.25 Zoll x 10.5 Zoll (184,2 mm x 266,7 mm) entsprechend 540 p x 720 p. ? Ledger amerikanisch, Blattgröße 17 Zoll x 11 Zoll (431,8 mm x 279,4 mm) entsprechend 1224 p x 792 p, Querformat. ? Legal amerikanisch, Blattgröße 8.5 Zoll x 14 Zoll (215,9 mm x 355,6 mm) entsprechend 612 p x 1008 p. ? Letter amerikanisch, Blattgröße 8.5 Zoll x 11 Zoll (215,9 mm x 279,4 mm) entsprechend 612 p x 792 p, Schreibmaschinenpapier. ? Tabloid amerikanisch, Blattgröße 11 Zoll x 17 Zoll (279,4 mm x 431,8 mm) entsprechend 792 p x 1224 p. Es ist zwischen der Blattgröße, der Größe des adressierbaren Bereichs (lo- gische Seite) und der Größe des beschreibbaren Bereichs zu unterscheiden. Näheres beispielsweise im HP PCL 5 Printer Language Technical Reference Manual (das leider nicht zum Lieferumfang der HP Laserdrucker gehört, für die System-Manager aber äußerst wichtig ist). C.2 Schriftgrößen Bei den Schriftgrößen oder -graden finden sich mehrere Maßsysteme. In Mit- teleuropa ist traditionell das aus dem Bleisatz stammende Punktsystem nach François Ambroise Didot gebräuchlich, das die Höhe der Schrifttype (nicht des Buchstabens) angibt. Es geht auf den französischen Fuß zurück; ein Seite 33 Punkt war früher 0,376 mm, heute ist er in Angleichung an das metrische System 0,375 mm. Die wichtigsten Größen werden auch mit eigenen Namen bezeichnet (12 pt = Cicero). Die untere Grenze der Lesbarkeit liegt bei 9 pt, optimal sind 12 pt. Auf englische Füße geht das Pica-System zurück, in dem 1 Pica gleich 12 Points oder 4,216 mm (1/6 Zoll) ist. Hiervon abgeleitet ist das IBM-Pica- System, in dem Pica eine Schrift mit 6 Zeilen pro Zoll und 10 Zeichen pro Zoll ist. Elite bedeutet 12 Zeichen pro Zoll bei gleichem Zeilenabstand. Auf deutschen Schreibmaschinen war Pica eine Schriftart mit 2,6 mm Schrittweite (etwa 10 Zeichen pro Zoll) und Perl eine Schriftart mit 2,3 mm Schrittweite. Seite 34 D Farben D.1 RGB-Farbwerte D.2 X11-Farben Eine Auswahl der von X11 verwendeten Farben. Die vollständige Liste ist in /etc/X11/rgb.txt, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt oder /usr/lib/ x11/rgb.txt zu finden. Mittels showrgb werden die Farben mit ihren Zah- lenwerten (RGB-Tripletts) aufgelistet. Das Kommando xcolors stellt in ei- nem großen Fenster alle Farben gleichzeitig samt ihren Bezeichnungen dar, das Kommando xcolorsel in einem kleinen Fenster einen Ausschnitt samt Hexwerten und Bezeichnungen. Die tatsächliche Farbdarstellung hängt vom Bildschirm bzw. Drucker ab, deshalb sind die Farbmuster nur als Orientie- rungshilfe zu verstehen. X11 stellt auch Farben dar, die nicht in dieser Liste genannt sind. Darüber hinaus kann sich ein Benutzer mit einem Farbeditor eigene Far- ben für X11 mischen. Nach dem RGB-Modell arbeiten xcolmix (Debian) und xcoloredit, zu holen bei http://freebsd.home4u.ch/de/ oder ftp://export.lcs.mit.edu/R5contrib/. Ein durchschnittlicher Benut- zer kommt jedoch mit den vorgefertigten Farben aus. Farbe Colour RGB-Vektor Hex, 8bittig weiß white 255,255,255 #ffffff gelb yellow 255,255,0 #ffff00 fuchsienrot magenta1 255,0,255 #ff00ff cyan cyan1 0,255,255 #00ffff rot red 255,0,0 #ff0000 maigrün green 0,255,0 #00ff00 blau blue1 0,0,255 #0000ff grau grey52 133,133,133 #868686 olivgrün olive drab 107,142,35 #698e20 purpur purple 160,32,240 #9e20ef dunkelgrün green4 0,139,0 #008a00 kastanienbraun maroon 176,48,96 #ae3061 grün green 0,255,0 #00ff00 marineblau navy blue 0,0,128 #000086 lachsrot salmon 250,128,114 #f78271 dunkelrosa hot pink 255,105,180 #ff69b6 dunkelorange dark orange 255,140,0 #ff8e00 königsblau royal blue 65,105,225 #4169df altweiß antique white 250,235,215 #f7ebd7 ocker navajo white 255,222,173 #ffdfae hellgrau light grey 211,211,211 #cfd3cf Seite 35 schwarz black 0,0,0 #000000 D.3 HTML-Farben Eine Auswahl von Farben nach dem RGB-Farbmodell, ihren Bezeichnungen und ihren Hex-Codes, wie sie in HTML-Seiten verwendet werden. Die ersten 16 Farben können auf Webseiten über ihre englische Bezeichnung angespro- chen werden; die Hex-Codes sollten immer richtig verstanden werden. Wei- teres unter http:\\www.htmlhelp.com/cgi-bin/color.cgi oder http: //www.seifert-web.de/info/bgclick.htm. Farbe Colour Hex Code weiß white #ffffff schwarz black #000000 gelb yellow #ffff00 fuchsienrot magenta, fuchsia #ff00ff cyan cyan, aqua #00ffff rot red #ff0000 maigrün lime #00ff00 blau blue #0000ff grau gray #808080 olivgrün olive #808000 purpur purple #800080 dunkelgrün teal #008080 kastanienbraun maroon #800000 grün green #008000 marineblau navy #000080 silbern silver #c0c0c0 lachsrot salmon #fa8072 dunkelrosa hot pink #ff69b4 dunkel orange dark orange #ff8c00 königsblau royal blue #4169e1 ocker navajo white #ffdead Seite 36 E Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) An Hand einer einfachen Webseite -- verfasst nach der Spezifikation von HTML 4.0 -- wird die Verwendung von HTML erläutert. Die Seite ist von mehreren Programmen getestet und hat keine Fehlermeldungen erzeugt. Dr.-Ing. Wulf Alex LOGO

Institut für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Mechanik

FOTO Wulf Alex

Gebäude 30.70, Zimmer 003

Telefon +49 721 608 2404 (dienstlich)

Email wulf.alex@mvm.uni-karlsruhe.de



Siehe Bibliothek

Persönliche Webseite

Zur Fakultät Universität
Jüngste Änderung 2001-10-24 webmaster.mvm@mvm.uni-karlsruhe.de
Requested by from Die erste Zeile nennt die Document Type Declaration. Sie kann von Testpro- grammen wie tidy automatisch hinzugefügt werden. Dann folgt das eigent- liche HTML-Dokument von bis . Es gliedert sich in den Kopf von bis und den Rumpf von bis . Im Kopf steht der Titel (keine Sonderzeichen!) von bis , der auf dem Rahmen des Brauser-Fensters angezeigt wird. Dann folgen Meta- Informationen für Brauser und Suchmaschinen. Die Information über den Content-Type ist obligatorisch, der Rest optional. Im Rumpf wird zunächst ein Bild (Logo) im gif-Format eingebunden. Für Fotos empfiehlt sich das jpg-Format. Dann folgt eine Überschrift (Headline) dritter Stufe, die beiden obersten Stufen werden hier nicht verwendet.
ist eine horizontale Trennlinie (horizontal ruler),
ein Zeilenumbruch (line break) zusätzlich zu denen, die der Brauser von sich aus vornimmt. Die Email-Anschrift ist in Form eines anklickbaren Hyperlinks zwischen Seite 38 und angegeben. Der öffnende Tag enthält ein Attribut, nämlich den URL, der beim Anklicken angesprochen werden soll. Die Arbeitsgebiete sind in Form einer Auflistung (unordered list) zwischen dargestellt. Die einzelnen Elemente stehen zwischen
  • und
  • . Es gibt auch Aufzählungen (ordered lists, OL). Der auf die Bibliothek weisende Hyperlink ruft auf dem Webserver ein cgi- Programm auf, das etwas tut und das Ergebnis dem Webserver zwecks Über- tragung zum Brauser mitteilt. Die Information, die der Leser beim Anklicken dieses Hyperlinks erhält, wird also bei Bedarf zusammengestellt, sie ist dyna- misch. Im vorliegenden Fall stammt sie auf Umwegen aus einer Datenbank. Gegen Ende werden der URL der vorliegenden Seite, das Datum der jüngs- ten Änderung und die Anschrift des zuständigen Webmasters angegeben. Das gehört sich so und fehlt oft. Die letzten drei Zeilen im Rumpf rufen Server Side Includes auf. Das sind wieder dynamische Informationen, die der Server nach Bedarf einfügt, jedoch ohne Hilfe eines anderen Programmes. Nicht unbedingt erforderlich, aber hier und da nützlich. Dieses Beispiel soll zeigen, dass eine einfache Webseite keine höheren Pro- grammierkenntnisse erfordert. Wenn Sie sich dann noch aus dem Netz oder im Buchhandel eine gute Einführung in HTML besorgen, sind Sie für Ihren Auftritt im WWW gerüstet. Später sollten Sie sich noch vom W3C die HTML- Spezifikation holen, zum Nachschlagen. Seite 39 F Die wichtigsten UNIX-Kommandos Einzelheiten siehe Online-Referenz-Handbuch. Das wichtigste Kommando zuerst, die übrigen nach Sachgebiet und dann alphabetisch geordnet: man man Beschreibung zum Kommando man(1) ausgeben man -k time man-Seiten zum Stichwort time auflisten apropos time man-Seiten zum Stichwort time auflisten Allgemeines alias Alias in der Shell einrichten alias r='fc -e -' at Programm zu einem beliebigen Zeitpunkt starten at 0815 Jan 24 program EOF (meist control-d) bdf, df, du Plattenbelegung ermitteln df du . calendar Terminverwaltung (Reminder Service) (Datei $HOME/calendar muß existieren) calendar crontab Tabelle für cron erzeugen crontab crontabfile date Datum und Zeit anzeigen date echo, print Argument auf stdout schreiben echo 'Hallo, wie gehts?' exit Shell beenden exit kill Signal an Prozess senden kill process_id kill -s SIGHUP process_id leave an Feierabend erinnern leave 2215 lock Terminal sperren lock newgrp Benutzergruppe wechseln newgrp student nice Priorität eines Programmes herabsetzen nice program nohup Programm von Sitzung abkoppeln nohup program & passwd Passwort ändern Seite 40 passwd yppasswd (in NIS-Clustern) ps laufende Prozesse anzeigen ps -ef script Sitzung mitschreiben script (beenden mit exit) set Umgebung anzeigen set sh, ksh, bash Shells (Bourne, Korn, Bash) bash stty Terminal-Schnittstelle anzeigen stty su Usernamen wechseln (substituieren) su bjalex1 tset, reset Terminal initialisieren tset vt100 tty Terminalnamen (/dev/tty*) anzeigen tty who eingeloggte Benutzer auflisten who -H whoami, id meinen Namen anzeigen id xargs Argumentliste aufbauen und Kommando ausführen ls | xargs -i -t mv {} subdir/{} Dateien, Verzeichnisse cd Arbeitsverzeichnis wechseln cd cd /usr/local/bin chgrp Gruppe einer Datei wechseln chgrp students file chmod Zugriffsrechte einel Datei ändern chmod 755 file chown Besitzer einer Datei wechseln chown aralex1 file cmp, diff zwei Dateien vergleichen cmp file1 file2 compress Datei komprimieren compress file uncompress file.Z cp Datei kopieren cp original kopie file Dateityp ermitteln file file find, whereis Dateien suchen find . -name file -print Seite 41 gzip Datei komprimieren (GNU) gzip file gunzip file.gz ln Datei linken ln file hardlinkname ln -s file softlinkname ls Verzeichnisse auflisten ls -al ls -l /usr/local mkdir Verzeichnis anlegen mkdir newdir mv Datei verschieben oder umbenennen mv oldfilename newfilename od (oktalen) Dump einer Datei ausgeben od -c file pwd Arbeitsverzeichnis anzeigen pwd rm, rmdir Datei oder leeres Verzeichnis löschen rm file rm -r dir (rekursiv) rmdir dir tar Datei-Archiv schreiben oder lesen tar -cf /dev/st0 ./dir & touch leere Datei erzeugen, Zeitstempel ändern touch file Kommunikation, Netz ftp Datei Transfer ftp ftp.ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de hostname Hostnamen anzeigen hostname irc Netzgeschwätz irc (beenden mit /quit) kermit Datei übertragen, auch von/zu Nicht-UNIX-Anlagen kermit (beenden mit exit) mail,elm, Mail lesen und versenden mutt mail wulf.alex@mvm.uni-karlsruhe.de < file elm mutt netscape WWW-Browser (einer unter vielen) netscape & news Neuigkeiten anzeigen news -a nslookup Auskunft über Host nslookup mvmpc100.ciw.uni-kalrsuhe.de nslookup Seite 42 ping Verbindung prüfen ping ssh verschlüsselte Verbindung zu Host im Netz ssh mvmpc100.ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de rlogin Dialog mit UNIX-Host im Netz (unverschlüsselt) rlogin mvmpc100 telnet Dialog mit Host im Netz (unverschlüsselt) telent mvmpc100 tin, xn Newsreader rtin uucp Programmpaket mit UNIX-Netzdiensten whois Auskunft über Netzknoten whois -h whois.internic.net gatekeeper.dec.com write, talk Dialog mit eingeloggtem Benutzer talk wualex1@mvmpc100 Programmieren ar Gruppe von files archivieren ar -r archiv.a file1 file2 cb C-Beautifier, Quelle verschönern cb prog.c > prog.b cc C-Compiler mit Linker cc -o prog prog.c ci einchecken in das RCS-System ci mysource.c co auschecken aus dem RCS-System co -l mysource.c lint C-Syntax-Prüfer lint prog.c make Compileraufruf vereinfachen make (Makefile erforderlich) sdb, xdb symbolischer Debugger xdb (einige Dateien erforderlich) Textverarbeitung adjust Text formatieren (einfachst) adjust -j -m60 textfile awk Listengenerator awk -f awkscript textfile (awk-Script erforderlich) cancel Druckauftrag löschen cancel lp-4711 cat von stdin lesen, nach stdout schreiben cat textfile cat file1 file2 > file.all cat textfile Seite 43 cut Spalten aus Tabellen auswählen cut -f1 tablefile > newfile ed Zeileneditor, mit diff(1) nützlich ed textfile emacs Editor, alternativ zum vi(1) (GNU) emacs textfile expand Tabs ins Spaces umwandeln expand textfile > newfile grep, fgrep Muster in Dateien suchen grep -i Unix textfile fgrep UNIX textfile head, tail Anfang bzw. Ende eines Textfiles anzeigen head textfile lp, lpr Datei über Spooler ausdrucken lp -dlp2 textfile lpr -Plp2 textfile lpstat, lpq Spoolerstatus anzeigen lpstat -t more, less Textfile schirmweise anzeigen more textfile ls -l | more nroff Textformatierer nroff nrofffile | lp recode Filter zur Umwandlung von Zeichensätzen (GNU) recode --help recode -l recode -v ascii-bs:EBCDIC-IBM textfile sed filternder Editor sed 's/[A-Z]/[a-z]/g' textfile > newfile sort Textfile zeilenweise sortieren sort liste | uniq > newfile spell Rechtschreibung prüfen spell spelling textfile+ tee stdout zugleich in eine Datei schreiben who | tee whofile tr Zeichen in Textfile ersetzen tr -d "\015" < textfile1 > textfile2 uniq sortiertes Textfile nach doppelten Zeilen durchsuchen sort liste | uniq > newfile vi Bildschirm-Editor, alternativ zum emacs(1) vi textfile view vi(1) nur zum Lesen aufrufen view textfile vis Dateien mit Steuersequenzen anzeigen vis textfile wc Zeichen, Wörter und Zeilen zählen wc textfile Seite 44 G Vergleich UNIX -- DOS-Kommandos Der Vergleich bezieht sich auf Microsoft DOS 5.0 und UNIX V.3. Eine hun- dertprozentige Übereinstimmung in der Wirkung ist selten. Die Syntax der Kommandos ist immer verschieden. Optionen werden in UNIX durch --, in MS-DOS durch / eingeleitet. Die Verzeichnisse eines vollen Pfadnamens werden in UNIX durch /, in MS-DOS durch \ getrennt. In UNIX arbeitet man stets mit einem einzigen File-System; in MS-DOS hat jeder Datenträger (Diskette, Platte) sein eigenes File-System. Die Kom- mandos zum Behandeln der File-Systeme können daher keine Äquivalente haben. UNIX MS-DOS Wirkung cat, pg type zeigt File auf Bildschirm an cd cd wechselt Arbeitsverzeichnis chmod attrib ändert Fileattribute clear cls löscht Bildschirm cmp comp, fc vergleicht zwei Files cp copy, xcopy kopiert File date date zeigt Datum an date time zeigt Uhrzeit an exit exit verläßt Kommandointerpreter grep find sucht String in File lp print schickt File zum Drucker lpr print schickt File zum Drucker ls dir listet Verzeichnis auf mkdir mkdir legt Verzeichnis an more more zeigt File bildschirmweise an mv ren benennt File um pwd cd zeigt Arbeitsverzeichnis rm del löscht File rmdir rmdir löscht leeres Verzeichnis sh command ruft Kommandointerpreter auf sort sort sortiert File zeilenweise Wer mit beiden Betriebssystemen arbeitet, möchte vielleicht auf beiden Systemen die häufigsten Kommandos beider Systeme zur Verfügung haben, um nicht ständig umdenken zu müssen. Unter UNIX ist das mithilfe des link-Kommandos ln(1) mit geringem Aufwand zu erreichen. Man linkt bei- spielsweise das MS-DOS-Kommando copy auf das UNIX-Kommando cp(1), zweckmäßig im selben Verzeichnis: ln /bin/cp /bin/copy. Ein Alias leis- tet für einen einzelnen Benutzer denselben Dienst und läßt sich auch für in- terne Kommandos einrichten. Seite 45 Diese Möglichkeit gibt es unter MS-DOS nicht. Man kann nur ein Batch- File mit dem Namen des UNIX-Kommandos schreiben, das das MS-DOS- Kommando aufruft, beispielsweise cp.bat: @echo off c:dos\copy %1 %2 /v Seit MS-DOS 5.0 lassen sich mittels doskey auch Aliases einrichten. Es gibt außerdem von vielen UNIX-Kommandos Ausführungen, die unter MS-DOS laufen, siehe Abschnitt ?? MKS-Tools und andere. Insbesondere gibt es den Editor vi(1) unter dem Namen vim und den Archivierer tar(1) auch für DOS. Umlenkungen (>, <) und Pipes (|) arbeiten unter beiden Betriebssystemen gleich. Seite 46 H Besondere UNIX-Kommandos H.1 vi(1) Kommando Wirkung esc schaltet in Kommando-Modus um h Cursor nach links j Cursor nach unten k Cursor nach oben l Cursor nach rechts 0 Cursor an Zeilenanfang $ Cursor an Zeilenende nG Cursor in Zeile Nr. n G Cursor in letzte Zeile des Textes n+ Cursor n Zeilen vorwärts n- Cursor n Zeilen rückwärts a schreibe anschließend an Cursor i schreibe vor Cursor o öffne neue Zeile unterhalb Cursor O öffne neue Zeile oberhalb Cursor r ersetze das Zeichen auf Cursor R ersetze Text ab Cursor x lösche das Zeichen auf Cursor dd lösche Cursorzeile ndd lösche n Zeilen ab und samt Cursorzeile nY übernimm n Zeilen in Zwischenspeicher p schreibe Zwischenpuffer unterhalb Cursorzeile P schreibe Zwischenpuffer oberhalb Cursorzeile J hänge nächste Zeile an laufende an /abc suche String abc nach Cursor ?abc suche String abc vor Cursor n wiederhole Stringsuche u mache letztes Kommando ungültig (undo) % suche Gegenklammer (in Programmen) :read file lies file ein :w schreibe Text zurück (write, save) :q verlasse Editor ohne write (quit) :wq write und quit Weitere vi-Kommandos im Referenz-Handbuch unter vi(1), in verschiede- nen Hilfen im Netz oder in dem Buch von Morris I. Bolsky. Seite 47 H.2 emacs(1) Der emacs(1) kennt keine Modi, die Kommandos werden durch besondere Tastenkombinationen erzeugt. control h, t bedeutet: zuerst die Tasten- kombination control h eintippen, loslassen, dann t eintippen. Die Mächtig- keit des Emacs zeigt sich daran, daß nicht ein Hilfefenster angeboten wird, sondern ein ganzes Tutorial. Kommando Wirkung emacs filename Aufruf zum Editieren des Files filename control h, t Tutorial control h, i Manuals control x, control s Text speichern control x, control x Text speichern, Editor verlassen Weitere emacs-Kommandos im Tutorial, im Referenz-Handbuch unter emacs(1), in verschiedenen Hilfen im Netz oder in dem Buch von D. Ca- meron und B. Rosenblatt. H.3 joe(1) Der joe(1) kennt keine Modi, die Kommandos werden durch besondere Tas- tenkombinationen erzeugt. control k, h bedeutet: zuerst die Tastenkom- bination control k eintippen, loslassen, dann h eintippen. Kommando Wirkung joe filename Aufruf zum Editieren des Files filename control k, h Hilfe anzeigen control k, x Text speichern, Editor verlassen control c Editor ohne Speichern verlassen Weitere joe-Kommandos im Hilfefenster, im Referenz-Handbuch unter joe(1) oder in verschiedenen Hilfen im Netz. H.4 Drucken In der UNIX-Welt gibt es mehrere Systeme aus Druckdämonen und - kommandos. Man muß sich beim System-Manager erkundigen (oder expe- rimentell ermitteln), welches Drucksystem verwendet wird. In ihrer Funktio- nalität ähneln sich die Systeme, in Einzelheiten und der Kommandosyntax unterscheiden sie sich. Aufgabe System V BSD LPRng HPDPS Druckauftrag geben lp lpr lpr pdpr Seite 48 Druckauftrag löschen cancel lprm lprm pdrm, pdclean Status abfragen lpstat lpq lpq pdq Spoolerdämon lpsched lp lp (Spooler) H.5 ftp(1) Wenn man eine FTP-Verbindung zu einem Computer im Netz unterhält, ste- hen nur ftp-Kommandos für die Fileübertragung zur Verfügung, die mit den UNIX-Kommandos nichts zu tun haben. Die wichtigsten von etwa 70 sind: Kommando Wirkung ftp Beginn der FTP-Sitzung open Verbinden mit angegebener Adresse user Eingabe Benutzernamen pwd print working directory, wie UNIX cd change directory, wie UNIX lcd change local directory dir, ls Verzeichnis auflisten ascii in ASCII-Modus schalten (für ASCII-Texte) binary in binären Modus schalten (für alle übrigen Files) get File vom Host holen get README |more kurzes Textfile README on-line lesen put File zum Host schicken mget multi-get, mehrere Files auf einmal holen mput multi-put, mehrere Files auf einmal schicken prompt Abfragen bei mget und mput unterdrücken rhelp Kommandos der Übertragung anzeigen close Verbindung (nicht Sitzung) beenden bye, quit Sitzung beenden help lokale Hilfe zu Kommandos anzeigen ? cmd Hilfe zum Kommando cmd anzeigen Seite 49 I UNIX-Dateisystem I.1 Zugriffsrechte ? d Verzeichnis (directory), ? l weicher (symbolischer) Link, ? c Character Device File, ? b Block Device File, ? p Named Pipe (FIFO), ? n Network Device File, ? s an vorderster Stelle: Socket, ? - an vorderster Stelle: reguläre Datei, sonst gleichbedeutend mit nicht gesetztem Recht, Zahlenwert 0, ? r lesen (read), kopieren, bei Verzeichnissen: mit ls(1) auflisten, Zahlen- wert 4, ? w schreiben (write), ändern, bei Verzeichnissen Dateien anlegen oder löschen, Zahlenwert 2, ? x ausführen (execute, was nur bei Programmen sinnvoll ist), bei Ver- zeichnissen mit cd(1) hinein- oder hindurchgehen (search), Zahlenwert 1, ? S bei den Besitzerrechten: Set-User-ID-Bit gesetzt, Zahlenwert 4, x nicht gesetzt, ? s bei den Besitzerrechten: Set-User-ID-Bit gesetzt, Zahlenwert 4, x ge- setzt, ? S bei den Gruppenrechten: Set-Group-ID-Bit gesetzt, Zahlenwert 2, x nicht gesetzt, ? s bei den Gruppenrechten: Set-Group-ID-Bit gesetzt, Zahlenwert 2, x gesetzt, ? T Sticky Bit gesetzt, Zahlenwert 1, x nicht gesetzt, ? t Sticky Bit, Zahlenwert 1, und x gesetzt, I.2 Kennungen Unter UNIX ist es nicht gebräuchlich, den Typ eines Files durch ein Anhäng- sel (Kennung, Erweiterung, Extension) an seinen Namen zu kennzeichnen, aber es ist erlaubt. Die Länge der Kennung ist beliebig, es dürfen auch zwei Kennungen angefügt werden, zum Beispiel .ps.gz. Folgende Kennungen (a = ASCII-Text, b = binäres File, ? = wechselnd oder unbekannt) sind verbreitet: Seite 50 Tabelle I.1: Zugriffsrechte von Dateien und Verzeichnissen, Beispiele Rechte Rechte Besitzer Gruppe Rest der Welt 000 - - - - - - - - - Rechte ändern nichts nichts 700 r w x - - - - - - alles nichts nichts 600 r w - - - - - - - lesen + schreiben nichts nichts 500 r - x - - - - - - lesen + ausführen nichts nichts 400 r - - - - - - - - lesen nichts nichts 300 - w x - - - - - - schreiben + ausführen nichts nichts 200 - w - - - - - - - schreiben nichts nichts 100 - - x - - - - - - ausführen nichts nichts 750 r w x r - x - - - alles lesen + ausführen nichts 640 r w - - - - - - - lesen + schreiben lesen nichts 755 r w x r - x r - x alles lesen + ausführen lesen + ausführen 644 r w - r - - r - - lesen + schreiben lesen lesen 664 r w - r w - r - - lesen + schreiben lesen + schreiben lesen 775 r w x r w x r - x alles alles lesen + ausführen 777 r w x r w x r w x alles alles alles 1000 - - - - - - - - T nichts nichts nichts, Sticky Bit 2000 - - - - - S - - - nichts nichts, sgid-Bit nichts 4000 - - S - - - - - - nichts, suid-Bit nichts nichts 4600 r w S - - - - - - lesen + schreiben, suid-Bit nichts nichts 4700 r w s - - - - - - alles, suid-Bit nichts nichts 6750 r w s r - x - - - alles, suid-Bit lesen + ausführen, sgid-Bit nichts 4555 r - s r - x r - x lesen + ausführen, suid-Bit lesen + ausführen lesen + ausführen 7555 r - s r - s r - t lesen + ausführen, suid-Bit lesen + ausführen, sgid-Bit lesen + ausführen, Sticky Bit $$$ ? Temporäres File 10X b Gemini 10X Printer Graphics a b UNIX-Archiv, mit ar(1) erzeugt acr b ACR-NEMA Medical Image adf ? Adapter Description (IBM) adi b AutoCAD DXF adn ? Add In Utility (Lotus) afm ? Adobe Font Metrics (Adobe) ai ? Adobe Illustrator ani b Atari ST Graphics Format ans b ANSI-Grafik app ? Application (RBase, NeXT) arc ? Archiv, mit arc oder pkpak komprimiert arj b Archiv, mit ??? komprimiert art b First Publisher Clip Art asc a ASCII-Textfile Seite 51 asm a Assembler-Quelle atk b Andrew Toolkit Raster Object au b Sound (Sun, NeXT) aux ? TeX Hilfsfile, mit Bezügen avi b Microsoft RIFF avs b Intel DVI bak a Backup bas b BASIC-Quelle bat a Batchfile unter MS-DOS, entsprechend Shellscript bbl a BIBTeX Literaturverzeichnis bck ? Backup bfx b Bitfax bgi b Borland Graphic Interface bib ? Bibliographie bif b Binary Image bin b binäres File bit b TeX Ausgabe des Druckertreibers bk a Backup (WordPerfect) bld b BASIC Bload Graphics bm b X11 Bitmap bmp b Microsoft Bitmap Graphics (Windows, OS/2) bnd b Microsoft RIFF bob b BOB Image bpx b Lumena Paint bsc ? Boyan Script bsv b BASIC Bsave Graphics btm a Batchfile unter 4DOS bw b SGI Image File Format byu b Movie BYU c a C-Quelle C a C++-Quelle c64 b Commodore 64 Image cab ? Microsoft Cabinet cal b CAL Raster cap a Capture-File (Telix) cat a Catalogue, Verzeichnis cbl a COBOL-Quelle cc a C++-Quelle cco b Btx-Grafik cdf ? Comma delimited format cdi b Philips CD-I IFF cdr b Corel Draw Vektorgrafik cdx ? Compound Index (FoxPro) cel b Lumena CEL cfg ? Konfigurations-File cgm b Computer Graphics Metafile (Harvard Graphics, Lotus) chk ? von chkdsk erzeugtes File (MS-DOS) Seite 52 chm b compilierte HTML-Datei cht b Harvard Graphics clp ? Clipboard (Windows), Clip Art, GRASP cmd a Command, Skript, Batchfile unter OS/2 cmi b Intel DVI cmu b CMU Window Manager Bitmap cnc a CNC-Programme cnf ? Konfigurations-File cob a COBOL-Quelle cod ? Codeliste com b Kommando (MS-DOS), ausführbares Programm cpi ? Code Page Information (MS-DOS) cpp a C++-Quelle cpt ? Compact Pro (Kompressor Macintosh) crd ? Cardfile crf ? Cross Reference csv a Comma Separated Values ctx b Signaturfile (PGP) cube b Cubicomp Picturemaker Image cue ? Cuecard (Volltext-DB, Windows) cur b Microsoft Windows Cursor Image cut b Dr. Halo Bitmap cvf b Compressed Volume cxx a C++-Quelle dat a Daten db b Datenbank (Paradox) dbf ? Datenbank (dBase) dcf ? Driver Configuration file dcs b Quark Desktop Color Separation EPS dct ? Dictionary dcx b Fax-File dd ? Disk Doubler ddif ? DEC DDIF def ? Definitionen, Defaultwerte dem b Demonstration des ? Description dhp b Dr. Halo PIC dib b Microsoft Windows Bitmap, OS/2 Bitmap dic ? Dictionary dif ? Lotus Data Interchange Format dir a Directory, Verzeichnis dll b Dynamically Linked Library (OS/2, Windows) doc a Dokument, Text (MS Word) dok a Dokument, Text dpx b Cineon DPX drs b Driver Resource (WordPerfect) drv b Device Driver Seite 53 drw b Drawing dta a Daten dv a Desqview Scriptfile dvi b Metafile von TeX, geräteunabhängig dvr b Device Driver dxb b Drawing Interchange Binary (AutoCAD) dxf b Data Exchange Format (AutoCAD) ega b EGA-Grafik eidi b Electric Image EIDI el a Emacs Lisp elc b Emacs Lisp compiled emf ? Enhanced Metafile Format eml a Electronic Mail enc b encoded eps b Adobe Encapsulated Postscript epsi b Encapsulated Postscript Preview err a Error, Fehlerprotokoll etx ? Setext exe b executable, ausführbares Programm (MS-DOS) f a FORTRAN-Quelle fax b G3 Fax fbc b Family Tree Maker Backup for DOS fbk b Family Tree Maker Backup for Windows fd ? Font Description fif ? Fractal Image Format fits b Flexible Image Transport System fli b EmTeX Fontlibrary fnt b Font fop b Freedom of Press Graphics for a FORTRAN-Quelle fpx b Flash Pics Raster Image fs b Usenix Face Saver ftm b Family Tree Maker for DOS ftw b Family Tree Maker for Windows fxs b Fax (Winfax) g3 b G3 Fax gem ? GEM Meta gfb b Gifblast compressed GIF image gif b CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format glo a TeX Glossar go b GraphOn Graphics goes b NOAA Satellite Data grib b Gridded Binary (WMO) gz b mit GNU gzip(1) komprimiert h a Header-File , include-File hex b Hexdump hdf ? Hierarchical Data Format Seite 54 hips b Human Information Processing Laboratory hpp a Header-File C++ hqx b Macintosh BinHex encoded hta ? HTML-Anwendung htm a Hypertext-Markup-Language (DOS-Welt) html a Hypertext-Markup-Language (UNIX-Welt) i a C-Quelle nach Präprozessor-Durchlauf iax b Image Access Executive icc b Kodak ICC Printer ico b Microsoft Windows Icon Image icr b NCSA Telnet Interactive Color Raster Graphic idx a Index iff b Sun Interchange File Format ilbm b Amiga Interleaved Bitmap img b Image, GEM Paint, Rastergrafik/Bitmap inf a Information, Installationsskript ini ? Konfigurationsfile (Initialisierung) jar ? Java Archiv jfi b JPEG File Interchange Format jif b JPEG Interchange Format jpeg b Joint Photographic Experts Group Compressed jpg b Joint Photographic Experts Group Compressed js a Javascript jse b Javascript kodiert l a lex(1)-Quelle lan b Erdas lib b Library, Bibliothek lj b HP Laserjet Graphics lof a TeX Bildverzeichnis (list of figures) log a Protokollfile, TeX Meldungen während der Übersetzung lot a TeX Tabellenverzeichnis (list of tables) lst a Liste ltm b EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper Data lzh b Archiv, mit lha komprimiert m4 a m4(1)-Präprozessor mac b Macintosh Paint map b Map-File (Quick C) mak a Makefile mdb ? Microsoft Data Base (Access) mdf ? Menu Definition mgr b MGR Bitmap mid b Midi Sound mif b Maker Interchange Format (FrameMaker) miff b Magick Image File Format mod b MODULA-Quelle, Amiga-Modul (Sound) mpeg b Motion Pictures Expert Group (Filme) mpnt b Apple Macintosh MacPaint Seite 55 msp b Microsoft Windows Paint mtv b MTV Raytracer neo b Atari NeoChrome Image nff ? Neutral File Format nitf b National Image Transmission o b Objekt-Code obj b Objekt-Code old ? Kopie eines Files vor Überschreiben omf a Open Source Metadata Framework ovl b Overlay ovr b Overlay, Overview p a PASCAL-Quelle pak b Archiv, mit pkpak komprimiert pax b Portable Archive Exchange pbm b Portable Bitmap pcd b Kodak Photo Compact Disc pcl a HP Printer Control Language pct b Macintosh PICT pcx b Paintbrush, Rastergrafik pdf b Adobe Portable Document Format pds b NASA Planetary Image, PDS/VICAR pi1 b Atari Degas pic b Lotus/Pixar/Radiance Picture, Softimage Image pics b Apple Macintosh PICS pict b Apple Macintosh QuickDraw pif b Program Information pit b PackIt (Kompressor Macintosh) pix b Inset PIX, Lumena Paint, Alias Image pj b HP PaintJet Graphics pk b Packed Format Font png b Portable Network Graphics pnm b PBM Portable Any Map pov b Persistance of Vision pps ? Power Point Slide Show ppt ? Power Point prn a Druckerfile prt b Parallel Ray Trace ps b Postscript psf b Permanent Swap ptr b OS/2 PTR File ptx b Printronix Graphics qdv b Random Dot QDV qfx b Fax-File (Quicklink) qrt b QRT Ray Tracer qtm b QuickTime r a Rational-FORTRAN-Quelle ras b SUN/CALS Raster Grafik Seite 56 rdi b Microsoft RIFF reg ? MS Windows Registry rff b Dore Raster File Format rgb b SGI RGB Image riff b Letraset Image rix b Softworks Paint Tool Colorix rla b Wavefront Run Length Encoded Version A Raster Image rlb b Wavefront Run Length Encoded Version B Raster Image rle b Utah Run Length Encoded Image rm b Real Media rpm ? Red Hat Package Manager rtf ? Rich Text Format s a Assembler-Quelle scan b Thunderscan Image scr b Screensaver, SUN/CALS Raster Grafik sdf ? Space Delimited File sea ? Self Extracting Archive (Macintosh) sgi b SGI Image File Format sh a Bourne-Shell-Script shar a Bourne-Shell-Archiv shr a Shell-Archiv shtml a Server Parsed HTML Document sir b Solitaire sit b Macintosh StuffIt Archive six b DEC LN03+ Sixel sld b AutoCAD Slide spc b Atari Compressed Spectrum spl ? Future Splash Player spot b SPOT Satellite Image spu b Atari Compressed Spectrum src a Program Source Code stf ? Structured File swf ? Shockwave Flash swt ? Shockwave Template sys b Treiber unter MS-DOS tar b tar(1)-Archiv tdf ? Trace/Typeface Definition tdi b TDI Image tex a TeX- oder LaTeX-Quelltext tfm b TeX-Font-Metrics tga b Truevision TARGA Image tgz b .tar.gz, tar-Archiv, GNUzip komprimiert tif b Tag Image File Format (Scanner) tiff b Tag Image File Format (Scanner) tmp ? temporäres File toc a Hilfsfile von TeX (table of contents) tpu b Turbo Pascal Unit Seite 57 ttf b TrueType Font txt a Textfile, lesbar tz b tar.Z, tar-Archiv, compress(1)-komprimiert uil b Motif UIL Icon uu a uuencoded File, ASCII, aber nicht lesbar uud a uuencoded File, ASCII, aber nicht lesbar uue a uuencoded File, ASCII, aber nicht lesbar vbe b kodiertes Visual-Basic-Skript vbs a Visual-Basic-skript vcf b Visiting Card File vdi b Digital Research GEM VDI vi b Jovian Logic Video Capture viff b Khoros Visualization Image voc b Creative Labs Sound vort b VORT Raytracer Image wav b Microsoft Windows Sound (RIFF) web a WEB-Quelle wfx b Fax-File (Winfax) wma b Windows Media Audio wmf b Windows Metafile Format wpg a WordPerfect Graphics Metafile wps a Microsoft Works Textfile wri a Windows Textfile wsh ? MS Windows Scripting Host Skript x b SuperDisk Self-extracting Archive xbm b X11 Bitmap xim b X11 Xim Toolkit xls ? MS-Excel-Datei xos b Xaos Tools Image xpm b X11 Pixmap xv b Khoros Visualization Image xwd b X11 Dump Image y a yacc(1)-Quelle ybm b Face File yuv b Abekas YUV Z b mit compress(1) (UNIX) komprimiert z b mit GNU gzip komprimiert (veraltet, besser gz) zinc b Zinc Interface Library Icon zip b mit pkzip komprimiert zoo b mit zoo komprimiert Weitere Sammlungen von File-Kennungen finden sich im Netz unter: http://www.extsearch.com/ http://www.stack.com/ http://filext.com/ http://www.namext.net/ http://home.t-online.de/home/her-herrmann/Prgkenn.html Seite 58 Postscript- oder PDF-Files bestehen zwar aus ASCII-Zeichen und lassen sich auch editieren, sofern man die Sprache kennt, dürfen aber nur im bi- nären Modus von FTP übertragen werden, um keine Zeichen zu verändern. Seite 59 J UNIX-Systemaufrufe Systemaufrufe werden vom Anwendungsprogramm wie eigene oder fremde Funktionen angesehen. Ihrem Ursprung nach sind es auch C-Funktionen. Sie sind jedoch nicht Bestandteil einer Funktionsbibliothek, sondern gehören zum Betriebssystem und sind nicht durch andere Funktionen erweiterbar. Die Systemaufrufe -- als Bestandteil des Betriebssystems -- sind für alle Programmiersprachen dieselben, während die Funktionsbibliotheken zur je- weiligen Programmiersprache gehören. Folgende Systemaufrufe sind unter UNIX verfügbar: access prüft Zugriff auf File acct startet und stoppt Prozess Accounting alarm setzt Weckeruhr für Prozess atexit Funktion für Programmende brk ändert Speicherzuweisung chdir wechselt Arbeitsverzeichnis chmod ändert Zugriffsrechte eines Files chown ändert Besitzer eines Files chroot ändert Root-Verzeichnis close schließt einen File-Deskriptor creat öffnet File, ordnet Deskriptor zu dup dupliziert File-Deskriptor errno Fehlervariable der Systemaufrufe exec führt ein Programm aus exit beendet einen Prozess fcntl Filesteuerung fork erzeugt einen neuen Prozess fsctl liest Information aus File-System fsync schreibt File aus Arbeitsspeicher auf Platte getaccess ermittelt Zugriffsrechte getacl ermittelt Zugriffsrechte getcontext ermittelt Kontext eines Prozesses getdirentries ermittelt Verzeichnis-Einträge getgroups ermittelt Gruppenrechte eines Prozesses gethostname ermittelt Namen des Systems getitimer setzt oder liest Intervall-Uhr getpid liest Prozess-ID gettimeofday ermittelt Zeit getuid liest User-ID des aufrufenden Prozesses ioctl I/O-Steuerung kill schickt Signal an einen Prozess link linkt ein File lockf setzt Semaphore und Record-Sperren lseek bewegt Schreiblesezeiger in einem File Seite 60 mkdir erzeugt Verzeichnis mknod erzeugt File mount hängt File-System in File-Hierarchie ein msgctl Interprozess-Kommunikation nice ändert die Priorität eines Prozesses open öffnet File zum Lesen oder Schreiben pause suspendiert Prozess bis zum Empfang eines Signals pipe erzeugt eine Pipe prealloc reserviert Arbeitsspeicher profil ermittelt Zeiten bei der Ausführung eines Programmes read liest aus einem File readlink liest symbolisches Link rename ändert Filenamen rmdir löscht Verzeichnis rtprio ändert Echtzeit-Priorität semctl Semaphore setgrp setzt Gruppen-Zugriffsrechte eines Prozesses setuid setzt User-ID eines Prozesses signal legt fest, was auf ein Signal hin zu tun ist stat liest die Inode eines Files statfs liest Werte des File-Systems symlink erzeugt symbolischen Link sync schreibt Puffer auf Platte szsconf ermittelt Systemwerte time ermittelt die Systemzeit times ermittelt Zeitverbrauch eines Prozesses truncate schneidet File ab umask setzt oder ermittelt Filezugriffsmaske umount entfernt Filesystem aus File-Hierarchie unlink löscht File ustat liest Werte des File-Systems utime setzt Zeitstempel eines Files wait wartet auf Ende eines Kindprozesses write schreibt in ein File Die Aufzählung kann durch weitere Systemaufrufe des jeweiligen Lieferan- ten des Betriebssystems (z. B. Hewlett-Packard) ergänzt werden. Diese er- leichtern das Programmieren, verschlechtern aber die Portabilität. Zu den meisten Systemaufrufen mit get... gibt es ein Gegenstück set..., das in einigen Fällen dem Superuser vorbehalten ist. Seite 61 K UNIX-Signale Die Default-Reaktion eines Prozesses auf die meisten Signale ist seine Been- digung; sie können aber abgefangen und umdefiniert werden. Die Signale 09, 24 und 26 können nicht abgefangen werden. Die Bezeichnungen sind nicht ganz einheitlich. Weiteres unter signal(2), signal(5) oder signal(7). Name Nr. Bedeutung SIGHUP 01 hangup SIGINT 02 interrupt (meist Break-Taste) SIGQUIT 03 quit SIGILL 04 illegal instruction SIGTRAP 05 trace trap SIGABRT 06 software generated abort SIGIOT 06 software generated signal SIGEMT 07 software generated signal SIGFPE 08 floating point exception SIGKILL 09 kill (sofortiger Selbstmord) SIGBUS 10 bus error SIGSEGV 11 segmentation violation SIGSYS 12 bad argument to system call SIGPIPE 13 write on a pipe with no one to read it SIGALRM 14 alarm clock SIGTERM 15 software termination (bitte Schluss machen) SIGUSR1 16 user defined signal 1 SIGSTKFLT 16 stack fault on coprocessor SIGUSR2 17 user defined signal 2 SIGCHLD 18 death of a child SIGCLD 18 = SIGCHLD SIGPWR 19 power fail SIGINFO 19 = SIGPWR SIGVTALRM 20 virtual timer alarm SIGPROF 21 profiling timer alarm SIGIO 22 asynchronous I/O signal SIGPOLL 22 = SIGIO SIGWINDOW 23 window change or mouse signal SIGSTOP 24 stop SIGTSTP 25 stop signal generated from keyboard SIGCONT 26 continue after stop SIGTTIN 27 background read attempt from control terminal SIGTTOU 28 background write attempt from control terminal SIGURG 29 urgent data arrived on an I/O channel SIGLOST 30 NFS file lock lost SIGXCPU 30 CPU time limit exceeded Seite 62 SIGXFSZ 31 file size limit exceeded Die Nr. 0 wird nicht für ein Signal verwendet. Wird sie dem Shell-Kommando trap übergeben, so ist damit das Ende der Shell (exit) gemeint. Seite 63 L Videomodi des Linux-Kerns Die dem VGA-Treiber im Linux-Kern bekannten Vidomodi werden durch Nummern bezeichnet, die sich aus den Nummern der VESA-Videomodi durch Addition von 0x200 (hexadezimal) ergeben. Mit der Angabe vga=791 in der GRUB-Konfigurationsdatei wird beispielsweise erreicht, dass der Kern den VGA-Treiber mit einer Auflösung von 1024 x 768 bei 16 Bit Farbtiefe (65536 Farben) startet. Tabelle L.1: Einige Videomodi des Linux-Kerns Modus, hex. Modus, dez. Auflösung (Pixel) Farbtiefe (Bits) 0x0300 768 640 x 400 8 0x0301 769 640 x 480 8 0x0303 771 800 x 600 8 0x0305 773 1024 x 768 8 0x0307 775 1280 x 1024 8 0x030E 782 320 x 200 16 0x030F 783 320 x 200 24 0x0310 784 640 x 480 15 0x0311 785 640 x 480 16 0x0312 786 640 x 480 24 0x0313 787 800 x 600 15 0x0314 788 800 x 600 16 0x0315 789 800 x 600 24 0x0316 790 1024 x 768 15 0x0317 791 1024 x 768 16 0x0318 792 1024 x 768 24 0x0319 793 1280 x 1024 15 0x031A 794 1280 x 1024 16 0x031B 795 1280 x 1024 24 0x031C 796 1600 x 1200 8 0x031D 797 1600 x 1200 15 0x031E 798 1600 x 1200 16 0x031F 799 1600 x 1200 24 0x0330 816 320 x 200 8 0x0331 817 320 x 400 8 0x0332 818 320 x 400 16 0x0333 819 320 x 400 24 0x0334 820 320 x 240 8 0x0335 821 320 x 240 16 0x0336 822 320 x 240 24 0x033D 829 640 x 400 16 Fortsetzung Seite 64 Tabelle L.1: (Fortsetzung) Modus, hex. Modus, dez. Auflösung (Pixel) Farbtiefe (Bits) 0x033E 830 640 x 400 24 0x0345 837 1600 x 1200 8 0x0346 838 1600 x 1200 16 0x0347 839 1400 x 1050 8 0x0348 840 1400 x 1050 16 0x0352 850 2048 x 1536 24 Seite 65 M C-Lexikon M.1 Schlüsselwörter In C/C++ dürfen Schlüsselwörter keinesfalls als Namen verwendet werden. Laut ANSI verwendet C folgende Schlüsselwörter (Wortsymbole, keywords): ? Deklaratoren -- auto, Default-Speicherklasse (kann weggelassen werden) -- char, Zeichentyp -- const, Typattribut (neu in ANSI-C) -- double, Typ Gleitkommazahl doppelter Genauigkeit -- enum, Aufzählungstyp -- extern, Speicherklasse -- float, Typ Gleitkommazahl einfacher Genauigkeit -- int, Typ Ganzzahl einfacher Länge -- long, Typ Ganzzahl doppelter Länge -- register, Speicherklasse Registervariable -- short, Typ Ganzzahl halber Länge -- signed, Typzusatz zu Ganzzahl oder Zeichen -- static, Speicherklasse -- struct, Strukturtyp -- typedef, Definition eines benutzereigenen Typs -- union, Typ Union -- unsigned, Typzusatz zu Ganzzahl oder Zeichen -- void, leerer Typ -- volatile, Typattribut (neu in ANSI-C) ? Schleifen und Bedingungen (Kontrollanweisungen) -- break, Verlassen einer Schleife -- case, Fall einer Auswahl (switch) -- continue, Rücksprung vor eine Schleife -- default, Default-Fall einer Auswahl (switch) -- do, Beginn einer do-Schleife -- else, Alternative einer Verzweigung -- for, Beginn einer for-Schleife Seite 66 -- goto, unbedingter Sprung -- if, Bedingung oder Beginn einer Verzweigung -- switch, Beginn einer Auswahl -- while, Beginn einer while-Schleife ? Sonstige -- return, Rücksprung in die aufrufende Einheit -- sizeof, Bytebedarf eines Typs oder einer Variablen In C++ kommen laut Bjarne Stroustrup hinzu: ? catch, Ausnahmebehandlung ? class, Klassendeklaration ? delete, Löschen eines Objektes ? friend, Deklaration einer Funktion ? inline, inline-Funktion ? new, Erzeugen eines Objektes ? operator, Überladen von Operatoren ? private, Deklaration von Klassenmitgliedern ? protected, Deklaration von Klassenmitgliedern ? public, Deklaration von Klassenmitgliedern ? template, Deklaration eines Templates (Klasse) ? this, Pointer auf Objekt ? throw, Ausnahmebehandlung ? try, Ausnahmebehandlung ? virtual, Deklaration Darüber hinaus verwenden einige Compiler weitere Schlüsselwörter: ? asm, Assembler-Aufruf innerhalb einer C- oder C++-Quelle ? bool, logischer oder boolescher Typ ? cdecl, Aufruf einer Funktion nach C-Konventionen ? const_cast, cast-Operator für const-Werte ? dynamic_cast, cast-Operator ? entry, (war in K&R-C für künftigen Gebrauch vorgesehen) ? explicit, Konstruktor-Vereinbarung ? export, Vereinbarung bei Klassen-Templates ? false, boolesche Konstante ? far, Typzusatz unter MS-DOS Seite 67 ? fortran, Aufruf einer Funktion nach FORTRAN-Konventionen ? huge, Typzusatz unter MS-DOS ? mutable, Typattribut ? namespace, Vereinbarung des Geltungsbereiches von Namen ? near, Typzusatz unter MS-DOS ? pascal, Aufruf einer Funktion nach PASCAL-Konventionen ? reinterpret_cast, cast-Operator ? static_cast, cast-Operator ? true, boolesche Konstante ? typeid, Operator zum Ermitteln des Typs ? typename, Alternative zum Schlüsselwort class ? using, Deklaration in Verbindung mit namespace ? wchar_t, Typ (wide character literal) M.2 Operatoren Die Operatoren von C/C++ sind im folgenden ihrem Vorrang nach geordnet, höchster Rang (Bindungskraft) zuoberst. Alle Operatoren eines Abschnitts haben gleichen Rang. l bzw. r bedeutet von links bzw. rechts her assoziativ. Ein unärer Operator verlangt einen Operanden, ein binärer zwei und ein ternärer drei. Operator A - Bedeutung :: r unär Bezugsrahmen, global :: l binär Bezugsrahmen, Klasse :: l binär Bezugsrahmen, Namensraum ( ) l unär Klammerung, Funktion [ ] l unär Index -> l binär Auswahl . l binär Auswahl ++ r unär Postfix Inkrement -- r unär Postfix Dekrement typeid unär Typabfrage const_cast binär Typumwandlung dynamic_cast binär Typumwandlung reinterpret_cast binär Typumwandlung static_cast binär Typumwandlung sizeof r unär Größenabfrage ++ r unär Präfix Inkrement -- r unär Präfix Dekrement ~ r unär bitweise Negation Seite 68 ! r unär logische Negation - r unär negatives Vorzeichen + r unär positives Vorzeichen * r unär Dereferenzierung & r unär Referenzierung ( ) r binär cast-Operator new r unär dynamische Speicherbelegung delete r unär dynamische Speicherfreigabe ->* l binär Auswahl .* l binär Auswahl * l binär Multiplikation / l binär Division % l binär Modulus (Divisionsrest) + l binär Addition - l binär Subtraktion << l binär bitweises Shiften links >> l binär bitweises Shiften rechts < l binär kleiner als <= l binär kleiner gleich > l binär größer als >= l binär größer gleich == l binär Gleichheit != l binär Ungleichheit & l binär bitweises Und ^ l binär bitweises exklusives Oder | l binär bitweises Oder && l binär logisches Und || l binär logisches Oder ?: l ternär bedingte Bewertung = r binär Zuweisung +=, -=, *=, /= r binär zusammengesetzte %=, >>=, <<=, Zuweisung &=, |=, ^= throw unär Ausnahmebehandlung , l Komma-Operator M.3 Standardfunktionen Folgende Standardfunktionen oder -makros sind gebräuchlich: ? Pufferbehandlung -- memchr, sucht Zeichen im Puffer -- memcmp, vergleicht Zeichen mit Pufferinhalt -- memcpy, kopiert Zeichen in Puffern -- memset, setzt Puffer auf bestimmtes Zeichen Seite 69 ? Zeichenbehandlung -- isalnum, prüft Zeichen, ob alphanumerisch -- isalpha, prüft Zeichen, ob Buchstabe -- iscntrl, prüft Zeichen, ob Kontrollzeichen -- isdigit, prüft Zeichen, ob Ziffer -- isgraph, prüft Zeichen, ob sichtbar -- islower, prüft Zeichen, ob Kleinbuchstabe -- isprint, prüft Zeichen, ob druckbar -- ispunct, prüft Zeichen, ob Satzzeichen -- isspace, prüft Zeichen, ob Whitespace -- isupper, prüft Zeichen. ob Großbuchstabe -- isxdigit, prüft Zeichen, ob hexadezimale Ziffer -- tolower, wandelt Großbuchstaben in Kleinbuchstaben um -- toupper, wandelt Kleinbuchstaben in Großbuchstaben um ? Datenumwandlung -- atof, wandelt String in double-Wert um -- atoi, wandelt String in int-Wert um -- atol, wandelt String in long-Wert um -- strtod, wandelt String in double-Wert um -- strtol, wandelt String in long-Wert um -- strtoul, wandelt String in unsigned long-Wert um ? Filebehandlung -- remove, löscht File -- rename, ändert Namen eines Files ? Ein- und Ausgabe -- clearerr, löscht Fehlermeldung eines Filepointers -- fclose, schließt Filepointer -- fflush, leert Puffer eines Filepointers -- fgetc, liest Zeichen von Filepointer -- fgetpos, ermittelt Stand des Lesezeigers -- fgets, liest String von Filepointer -- fopen, öffnet Filepointer -- fprintf, schreibt formatiert nach Filepointer -- fputc, schreibt Zeichen nach Filepointer Seite 70 -- fputs, schreibt String nach Filepointer -- fread, liest Bytes von Filepointer -- freopen, ersetzt geöffneten Filepointer -- fscanf, liest formatiert von Filepointer -- fseek, setzt Lesezeiger auf bestimmte Stelle -- fsetpos, setzt Lesezeiger auf bestimmte Stelle -- ftell, ermittelt Stellung des Lesezeigers -- fwrite, schreibt Bytes nach Filepointer -- getc, liest Zeichen von Filepointer -- getchar, liest Zeichen von stdin -- gets, liest String von Filepointer -- printf, schreibt formatiert nach stdout -- putc, schreibt Zeichen nach Filepointer -- putchar, schreibt Zeichen nach stdout -- puts, schreibt String nach Filepointer -- rewind, setzt Lesezeiger auf Fileanfang -- scanf, liest formatiert von stdin -- setbuf, ordnet einem Filepointer einen Puffer zu -- setvbuf, ordnet einem Filepointer einen Puffer zu -- sprintf, schreibt formatiert in einen String -- sscanf, liest formatiert aus einem String -- tempnam, erzeugt einen temporären Filenamen -- tmpfile, erzeugt ein temporäres File -- ungetc, schreibt letztes gelesenes Zeichen zurück -- vfprintf, schreibt formatiert aus einer Argumentenliste -- vprintf, schreibt formatiert aus einer Argumentenliste -- vsprintf, schreibt formatiert aus einer Argumentenlsite ? Mathematik -- acos, arcus cosinus -- asin, arcus sinus -- atan, arcus tangens -- atan2, arcus tangens, erweiterter Bereich -- ceil, kleinste Ganzzahl -- cos, cosinus -- cosh, cosinus hyperbolicus Seite 71 -- exp, Exponentialfunktion -- fabs, Absolutwert, Betrag -- floor, größte Ganzzahl -- fmod, Divisionsrest -- frexp, teilt Gleitkommazahl auf -- ldexp, teilt Gleitkommazahl auf -- log, Logarithmus naturalis -- log10, dekadischer Logarithmus -- modf, teilt Gleitkommazahl auf -- pow, allgemeine Potenz -- sin, sinus -- sinh, sinus hyperbolicus -- sqrt, positive Quadratwurzel -- tan, tangens -- tanh, tangens hyperbolicus ? Speicherzuweisung -- calloc, allokiert Speicher für Array -- free, gibt allokierten Speicher frei -- malloc, allokiert Speicher -- realloc, ändert Größe des allokierten Speichers ? Prozesssteuerung -- abort, erzeugt SIGABRT-Signal -- atexit, Funktionsaufruf bei Programmende -- exit, Programmende -- raise, sendet Signal -- signal, legt Antwort auf Siganl fest -- system, übergibt Argument an Kommandointerpreter ? Suchen und Sortieren -- bsearch, binäre Suche -- qsort, Quicksort ? Stringbehandlung -- strcat, verkettet Strings -- strchr, sucht Zeichen in String -- strcmp, vergleicht Strings Seite 72 -- strcpy, kopiert String -- strcspn, sucht Teilstring -- strerror, verweist auf Fehlermeldung -- strlen, ermittelt Stringlänge -- strncat, verkettet n Zeichen von Strings -- strncmp, vergleicht n Zeichen von Strings -- strncpy, kopiert n Zeichen eines Strings -- strpbrk, sucht Zeichen in String -- strrchr, sucht Zeichen in String -- strspn, ermittelt Länge eines Teilstrings -- strstr, sucht Zeichen in String Dies sind alle Funktionen des ANSI-Vorschlags. Die meisten Compiler bieten darüberhinaus eine Vielzahl weiterer Funktionen, die das Programmieren er- leichtern, aber die Portabilität verschlechtern. M.4 printf(3), scanf(3) printf(3) und scanf(3) sind die beiden Standardfunktionen zum Ein- und Ausgeben von Daten. Wichtiger Unterschied: printf(3) erwartet Variable, scanf(3) Pointer. Die Formatbezeichner stimmen weitgehend überein: Bezeichner Typ Beispiel Bedeutung %c char a Zeichen %s char * Karlsruhe String %d int -1234 dezimale Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen %i int -1234 dezimale Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen %u unsigned 1234 dezimale Ganzzahl ohne Vorzeichen %ld long 1234 dezimal Ganzzahl doppelter Länge %f double 12.34 Gleitkommazahl mit Vorzeichen %e double 1.234 E 1 Gleitkommazahl, Exponentialform %g double 12.34 kurze Darstellung von %e oder %f %o unsigned octal 2322 oktale Ganzzahl ohne Vorzeichen %x unsigned hex 4d2 hexadezimale Ganzzahl o. Vorzeichen %p void * 68ff32e4 Pointer %% - % Prozentzeichen Weiteres im Referenz-Handbuch unter printf(3) oder scanf(3). Län- ge, Bündigkeit, Unterdrückung führender Nullen, Vorzeichenangabe können festgelegt werden. Seite 73 M.5 Include-Dateien Die Standard-Include-Dateien enthalten in lesbarer Form Definitionen von Konstanten und Typen, Deklarationen von Funktionen und Makrodefinitio- nen. Sie werden von Systemaufrufen und Bibliotheksfunktionen benötigt. Bei der Beschreibung jeder Funktion im Referenz-Handbuch ist angegeben, welche Include-Dateien jeweils eingebunden werden müssen. Gebräuchliche Include-Dateien sind: ? ctype.h, Definition von Zeichenklassen (conv(3)) ? curses.h, Bildschirmsteuerung (curses(3)) ? errno.h, Fehlermeldungen des Systems (errno(2)) ? fcntl.h, Steuerung des Dateizugriffs (fcntl(2), open(2)) ? malloc.h, Speicherallokierung (malloc(3)) ? math.h, mathematische Funktionen (log(3), sqrt(3), floor(3)) ? memory.h, Speicherfunktionen (memory(3)) ? search.h, Suchfunktionen (bsearch(3)) ? signal.h, Signalbehandlung (signal(2)) ? stdio.h, Ein- und Ausgabe (printf(3), scanf(3), fopen(3)) ? string.h, Stringbehandlung (string(3)) ? time.h, Zeitfunktionen (ctime(3)) ? varargs.h, Argumentenliste variabler Länge (vprintf(3)) ? sys/ioctl.h, Ein- und Ausgabe (ioctl(2)) ? sys/stat.h, Zugriffsrechte (chmod(2), mkdir(2), stat(2)) ? sys/types.h , verschiedene Deklarationen (chmod(2), getut(3)) Auch diese Liste ist vom Compiler und damit von der Hardware abhängig. So findet man die include-Datei dos.h nicht auf UNIX-Anlagen, sondern nur bei Compilern unter MS-DOS für PCs. M.6 Präprozessor-Anweisungen Der erste Schritt beim Compilieren ist die Bearbeitung des Quelltextes durch den Präprozessor. Dieser entfernt den Kommentar und führt Ersetzungen und Einfügungen gemäß der folgenden Anweisungen (directives) aus: ? #define buchstäbliche Ersetzung einer symbolischen Konstanten oder ei- nes Makros. Ist kein Ersatz angegeben, wird nur der Name als definiert angesehen (für #ifdef). Häufig. ? #undefine löscht die Definition eines Namens. ? #error führt zu einer Fehlermeldung des Präprozessors. ? #include zieht die angegebene Datei herein. Häufig. Seite 74 ? #if, #else, #elif, #endif falls Bedingung zutrifft, werden die nachfolgen- den Präprozessor-Anweisungen ausgeführt. ? #ifdef, #ifndef falls der angegebene Name definiert bzw. nicht definiert ist, werden die nachfolgenden Präprozessor-Anweisungen ausgeführt. ? #line führt bei Fehlermeldungen zu einem Sprung auf die angegebenen Zeilennummer. ? #pragma veranlaßt den Präprozessor zu einer systemabhängigen Hand- lung. Seite 75 N Slang im Netz Diese Sammlung von im Netz vorkommenden Slang-Abkürzungen ist ein Auszug aus der Abklex-Liste: http://www.ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de/abklex.html mit rund 9000 Abkürzungen aus Informatik und Telekommunikation. 2L8 Too Late AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact AFAIAA As Far As I Am Aware AFAIC As Far As I am Concerned AFAIK As Far As I Know AFAIKT As Far As I Know Today AFAIR As Far As I Remember AFJ April Fool's Joke AFK Away From Keyboard AIMB As I Mentioned Before AISI As I See It AIUI As I Understand It AKA Also Known As AMBW All My Best Wishes ANFSCD And Now For Something Completely Different APOL Alternate Person On Line ASAP As Soon As Possible ATFSM Ask The Friendly System Manager ATM At The Moment ATST At The Same Time ATT At This Time AWA A While Ago AWB A While Back AWGTHTGTTAAre We Going To Have To Go Through This Again? AWHFY Are We Having Fun Yet? AYOR At Your Own Risc AYST Are You Still There? B4 Before B4N Bye For Now BAK Back At Keyboard BBL Be Back Later BBR Burnt Beyond Recognition BCNU Be Seeing You BFBI Brute Force and Bloody Ignorance BFI Brute Force and Ignorance BFMI Brute Force and Massive Ignorance Seite 76 BFN Bye For Now BG Big Grin BHOF Bald Headed Old Fart BION Believe It Or Not BITD Back In The Day BM Byte Me BNF Big Name Fan BNFSCD But Now For Something Completely Different BOF Birds Of a Feather BOFS Birds Of a Feather Session BOT Back On Topic BRB Be Right Back BSF But Seriously Folks BTA But Then Again BTAIM Be That As It May BTC Biting The Carpet BTDT Been There Done That BTHOM Beats The Hell Outta Me BTIC But Then, I'am Crazy BTK Back To Keyboard BTSOOM Beats The Shit Out Of Me BTW By The Way BYKT But You Knew That CMH Cross My Heart CMIIW Correct Me If I'm Wrong CU See You CU2 See You, Too CUL See You Later CYA Cover Your Ass CYL See You Later D+C Duck + Cover DAU Dümmster Anzunehmender User DHRVVF Ducking, Hiding and Running Very Very Fast DILLIGAS Do I Look Like I Give A Shit DIY Do It Yourself DLTM Don't Lie To Me DSH Desparately Seeking Help DUCWIC Do You See Waht I See DWIM Do What I Mean DWISNWID Do What I Say Not What I Do DYHWIH Do You Hear What I Hear E2EG Ear To Ear Grin EG Evil Grin EMFBI Excuse Me For Butting In EOD End Of Discussion ESOSL Endless Snorts Of Stupid Laughter ETOL Evil Twin On Line Seite 77 F2F Face to Face FA For Auction FAFWOA For A Friend Without Access FB Fine Business FCFS First Come First Served FHS For Heaven's Sake FIAWOL Fandom Is A Way Of Life FISH First In, Still Here FITB Fill In The Blank FITNR Fixed In The Next Release FOAF Friend Of A Friend FTASB Faster Than A Speeding Bullet FTL Faster Than Light FUBAR Fouled Up Beyond All Repair/Recognition FUBB Fouled Up Beyond Belief FUD (spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW For What It's Worth FYA For Your Amusement GA Go Ahead GAFIA Get Away From It All GAL Get A Life GDR Grinning, Ducking and Running GDRVVF Grinning, Ducking and Running Very, Very Fast GFC Going for Coffee GIGO Garbage In, Garbage/Gospel Out GIWIST Gee I Wish I'd Said That GOK God Only Knows GR+D Grinning, Running + Ducking HAK Hugs And Kisses HAND Have A Nice Day HGZH Hoffe Geholfen Zu Haben HHOK Ha Ha Only Kidding HHOS Ha Ha Only Serious HSIK How Should I Know HTH Hope This/That Helps IAC In Any Case IAE In Any Event IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer IBC Inadequate But Cute IBTD I Beg To Differ IC I See IC In Characters ICOCBW I Could, Of Course, Be Wrong ICQ I Seek You IDC I Don't Care IDST I Didn't Say That IDTS I Don't Think So Seite 78 IIRC If I Remember Correctly IITYWYBMAD If I Tell You Will You Buy Me Another Drink? IIWM If It Were Me/Mine ILLAB Ich Liege Lachend Am Boden, vgl. ROTFL IMAO In My Arrogant Opinion IMCO In My Considered Opinion IME In My Experience IMHO In My Humble Opinion IMI I Mean It IMNSCO In My Not So Considered Opinion IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion IMO In My Opinion IMOBO In My Own Biased Opinion INPO In No Particular Order IOW In Other Words IRAS I Really Am Sorry IRL In Real Life ISBT It's Strange But True ISTM It Seems To Me ISTR I Seem To Remember IUTY It's Up To You IWBNI It Would Be Nice If IYSWIM If You See What I Mean ISWYM I See What You Mean JAM Just A Minute JAUA Just Another Useless Answer JIC Just In Case JJ Just Joking JSNM Just Stark Naked Magic KIBO Knowledge In, Bullshit Out KWIM Know What I Mean? LLP Live Long and Prosper LLTA Lots and Lots of Thundering Applause LMAO Laughing My Ass Off LOL Laughing Out Loud LOL Lots Of Luck LTNS Long Time No See MDA Merci d'avance MHOTY My Hat's Off To You MNRE Manual Not Read Error MOTAS Member Of The Appropriate Sex MTFBWY May The Force Be With You MUSEN Meinem Unmassgeblichen Sprachempfinden Nach MYOB Mind Your Own Business NBD No Big Deal NCNCNC No Coffee, No Chocolate, No Computer NFI No Frigging Idea Seite 79 NFW No Fucking Way NIMBY Not In My Backyard NLA Not Long Ago NLMB Nolifemuddinbastard NN Nightmare Networker NRN No Reply Necessary NSO Nonvirtual Significant Other NTTAWWT Not That There's Anything Wrong With That OAO Over And Out OATUS On A Totally Unrelated Subject OAUS On An Unrelated Subject OBTW Oh, By The Way OBO Or Best Offer OFAB Old Fart At Play OIC Oh, I See ONNA Oh No, Not Again ONNTA Oh No, Not This Again OOC Out Of Characters OOP Out Of Print OOTB Out Of The Box OOTC Obligatory On-Topic Comment OT Off Topic OTL Out To Lunch OTOH On The Other Hand OTTH On The Third Hand PDQ Pretty Darned Quick PEBKAC Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair PFM Pure Fantastic Magic PITA Pine In The Ass PMETC Pardon Me, etc. PMFJIB Pardon Me For Jumping In But POV Point Of View PTO Please Turn Over RAEBNC Read And Enjoyed, But No Comment RL Real Life ROFBTC Rolling On the Floor Biting The Carpet ROFL Rolling On the Floor Laughing ROFLASTC Rolling On the Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat ROFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing RSN Real Soon Now RTFAQ Read The FAQ RTFB Read The Funny Binary RTFF Read The Fantastic FAQ RTFM Read The Fine/Fantastic/Funny ... Manual RTFS Read The Funny Source RTM Read The Manual Seite 80 RTWFQ Read The Whole Fantastic Question RUOK Are You Ok RYS Read Your Screen SCNR Sorry, Could Not Resist SEP Somebody Else's Problem SFMJI Sorry For My Jumping In SIASL Stranger In A Strange Land SIMCA Sitting In My Chair Amused SITD Still In The Dark SNAFU Situation Normal All Fed/Fucked Up TABYAS Thinking All But You Are Stupid TAFN That's All For Now TANJ There Ain't No Justice TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Things As A Free Lunch TARFU Things Are Really Fouled Up TBH To Be Honest TFTT Thanks For The Thought TGAL Think Globally, Act Locally TGIF Thank God It's Friday THWLAIAS The Hour Was Late, And I Am Senile TIA Thanks In Advance TIC Tongue In Cheek TINAR This Is Not A Recommendation/Review TINWIS That Is Not What I Said TMTOWTDI There's More Than One Way To Do It TNX Thanks TOJ Tears Of Joy TPTB The Powers That Be TRDMC Tears Running Down My Cheeks TSOHF Total Sense Of Humour Failure TTBOMK To The Best Of My Knowledge TTFN Ta Ta For Now TTT That's The Truth TTYL Type/Talk To You Later TWIU That's What I Understand/Understood TYCLO Turn Your Caps Lock Off TYVM Thank You Very Much UDP Usenet Death Penalty UL Urban Legend UTSL Use The Source, Luke VBG Very Big Grin VL Virtual Life WAB What Another Bill WAMKSAM Why Are My Kids Staring At Me? WDYMBT What Do You Mean By That WDYS What Did You Say WHAK With Hugs And Kisses Seite 81 WIBNI Would It Be Nice If WIMRE Wenn Ich Mich Recht Erinnere WMRS Write Me Real Soon WOMBAT Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time WRT With Regard/Respect To WT Without Thinking WTB Wanted To Buy WTH What The Heck/Hell WTT Wanted To Trade WTTM Without Thinking Too Much WTTF Want To Test First WWG Wieder Was Gelernt WYS Whatever You Say YKWIS You Know What I'm Saying YMMV Your Mileage May Vary YTTT You Telling The Truth Seite 82 O Spezielle Sprachen O.1 Hayes-Modem-Kommandos Die Firma Hayes stellt Modems her und hat für diese einen Satz von Kom- mandos geschaffen, der sich weltweit durchgesetzt hat. Die meisten Modems verstehen eine Übermenge des Standard-Befehlssatzes von Hayes. Da die- se Kommandos (mit einer Ausnahme) mit at (= attention please) beginnen, werden sie auch als at-Kommandos bezeichnet. Es dürfen Groß- oder Klein- buchstaben verwendet werden, jedoch nicht gemischt. ata Answer Command atb0 Select CCITT Communication Standard atb1 Select USA/Canada Communication Standard atc Carrier Control Selection atd Dial Command ate Command State Character Echo Selection atf On-line State Character Echo Selection ath Hook Command Options ati Internal Memory Tests atl Speaker Volume Level Selection atm Speaker On/Off Selection atn Negotiation of Handshake Options ato On-line Command atp Select Pulse Dialing Method atq Result Code Display Options atsn=r Write to S-Register n atsn? Read from S-Register n att Select Tone Dialing Method atv Result Code Format Options atw Negotiation Progress Message Selection atx Call Progress Options aty Long Space Disconnect Options atz Soft Reset at&b V.32 Auto Retrain Options at&c Data Carrier Detect Options at&d Data Terminal Ready Options at&f Recall Factory Profile at&g Guard Tone Selection at&j Jack Type Selection at&k Local Flow Control Options at&l Line Type Selection at&o PAD Channel Selection at&q Communications Mode Options at&r RTS/CTS Options Seite 83 at&s Data Set Ready Options at&t Test Options at&u Trellis Coding Options at&v View Configuration Profiles at&w Write Active Profile to Memory at&x Synchronous Transmit Clock Source at&y Select Stored Profile for Hard Reset at&z Store Telephone Number Mehrere Kommandos dürfen zu einer Zeile vereinigt werden, wobei der at- Vorspann nur einmal zu Beginn erforderlich ist. Mit RETURN wird das Kom- mando beendet und die Ausführung veranlaßt. Um im transparenten Modus (das heißt während des Übertragens) in den Befehlsmodus zu schalten, ohne die Verbindung abzubrechen, ist das Kommando +++ gefolgt von einer Pause von mindestens 1 sec zu geben. Eine für Deutschland verwendbare Startse- quenz lautet: ATZ AT S7=45 S0=0 V1 X3 ATDP 0721,38340 Die erste Zeile sorgt für ein Reset, dann wird das Register S7 auf 45 Sekunden gesetzt. Falls das Modem innerhalb dieser Zeit nach dem Wählvorgang kei- ne Antwort bekommt, legt es wieder auf. Der Wert 0 im Register S0 bewirkt, daß das Modem ankommende Anrufe nicht beantwortet, also nur für abge- hende Verbindungen eingerichtet ist. Das Kommando V1 teilt dem Modem mit, Statusmeldungen (result codes) in Wortform, nicht als Zahlen auszuge- ben. X3 schließlich legt ein bestimmtes Antwortverhalten des Modems fest. Die letzte Zeile veranlaßt die Wahl der Nummer 0721-Pause-60451 im hier- zulande gebräuchlichen Pulswählverfahren. Geht alles gut, pfeift ein Modem des Rechenzentrums der Universität Karlsruhe zurück. Seite 84 P ISO 3166 Ländercodes Bei den Namen von Computern im Internet ist es außerhalb der USA üb- lich, als letzten Teil den Ländercode nach ISO 3166 anzugeben. Dies ist nicht zwingend, es gibt Bezeichnungen, die eine Organisation angeben und daher nicht von ISO 3166 erfaßt werden. Die vollständige Tabelle findet sich unter ftp://ftp.ripe.net/iso3166-countrycodes. Land A 2 A 3 Nummer ALBANIA AL ALB 008 ALGERIA DZ DZA 012 ANDORRA AD AND 020 ARGENTINA AR ARG 032 AUSTRALIA AU AUS 036 AUSTRIA AT AUT 040 BAVARIA, FREE STATE OF FB FBA 999 BAHAMAS BS BHS 044 BELARUS BY BLR 112 BELGIUM BE BEL 056 BOLIVIA BO BOL 068 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOWINA BA BIH 070 BRAZIL BR BRA 076 BULGARIA BG BGR 100 CANADA CA CAN 124 CHILE CL CHL 152 CHINA CN CHN 156 CHRISTMAS ISLAND CX CXR 162 COCOS ISLANDS CC CCK 166 COLOMBIA CO COL 170 CROATIA HR HRV 191 CYPRUS CY CYP 196 CZECH REPUBLIC CZ CZE 203 DENMARK DK DNK 208 ECUADOR EC ECU 218 EGYPT EG EGY 818 ESTONIA EE EST 233 FAROE ISLANDS FO FRO 234 FINLAND FI FIN 246 FRANCE FR FRA 250 GEORGIA GE GEO 268 GERMANY DE DEU 276 GIBRALTAR GI GIB 292 GREECE GR GRC 300 GREENLAND GL GRL 304 Seite 85 HONG KONG HK HKG 344 HUNGARY HU HUN 348 ICELAND IS ISL 352 INDIA IN IND 356 INDONESIA ID IDN 360 IRELAND IE IRL 372 ISRAEL IL ISR 376 ITALY IT ITA 380 JAPAN JP JPN 392 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KR KOR 410 LATVIA LV LVA 428 LEBANON LB LBN 422 LIECHTENSTEIN LI LIE 438 LITHUANIA LT LTU 440 LUXEMBOURG LU LUX 442 MACEDONIA, REPUBLIC OF MK MKD 807 MALAYSIA MY MYS 458 MALTA MT MLT 470 MEXICO MX MEX 484 MONACO MC MCO 492 MOROCCO MA MAR 504 NETHERLANDS NL NLD 528 NEW ZEALAND NZ NZL 554 NIUE NU NIU 570 NORWAY NO NOR 578 PAKISTAN PK PAK 586 PERU PE PER 604 POLAND PL POL 616 PORTUGAL PT PRT 620 QATAR QA QAT 634 ROMANIA RO ROM 642 RUSSIAN FEDERATION RU RUS 643 SAN MARINO SM SMR 674 SAUDI ARABIA SA SAU 682 SINGAPORE SG SGP 702 SLOVAKIA SK SVK 703 SLOVENIA SI SVN 705 SOUTH AFRICA ZA ZAF 710 SPAIN ES ESP 724 SRI LANKA LK LKA 144 SWEDEN SE SWE 752 SWITZERLAND CH CHE 756 TAIWAN TW TWN 158 TONGA TO TON 776 TRINIDAD + TOBAGO TT TTO 780 TUNISIA TN TUN 788 TURKEY TR TUR 792 Seite 86 UKRAINE UA UKR 804 UNITED KINGDOM GB GBR 826 UNITED STATES US USA 840 URUGUAY UY URY 858 VATICAN VA VAT 336 VENEZUELA VE VEN 862 YUGOSLAVIA YU YUG 891 Seite 87 Q Requests For Comment (RFCs) Das Internet wird nicht durch Normen, sondern durch RFCs (Request For Comments) beschrieben, gegenwärtig etwa 4000 an der Zahl (Okt. 2004). Wird ein RFC durch einen neueren abgelöst, bekommt dieser auch eine neue, höhere Nummer. Es gibt also keine Versionen oder Ausgaben wie bei den DIN- Normen. Die BCPs und FYIs behalten ihre Nummer, auch wenn dahinter ein neuer RFC steht. Sucht man eine Information, besorgt man sich einen aktuellen Index der RFCs und startet in den Titeln, bei der höchsten Num- mer beginnend, eine Stichwortsuche. Einige RFCs sind zugleich FYIs (For Your Information) mit eigener Zählung. Diese enthalten einführende Infor- mationen. Andere RFCs haben den Rang von offiziellen Internet-Protokoll- Standards mit zusätzlicher, eigener Numerierung, siehe RFC 2900 Internet Official Protocol Standards vom August 2001, wobei ein Standard mehrere RFCs umfassen kann. Schließlich sind einige RFCs zugleich BCPs (Best Cur- rent Practice), siehe RFC 1818, oder RTRs (RARE Technical Report). Eine vollständige Sammlung findet sich auf ftp.nic.de/pub/rfc/. Die Dateien mit den Übersichten sind: ? Request For Comments: rfc-index.txt, 600 kbyte, ? For Your Information: fyi-index.txt, 10 kbyte, ? Internet Standard: std-index.txt, 10 kbyte, ? Best Current Practice: bcp-index.txt, 20 kbyte. Ähnlich auch bei www.rfc-editor.org/. Zusammenfassungen (Abstracts) der Entwürfe (Internet Drafts) zu kommenden RFCs finden sich bei www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt. Genießen Sie RFCs, die an einem ersten April erschienen sind, mit Vorsicht. Hier folgt eine Auswahl von RFCs, nach der Nummer sortiert. Q.1 Ausgewählte RFCs, ohne FYIs 0001 Host Software (1969) 0681 Network Unix (1975) 0783 The TFTP Protocol (1981) 0814 Name, Addresses, Ports, and Routes (1982) 0821 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (1982) 0894 A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over Ethernet Networks (1984) 0902 ARPA-Internet Protocol policy (1984) 0959 File Transfer Protocol (1985) 1000 The Request For Comments Reference Guide (1987) 1034 Domain names -- concepts and facilities (1987) 1036 Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages (1987) Seite 88 1087 Ethics and the Internet (1989) 1094 NFS: Network File System Protocol Specification (1989) 1118 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet (1989) 1122 Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers (1989) 1123 Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application and Support (1989) 1173 Responsibilities of Host and Network Managers (1991) 1180 TCP/IP Tutorial (1991) 1208 Glossary of Networking Terms (1991) 1211 Problems with the Maintenance of Large Mailing Lists (1991) 1281 Guidelines for the secure operations of the Internet (1991) 1295 User bill of rights for entries and listing in the public directory (1992) 1296 Internet Growth (1981 -- 1991) (1992) 1310 Internet standards process (1992) 1327 Mapping between X.400(1988)/ISO 10021 and RFC 822 (1992) 1331 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) (1992) 1336 Who's who in the Internet (1992) 1340 Assigned Numbers (1992) 1345 Character Mnemonics and Character Sets (1992) 1361 Simple Network Time Protocol (1992) 1378 PPP AppleTalk Control Protocol (1992) 1432 Recent Internet books (1993) 1436 Internet Gopher Protocol (1993) 1441 SMTP Introduction to version 2 of the Internet-standard Network Management Framework (1993) 1459 Internet Relay Chat Protocol (1993) 1460 Post Office Protocol - Version 3 (1993) 1466 Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space (1993) 1475 TP/IX: The Next Internet (1993) 1501 OS/2 User Group (1993) 1506 A Tutorial on Gatewaying between X.400 and Internet Mail (1993) 1510 The Kerberos Network Authentication Service (1993) 1511 Common Authentication Technology Overview (1993) 1591 Domain Name System Structure and Delegation (1994) 1601 Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) (1994) 1602 The Internet Standards Process (1994) 1603 IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures (1994) 1607 A VIEW FROM THE 21ST CENTURY (1994) 1610 Internet Official Protocol Standards (1994) 1618 PPP over ISDN (1994) 1661 The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) (1994) 1684 Introduction to White Pages Services based on X.500 (1994) 1690 Introducing the Internet Engineering and Planning Group (IEPG) (1994) 1700 ASSIGNED NUMBERS (1994) 1704 On Internet Authentication (1994) 1738 Uniform Resource Locators (URL) (1994) 1750 Randomness Recommendations for Security (1994) Seite 89 1752 The Recommendation for the IP Next Generation Protocol (1995) 1775 To Be On the Internet (1995) 1789 INETPhone: Telephone Services and Servers on Internet (1995) 1808 Relative Uniform Resource Locators (1995) 1818 Best Current Practices (1995) 1825 Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol (1995) 1835 Architecture of the WHOIS++ service (1995) 1847 Security Multiparts for MIME: Multipart/Signed and Multipart/Encrypted (1995) 1871 Addendum to RFC 1602 -- Variance Procedure (1995) 1881 IPv6 Address Allocation Management (1995) 1882 The 12-Days of Technology Before Christmas (1995) 1883 Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6), Specification (1995) 1898 CyberCash Credit Card Protocol Version 0.8. (1996) 1912 Common DNS Operational and Configuration Errors (1996) 1913 Architecture of the Whois++ Index Service (1996) 1918 Address Allocation for Private Internets (1996) 1924 A Compact Representation of IPv6 Addresses (1996) 1925 The Twelve Networking Truths (1996) 1928 SOCKS Protocol Version 5. (1996) 1935 What is the Internet, Anyway? (1996) 1938 A One-Time Password System (1996) 1939 Post Office Protocol - Version 3. (1996) 1945 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0. (1996) 1952 GZIP file format specification version 4.3. (1996) 1955 New Scheme for Internet Routing and Addressing (ENCAPS) for IPNG (1996) 1957 Some Observations on Implementations of the Post Office Protocol (POP3) (1996) 1958 Architectural Principles of the Internet (1996) 1963 PPP Serial Data Transport Protocol (SDTP) (1996) 1968 The PPP Encryption Control Protocol (ECP) (1996) 1972 A Method for the Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks (1996) 1984 IAB and IESG Statement on Cryptographic Technology and the Internet (1996) 1991 PGP Message Exchange Formats (1996) 2014 IRTF Research Group Guidelines and Procedures (1996) 2015 MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) (1996) 2026 The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3. (1996) 2030 Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4 for IPv4, IPv6 and OSI (1996) 2045 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies (1996) 2046 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types (1996) 2047 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Three: Message Seite 90 Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text (1996) 2048 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) Part Four: Registration Procedures (1996) 2049 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Five: Conformance Criteria and Examples (1996) 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1. (1997) 2070 Internationalization of the Hypertext Markup Language (1997) 2083 PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification (1997) 2084 Considerations for Web Transaction Security (1997) 2100 The Naming of Hosts (1997) 2109 HTTP State Management Mechanism (1997) 2110 MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents, such as HTML (MHTML) (1997) 2111 Content-ID and Message-ID Uniform Resource Locators (1997) 2112 The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type (1997) 2133 Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6 (1997) 2134 Articles of Incorporation of Internet Society (1997) 2135 Internet Society By-Laws (1997) 2145 Use and Interpretation of HTTP Version Numbers (1997) 2146 U.S. Government Internet Domain Names (1997) 2147 TCP and UDP over IPv6 Jumbograms (1997) 2153 PPP Vendor Extensions (1997) 2167 Referral Whois (RWhois) Protocol V1.5. (1997) 2168 Resolution of Uniform Resource Identifiers using the Domain Name System (1997) 2180 IMAP4 Multi-Accessed Mailbox Practice (1997) 2182 Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers (1997) 2185 Routing Aspects of IPv6 Transition (1997) 2186 Internet Cache Protocol (ICP), version 2 (1997) 2187 Application of Internet Cache Protocol (ICP) (1997) 2192 IMAP URL Scheme (1997) 2202 Test Cases for HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA-1 (1997) 2212 Specification of Guaranteed Quality of Service (1997) 2222 Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) (1997) 2223 Instructions to RFC Authors (1997) 2228 FTP Security Extensions (1997) 2231 MIME Parameter Value and Encoded Word Extensions: Character Sets, Languages, and Continuations (1997) 2237 Japanese Character Encoding for Internet Messages (1997) 2245 Anonymous SASL Mechanism (1997) 2323 IETF Identification and Security Guidelines (1998) 2418 IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures (1998) 2437 RSA Cryptography Specification Version 2.0 (1998) 2440 OpenPGP Message Format (1998) 2444 The One-Time-Password SASL Mechanism (1998) 2464 Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks (1998) 2468 I Remember IANA (1998) Seite 91 2482 Language Tagging in Unicode Plain Text (1999) 2499 Request for Comments Summary (1999) 2500 INTERNET OFFICIAL PROTOCOL STANDARDS (1999) 2505 Anti-Spam Recommendations for SMTP MTAs (1999) 2518 HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring (1999) 2542 Terminology and Goals for Internet Fax (1999) 2555 30 Years of RFCs (1999) 2577 FTP Security Considerations (1999) 2588 IP Multicast and Firewalls (1999) 2611 URN Namespace Definition Mechanisms (1999) 2616 Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1 (1999) 2626 The Internet and the Millenium Problem (1999) 2628 Simple Cryptographic Program Interface (1999) 2637 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (1999) 2639 Internet Printing Protocol/Implementer's Guide (1999) 2640 Internationalizationof the File Transfer Protocol (1999) 2646 The Text/Plain Parameter (1999) 2647 Benchmarking Terminology for Firewall Performance (1999) 2651 The Architecture of the Common Indexing Protocol (1999) 2659 Security Extensions For HTML (1999) 2663 IP Network Address Translator (NAT) Terminology and Considerations (1999) 2675 IPv6 Jumbograms (1999) 2683 IMAP4 Implementation Recommendations (1999) 2685 Virtual Private Networks Identifier (1999) 2691 A Memorandum of Understanding for an ICANN Protocol Support Organization (1999) 2718 Guidelines for new URL Schemes (1999) 2756 Hyper Text Caching Protocol (2000) 2761 Terminology for ATM Benchmarking (2000) 2766 Network Address Translation -- Protocol Translation (2000) 2773 Encryption using KEA and SKIPJACK (2000) 2775 Internet Transparency (2000) 2822 Internet Message Format (2001) 2828 Internet Security Glossary (2000) 2839 Internet Kermit Service (2000) 2860 Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Technical Work of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (2000) 2874 DNS Extensions to Support IPv6 Address Aggregation and Renumbering (2000) 2875 Diffie-Hellman Proof-of-Possession Algorithms (2000) 2888 Secure Remote Access with L2TP (2000) 2901 Guide to Administrative Procedures of the Internet Infrastructure (2000) 2910 Internet Printing Protocol/1.1 (2000) 2913 MIME Content Types in Media Feature Expressions (2000) 2924 Accounting Attributes and Record Formats (2000) Seite 92 2929 Domain Name System (DNS) IANA Considerations (2000) 2938 Identifying Composite Media Features (2000) 2960 Stream Control Transmission Protocol (2000) 2965 HTTP State Management Mechanism (2000) 2969 Wide Area Directory Deployment (2000) 2977 Mobile IP Authentication, Authorization and Accounting Reqirements (2000) 2979 Behavior of and Requirements for Internet Firewalls (2000) 2990 Next Steps for the IP QoS Architecture (2000) 3001 A URN Namespace of Object Identifiers (2000) 3002 Overview of 2000 IAB Wireless Internetworking Workshop (2000) 3003 The audio/mpeg Media Type (2000) 3010 NFS Version 4 Protocol (2000) 3013 Recommended Internet Service Provider Security Services and Procedures (2000) 3028 Sieve: A Mail Filtering Language (2001) 3031 Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture (2001) 3036 LDP Specification (2001) 3076 Canonical XML Version 1.0 (2001) 3072 Structured Data Exchange Format (SDXF) (2001) 3093 Firewall Enhancement Protocol (FEP) (2001) 3106 ECML v1.1: Field Specifications for E-Commerce (2001) 3125 Electronic Signature Policies (2001) 3143 Known HTTP Proxy/Caching Problems (2001) 3377 LDAP (v3) Technical Specification (2002) 3383 IANA Considerations for the LDAP (2002) Q.2 1.-April-RFCs Ohne Gewähr dafür, ob sie ernst gemeint sind oder nicht. 0112 User/Server Site Protocol: Network host questionaire responses (1971) 0499 Harvard's Network RJE (1973) 0748 Telnet randomly-lose option (1978) 0777 Internet Control Message Protocol (1981) 0779 Telnet send-location option (1981) 0852 ARPANET short blocking feature (1983) 0893 Trailer encapsulations (1984) 0894 Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over Ethernet networks (1984) 0895 Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over experimental Ethernet networks (1984) 1147 FYI on a Network Management Tool Catalog 0898 Gateway special interest group meeting notes (1984) 0904 Exterior Gateway Protocol formal specification (1984) 0905 ISO Transport Protocol specification ISO DP 8073 (1984) 0940 Toward an Internet standard scheme for subnetting (1985) Seite 93 0941 Addendum to the network service definition covering network layer addressing (1985) 0943 Assigned numbers (1985) 0944 Official ARPA-Internet protocols (1985) 0982 Guidelines for the specification of the structure of the Domain Specific Part (DSP) of the ISO standard NSAP adress (1986) 0983 ISO transport arrives on top of the TCP (1986) 0995 End System to Intermediate System Routing Exchange Protocol for use in conjunction with ISO 8473 (1986) 0999 Requests For Comments summary notes: 900 - 999 (1987) 1004 Distributed=protocol authentication scheme (1987) 1050 RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol specification (1988) 1052 IAB recommendations for the development of Internet network management standards (1988) 1053 Telnet X.3 PAD option (1988) 1095 Common Management Information Services and Protocol over TCP/IP (1989) 1097 Telnet subliminal-message option (1989) 1100 IAB official protocol standards (1989) 1101 DNS encoding of network names and other types (1989) 1147 FYI on a Network Management Tool Catalog: Tools for Monitoring and Debugging TCP/IP Internets and Interconnected Devices (1990) 1149 Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams on avian carriers (1990) 1151 Version 2 of the Reliable Data Protocol (RDP) (1990) 1152 Workshop report: Internet research steering group workshop on very-high-speed networks (1990) 1153 Digest message format (1990) 1154 Encoding header field for internet messages (1990) 1200 IAB official protocol standards (1991) 1214 OSI internet management: Management Information Base (1991) 1216 Gigabit network economics and paradigm shifts (1991) 1217 Memo from the Consortium for Slow Commotion Research (1991) 1218 Naming scheme for c=US (1991) 1219 On the assignment of subnet numbers (1991) 1220 Point-to-Point Protocol extensions for bridging (1991) 1221 Host access protocol (HAP) specification: Version 2 (1991) 1313 Today's Programming for KRFC AM 1313 Internet Talk Radio (1992) 1437 The Extension of MIME Content-Types to a New Medium (1993) 1438 IETF Statements of Boredom (SOBs) (1993) 1605 SONET to Sonnet Translation (1994) 1606 A Historical Perspective On The Usage Of IP Version 9 (1994) 1607 A View from the 21st Century (1994) 1776 The Address is the Message (1995) 1924 A Compact Representaion of IPv6 Adresses (1996) 1925 The Twelve Networking Truths (1996) Seite 94 1926 An Experimental Encapsulation of IP Datagrams on Top of ATM (1996) 1927 Suggested Additional MIME Types for Associating Documents (1996) 2100 The Naming of Hosts (1997) 2321 RITA -- The Reliable Internetwork Troubleshooting Agent (1998) 2322 Management of IP numbers by peg-dhcp (1998) 2323 IETF Identification and Security Guidelines (1998) 2324 Hypertext Coffee Pot Control Protocol HTCPCP/1.0 (1998) 2325 Definitons of Managed Objects for Drip-Type Heated Beverage Hardware Devices Using SMIv2 (1998) 2549 IP Over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service (1999) 2550 Y10K and Beyond (1999) 2551 The Roman Standards Process -- Revision III (1999) 2795 The Infinite Monkey Protocol Suite (2000) 3091 Pi Digit Generation Protocol (2001) 3092 Etymology of Foo (2001) 3093 Firewall Enhancement Protocol (FEP) (2001) 3251 Electricity over IP (2002) 3252 Binary Lexical Octet Ad-hoc Transport (2002) Q.3 Alle FYIs 0001 FYI on FYI: Introduction to the FYI notes (1990) (RFC1150) 0002 FYI on a Network Management Tool Catalog: Tools for monitoring and debugging TCP/IP internets and interconnected devices (1993) (RFC1470) 0003 FYI on Where to Start: A bibliography of internetworking information (1991) (RFC1175) 0004 FYI on Questions and Answers - Answers to Commonly asked New Internet User Questions (1999) (RFC2664) 0005 Choosing a name for your computer (1991) (RFC1178) 0006 FYI on the X Window System (1991) (RFC1198) 0007 FYI on Questions and Answers: Answers to commonly asked experienced Internet user questions (1991) (RFC1207) 0008 Site Security Handbook (1997) (RFC2196) 0009 Who's Who in the Internet: Biographies of IAB, IESG and IRSG Members (1992) (RFC1336) 0010 There is Gold in them thar Networks! or Searching for Treasure in all the Wrong Places (1993) (RFC1402) 0011 X.500 Implementations Catalog-96 (1997) (RFC2116) 0012 Building a Network Information Services Infrastructure (1992) (RFC1302) 0013 Executive Introduction to Directory Services Using the X.500 Protocol (1992) (RFC1308) 0014 Technical Overview of Directory Services Using the X.500 Protocol (1992) (RFC1309) 0015 Privacy and Accuracy Issues in Network Information Center Databases (1992) (RFC1355) Seite 95 0016 Connecting to the Internet -- What Connecting Institutions Should Anticipate (1992) (RFC1359) 0017 The Tao of IETF - A Guide for New Attendees of the Internet Engineering Task Force (2001) (RFC3160) 0018 Internet Users' Glossary (1996) (RFC1983) 0019 FYI on Introducing the Internet -- A Short Bibliography of Introductory Internetworking Readings (1993) (RFC1463) 0020 FYI on What is the Internet (1993) (RFC1462) 0021 A Survey of Advanced Usages of X.500 (1993) (RFC1491) 0022 Frequently Asked Questions for Schools (1996) (RFC1941) 0023 Guide to Network Resource Tool (1994) (RFC1580) 0024 How to Use Anonymous FTP (1994) (RFC1635) 0025 A Status Report on Networked Information Retrieval: Tools and Groups (1994) (RFC1689) 0026 K-12 Internetworking Guidelines (1994) (RFC1709) 0027 Tools for DNS debugging (1994) (RFC1713) 0028 Netiquette Guidelines (1995) (RFC1855) 0029 Catalogue of Network Training Materials (1996) (RFC2007) 0030 A Primer On Internet and TCP/IP Tools and Utilities (1997) (RFC2151) 0031 Humanities and Arts: Sharing Center Stage on the Internet (1997) (RFC2150) 0032 Hobbes' Internet Timeline (1997) (RFC2235) 0033 Some Testing Tools for TCP Implementors (1998) (RFC2398) 0034 Users' Security Handbook (1999) (RFC2504) 0035 DON'T SPEW. A Set of Guidelines for Mass Unsolicited Mailings and Postings (spam*) (1999) (RFC2635) 0036 Internet Security Glossary (2000) (RFC2828) 0037 Guide to Administrative Procedures of the Internet Infrastructure (2000) (RFC2901) 0038 How to Advertise Responsibly Using E-Mail and Newsgroups (2001) (RFC3098) Q.4 Alle BCPs 0001 Best Current Practices (1995) (RFC1818) 0002 Addendum to RFC 1602 -- Variance Procedure (1995) (RFC1871) 0003 Variance for The PPP Connection Control Protocol and The PPP Encryption Control Protocol (1996) (RFC1915) 0004 An Appeal to the Internet Community to Return Unused IP Networks (Prefixes) to the IANA (1996) (RFC1917) 0005 Address Allocation for Private Internets (1996) (RFC1918) 0006 Guidelines for creation, selection, and registration of an Autonomous System (AS) (1996) (RFC1930) 0007 Implications of Various Address Allocation Policies for Internet Routing (1996) (RFC2008) 0008 IRTF Research Group Guidelines and Procedures (1996) (RFC2014) 0009 The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3 (1996) (RFC2026) 0010 IAB and IESG Selection, Confirmation, and Recall Process: Seite 96 Operation of the Nominating and Recall Committees (2000) (RFC2727) 0011 The Organizations Involved in the IETF Standards Process (1996) (RFC2028) 0012 Internet Registry IP Allocation Guidelines (1996) (RFC2050) 0013 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) Part Four: Registration Procedures (1996) (RFC2048) 0014 Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels (1997) (RFC2119) 0015 Deployment of the Internet White Pages Service (1997) (RFC2148) 0016 Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers (1997) (RFC2182) 0017 Use of DNS Aliases for Network Services (1997) (RFC2219) 0018 IETF Policy on Character Sets and Languages (1998) (RFC2277) 0019 IANA Charset Registration Procedures (2000) (RFC2978) 0020 Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation (1998) (RFC2317) 0021 Expectations for Computer Security Incident Response (1998) (RFC2350) 0022 Guide for Internet Standards Writers (1998) (RFC2360) 0023 Administratively Scoped IP Multicast (1998) (RFC2365) 0024 RSVP over ATM Implementation Guidelines (1998) (RFC2379) 0025 IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures (1998) (RFC2418) 0026 Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs (1998) (RFC2434) 0027 Advancement of MIB specifications on the IETF Standards Track (1998) (RFC2438) 0028 Enhancing TCP Over Satellite Channels using Standard Mechanisms (1999) (RFC2488) 0029 Procedure for Defining New DHCP Options (1999) (RFC2489) 0030 Anti-Spam Recommendations for SMTP MTAs (1999) (RFC2505) 0031 Media Feature Tag Registration Procedure (1999) (RFC2506) 0032 Reserved Top Level DNS Names (1999) (RFC2606) 0033 URN Namespace Definition Mechanisms (1999) (RFC2611) 0034 Changing the Default for Directed Broadcasts in Routers (1999) (RFC2644) 0035 Registration Procedures for URL Scheme Names (1999) (RFC2717) 0036 Guidelines for Writers of RTP Payload Format Specifications (1999) (RFC2736) 0037 IANA Allocation Guidelines For Values In the Internet Protocol and Related Headers (2000) (RFC2780) 0038 Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP Source Address Spoofing (2000) (RFC2827) 0039 Charter of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) (2000) (RFC2850) 0040 Root Name Server Operational Requirements (2000) (RFC2870) 0041 Congestion Control Principles (2000) (RFC2914) 0042 Domain Name System (DNS) IANA Considerations (2000) (RFC2929) 0043 Procedures and IANA Guidelines for Definition of New DHCP Options and Message Types (2000) (RFC2939) Seite 97 0044 Use of HTTP State Management (2000) (RFC2964) 0045 IETF Discussion List Charter (2000) (RFC3005) 0046 Recommended Internet Service Provider Security Services and Procedures (2000) (RFC3013) 0047 Tags for the Identification of Languages (2001) (RFC3066) 0048 End-to-end Performance Implications of Slow Links (2001) (RFC3150) 0049 Delegation of IP6.ARPA (2001) (RFC3152) 0050 End-to-end Performance Implications of Links with Errors (2001) (RFC3155) 0051 IANA Guidelines for IPv4 Multicast Address Assignments (2001) (RFC3171) 0052 Management Guidelines & Operational Requirements for the Address and Routing Parameter Area Domain (arpa) (2001) (RFC3172) 0053 GLOP Addressing in 233/8 (2001) (RFC3180) 0054 IETF Guidelines for Conduct () (RFC3184) 0055 Guidelines for Evidence Collection and Archiving () (RFC3227) 0056 On the use of HTTP as a Substrate () (RFC3205) 0057 IANA Considerations for IPv4 Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) () (RFC3228) 0058 Defining the IETF () (RFC3233) 0059 A Transient Prefix for Identifying Profiles under Development () (RFC3349) 0060 Inappropriate TCP Resets Considered Harmful () (RFC3360) 0061 Strong Security Requirements for Internet Engineering Task Force Standard Protocols () (RFC3365) 0062 Advice to link designers on link Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) () (RFC3366) 0063 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for Telephones (SIP-T): Context and Architectures () (RFC3372) 0064 Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Considerations for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) () (RFC3383) 0065 Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDS) Part Five: URLARPA Assignment Procedures (2002) (RFC3405) 0066 Uniform Resource Names (URN) Namespace Definition Mechanisms (2002) (RFC3406) 0067 Change Process for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) (2002) (RFC3427) 0068 Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) IANA Considerations Update (2002) (RFC3438) 0069 TCP Performance Implications of Network Path Asymmetrie (2002) (RFC3449) 0070 Guidelines for the Use of XML within IETF Protocols (2003) (RFC3470) 0071 TCP over Second (2.5G) and Third (3G) Generation Wireless Networks (2003) (RFC3481) 0072 Guidelines for Writing RFC Text on Security Considerations Seite 98 (2003) (RFC3552) 0073 An IETF URN Sub-namespace for Registered Protocol Parameters (2003) (RFC3553) 0074 Coexistence between Version 1, Version 2, and Version 3 of the Internet-standard Network Management Framework (2003) (RFC3584) 0075 Session Inititation Protocol (SIP). Basic Call Flow Examples (2003) (RFC3665) 0076 Session Inittiation Protocol (SIP). Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Call Flows. (2003) (RFC3666) 0077 IETF ISOC Boardof Trustee Appointment Procedures (2003) (RFC3677) 0078 IETF Rights in Contributions (2004) (RFC3667) 0079 Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology (2004) (RFC3668) 0080 Delegation of E.F.F.3.IP6.ARPA. (2004) (RFC3681) 0081 The IETF XML Registry. (2004) (RFC3688) 0082 Assigning Experimental and Testing Numbers Considered Useful (2004) (RFC3692) 0083 A Practice for Revoking Posting Rights to IETF Mailing Lists (2004) (RFC3683) 0084 Ingress Filtering for Multihomed Networks (2004) (RFC3704) 0085 Best Current Practices for Third Party Call Control (3pcc) in the Session Inititation Protocol (SIP) (2004) (RFC3725) 0086 Determining Strength for Public Keys Used for Exchanging Symmetric Keys. (2004) (RFC3766) 0087 Use of Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) Metric as a second MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric (2004) (RFC3785) 0088 IANA Considerations for the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) (2004) (RFC3818) 0089 Advice for Internet Subnetwork Designers (2004) (RFC3819) Seite 99 R Internet-Protokolle Ein Protokoll ist ein Satz von Regeln zur Verständigung zwischen zwei Com- putern oder Peripheriegeräten. Hier die wichtigsten im Internet verwendeten Protokolle: 3DESE PPP Triple-DES Encryption Protocol (RFC 2420) ACAP Application Configuration Access Protocol (RFC 2244) AgentX Agent Extensibility Protocol (RFC 2257) ARP Address Resolution Protocol (RFC 826) ATMP Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol )RFC 2107) BAP PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (RFC 2125) BACP PPP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (RFC 2125) BGP Border Gateway Protocol (RFC 1771) BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol (RFC 951, 1542) CCP PPP Compression Control Protocol (RFC 1962) CHAP PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (RFC 1994) CMOT Common Management Information Protocol over TCP (RFC 1095) DCAP Data Link Switching Client Access Protocol (RFC 2114) DESE-bis PPP DES Encryption Protocol (RFC 2419) DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (RFC 2131) DLSw Data Link Switching Protocol (RFC 1795) DSP A Dictionary Server Protocol (RFC 2229) EAP PPP Extensible Authenication Protocol (RFC 2284) EARP Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol (RFC 826) Echo Echo Protocol (RFC 862) ECP PPP Encryption Control Protocol (RFC 1968) EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol (RFC 827, 904) ESRO Efficient Short Remote Operations Protocol (RFC 2188) FANP Flow Attribute Notification Protocol (RFC 2129) Finger Finger User Information Protocol (RFC 1288) FOOBAR FTP Operation Over Big Address Records Protocol (RFC 1639) FTP File Transfer Protocol (RFC 959, 2228) GKMP Group Key Management Protocol Specification (RFC 2093) Gopher Internet gopher Protocol (RFC 1436) HTCPC Hypertext Coffee Pot Control Protocol (RFC 2324) HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol (RFC 2068) IARP Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (RFC 2390) ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol (RFC 792, 950) ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (RFC 1885) ICP Internet Cache Protocol (RFC 2186) IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol (RFC 2236) IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol (RFC 2060) IMPP Instant Messaging/Presence Protocol (RFC 2779) Seite 100 IOTP Internet Open Trading Protocol (RFC 2935) IP Internet Protocol (RFC 791) IPng Recommendation for the IP next generation Protocol (RFC 1752) IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6 (RFC 1883) IRC Internet Relay Chat Protocol (RFC 1459) LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (RFC 2251) LFAP Lightweight Flow Admission Protocol (RFC 2124) MAPOS Multiple Access Protocol over SONET (RFC 2171) MP PPP Multilink Protocol (RFC 1990) MPPC Microsoft Point-to-Point Compression Protocol (RFC 2118) NBFCP NetBIOS Frames Control Protocol (RFC 2097) NFS Network File System Protocol (RFC 1094 und 1813) NHRP NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol (RFC 2332) NNTP Network News Transport Protocol (RFC 977) NTP Network Time Protocol (RFC 1305) OFTP ODETTE File Transfer Protocol (RFC 2204) PIM-SM Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (RFC 2362) POP Post Office Protocol (RFC 1939) PPP Point to Point Protocol (RFC 1661, 2153) RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RFC 903) RIP Routing Information Protocol (RFC 1723) RPC Remote Procedure Call Protocol (RFC 1057, 1831 und 2339) RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol (RFC 2205) RTP Transport Protocol for Realtime Applications (RFC 1889) RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol (RFC 2326) RWhois Referral Whois Protocol (RFC 2167) SCSP Server Cache Synchronization Protocol (RFC 2334) SDP Session Description Protocol (RFC 2327) SDTP PPP Serial Data Transport Protocol (RFC 1963) SLP Service Location Protocol (RFC 2165) SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (RFC 821) SNACP PPP SNA Control Protocol (RFC 2043) SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (RFC 1157) SNQP Simple Nomenclator Query Protocol (RFC 2259) SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol (RFC 2030) SOCKS SOCKS Protocol (RFC 1928) TCP Transmission Control Protocol (RFC 793) Telnet Telnet Protocol (RFC 854) TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol (RFC 783 und 1350) TIP Transaction Internet Protocol (RFC 2371) UDP User Datagram Protocol (RFC 768) VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (RFC 2338) XNSCP PPP XNS IDP Control Protocol (RFC 1764) Siehe auch RFC 2700: Internet Official Protocol Standards vom August 2000. Seite 101 S Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) In vielen Newsgruppen tauchen immer wieder dieselben Fragen auf. Irgend- wann erbarmt sich ein Leser und sammelt sie samt den zugehörigen Antwor- ten unter der Überschrift Frequently Asked Questions, abgekürzt FAQ. Diese FAQs (man beachte: der Plural eines Plurals) sind eine wertvolle Informati- onsquelle. Die Spektren der Themen und der Qualität sind so breit wie das Netz. Innerhalb der Netnews enthalten die FAQs naturgemäß nur Text, man- che werden jedoch parallel dazu im WWW angeboten und können dort Grafik verwenden. Sie sind zu finden: ? in der jeweiligen Newsgruppe, ? in der Newsgruppe news.answers bzw. de.answers, ? auf http://www.cs.ruu.nl/cgi-bin/faqwais (Universität Utrecht) ? auf http://www.faqs.org/, ? auf rtfm.mit.edu in den Verzeichnissen /pub/usenet-by-group/ bzw. /pub/usenet-by-hierarchie/. Um einen Überblick zu gewinnen, hole man sich per FTP vom MIT die Datei Index-byname.gz. Nachfolgend sind einige FAQs aufgeführt, aber bei weitem nicht alle: ? Unix - Frequently Asked Questions, in comp.unix.questions. Siebentei- lig, von Ted Timar, seit 1989, daher ausgereift. ? Unix Programming FAQ, in comp.unix.programmer. ? Unix-FAQ/Shell, in comp.unix.shell. Von Ted Timar. ? Linux META-FAQ, in comp.os.linux.announce. ? NetBSD, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD FAQ, gemeinsames zehnteiliges FAQ- Dokument in -- comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.announce, -- comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce und -- comp.unix.openbsd.announce. ? vi Editor FAQ, in comp.editors und comp.unix.questions. Zweiteilig. ? comp.lang.perl* FAQ, in comp.lang.perl.announce. Fünfteilig. ? The X Toolkit Intrinsics FAQ, in comp.windows.x. ? Catalog of compilers, interpreters, and other language tools, in comp.compilers und comp.lang.misc. Fünfteilig. ? Comp.software.eng FAQ, in comp.software.eng. ? FAQ List (zur Sprache C), in comp.lang.c. Seite 102 ? C++ FAQ, in comp.lang.c++. Achtteilig. ? Available C++ libraries FAQ, in comp.lang.c++. Sechsteilig. ? Comp.lang.objective-c FAQ, in comp.lang.objective-c. Dreiteilig. ? TCP/IP Resources List, in comp.protocols.tcp-ip. ? TCP/IP Applications FAQ, in comp.protocols.tcp-ip. ? FAQ: Internet-Zugänge in Deutschland, in de.etc.lists. ? Netiquette für de.*. in de.newusers.questions. ? Anonymous FTP Sitelist, in comp.archives. Dreiundzwanzigteilig. ? World Wide Web FAQ, Introduction, in comp.infosystems.www. Von Tho- mas Boutell. ? comp.graphics.algorithms FAQ, in comp.graphics.algorithms. ? comp.text FAQ, in comp.text. ? TeX, LaTeX, Dante e. V. FAQ, in de.comp.text.tex. Elfteilig. ? alt.comp.virus FAQ, in comp.virus. Dreiteilig. Natürlich gibt es auch FAQs zu Themen außerhalb der Informatik, bei- spielsweise de.rec.fahrrad FAQ, sechsteilig und monatlich in der Newsgruppe de.rec.fahrrad zu finden. Seite 103 T Abkürzungen aus Informatik und Telekommunikation Gehen wir von 30 Zeichen aus, aus denen Abkürzungen gebildet werden, und nehmen wir eine größte Länge von 5 Zeichen an, so lassen sich 25.137.930 verschiedene Abkürzungen bilden (Kombinationen mit Wiederholung und Be- rücksichtigung der Reihenfolge). Es folgt eine Auswahl von rund 13000 Ab- kürzungen aus den Bereichen Informatik und Telekommunikation. Die Ab- kürzungen werden hier durchgehend groß geschrieben, Akzente, Bindestriche und dergleichen wurden weggelassen. Einige Abkürzungen sind geschützte Namen; diese sind nicht gekennzeichnet. Die Liste beschreibt nur den Ge- brauch, sie legt nicht eine Definition fest. 16CIF 16 times Common Intermediate Format (Picture Format) 16QAM 16-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 1GL 1st Generation Language (Maschinencode) 1TR6 (ISDN-Protokoll D-Kanal, national) 2GL 2nd Generation Language (Assembler) 2L8 Too Late (Slang) 2MS Strukturierte Monopolleitung 2 Mbit/s 3GIO 3rd Generation I/O (Bus, Interface) 3GL 3rd Generation Language (C/C++, Fortran, Cobol) 3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Program 3LH 3rd Level Hierarchy 3PCC 3rd Party Call Control 4CIF 4 times Common Intermediate Format (Picture Format) 4GL 4th Generation Language (SQL, Labview, ABAP) 4LH 4th Level Hierarchy 5GL 5th Generation Language 64QAM 64-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 6GL 6th Generation Language 7E1 (Zeichenformat: 7 Bits/Zeichen, parity even, 1 Stopbit) 8N1 (Zeichenformat: 8 Bits/Zeichen, no parity bit, 1 Stopbit) 10GE 10 GBit/s Ethernet A Advanced, American, Amplitude, Application, Architecture, Area, Association A2DP Advanced Audio Distribution Profile AA Access Authorization AA Aiming Algorithm AA Anti-Aliasing AA Arbitrary Access AA Assistant Administrator AA Audits + Assessments AA Auto Answer AAA Authentication, Authorization, Accounting (system) Seite 104 AAAA Aussuchen -- Auspacken -- Anpassen -- Anwenden AAAAAA Association for the Abolition of Abused Abbreviations and Asinine Acronyms AAAI American Association of Artificial Intelligence AAB All-to-All Broadcast AAC Advanced Audio Coder/Coding AAC Apple Assistance Center AACD Academic Administrative Computing Services AACE Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education AACR Anglo-American Cataloging Rules AACS Advanced/Automated Access Content/Control System AACS Ann Arbor Computer Society AACS Asynchronous Address Communication System AACS Automated Analog Circuit Synthesis AAD Address Adder AADP Administrative Automatic Data Processing AAE Allgemeine Anschalt-Erlaubnis AAE Automatische Anrufeinrichtung AAFID Autonomous Agent For Intrusion Detection AAIC Accounting Authority Identification Code AAL Absolute Assembly Language AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer AAL ATM Adaptation Layer AALPDU AAL Protocol Data Unit AAM Automatic Acoustic Management AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact (Slang) AAN Associated Account Number AAP Advanced Adaptive Protocol AAP Applications Access Point AAP Association of American Publishers AAPI Audio Applications Programming Interface AAR Anfangsadressregister AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AAS All-to-All Scatter AAS Arithmetic Assignment Statement AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT Average Access Time AATIS Arbeitskreis Amateurfunk und Telekommunikation in der Schule AATP Authorized Academic Training Program AAUI Apple Attachment Unit Interface AAVD Automatic Alternate Voice Data AB Anrufbeantworter AB Ausser Betrieb ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming (SAP) ABB ASEA Brown Boveri (Schweiz) ABC American Broadcasting Company ABC Applications of Broadband Communication ABC Atanasoff-Berry-Computer Seite 105 ABC Automatic Brightness Control ABCD Add, Browse, Change, Delete ABCS Advanced Business Communications via Satellite ABD Automatic Baudrate Detection ABEND Abnormal End ABF Adobe Binary Screen Font ABI Application Binary Interface ABIC Access Bus Industry Group ABIOS Advanced Basic Input Output System ABIST Automatic Built-In Self Test ABK Arbeitskreis Bildkommunikation ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender ABLE Agent Building and Learning Environment ABM Anything But Microsoft ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode ABN Australian Bibliographic Network ABNF Augmented Backus-Naur Form ABNS Application Based Network Services ABR Automated Beacon Removal ABR Available Bit Rate ABRD Automatic Baud Rate Detection ABRS Automated Book Request System ABS Address Book Synchronization ABS Authorized Bearer Services (Exceptions) ABS Automatic Backup Shutdown ABT Abort ABT ATM Block Transfer ABTDT ATM Block Transfer Delayed Transmission ABTIT ATM Block Transfer Immediate Transmission ABTS ASCII Block Terminal Services AC Access/Automatic Control AC Access Concentrator AC Accumulator AC Advisory Committee AC Alternating Current AC Analogue Computer AC Arc Consistency AC Audio Code/Codec/Coding AC Authority Center AC Auto Check ACA Application Control Architecture (DEC) ACAP Application Configuration Access Protocol ACAP Automated Content Access Protocol ACAS Application Control Architecture Services ACATS Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Systems ACC Abnormal Condition Control ACC Access Seite 106 ACC Accumulator ACC Adaptive Cruise Control ACC Area Communication Controller ACCMAIL Accessing the Internet via Email ACCU Association of C and C++ Users ACD Automated/Automatic Call Director/Distributor/Distribution ACDF Access Control Decision Function ACDG Automatic Call Distribution Group ACDI Asynchronous Communication Device Interface ACDP Australian Committee on Data Processing ACE A Compact Evaluated Nuclear Data File ACE Access Control Encryption/Entry ACE Adaptive Communication Environment ACE Additional Core Enhancements ACE Adobe Certified Expert ACE Advanced Computing Environment (SCO) ACE Adverse Channel Enhancement ACE ASCII Compatible Encoding ACE Automatic Calling Equipment ACELP Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction ACF Access Control Field ACF Admission Confirmation ACF Advanced Communication Function ACF Attribute Configuration File ACFC Address and Control Field Compression ACFM Alternating Current Frequency Modulation ACH Automeated Clearing House ACI Access Control Information ACI Adjacent Channel Interference ACI Advanced Chip Interconnection ACI Advanced Computing Initiative ACI American Computer Innovators ACI Application Communication Interface ACIA Access Control Inner Area ACIA Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter ACIAS Automated Calibration Internal Analysis System ACID Add, Change, Inquire, Delete ACID Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases ACID Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability ACIS American Committee for Interoperable Systems ACK Acknowledge/Acknowledgement ACK Amsterdam Compiler Kit ACL Access Control List ACL Account Classification ACL Advanced Computing Laboratory ACL Agent Communication Language ACL Application Connectivity Link Seite 107 ACL Asynchronous Connectionless Link ACLS Accounting Class Packet Services ACLU American Civil Liberties Union, USA ACM Association for Computing Machinery, USA ACM Audio Compression Manager ACME Assembling Configuration Management Environments ACMS Application Control Management System ACONET Akademisches Computer-Netz, Österrreich ACOPS Automatic CPU Overheat Prevention System ACOS Additional Call Offering Service ACP Analog Copy Protection ACP Ancillary Control Program ACP Automatic Channel Programming ACP Auxiliary Control Process ACP Average CPU Power ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface ACPICA Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface Component Architecture ACR Advanced Communication Riser ACR Allowed Cell Rate ACR Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio ACRG Access Code Restriction Group ACROSS Automated Cargo Release and Operations Service System ACS Access Control Server/Set/System ACS Account Control System ACS Advanced Communication/Computer System ACS Aldus Color File ACS Anti Curl System ACS Asynchronous Communication Server ACSA Access Control Specific Area ACSE Association Control Service Element/Entity ACSK Adaptive Code Shift Keying ACSNET Australian Computer Science Network ACSR Automatic Customer Station Rearrangement ACSS Audio Cascading Style Sheet ACT Advanced Communication for Training ACT Applied Computerized Telephony (HP) ACTA America's Carriers Telecommunication Association ACTI Advanced Computational Technology Initiative ACTL Access Customer Terminal Location ACTLU Active Logical Unit ACTPU Active Physical Unit ACTS Advanced Communications Technologies and Services ACTS Advanced Communications Technology Satellite ACTS Automated Computer Time Service (NIST) ACTT Advanced Communication and Timekeeping Technology ACTU Active User ACTV Advanced Compatible Television Seite 108 ACU Access Control Unit ACU Acknowledgement Signal Unit ACU Automatic Calling Unit ACVC Ada Compiler Validation Capacity ACWT Analog Call Waiting A/D Analog/Digital AD Active Directory AD Administrative Domain AD Assignment Date ADA Adobe Developers Association ADA Applied Decision Analysis ADA Automatic Data Acquisition ADABAS Adaptable Database System ADAIC Ada Information Clearinghouse ADAM Automatischer Datenmessplatz ADAM Art, Design, Architecture + Media Information Gateway ADAT Alesis Digital Audio Tape ADB Apple Desktop Bus ADB Authentication Database ADC Adaptive Data Compression ADC Add with Carry ADC Analogue to Digital Converter ADC Apple Developer Connection ADC Apple Display Connector ADC Application Development Classes ADCCP Advanced Data Communication Control Procedure/Protocol ADD Adapter Device Driver ADD Architecture Design Document ADD Automatic Document Detection ADDMD Administration Directory Management Domain ADDX Assoziation Deutschsprachiger DXer ADE Advanced Document Engineering ADE Application Development Environment ADEOS Advanced Earth Observation Satellite, Japan ADEPA Agence Nationale pour le Developpement de la Production Automatisee ADF Adaptor Description File ADF Address Distribution Facility ADF Arbeitskreis Digitale Fotografie ADF Automatic Direction Finder/Finding ADF Automatic Document Feed/Feeder ADF Automatically Defined Function ADFS Acorn/Advanced Disc File/Filing System ADI Agence de l'Informatique ADI Autodesk Device Interface ADIOS Automated Download and Installation of Operating Systems ADISS Analytical Data Interchange + Storage Standards ADL Above Detection Limit Seite 109 ADL Address Data Latch ADL Adventure Definition Language ADLAT Adaptive Lattice Filter ADLC Adaptive Lossless Data Compression ADLC Asynchronous Data Link Control ADM Add/Drop-Multiplexer ADM Aggregate Data Manager ADM Application Development Modul ADM Arrow Diagram Method ADM Asynchronous Disconnected Mode ADM Automatic Drive Maintenance ADMACS Apple Document Management And Control System ADMD Administrative/Administration Management Domain (X.400) ADO ActiveX Data Object ADP Administrative/Automatic Data Processing ADP AOLserver Dynamic Pages ADP Automatic Data Processing ADPCM Adaptive Delta/Differential Pulse Code Modulation/Modulator ADR Address ADR Advanced Digital Recording ADRC Adaptive Dynamic Range Coding ADRD Automatic Data Rate Detection ADRES Automatic Dynamic Range Expansion System ADS Active Directory Service ADS Aktiver Diagnose-Stecker ADS Alternate Data Stream ADS Application Development Solutions/System ADS AutoCAD Development System ADS Automated Data Service ADS Automatic Distribution System ADSC Address Status Changed ADSC Adobe Document Structuring Conventions ADSI Active/Advanced Directory Service Interface ADSI Analog Display Services Interface ADSL Asymmetric(al) Digital Subscriber Line/Loop ADSM Adstar Distributed Storage Manager (IBM) ADSP AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol ADSR Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release ADT Abrechnungsdatenträger ADT Abstrakter Datentyp ADT Advanced DRAM Technology ADT Application Data Type ADTV Advanced Definition Television ADU Automatic Dialing Unit ADVISE Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement ADX Automatic Data Exchange ADXVERZ Amtliches Verzeichnis der DATEX-Teilnehmer Seite 110 AE Above or Equal AE Application Entity AEB Analogue Expansion Bus AEC Architectural and Engineering Construction AEC Ars Electronica Center AEC Availability Environment Classification AECG Advanced Embedded Codes Gateway AED Abfrageeinrichtung für Datenverkehr AEEC Airlines Engineering Electronics Committee AEG Allgemeine Electricitäts-Gesellschaft AEH Advanced Encapsulated Hypertext AEI Additional Equipment Interface AEIOUS Advanced Enhanced Interface for Open Universal Systems AEM Acoustic Emission Monitoring AEM Asynchronous Event Mechanism AEM Automatic Emulation Management AEMS Automated Energy Management System AEN Acknowledgment Error Notification AEP AppleTalk Echo Protocol AEP Application Environment Profile (Posix) AES Advanced Encryption Standard AES Application Environment Specification/Services AET Abstract Window Toolkit AET Advanced Educational Technology AET Application Entity Title AF Alternative/Audio Frequency AF Anzunehmender Fehler AF Auxiliary Carry Flag AFA Accelerated File Access AFA Association des Fournisseurs d'Acces et de Services Internet AFAIAA As Far As I Am Aware (Slang) AFAIC As Far As I am Concerned (Slang) AFAIK As Far As I Know (Slang) AFAIKT As Far As I Know Today (Slang) AFAIR As Far As I Remember (Slang) AFB Adobe Font Binary AFC Antiferro-magnetically Coupled (media) AFC Automatic Font Change AFC Automatic Frequency Control AFCCU Advanced Function Common Control Unit AFD Automatic File Distribution AFDM Advanced Fluid Dynamics Model AFDW Active Framework for Data Warehousing AFE Analog Front End AFF Adaptive Feed Forward AFFS Amiga Fast File System AFH Adaptive Frequency Hopping Seite 111 AFI Authority and Format Identifier AFII Association for Font Information Interchange AFIN Association Française des Informaticiens AFIPS American Federation of Information Processing Societies AFIRM Automated Fingerprint Image Reporting and Match AFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System AFJ April Fool's Joke (Slang) AFK Away From Keyboard (Slang) AFM Adobe Font Manager/Metrics AFM Audio Frequency Modulation AFN American Forces Network AFNIC Association Francaise pour le Nommage Internet en Cooperation AFNOR Association Française de Normalisation AFOD Angebot für Online-Dienste AFP Advanced Flexible Processor AFP Advanced Function Presentation/Printing AFP AppleTalk Filing Protocol AFR Alternate Frame Rendering AFR Annualized Failure Rate AFR Arndt-Ford-Roper Two-pole Fit AFS Advanced Freephone Service AFS Alex/Andrew/Advanced File System AFSK Audio Frequency Shift Keyer/Keying (Modulation) AFT Adapter Fault Tolerance AFTEL Association Francaise de la Telematique Multimedia AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network AFTP Anonymous FTP (Internet) AFU alt.folklore.urban AFUG Amateurfunkgesetz AFUL Association francophone des utilisateurs de Linux et des logiciels libres AFUU Association Française des Utilisateurs d'UNIX AFUUSO Association Française des Utilisateurs d'UNIX et des Systemes Ouverts AFUV Amateurfunkverordnung AG Alternating Gradient AGA Advanced Graphics Adapter/Architecture AGAF Arbeitsgemeinschaft Amateurfunkfernsehen AGC Automatic Gain Control AGCH Access Grant Channel AGCS Advanced Graphic Chip Set AGCW Arbeitsgemeinschaft CW AGDX Arbeitsgemeinschaft DX e. V., Erlangen AGE Automatische Gebührenerfassung AGFMB Arbeitsgemeinschaft Freier Mailboxen AGFPL Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public License AGL Adobe Glyph List AGNES Automatisches GPS-Netz Schweiz AGP Accelerated Graphics Port Seite 112 AGP Advanced Graphics Package (HP) AGPL Affero General Public License (GNU) AGRAS Antiglare Antireflective Antistatic AGU Address Generation Unit AGUI Advanced Graphical User Interface AGV Automatic Guided Vehicle AH Authentication Header AHB Advanced High Performance Bus AHC Advanced High Speed CMOS AHCI Advanced Host Controller Interface AHDL Altera Hardware Description Language AHRA Audio Home Recording Act AHREF Anchor Hypertext Reference AI Adobe Illustrator AI Analogue Input AI Artificial Intelligence AI Active Interface AIA Application Integrated Architecture (DEC) AIC AIX Windows Interface Composer AID Alarm Identification on Demand AIDA Attention, Interest, Desire, Action AIDS Activity Information Data System AIDS Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System AIDS Automatic Installation and Diagnostic Service AIFF Adobe/Audio Interchange File Format AII Active Input Interface AII Attachement Individual Identifier AIIM Association for Information and Image Management AIK Angewandte Informatik Karlsruhe e. V. AIM Advanced Informatics AIM AOL Instant Messenger AIM Automatic Interface Management in Medicine AIM Apple, Intel, Motorola AIMB As I Mentioned Before (Slang) AIML Artificial Intelligence Markup Language AIMM AGP In-line Memory Module AIMS Advanced Information Management System AIMS Apple Internet Mail Server AIN Advanced Intelligent Network AIN Auto Insert Notification AIO All In One AIO Annual Inspection + Overhaul AIOD Automatic Identification of Outward Dialing AIP Adaptive Internet Protocol AIP Application Infrastructure Provider AIP Archive Information Package AIPS Astronomical Image Processing System Seite 113 AIR Architecture Implementation Review AIR Automated Image and Restore AIS Account Information Security (Program) AIS Administrative/Affiliate Information System AIS Alarm Indication Signal/System AIS Application Integration Services AIS Artificial Immune System AIS Audit Information System (SAP) AIS Automated Identification/Information System AIS Autonomous Intelligent System AISB Association of Imaging Service Bureaus AISI As I See It (Slang) AISP Association of Information Systems Professionals AIT Advanced Information Technology AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape AIUI As I Understand It (Slang) AIW APPN Implementor's Workshop AIX Advanced Interactive Executive (IBM) AJAX Asynchronous Javascript And XML AJC Anti-Jitter Circuit AKA Also Known As (Slang) AKF Autokorrelationsfunktion AKI Arbeitskreis Informatik AKL Agent Kernel Language AKS Arbeitskreis Schule (in der GUUG) AKSIS Arbeitskreis Schutz von Infrastrukturen AL Application Layer AL Arbitrated Loop AL Assembly Language AL Aussagenlogik ALA American Library Association ALAT Advanced Load Address Table ALB Adaptive Load Balancing ALC Arithmetic and Logic Circuit ALC Automatic Level Control ALDC Advanced Lossless Data Compression ALE Address Latch Enable ALE Address Lifetime Expectancy ALE Application Link Enabling ALE Application Linking and Embedding ALEC Alternative Local Exchange Carrier ALEX A Lexical Programming Language ALEX Advertising Link Exchange ALEX Altlasten-Expertensystem ALEX Automatic Login Executor ALEX Automated/Automatic Labour Exchange ALF Accurate positioning by Low Frequency Seite 114 ALG Application Level Gateway ALGOL Algorithmic Language ALI American Law Institute ALI Automatic Link Intelligence ALIBI Adaptive Location of Internetworked Bases of Inforamtion ALICE Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity ALINK Active Link ALIS Automatic Link Setup ALIWEB Archie Like Indexing in the Web ALM Application Loadable Modul ALN Asynchronous Learning Network ALOE Apple Library for Object Embedding ALOS Auto LISP Object System ALP Assembly Language Preprocessor ALP Automatic Language Processing ALPM Aggressive Link Power Management ALRU Automatic Line Record Update ALS Advanced Low Power Schottky ALSA Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ALT Alternate ALT Anti Leech Tracker ALU Arithmetic Logic/Logical Unit ALWR Arbeitskreis der Leiter Wissenschaftlicher Rechenzentren AM Amplitudenmodulation AM Anschlussmodul AM Anwendungsmodul AM Application Maintainer (Debian) AMA Active Member Addressing (Bluetooth) AMA Automatic Message Accounting AMANDDA Automated Messaging and Directory Assistance AMASS Archival Management And Storage System AMB Advanced Memory Buffer AMBA Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture AMBW All My Best Wishes (Slang) AMC Arbitration and Mediation Center AMD Active Matrix Display AMD Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., USA AMDD Agile Modelling Driven Development AMDS Amplitude Modulation Data System AME Advanced Metal Evaporated AMF All Media Floppy AMH Automated Materials Handling AMI Alternate/Alternative Mark Inversion AMI American Microsystems Inc. AMI Application Messaging Interface AML ACPI Machine Language AML Acronym Master List Seite 115 AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display AMMA Advanced Memory Management Architecture AMO Administration and Maintenance Order AMP Advanced Metal Powder AMP Asymmetric/Asynchronous Multi Processing AMP Audio MPEG Player AMPL A Mathematical Programming Language AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service/System AMR Adaptive Mesh Refinement AMR Adaptive Multi Rate (Audio Codec) AMR Anisotropic Magnetoresistance AMR Audio Modem Riser AMRA Ants-based Mobile Routing Architecture AMRIS Adhoc Multicast Routing Protocol Utilizing Increasing ID-Numbers AMRR Adaptive Multi Rate Retry AMS American Mathematical Society AMS Andrew Message System AMT Apple Media Toolkit AMTEC Ausstellung für Amateurfunktechnik, Elektronik, Computer AMTOR Amateur Microcomputer Teleprinting Over Radio AMVER Atlantic/Automatic Merchant Vessel (Emergency) Reporting System AMVER Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System AN Access Network AN Accession/Associated Number ANAC Automatic Number Announcement Circuit ANARC Association of North American Radio Clubs ANDF Architecture Neutral Distribution Format ANF Additional Network Feature ANFSCD And Now For Something Completely Different (Slang) ANI Automatic Number Identification (Telefon) ANIS Analoger Anschluss an einer ISDN-Vermittlungsstelle ANL Argonne National Laboratory, USA ANL Automatic Noise Limiter ANN Artificial Neural Network ANR Advanced/Automatic Network Routing ANRS Automatic Noise Reduction System ANS Access Network System ANS Advanced Networking Services (Intel) ANS American National Standard ANSA Advances Network Systems Architecture ANSI American National Standards Institute ANTC Advanced Networking Test Center ANTIOPE Aquisition Numerique et Televisualisition d'Images Organisees en Page d'Ecriture ANW International Academic Networking Workshop AO Analogue Output AOC Abnormal Operating Condition AOC ADSL Overhead Control Seite 116 AOC Advice Of Charge AOCE Apple Open Collaboration Environment AOD Advanced Optical Disc AOD Audio On Demand AODBS Aspect Oriented Database System AODI Always On Dynamic ISDN AODV Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector AOE Application Operating Environment (AT&T) AOE ATA over Ethernet AOI Active Output Interface AOL America Online, Inc. AOM Annual Operating + Maintenance (cost) AOP Aspect Oriented Programming AOR Atlantic Ocean Region AOS Add Or Subtract AOS Advanced Operating System AOSD Aspect Oriented Software Development AOSE Agent Oriented Software Engineering AOSS AirStation One-touch Secure System AOT Absolutely Off Topic (News) AOT Ahead Of Time (compilation) AOT Application Object Template/Tree AOW Asia and Oceania Workshop (OSI) AP Access Point AP Adjunct/Application Processor AP Application/Adjunct Process/Processor/Program AP Automatic Pagination APA All Points Addressable APA Adaptive Packet Assembly APA All Points Addressable APA Arithmetic Processing Accelerator APA Amateur Press Association APAA Aggressive Packet Adaptive Assembly APAR Authorized Program Analysis Report (IBM) APAREN Address Parity Enable APART Automated Packet Recognition/Translation APB Advanced Peripheral Bus APC Application Protocol APC Association for Progressive Communications APC Arbeitsplatzcomputer APC Airborne Public Correspondence APC Automated Production Protocol APCUG Association of PC Users Groups APD Areal Power Density APDA Apple Programmers and Developers Association APDU Application Protocol Data Unit APE Abgesetzte Periphere Einheit Seite 117 APE Adaptable Persistence Engine APEX Advanced Packet Exchange APEX Application Exchange APF Active Port Forwarding APG Automated Password Generator API Application Program/Programming Interface APIA Application Program Interface Association APIC Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller APIM ATM Interface Port Module APIPA Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing APL A Programming Language APL Application Program Library APM Advanced Power Management APN Access Point Name APN Actual Private Network APNIC Asia Pacific Network Information Centre APO Advanced Planner and Optimizer (SAP) APOL Alternate Person On Line (Slang) APOP Authenticated Post Office Protocol APP Application Portability Profile APP Automatic Page Positioning APPC Advanced Program to Program Communication/Converter (IBM) APPI Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network/Networking (IBM) APR Access Point Roaming APR Acoustic Pulse Recognition APR Apache Portable Runtime (layer, library) APRIL Active/Passive Radio Interference Lock APRIL Adaptive Photonic Reflection by Inverted Light APRIL Advanced Power Recycling by Integrated Logic APRIL Adverse Psychiatric Reactions Information Link APRIL Association for Promotion and Research in Linux APRIL Association pour la Promotion et la Recherche en Informatique libre APRP Adaptive Pattern Recognition Processing APRS Automatic Position Report/Reporting System APS Active Pixel Sensor APS Advanced Planning and Scheduling APS Advanced Printing/Production/Photo System APS Array Processing System APS Asynchronous Protocol Specification APS Automatic Position Select APS Asynchronous Protocol Specification APS Auto Pilot System APS Assembly Programming System APSE Ada Programming/Project Support Environment APSL Apple Public Source License APSN Atlantic Packet Satellite Network Seite 118 APT Address Pass Through APT Adobe Postscript Point APT Advanced Package Tool APT Advanced Parallel Technology APT Almost Plain Text APT Application Program Title APT Automatically Programmed Tools APU Attached Processing Unit AQL A Query Language AQL Acceptable Quality Level AR Access Router AR Artificial/Augmented Reality AR Aspect Ratio AR Augmented Reality ARA Apple/AppleTalk Remote Access ARAG Antireflective Antiglare ARAP Apple Remote Access Protocol ARAS Antireflective Antistatic ARB Adaptive Rate Based ARB Architectural/Architecture Review Board ARC Acceptable Risk Calculator ARC Acoustic Resonance Control ARC Advanced RISC Computing ARCA Advanced RISC Computing Architecture ARCNET Attached Resource Computer/Computing Network ARD Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rundfunkanstalten Deutschlands ARD Apple Remote Desktop ARDF Amateur Radio Direction Finding ARES Annuaire Recherche Enseignement Superieur ARF Abuse Reporting Format ARI Autofahrer Rundfunk Information ARIN American Registry for Internet Numbers ARIS Architecture of Integrated Information Systems ARJ Admission Reject ARL Adjusted Ring Length ARL Association of Research Liberaries, USA ARL Authority Revocation List ARLL Advanced Run Length Limited ARM Account Resource Management ARM Acorn/Advanced RISC Machine ARM Advanced RISC Machine ARM Annotated Reference Manual ARM Application Response Measurment ARM Arpanet Reference Model ARM Asynchronous Response Mode ARMA Association of Records Managers and Administrators, USA ARMM Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation Seite 119 ARMS Architecture for Reliable Managed Storage ARNE Automated Remote Network Evaluation ARNS AppleTalk Remote Network Server AROM Associative Read Only Memory ARP Address Resolution Protocol (Internet) ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency, USA ARPA Automatic Radar Plotting Aid ARPL Adjust Requested Privilege Level ARPU Average Revenue Per Unit/User ARQ Admission Request ARQ Automatic Repeat Request ARR Annual Return Rate ARR Automatic Repeat/Retransmission Request ARRL American Radio Relay League ARS Activity Reporting System ARS Adaptive Rate System ARS Address Retrieval System ARS Atomic Resolution Storage ARS Automatic Route Selection ARSB Automated Repair Service Bureau ART Adaptive Reasoning Technology ART Another Ray Tracer ART Autorite de Regulation des Telecommunications ARTA Apple Real Time Architecture ARTIC A Real-Time Interface Coprocessor (IBM) ARTOB Amateur Radio Translator on Balloon ARTS Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server ARTT Asynchronous Remote Takeover Terminal ARU Audio Response Unit AS Abstract Syntax AS Anschlusssatz AS Application System (IBM) AS Authentication Server/Service AS Autonomous System AS3AP ANSI SQL Standard Scalable and Portable ASA American Standards Association ASA Advanced SCSI Architecture ASA Adaptive Security Algorithm ASAI Adjunct Switch Application Interface ASAM Arbeitskreis zur Standardisierung von Automatisierungs- und Messsystemen ASAP As Soon As Possible (Slang) ASAP Automatic Switching And Processing ASB Advanced System Buffering/Bus ASB Alarm-Signal-Bearbeitung ASC Accredited Standards Committee (ANSI) ASC Auditor Security Collection ASC Authorized Service/Support Center Seite 120 ASCC Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (IBM) ASCI Accelerated/Advanced Strategic Computing Initiative ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCIIZ ASCII String, Zero Terminated ASCOM Asynchronous Communication Control Program ASD Adaptive Software Development ASD Application Structure Database ASD Automatic Skip Driver ASDF Another System Definition Facility ASDF Association of Synchronous Data Formats ASDF Average Squared Difference Function ASE Advanced Server Environment ASE Amplified Spontaneous Emission ASEA Allmänna Svenska Electricitets-Aktiebolag, Schweden ASF Active Movie Streaming Format ASF Active/Advanced Streaming Format ASF Apache Software Foundation ASF Aspect Source Flag ASI Adapter Support Interface (IBM) ASI Alarm-Signal-Initialisierung ASI Application Specific Instruction ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit ASIN Amazon Standard Identification Number ASIO Audio Stream Input Output ASIP Application Specific Instruction Set Processor ASIS Ada Semantic Interface Specification ASIS American Society for Industrial Security ASIS American Society for Information Science ASIT Advanced Security and Identification Technology ASK Akademische Software Kooperation, Karlsruhe ASK Amplitude Shift Keying ASL ACPI (Control Method) Source Language ASL Adaptive Speed Levelling ASL Architectural Space Laboratory, Zürich ASLM Apple Shared Library Manager ASLR Address Space Layout Randomization ASM Abstract State Machine ASM Any Source Multicast ASM Application Specific Memory ASM Automated Storage Management ASMP Asymmetric Multi Processing ASN Abstract Syntax Notation ASN Access Stack Node ASN Autonomous System Number ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One (ISO, CCITT) ASO Active Sideband Optimum ASO Address Supporting Organization Seite 121 ASO Automated Systems Operation ASP Active Server Page/Pages ASP Advanced Signal Processor ASP Advanced Simple Profile ASP Allegiance Site License Program ASP AppleTalk Session Protocol ASP Application Service Provider ASP Association of Shareware Professionals ASP Attached Support Processor ASP Authorized Service Provider/Providing ASPEC Adaptive Spectral Perceptual Entropy Encoding ASPI Advanced SCSI Programming Interface ASPM Active State Power Management ASPS Advanced Signal Processing System ASQ Automated Software Quality ASR Ada Software Repository ASR Address Space Register ASR Automatic Send Receive ASR Automatic Speech Recognition ASR Automatic System Recovery ASRO Asociata de Standardizare din Romania ASS Aural Style Sheet AST Anwendungsschnittstelle ASTA Anti Spam Technical Alliance ASTAB Asychronous Status Board ASTRA Association Tunesienne des Radio Amateurs ASU Asynchron/Synchron-Umsetzer ASUG America's SAP Users' Group ASV Advanced Super View AT Atomic Time AT Advanced/Assistive Technology AT Attention (Hayes) AT Attenuator ATA Analog Telefon/Terminal Adapter ATA AT (Bus) Attachment (Interface) ATA Advanced Technology Attachment ATAPI AT Attachment Packet Interface ATB All Trunks Busy ATC Adaptive Transform Coding ATC Address Translation Cache ATC Advanced Transfer Cache ATC ATM Transfer Capability ATCA Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture ATCP AppleTalk Control Protocol ATDM Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexing ATDMA Advanced/Asynchronous Time Division Multiple Access ATDP Attention Dial Pulse (Hayes) Seite 122 ATDT Attention Dial Tone (Hayes) ATE Automated/Automatic Test/Testing Equipment ATF Automatic Track Finding/Following ATF Asynchronous Transfer ATFSM Ask The Friendly System Manager (Slang) ATH Abbreviated Trouble History ATH Attention Hangup (Hayes) ATIM Ad-hoc Traffic Indication Map/Message ATIP Absolute Time In Pregroove ATIS A Tools Integration Standard ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service ATIS Automatic Transmitter Identification System ATK Andrew Toolkit ATKIS Amtliches Topographisch-Kartographisches Informationssystem ATL Active Template Library ATL Automatic Tape Library ATLAS Abreviated Test Language for All Systems ATM Adobe Type/Typeface Manager ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATM At The Moment (Slang) ATM Automated/Automatic Teller Machine ATMARP ATM Address Resolution Protocol ATM-CC ATM Crossconnect ATMP Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network ATO Assemble/Assembly To Order ATOM Advanced Terminal for Operation and Maintenance ATP Acceptance Test Procedure ATP AppleTalk Transaction Protocol ATP Adaptive Tolerant Protocol ATPS AppleTalk Printing Services ATR Answer To Reset ATR Attribute ATR Automatic Terminal Recognition ATRAC Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding ATRC Adaptive Technology Resource Center, U. of Toronto ATS Administrative Terminal System ATS Advanced Training Solution ATS Apple Terminal Services ATS Author Title Subject ATS Automatic Transfer Switch ATSC Advanced Television Systems Committee ATST At The Same Time (Slang) AT&T American Telephone and Telegraph ATT Attenuator ATT At This Time (Slang) ATTC Advanced Television Test Center, USA Seite 123 ATV Advanced/Amateur Television ATX Advanced Technology Extended AU Administrative/Arithmetic/Access Unit AUA Architecture Unifiee d'Applications AUC Authentication/Authority Centre AUDIT Automated/Automatic Data Input Terminal AUE Andrew User Environment AUFS Another Union Files System AUG Apollo/Arcnet User Group AUGE Apple User Group Europe AUI Archiver User Interface AUI Attached/Attachment Unit/Universal Interface (Ethernet) AUIS Andrew User Interface System AUP Acceptable/Appropriate Use Policy (Internet) AUTEX Automatische Telex- und Teletexauskunft der DBP AUX Auxiliary AUX Apple UNIX AV Antivirus AV audio-visuell, Audio-Video AV Authenticity Verification AVA Audio Visual Authoring (IBM) AVA Anruf-Variante AVA Attribute Value Assertion AVC Access Vector Cache AVC Advanced Video Coding AVC Audio Visual Connection AVC Automatic Volume Control AVC Audio Visual Connection (IBM) AVCD Audio Visual Computer Display AVCHD Advanced Video Codec High Definition AVD Alternate Voice or Data AVERT Antivirus Emergency Response Team (NAI) AVERZTXTTX Amtliches Telex- und Teletexverzeichnis der DBP AVG Average AVI Audio Video/Visual Interleave/Interleaved (Microsoft) AVI Audiovisuelle Integration AVI Advanced Visual Interface AVIA Architecture for Virtual Interfaces for Applications AVK Application Verification Kit AVK Audio-Video Kernel AVL Adelson-Velskij, Landis (-Baum) AVN Adobe Virtual Network AVON Amtliches Verzeichnis der Ortsnetze AVP Attribute Value Pair AVR Automatic Voice Recognition AVRCP Audio Video Remote Control Profile AVS Advanced Visual System Seite 124 AVS Altersverifikationssystem AVS Application Visualization System (IBM) AVSM Audio-Visual Storage Manager AVSP Advanced Video Signal Processor AVSS Audio-Video Subsystem Software AVVID Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data (Cisco) AWA A While Ago (Slang) AWADO Automatischer Wechselschalter in der Anschlussdose AWB A While Back (Slang) AWC Association of Women in Computing AWCG Add With Carry (random number) Generator AWD Automatische Wähleinrichtung für Datenverbindungen AWE Address Windowing Extensions AWE Advanced Workstation Environment AWF Ausbildung, Weiterbildung, Fortbildung AWG American Wire Gauge AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise AWGTHTGTTAAre We Going To Have To Go Through This Again? (Slang) AWHFY Are We Having Fun Yet? (Slang) AWL Anweisungsliste (DIN 19 239) AWL Auswahl-Logik AWL Auto Whitelist AWS Administrative Workstation AWS Advanced Workstations and Systems (group) (IBM) AWS Amazon Web Services AWS Apple Workgroup Server AWS Anrufweiterschaltung AWS Anwendungssoftware AWT Abstract/Advanced Window/Windowing Toolkit AWU Auto Wake Up AX Automatic Transmission AXE Applications Execution Environment AXTLK Alien Crosstalk AXU Application Specific Execution Unit AYOR At Your Own Risc (Slang) AYST Are You Still There? (Slang) AZ Azimut AZB Anzeige-Befehl B Basic, Binary, Bit, Block, British, Bus, Business, Byte B Backward B Bandwidth B2B Business To Business B2C Business To Consumer B2E Business To Employee B2P Business To Private Seite 125 B4 Before (Slang) B4N Bye For Now (Slang) BA Busankoppler BAC Balanced Asynchronous Class BAC Basic Access Control BACP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol BAD Broken As Designed BAG Buchhändlerische Abrechnungsgesellschaft BAI Basic Rate Interface BAK Back At Keyboard (Slang) BAK Backup BAK Binary Adaption Kit (Microsoft) BAKT Basisanschlusskonzentrator BAL Basic Assembly Language BALUN Balanced Unbalanced (transformator) BAM Berkeley Abstract Machine BAM Block Availability Map BAM Boyan Action Module BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung, Berlin BAN Body Area Network BAP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol BAPI Biometric Application Program Interface BAPI Business Application Programming Interface BAPT Bundesamt Post und Telekommunikation, Mainz BARRNET Bay Area Regional Research Network BARTS Bell Atlantic Regional Timesharing BAS Bild-Austast-Synchron(-Signal) BAS Bitrate Allocation Signal BAS Btx Anwendungsschnittstelle BASH Bourne Again Shell BASIC Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code BASIS Battelle Automated Search Information System BASM Built-In Assembler BAT Baby AT Board BAT Block Address Translation BATC Block Address Translation Cache BATV Bounce Address Tag Validation BAZ Belegauswertung von Zahlungsvorgängen BB Bandwidth Broker BB Base Band BB beschränkt balanciert (Baum) BBAE Breitband-Anschluss-Einheit (DSL-Splitter) BBAN Basic Bank Account Number BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BBCI Berlin Brain/Bregen Computer Interface BBK Basic/Business Bookkeeping BBK Be Back Ok? (Slang) Seite 126 BBK Berkom Berliner Kommunikationssystem BBK Berliner Bibliothekswissenschaftliches Kolloquium BBK Birkbeck University of London BBK Breitbandkabel (auch BK) BBK Broadcast Block BBK Buchführung, Bilanzierung, Kostenrechnung BBL Be Back Later (Slang) BBN Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. (Internet) BBNS Broadband Network Services BBR Backbone Ring BBR Burnt Beyond Recognition (Slang) BBRA Bad Block Relocation Area BBS Band-Betriebssystem BBS BIOS Boot Select/Specification BBS Bulletin Board System BC Begin Chain BC Business Class BCA Burst Cutting Area BCAM Basic Communication Access Method BCC Blind Carbon Copy BCC Block Check/Checking Character BCCH Broadcast Control Channel BCD Barcode Decal BCD Binary Coded Decimal BCE Bell Canada Enterprises BCF Bandwidth Change Confirmation BCFSK Binary Coded Frequency Shift Keying BCH Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (-Code) BCI Batibus Club International BCI Broadcast Interference BCL Base Class Libraries BCL Batch Command Language BCL Broadcast Listener BCM Bachelor of Computer and Mathematical Sciences BCM Back Channel Message BCM Basic Call/Connection Management/Manager BCM Basic Computing Module BCM Basic Control Monitor BCM Battery/Bound Control Module BCM Binary Coded Matrix BCM Bit Clock Model BCM Bit Compression Multiplexer BCM Block Coded Modualtion BCM Broadcast Manager (IBM) BCM Bus Converter Module BCN Beacon BCNF Boyce Codd Normal Form Seite 127 BCNU Be Seeing You (Slang) BCP Best Current Practice BCP Binary/Byte/Bridging Control Protocol BCP Bridging Control Protocol BCP Bulk Copy Program BCPL Basic Computer/Combined Programming Language BCR Byte Count Register BCS Bar Code Sorter BCS BASF Computer Services BCS Black Check Sequence BCS Boeing Computer Services BCS British Computer Society BCTS Backup Courier Time Server BD Blu-ray Disc BDA BIOS Data Area BDA Broadcast Driver Architecture BDC Backup Domain Controller BDD Business Desktop Deployment BDE Betriebsdatenerfassung BDE BitLocker Drive Encryption BDE Borland Database Engine BDF Binary Distribution Format BDF Bitmap Description/Display Format BDF Bitmap Distribution Format (Adobe) BDK Beans Development Kit BDLC Burroughs Data Link Control BDLS Bidirectional Loop Switching BDO Bidrectional Overwrite BDOS Basic Disk Operating System BDP Bandwidth Delay Product BDPP Biometric Device Protection Profile BDR Beowulf Design Rules BDR Bus Device Request BDSC Britisch Document Supply Center BDSG Bundesdatenschutzgesetz BDSL Broadband Digital Subscriber Line BDU Brain Dead User (Slang) BE Below or Equal BE Beschaltungseinheit BE Burst Error BEB Binary Exponential Backoff BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification BEDO Burst Extended Data Out (DRAM) BEE Bertelsmann Electronic Edition BEEP Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol BEER Binary Error Exchange Rate BEL Bell (ASCII-Zeichen Nr. 7) Seite 128 BELLCORE Bell Communications Research, Inc. BELUG Bellevue Linux Users Group BEM Boundary Element Method BEN Bestätigungsnummer BEP Bertelsmann Electronic Publishing BER Basic Encoding Rules BER Bit/Block Error Rate BERKOM Berliner Kommunikationssystem BERT Bit Error Rate Test/Tester BESYS Bell Operating System BETC Between Chain BEV Boot Entry Vector BF Bad Flag BF Boundary Function B/F Background/Foreground BFBI Brute Force and Bloody Ignorance (Slang) BFDI Bundesbeauftragter für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit BFF Binary File Format BFI Brute Force and Ignorance (Slang) BFMI Brute Force and Massive Ignorance (Slang) BFN British Forces Network BFN Bye For Now (Slang) BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator BFS Be File System (BeOS) BFS Big File Scanner BFS Bitfile Server BFS (Unixware) Boot File System BFS Breadth First Search BFT Binary File Transfer BFTP Batch/Background File Transfer Protocol BFU Betriebsführungsumsetzer BFU Brain Free User (Slang) BFV Betriebs-Führungs-Vorfeldrechner BG Background BG Big Grin (Slang) BG Black Generation BGA Ball Grid Array BGE Branch if Greater or Equal BGI Borland's Graphics Interface BGM Background Menu BGMP Border Gateway Multicast Protocol BGP Border Gateway Protocol (Internet) BGT Branch if Greater Than BH Bottom Half BH Branch and Hang BHCA Busy Hour Call Attempts BHI Branch if Higher Seite 129 BHIS Branch if Higher or Same BHLI Broadband High Level Information BHMD Binocular Helmet Mounted Display BHO Browser Helper Object BHOF Bald Headed Old Fart (Slang) BHP Bayerische Hacker-Post BHT Branch History Table BI Binary Input BI Breidbart Index BI Broadcast Invite BI Business Intelligence BIA Bump In the API BIB Bus Interface Board BIBOP Big Bag Of Pages BIC Bank Identifier Code BICI Broadband Inter Carrier Interface BICS Beratungsstelle für informationstechnische Bildung und Computereinsatz in Schulen, Berlin BICS Binnenvaart Informatie en Communicatie Systeem BIDI Bidirectional BIDS Broadband Internet Delivery System BIFET Bipolar Field Effect Transistor BIFF Binary Interchange File Format BIFS Binary Format For Scenes BIGFON Breitbandiges Integriertes Glasfaser-Fernmelde-Ortsnetz BILLI Buried Implanted Layer for Lateral Isolation BIM Begin of Information Marker BIMOS Bipolar Metal Oxide Semiconductor BIN Bachelor of Information Networking BINAC Binary Automatic Computer BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain BINHEX Binary Hexadecimal BION Believe It Or Not (Slang) BIOS Basic Input Output System BIP Basic Imaging Profile BIP Bit-Interleaved Parity BIPM Bipartite Matching Code BIPM Bureau International des Poids et Mesures BIPS Billions Instructions Per Second BIS Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem BIS Business Information System BISDN Broadband/Breitband-ISDN BIST Built-In Self Test BISYNC Binary Synchronous Communication Protocol (IBM) BIT Base Item Type BIT Basic Interconnection Test BIT Basic Interface Telephone BIT Because It's Time (network) Seite 130 BIT Binary Digit BIT Bipolar Integrated Technology BIT Board of Information Technology BIT Broadband Information Technology BIT Broadband Internet Terminal BIT Built-In Testing BIT Business and Information Technology BIT Business Internet Trends BIT Bytecode Instrumenting Tool BITD Back In The Day (Slang) BITKOM Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und Neue Medien BITNET Because It's Time Network (ein NJE-Netz) BITNIC Bitnet Network Information Center BITS Background Intelligent Transfer Service BITV Verordnung zur Schaffung barrierefreier Informationstechnik nach dem Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz BIU Basic Information Unit BIU Bus Interface Unit BIW Business Intelligence Warehouse BIX Byte Information Exchange (ein BBS) BJ Backjumping BJC Bubblejet Color BJOERN Balanced Job Execution on Remote Network BK Break In BK Breitbandkabel (auch BBK) BK Bürokommunikation BKH Bekennender Konsolen-/Kommandozeilen-Heini (Slang) BKL Big Kernel Lock BKS Bundesverband Kabel + Satellit BKZ Bereichskennzahl (Datex, Btx) BL Backlit BL Betriebslenkung BL Bit Line BLACS Basic Linear Algebra Communication Routines BLADE Basic Linear Algebra for Distributed Environments BLAM Binary Logarithmic Arbitration Method BLAS Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines BLAST Bell Labs Layered Space Time BLAST Blocked Asynchronous Transmission (Protocol) BLC Beam Landing Correction BLE Branch if Less or Equal BLER Block Error Rate BLERA Block Error Rate After Recording BLERB Block Error Rate Before Recording BLERT Block Error Rate Test BLI Business Logic Integration BLK Betriebs-Lenkungs-Konzentrator BLK Block Seite 131 BLLI Broadband Low Level Information BLM Bayerische Landeszentrale für Neue Medien, München BLMC Buried Logic Macrocell BLOB Binary Large Object BLOC Brutto Lines Of Code BLOG (short for:) Weblog, World Wide Web Logbook BLOS Branch if Lower or Same BLR Beacon-Less Routing BM Backmarking BM Bitonic Merge (Graph, Netz) BM Burst Mode BM Byte Me (Slang) BMC Block Multiplex Channel BMI Branch if Minus BMIC Bus Master Interface Controller (Intel) BMJ Backmarking with Backjumping BMP Basic Mapping Support BMP Basic Multilingual Plane (Unicode) BMP Batch Message Processing (Program) BMP Bitmap BMPP Bulk Mail Preferences Protocol BMPT Bundesministerium für Post- und Telekommunikation BMS Broadcast Message Server BMUG Berkeley MacIntosh Users Group BNA Bundesnetzagentur BNC Baby N Connector BNC Bayonet Neill Concelman BNC Bayonet Nut Coupling BNC Brain Not Connected (Slang) BNE Branch if Not Equal BNEP Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol BNF Backus-Naur Form BNF Big Name Fan (Slang) BNFSCD But Now For Something Completely Different (Slang) BNI Before Next Interaction BNK Betriebsführungs-Netzknoten BNPF Begin Negative Positive Finish BNS Backbone Network Service BNS Broadband Network Services BNU Basic Network/Networking Utilities (uucp) BO Back Orifice BO Binary Output BO Bit Oxide (Garbage) BOA Basic Object Adapter BOART Bus Oriented Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter BOB Box Of Bits BOB Break-Out Box Seite 132 BOC Basic Operator Console BOC Bell Operating Company BOD Bandwidth/Book On Demand BOF Begin Of File BOF Birds Of a Feather (Slang) BOF Board of Fellows BOFH Bastard Operator From Hell BOFS Birds Of a Feather Session (Slang) BOG BIND Operations Guide BOI Balkan/Baltic Olympiad in Informatics BOINC Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing BOM Basic Online Memory BOM Begin Of Message/Media BOM Bill Of Materials BOM Business Object Model BOM Byte Order Mark BON Business Object Notation BOND Bandwidth On Demand BONT Broadband Optical Network Termination BOOM Binocular Omni-Oriented/Orientation Monitor BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol (Internet) BOP Begin Of Page/Partition BOP Bit Oriented Protocol BOPS Billion Operations Per Second BOR Basic Output Report BORE Broken Once Running Everywhere BORQU Borland Quattro BOS Basic Operating System BOS Basic OverSeer (Server) BOS Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben BOS Bottom Of Stack BOSS Bharat Operating System Solutions BOSS Business Office Servicing System BOT Back On Topic (Slang) BOT Begin Of Tape/Table/Transaction BP Bandpass BP Base Pointer BP Breakpoint BPB BIOS Parameter Block BPD Bank-Parameter-Datei BPD Border Protection Device BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit BPEL Business Process Execution Language BPF Band Pass Filter BPF Berkeley Packet Filter BPF Breakpoint Function BPH Break Permitted Here Seite 133 BPI bits per inch BPJM Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien BPL Bedienplatz BPL Branch if Plus BPL Broadband Over Powerline BPL Bugs Per Line BPM Bundespostministerium BPM Business Performance Management BPM Business Process Management/Modelling BPO Business Process Outsourcing BPP Basic Printing Profile BPP Binary Packing Problem BPP Bits Per Pixel BPP Bounded error, Probabilistic, Polynomial time BPR Business Process Reengineering BPS bits/bytes per second BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying BPU Branch Prediction Unit BQP Bounded error, Quantum, Polynomial time BQS Berkeley Quality Software BR Bad Register BR Bit Rate BRAM Broadcast Recognizing Access Method BRAS Broadband Remote Access Server BRB Be Right Back (Slang) BRD Blu-ray Disc BRE Basic Regular Expression BREAD Browse, Read, Edit, Add, Delete BREP Boundary Representation BRGC Binary Reflected Gray Code BRI Basic Rate Interface (ISDN) BRI Brain Response Interface BRIM Bridge Router Interface Module BRJ Bandwidth Change Reject BRL Ballistics Research Laboratory BRQ Bandwidth Change Request BRS Bibliographic Retrieval System BRS Big Red Switch (IBM PC) BRS Break Request Signal BRS Business Recovery Services (IBM) BS Backspace BS Base Station BS Betriebssystem BS Bitonic Sort (Graph) BS Broadcast Satellite BSA Bitstrom-Anschluss BSA Business Software Alliance Seite 134 BSAM Basic Sequential Access Method BSB Blockate State Block BSC Base Station Controller BSC Binary Synchronous Communications BSC Bisynchronous/Binary Synchronous Communication (IBM) BSC Boyan Script BSCW Basic Support for Cooperative Work BSD Basic Standard Definiton BSD Berkeley Software/Source/System Design/Distribution BSDL Boundary Scan Description Language BSF Bit Scan Forward BSF But Seriously Folks (Slang) BSI British Standards Institute BSI Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik BSM Basic Storage Module BSM Bracket State Manager BSMTP Batch Simple Message Transfer Protocol BSOD Blue Screen Of Death BSP Binary Space Partition/Partitioning BSP Bug Squashing Party BSP Bulk Synchronous Parallel (Processing) BSP Byte Stream Protocol BSR Betriebssystem für Reelle Speicher BSR Bit Scan Reverse BSR Board of Standards Review (ANSI) BSRAM Burst Static Random Access Memory BSS Base Station Subsystem BSS Basic Service Set (WLAN) BSS Blank Storage Space BSS Blind Source Separation BSS Block Started by Symbol BSS Block Storage Segment BSS Broadband Switching System BSS Business Support System BSSID Basic Service Set Identifier BST Binary Search Tree BSU Basic Striping Unit BSV Betriebssystem für Virtuelle Adressierung BSY Busy BSYNC Binary Synchronous Communications (Protocol) BT Bit Test BT Bluetooth BT British Telecom/Telecommunications BT Burst Tolerance BTA But Then Again (Slang) BTAC Branch Target Address Cache BTAIM Be That As It May (Slang) Seite 135 BTAM Basic Telecommunication Access Method (IBM) BTB Branch Target Buffer BTC Bit Test and Complement BTC Biting The Carpet (Slang) BTC Broadband Transfer Capability BTDT Been There Done That (Slang) BTHOM Beats The Hell Outta Me (Slang) BTI British Telecom International BTI Business Type Identifier BTIC But Then, I'am Crazy (Slang) BTK Back To Keyboard (Slang) BTL Bell Telephone Laboratories BTLB Block TLB BTMA Busy Tone Multiple Access BTO Built To Order BTOA Binary To ASCII BTP Banana Tree Protocol BTP Batch Transfer Program BTP Business Transaction Protocol BTR Bit Test and Reset BTRFS B-Tree File System BTS Base Transceiver Station/System BTS Bit Test and Set BTS Bug Tracking System BTSOOM Beats The Shit Out Of Me (Slang) BTU Basic Transmission Unit BTW By The Way (Slang) BTX Balanced Technology Extended BTX Bildschirmtext BU Branch Unit BUAF Big Ugly ASCII Font BUAG Big Ugly ASCII Graphic BUBL Bulletin Board for Libraries BUCS Budgeting and Computing System BUF Buffer BUMS Broadband Unified Messaging System BUP Backup (file) BUP Buffer Underrun Protection BUS Bild und Schrift BUS Binary Utility System BUS Broadcast and Unknown Server BUUG Belgian UNIX Users Group BVB Bundesverband Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme BVD Boot Volume Descriptor BVDM Bundesverband Druck und Medien BVDW Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft BVH Base Video Handler Seite 136 BVIT Bundesverband Informationstechnologien, Bonn BVSE Bundesverband für Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung BVSI Bundesverband der Selbständigen in der Informatik BVV Bundesverband Audiovisuelle Medien BW Bandwidth BWA Broadband Wireless Access BWF Broadcast Wave Format BWIN Breitband Wissenschafts-Netz BWM Block Write Mode BWQ Buzz Word Quotient BWSN Baden-Württembergisches Schulnetz BWT Broadband Wireless Technology BWT Burrows Wheeler Transformation BYKT But You Knew That (Slang) BYP Bypass BZ Betriebszentrale BZR Befehlzählregister BZT Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation BZV Bargeldloser/Belegorientierter Zahlungsverkehr BZV Befristeter Zählervergleich BZVD Beratungszentrum für Videokonferenzdienste, Dresden C Cable, Communication, Computer, Conference, Control C2C Consumer To Consumer C2CC Car To Car Communication C2D Character To Decimal C3I Command, Control, Communication, Intelligence C4 Command, Control, Communication + Computers CA Cable CA Call Agent CA Cellular Automaton CA Certification Authority CA Collision Avoidance CA Common Applications CA Computer Animation CA Computer Associates CA Conditional Access CAA Computer Aided Assembling/Anthropometrics/Animation CAAD Computer Aided Architectural Design CAB Cabinet (Microsoft) CAB Compressed Application Binary CAB Computer Aided Breakfast CAC Carrier/Channel Access Code CAC Computer Aided Consulting/Computing/Creativity/Christmas/Crime CAC Connection Admission Control CACLS Change Line Access Control Lists Seite 137 CACM Communications of the ACM CAD Class Association Diagram CAD Computer Aided Design/Detection CAD Computer Aided Dinner CADAM Computer Aided Design And Manufacturing CADAPSO Canadian Assosciation of Data Processing Organizations CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting CADD Computer Aided Drug Design CADE Client/Server Application Development Environment CADE Computer Aided Data Entry CADEP Computer Aided Design of Electronic Products CADIC Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits CADIS Computer Aided Design Interactive System (Siemens) CADMAT Computer Aided Design, Manufacturing and Testing CADMOS Computerorientiertes Administrations- und Organisationssystem CADOS Computer Aided Design of Systems CAE Client Application Enabler CAE Common Applications Environment CAE Computer Aided/Assisted Education CAE Computer Aided Engineering CAEN Chemically Assembled Electronic Nanocomputer CAEX Computer Aided Exploration CAF Computer Aided Fishing CAF Computer and Academic Freedom CAFE Conditional Access For Europe CAFM Computer Aided Facilities Management CAG Chassis Air Guide CAG Column Adress Generator CAH Computer Aided Holidays/Homework/Hausaufgaben CAHN Cellular Assisted Heterogeneous Networking CAI Common Air Interface CAI Computer Aided Industry CAI Computer Aided Inspiration CAI Computer Aided/Assisted Instruction CAIN Controlled Access by Individual Number CAIR Comprehensive Assessment Information Rule CAIRN Collaborative Advanced Interagency Research Network CAIRS Computerized Accident/Incident Reporting System CAIS Common APSE Interface Set CAIT Computer Aided Inspection and Testing CAK Computer-Anwendungen Karlsruhe CAL Client Access License CAL Common Assembly Language CAL Computer Aided Life/Learning/Lunch CAL Computer Animation Language CAL Conversational Algebraic Language CALAS Computer Aided Laboratory Automation System Seite 138 CALC Customer Access Line Charge CALEA Communications Assistance for/to Law Enforcement Act CALIES Computer Aided Locomotion by Implanted Electrical Stimulation CALL Computer Aided/Assisted Language Learning CALLE Control Application Link Layer Engineering CALM Collected Algorithms for Learning Machines CALS Continuous Acquisition and Lifecycle Support CALTECH California Institute of Technology CAM Central Address Memory CAM Common/Communication Access Method CAM Computer Aided Machining/Manufacturing CAM Concentrator/Conditional Access Module CAM Conditional Access Module CAM Content Addressable/Addressed Memory CAMAC Computer Automated Measurement And Control CAMD Computer Aided Molecular Design CAMEL Computer Assisted Education Language CAML Categorial Abstract Machine Language CAMP Compiler for Automatic Machine Programming CAMP Computer Assisted Movie Production CAN Campus/Communications/Complete Area Network CAN Cancel CAN Cancel Line CAN Car Area Network CAN Community Alert Network CAN Content Addressable Network CAN Controller Area Network CAN Customer Access Network CANAL Catalog with Natural Language Access CANS Computer Assisted Network System CANUNET Canadian University Computer Network CAO Computer Aided Administration and Organization CAO Computer Aided Optimization CAP Calendar Access Protocol CAP Carrierless Amplitude Modulation/Phase Modulation CAP Central Arbitration Point CAP Columbia AppleTalk Package CAP Common Alerting Protocol CAP Communication Application Platform CAP Competitive Access Provider CAP Computer Aided Planning/Production/Publishing CAP Computer Application Profile CAP Computing for Analysis Project CAP Content Access Point CAP Continuous Audit Program CAP CTM Access Profile CAPD Computer To Assist Persons with Disabilities Seite 139 CAPE Computer Aided Pattern Engineering CAPE Concurrent Art-to-Product Environment CAPI Common ISDN Application Programming Interface CAPI Communication Application Program Interface CAPP Carrierless Amplitude Phase CAPP Computer Aided Printing and Publishing CAPP Computer Aided Process/Production Planning CAPP Computer Applications Program CAPP Computer Assisted Payment Processing CAPPC Computer Aided Production Planning and Control CAPPP Computer Aided Process and Production Planning CAPS Capitals (Großbuchstaben) CAPS Cassette Programming System CAPS Computer Assisted Problem Solving CAPSC Computer Aided Production Scheduling and Control CAPTAIN Character and Pattern Telephon Access Information Network CAPTCHA Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart CAQ Computer Aided Quality Assurance/Control CAR Committed Access Rate CAR Computer Assisted Radiology CAR Channel Address Register CAR Compressed Audio Recording CAR Computer Aided Retrieval CARA Computer Aided Radio Amateur CARAM Content Addressable Random Access Memory CARD Cluster Aware Remote Disk CARDIS Cargo Data Interchange System CARE Computer Aided Reliability Estimation CARE Computer Aided Reverse Engineering CARL Chemisches Aufweiten von Resist-Linien (Siemens) CARL Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries CARLOS Cancer Registry Lower Saxony CARO Computer Anti-Virus Research Organization CARP Caching RSS Parser CARP Common Address Redundancy Protocol CARS Computer Aided Risc Simulation CARS Computer Aided Routing System CARS Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery CART Computer Assisted Radar Tomography CAS Collision Avoidance System CAS Column Address Select/Strobe CAS Communicating Applications Specification CAS Computer Aided Selling/Service/Styling CAS Computer Algebra System CAS Conditional/Control/Communication Access System CASC Coalition for Academic Supercomputer Centers CASD Computer Aided System Design Seite 140 CASE Common Applications Service Element CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering CASE Computer Aided System Evaluation CASL Common Algebraic Specification Language CASL Crosstalk Application Scripting Language CASS Computer Assisted Search Service CASS Computer Assisted Surveillance System CASSIS Classified And Search Support Information System CAST Center for Applied Security Technology, Darmstadt CAST Center for Applied Special Technology CAST Competence Center for Applied Security Technology CAST Computer Aided Software Testing CAT Category CAT Character Assignment Table CAT Chordal Axis Transformation CAT Common Allocation Table CAT Common Authentication Technology CAT Computer Adaptive Test CAT Computer Aided Teaching/Testing/Telecommunication/Translation/Transscription CAT Computerized Axial Tomography CAT Concatenate CAT Conditionally Accepted Tag CATIA Computer Graphic Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application CATNIP Common Architecture for Next Generation Internet Protocol CATP Computer Aided Technical Publishing CATS Computer Aided/Assisted Teaching/Tracking/Training System CATS Computer Aided Telephony Services CATS Computer Automated Test System CATT China Academy of Telecommunication Technology CATV Cable Television CATV Common/Community Antenna Television CAU Command and Arithmetic Unit CAU Control/Controlled/Concentrator Access Unit CAUCE Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email CAV Computer Aided Verification CAV Constant Angular Velocity CAVE Cave/Computer Automatic Virtual Environment CAVE Computer Aided Vision Engineering CAW Channel Address Word CB Call Back CB Cell Broadcast CB Citizens' Band CBA Compare and Branch Anyway CBA Computational Biology Activity CBA Computer Based Assessment/Automation CBA Computer Battery Analyzer CBA Current Buffer/Byte Address Seite 141 CBAC Context Based Access Control CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBC Cipher Block Chaining CBCR Channel Byte Count Register CBDS Connectionless Broadband Data Service CBDTPA Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act CBE Cell Broadband Engine CBEFF Common Biometric Exchange Format Framework CBEMA Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers' Association CBGA Ceramic Ball Grid Array CBI Charles Babbage Insitute CBI Computer Based Instruction/Instrumentation CBI Crossbar Interface CBIP Compressed Binaries IBM PC CBIP Current Book In Progress CBIR Content Based Image Retrieval CBIRS Content Based Image Retrieval System CBJ Conflict-directed Backjumping CBL Communication By Light CBL Computer Based Learning CBMS Computer Based Mail System CBN Community Based Network CBO Coupling Between Object Classes CBQ Class Based Queuing CBR CAS before RAS CBR Constant/Continuous Bit Rate CBR Content Based Retrieval CBS Crossbar Switch CBT Computer Based Training CBT Core Based Tree CBW Convert Byte to Word CBX Computer-controlled/Computerized Branch Exchange CC Cable Connector CC Call/Communication Center CC Carbon Copy CC Chain/Channel Command CC Classification Code CC Cluster/Communications Controller CC Common Criteria (for IT Security Evaluation) CC Condition Command/Code CC Congestion Control CC Connected Client CC Country Code CC Coupled Channel CC Creative Commons CC Crossconnect CC Cursor Control Seite 142 CC Cyclic Check CCA Clear Channel Assessment CCA Copy Control Association CCB Change Control Board CCB Channel Command/Control Block CCB Cyclic Check Byte CCBS Completion of Call to Busy Subscriber CCC Ceramic Chip Carrier CCC Change and Configuration Control CCC Chaos Computer Club, Hamburg CCC Computer Chess Competition CCC Conference Control Channel CCC Credit Card Calling CCCB Command, Control, Communications in Buildings CCCH Common Control Channel CCD Charge Coupled Device CCD Class Communication Diagram CCE Configuration Control Element CCF Central Computing Facility CCF Chain Command Flag CCF Common Channel Framework CCFCC Computer Coordinated Family Communcation and Cooperation CCFL Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp CCFT Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube CCI Common Client Interface CCI Copy Control Information CCIA Computer + Communications Industry Association CCID Call Correlation Identifier CCID Computers, Communications, Information Dissemination CCID Corporate Customer Inforamtion Database CCIE Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert CCIR Comite Consultatif International des Radiocommunications CCIRN Committee for Intercontinental Research Networks CCIS Command and Control Information System CCIS Common Channel Interoffice Signaling CCITT Comite Consultatif International de Telegraphie et de Telephonie CCK Centre de Calcul El Khawarizmi, Tunis CCK Communication Commission of Kenya CCK Complementary Code Keying CCK Computerclub Kamen CCL Closed Conference Loop CCL Commerce Control List CCL Common Command Language CCL Connection/Cursor Control Language CCL Corel Contractual Licensing CCL Creative Commons License CCLC Carrier Common Line Charge Seite 143 CCLF Cold Cathode Fluorescence Light CCM Color Management System CCM Computer Controlled Manufacturing CCM CORBA Component Mode/Model CCM Counter with CBC-Mac CCN Cluster Controller CCN Cordless Communication Network CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNG Computer Communications Networks Group CCNP Cisco Certified Network Professional CCNR Completion of Call on No Reply CCNUMA Cache Coherent NUMA CCP CAN Calibration Protocol CCP Certified Computing Professional CCP Compression Control Protocol CCP Concurrent Constraint Programming CCP Console/Communications Command/Control Processor/Program CCPP Composite Capability Preference Profile CCR Center for Communications Research CCR Command and Control Research CCR Commitment, Concurrency, Recovery (OSI) CCR Current Cell Rate CCRN Coordinating Council on Research Networks CCS CAPI Connection Service CCS Closely Coupled System CCS Colour Calibration System CCS Common Channel Signalling CCS Common Command Set (SCSI) CCS Common Communication Services/Support CCS Computing Classification System CCS Continuos Composite Servo CCS Cryptographic Checksum CCSA Checkpoint Certified Security Administrator CCSA Common Control Switching Arrangement CCSB The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies, Karlsruhe CCSD Cellular Circuit-Switched Data CCSE Checkpoint Certified Security Engineer CCSID Coded Character Set Identifier (IBM) CCSIS Community College Student Information System CCSP Contextually Communicating Sequential Process CCSS7 Common Channel Signalling System No. 7 CCSY Cooperative Computing System Program CCT Computerized Communication Terminal CCTLD Country Code Top Level Domain CCTV Closed Circuit Television CCU Central Communication/Control Unit CCU Communications Control Unit Seite 144 CCU Customer Control Unit CCUT Computer Center at the University of Tokyo CCVP Cisco Certified Voice Professional CCVR Centre de Calcul Vectoriel pour la Recherche CCW Channel Command Word CCW Coherent Continuous Wave CCW Continuous Composite Write (Once Disc) CCX Cisco Compatible Extension CD Call Deflection CD Carrier Detect CD Chained Data CD Change Direction/Directory CD Collision Detection CD Colour Display CD Committee Document (ISO) CD Compact Disk CD Control Data CD-R Compact Disk Recordable CD-RW Compact Disk Re-Writable CDA Clinical Document Architecture CDA Communications Decency Act CDA Compact Disk Audio (track) CDA Compound Document Architecture (DEC) CDAS Control and Data Acquisition System CDATA Character Data CDB Consolidated Database CDBT Compact Disk Based Training CDC Certificate Distribution Center CDC Connected Device Configuration CDC Control Data Corporation (USA) CDC Cult of the Dead Cow CDD Custom Debian Distribution CDDA Compact Disc Digital Audio CDDB Compact Disc Data Base CDDI Copper Distributed Data Interface CDDL Common Development and Distribution License (Sun) CDE Common Desktop Environment CDE Compact Disc Erasable CDE Complex Data Entry CDE Cooperative Development Environment CDEV Control Panel Device CDF Channel Definition File/Format CDF Comma Delimited Format CDF Common Data File/Format CDF Compound Document Framework CDF Context Dependent File CDF Cyberspace Description Format Seite 145 CDFS Compact Disc File System CDG Compact Disc Graphical CDI Compact Disc Interactive CDI Context Dependent Interchangeability CDIA Certified Document Imaging Architect CDIF Case Data Interchange Format CDISC Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium CDL Computer Design Language CDM Code Division Multiplex CDM Compressed Data Mode CDMA Code Division Multiple Access CDMF Commercial Data Masking Facility CDN Content Delivery Network CDNC Chinese Domain Name Consortium CDO Collaboration Data Object CDOS Concurrent Disk Operating System CDP Certificate in Data Processing CDP Cisco Discovery Protocol CDP Conditional Diphase (Encoding) CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data CDR Call Detail Record/Recording CDR Common Data Representation CDR Compact Disk Recordable CDR Corel Draw Format CDRA Character Data Representation Architecture CDRAM Cached Dynamic Random Access Memory CDRDX Compact Disk Read Only Memory Data Exchange Standard CDRFS Compact Disc Recordable File System CDRL Contract Data Requirements List CDROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory CDROMXA CD-ROM Extended Architecture CDS Cactus Data Shield CDS Cell Directory Service (OSF, DCE) CDS Class Data Sharing CDS Cross Domain Solution CDS Current Directory Structure CDSA Common Data Security Architecture (Initiative) CDSL Consumer Digital Subscriber Line CDSL Context Dependent Symbolic Link CDT Center for Democracy and Technology (USA) CDTV Commodore Dynamic Total Vision CDTV Compact Disk Television CDU Central Data Unit CDU Classification Decimale Universelle CDU Code Distribution Unit CDU Computers Down Under CDU Configuration Data Unit Seite 146 CDU Connectix Desktop Utilities CDU Control Data Unit CDV Compact Disk Video CDV Cell Delay Variation CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance CDWO Compact Disk Write Once CE Cache/Chip/Convert Enable CE Clear Entry CE Collision Elimination CE Conformite Europeenne (Konformitätskennzeichen) CE Consumer Electronics CE Customer Edge (device) CEASA Cellular Emergency Alert Service Association CEATA Consumer Electronics Advanced Technology Attachment CEB Comite Electrotechnique Belge CEB Conditional End Bracket CEBIT Centrum für Büro, Information und Telekommunikation CEBUS Consumer Electronics Bus CEC Certified E-Commerce Consultant CECC Electronic Components Committee CECMG Central Europe Computer Measurement Group CECP Country Extended Code Page CEDEX Courrier d'entreprise distribution exceptionelle CEFIC EDIFACT-Subset Chemical Industry CEG Continuous Edge Graphics CEI Conducted Electromagnetic Interference CEIP Customer Experience Improvement Program CEK Content Encryption Key CELP Card Edge Low Profile CELP Code Excited Linear Prediction CELT Corpus of Electronic Texts CEM Common Evaluation Methodology CEM Computational Electromagnetics CEMEC Committee of European Associations of Manufacturers of Electronic Components CEMM Compaq Expanded Memory Manager CEMS Constituent Electronic Mail System CEN Comite Europeen de Normalisation CENELEC Comite Europeen de Normalisation Electrotechnique CENTR Council of European National Top level domain Registries CEO Chief Executive Officer CEOI Central European Olympiad in Informatics CEOP Conditional End Of Page CEP Connection End Point CEPEC Committee of European Associations of Manufacturers of Passive Electronic Components CEPIS Council of European Professional Informatics Societies CEPT Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications CER Canonical Encoding Rules Seite 147 CER Cell Error Ratio CERA Climate and Environmental Data Retrieval and Archive CERF California Education and Research Federation (network) CERN Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire CERT Computer Emergency Response Team CES Circuit Emulation Service CES Coast Earth Station CES Consumer Electronics Show CESC Component Encoding Stream Construction CESG Communications Electronics Security Group (UK) CESH Competence Center Electronic Shopping CEST Central European Summer Time CESU Compatibility Encoding Scheme for UTF (Unicode) CET Central European Time CEV Commission on Electronic Voting CF Call Forwarding CF Compact Flash (Card) CF Compact Framework CFB Call Forwarding Busy CFB Cipher Feedback CFB Configurable Function Block CFD Call For Discussion (Usenet) CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics CFDP Coherent File Distribution Protocol (Internet) CFDPCLN Coherent File Distribution Protocol Client CFDPTKT Coherent File Distribution Protocol Ticket CFE Common Firmware Environment CFE Connected Family Environment CFG Configuration CFH COBOL File Handler CFI Canonical Format Indicator CFL Context Free Language CFM Clock From Master CFM Code Fragment Manager CFM Common Functional Model CFM Configuration Management CFML Cold Fusion Markup Language CFNR Call Forward/Forwarding on No Reply/Response CFOR Conversational FORTRAN CFP Call For Proposal CFP Computer, Freedom and Privacy CFP Content/Contention Free Period CFR Computerized Facial Recognition CFR Controlled Ferro Resonant (-USV) CFRI California Federation of Research Internets CFS Caching/Central/Common/Cryptographic File System CFS Completely Fair Scheduler Seite 148 CFT Chirp Fourier Transform CFT Cray Fortran Compiler CFTT Computer Forensics Tool Testing CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional CFV Call For Votes (Usenet) CG Computer Graphics CG Control Gate CG Core Gateway CG Cyclic Group CGA Color Graphics Adapter (PC) CGAL Computational Geometry Algorithm Library CGATS Committee for Graphic Arts Technologies Standards CGE (Linux) Carrier Grade Edition CGE Common Graphics Environment CGE Compagnie General d'Electricite CGI Common Gateway Interface CGI Common/Composite/Computer Graphics Interface CGI Computer Generated Image/Imagery CGL Carrier Grade Linux CGM Computer Graphics Metafile CGMIF Computer Graphics Metafile Interchange Format CGMS Copy Generation Management System CGPP Computer Grahics: Principles and Practise (by Fowley) CGS Common Graphics System CGS Computer Graphics Society CGS Continuous Grain Silicon CGS International Computer Graphics Society CGU Computer Graphics Unit CGW Customer/Campus Gateway CH Cyclic Header CHAOS Cheap Array of Obsolete Systems CHAP Cryptographic/Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol CHARM Character Mode CHAT Conversational Hypertext Access Technology CHCK Channel Check CHCP Change Code Page CHDD Certified Help Desk Director CHDD Cockpit Head Down Display CHE Channel Hot Electron CHI Computer Human Interaction/Interface CHIC Constraint Handling in Industry and Commerce CHIL Computers in the Human Interaction Loop CHIL Current Hogging Injection Logic CHILD Computer Having Intelligent Learning and Development CHILL CCITT High Level Language CHIPS Clearinghouse Interbank Payments System CHKPT Checkpoint Seite 149 CHL Current Hogging Logic CHM Cooperative Hypermedia CHOP Channel Operator CHPC Center for High Performance Computing CHR Character CHR Constraint Handling Rules CHRP Common Hardware Reference Platform CHS Cylinders, Heads, Sectors CHTML Compact/Compressed Hypertext Markup Language CHV Card Holder Value CI Call Intrusion CI Coded Information CI Command Interpreter CI Common/Component/Computer Interface CI Communications Integrator CI Computational Intelligence CI Computer Interconnect/Interface CI Congestion Indicator CI Continuous Integration CI Control and Indication CIA Computer Interface Adapter CIA CAN In Automation CIA Current Instruction Address CIAC Computer Incident Advisory Capability CIAM Computerized Integrated and Automatic Manufacturing CIAO Component-Integrated ACE ORB CIB Computer Integrated Building/Bureaucracy CIC Carrier Identification Code CIC Certified IT Consultant CIC Committee on Institutional Cooperation CIC Coordination and Information Center (CSNet) CIC Computing Information Center CIC Computing, Information + Communications CICA Center of Innovative Computer Applications CICS Customer Information Control System (IBM) CID Charge Injection Device CID Conference Identifier CID Configuration, Installation, Distribution CID Customer Identifier CIDAS Conversational Interactive Digital Analog Simulator CIDIF Centre International pour le Developpement de l'Inforoute en Francais CIDP Computer Industry Development Potential CIDR Classless Inter/Internet Domain Routing CIE Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (Farbmodell) CIELAB Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage LAB (Farbmodell) CIEXYZ Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage XYZ (Farbmodell) CIEDS Computer Integrated Electron Design Series Seite 150 CIF Cell in Frames CIF Computer Integrated Facilities CIF Common Intermediate Format CIF Customer Information Feed CIFS Common Insecurity Fail Scrutiny CIFS Common Internet File System (Protocol) CIIN Corporate Integrated Information Network CIIR Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval, Mass. CIK Crypto-Ignition Key CIL Common Intermediate Language CIL Computer Inoperative Limits CIL Computerintegrierte Logistik CIM Common Information Model CIM CompuServe Information Manager CIM Computer Input Microfilm CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing CIM Custom Install Manager CINT Call Interception CIO Central Imagery Office CIO Chief Information Officer CIOCS Communication Input/Output Control System (IBM) CIOS Communication Institute for Online Scholarship CIP Catalogue Interoperability Protocol CIP Catalogue/Cataloguing In Publication/Publishing CIP Classical IP CIP Command Interface Port CIP Common Indexing Protocol CIP Common ISDN Access Profile CIP Compatible Independent Peripherals CIP Computer Aided Intuition Guided Programming CIP Computer-Investitionsprogramm des Bundes und der Länder CIP Concert Internet Plus CIP Constraint Imperative Programming CIPA Children's Internet Protection Act CIPE Cryptographic Internet Protocol Encapsulation CIPP Contexts, Input, Processes + Products CIPR Commission on Intellectual Property Rights CIPS Canadian Information Processing Society CIPSO Commercial/Common Internet Protocol Security Option CIR Classless Interdomain Routing CIR Committed Information/Interface Rate CIRC Circular Reference CIRC Cross Interleaved Reed Solomon Code CIRSC Cross Interleave Solomon Code CIS CALEA Implementation Section CIS Card Information Structure CIS Cascade Inline Scripting Seite 151 CIS CASE Integration Services CIS Center for Internet Security CIS Client Information Server/System CIS Compact Image Sensor CIS Computer Information System CIS CompuServe Information Service CIS Computational and Information Sciences CIS Contact Image Sensor CIS Computerized Information Service CIS Customer Information System CISAC Confederation Internationale des Societes d'Auteurs et Compositeurs CISAM C-Index Sequential Access Method CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer/Code CISE Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate CISKA Campus Informationssystem der Universität Karlsruhe CISPR Comite International Special des Perturbations Radioelectriques CIT California Institute of Technology CIT Communications Improvement Team CIT Company Integrated Telephony CIT Computer Integrated Telephone/Telephony CITAB Computer Instruction and Training Assistance for the Blind CITED Copyright In Transmitted Electronic Documents CITIS Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service CITSF Commission Internationale de Telegraphie Sans Fil CIVR Computer and Interactive Voice Response CIW Certified Internet Webmaster CIX Central/Commercial Internet Exchange CIX Compulink Information Exchange CIX Commercial Internet Exchange (Association) CJKV Chinese - Japanese - Korean - Vietnamese CJLI Command Job Language Interpreter CK Clock CKD Count Key Data CKE Clock Enable CKSM Checksum CL Closed Loop CL Computational Linguistics CL Connectionless Service CL Control Language CL Current License CL Cycle Length CLAA Carry Look Ahead Adder CLAG Carry Look Ahead Generator CLAMS Common Los Alamos Mathematical Software CLAR Channel Local Address Register CLASP Computer Language for Aeronautics and Space Programming CLASS Client Access to Systems and Services Seite 152 CLASS Custom Local Area Signalling Service CLB Component Load Balancing CLC Capacity Limiting Constituents CLC Clear Carry Flag CLC Computing Learning Center CLCC Closed Loop Congestion Control CLCS Current Logic Current Switching CLD Clear Direction Flag CLDATA Cutter Location Data CLDC Connected Limited Device Configuration CLDR Common Locale Data Repository CLE Certified Linux Engineer/Expert CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier CLEF European Commercial Licensed Evaluation Facilities CLEO Classified Energy Online (database) CLF Common Log (File) Format CLH Command Line History CLI Call Level Interface CLI Calling Line Identification CLI Clear Interrupt (flag) CLI Client Library Interface CLI Command Line Interface/Interpreter CLI Common Language Infrastructure/Interface/Interpreter CLIB C Library CLIC Chemnitzer Linux Cluster CLICS Computer Linked Information for Container Shipping CLID Calling Line Identification CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation CLIR Calling/Connected Line Identification Restriction CLIST Command List CLK Clock CLL Corel License for Learning CLLM Consolidated Link Layer Management CLMP Connectionless-Mode Network Protocol CLNP Connectionless Network Protocol (OSI) CLNS Connectionless Mode Network Service CLO Class Option (LaTeX) CLOB Character Large Object CLOE Common LISP Operating Environment CLOO Reverse Object Oriented Logical Channel CLOS Common LISP Object System CLOWN Cluster Of Working Nodes CLP Cell Loss Payload/Priority CLP Clipboard CLP Constraint Logic Programming CLPPCRE Common Lisp Portable Perl Compatible Regular Expressions CLR Cell Loss Ratio Seite 153 CLR Clear CLR Common Language Runtime CLR Computer Language Research CLRTC Clear Real Time Clock CLS Clear Screen CLS Common Language Support CLS Connectionless Server CLSID Class Identifier CLT Communcations Line Terminal CLT Computer Language Translator CLTD Clock and Tones Distribution CLTP Connectionless Transport Protocol (OSI) CLTS Clear Task Switch Flag CLTS Connectionless Transport Service CLTV Constant Linear Time Velocity CLU Central Logic Unit CLUF Contrat de Licence Utilisateur Final CLUI Command Line User Interface CLUT Colour Look-up Table CLV Ceiling Limit Value CLV Constant Linear Velocity CLW Certified Linux Wizard CM Central Memory CM Communications Manager (IBM) CM Compilation Manager CM Configuration Management CM Connection Machine CM Control Mark CM Corrective Maintenance CMA Concert Multi-thread Architecture CMAK Connection Manager Administration Kit CMAN Cluster Manager CMAR Control Memory Address Register CMB Common Management Bus CMC Common Mail/Messaging Call CMC Communication Management Configuration CMC Complement Carry Flag CMC Computer Mediated Communication CMC Construction Maintenance Center CMD Circuit Mode Data CMD Command CMDF C Memo Distribution Facility CMDS Computer Misuse Detection System CME Center for Media Education CME Common Malware Enumeration CME Core Managed Environment CMF Command File Seite 154 CMF Creative Music Format CMGR Campus/Connection Manager CMH Cross My Heart (Slang) CMIIW Correct Me If I'm Wrong (Slang) CMIP Common Management Information Protocol (OSI) CMIS Common Management Information Services/System CML Chemical/Commodore Markup Language CML Conceptual Modelling Language CML Concurrent Metalanguage CML Configuration Menu Language CML Context Modelling Language CML Current Mode Logic CMM Capability Maturity Model CMM Color Management Module CMM Computerized Measurement Machine CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integrated CMML Continuous Media Markup Language CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management Software CMMU Cache Memory Management Unit CMOL CMIP Over LLC CMOS Coats-Mellon Operational Specification CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor CMOT Common Management Information Protocol over TCP/IP CMOV Conditional Move (and Compare Instructions) CMP Cellular/Chip-integrated Multi-Processing CMP Configuration Management Plan CMPS Compare Word String CMPT CAPI Message Control Protocol CMR Cell Misinsertion Rate CMR Corporate Message Recovery CMS Call Management Server CMS Code/Color/Connection/Content Management System CMS Compiler Monitor System CMS Content Management System CMS Conversational Monitor System (IBM) CMS Cryptographic Message Syntax CMT Cellular Mobile Telephone CMT Chip Multi Threading CMT Configuration Management Tool CMT Connection Management CMTP CAPI Message Transport Protocol CMTS Cable Modem Termination System CMU Carnegie-Mellon-University, Pittsburgh, USA CMVC Configuration Management and Version Control (IBM) CMW Compartment Mode Workstation CMX Communication Method SINIX (Siemens) CMY cyan, magenta, yellow (Farbmodell) Seite 155 CMYK cyan, magenta, yellow, key/black (Farbmodell) CN Comfort Noise CN Corporate Network CNA Certified NetWare/Network Administrator CNA Customer Name and Address CNAME Canonical Name (Record) CNAPS Co-Processing Node Architecture for Parallel Systems CNASI Centre for Networked Access to Scholarly Information (Australien) CNB Collective Notebook CNC Complete Network Centre CNC Computerized Numerical Control CND Calling Number Delivery CND Caldera Network Desktop CNE Certified NetWare Engineer/Expert (Novell) CNET Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications, Paris CNF Chomsky Normal Form CNF Configuration CNG Calling (tone) CNG Comfort Noise Generation CNG Complete No-Good CNI Centre National d'Informatique CNI Certified NetWare Instructor (Novell) CNI Coalition for Networked Information CNI Communications Network International CNID Calling Number Identification CNIDR Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval CNIL Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertes CNIP Calling Name Identification Presentation CNIR Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction CNL C Numerical Library CNM Customer Network Management CNMA Communications Network for Manufacturing Application CNN Cable News Network CNN Composite Network Node CNNIC China Network Imformation Center CNP Corporate Network Provider CNR Carrier to Noise Ratio CNR Communications and Networking Riser CNR Composite Noise Ratio CNRI Corporation for National Research Initiatives CNRP Common Name Resolution Protocol CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Frankreich) CNS Color Naming System CNS Communications Network System CNSS Core Nodal Switching Subsystem (Internet) CNT Carbon Nano Tube CNT Central Networking Testbed Seite 156 CNX Certified NetWare/Network Expert CO Call Offer CO Central Office CO Chief Operator CO Command Output CO Communication Outlet CO Convert Out CO Crystal Oscillator COA Care Of Address COA Certificate Of Authenticity COA Compound Online Analytical Processing Architecture COAM Customer Owned And Maintained COARA Communication of Oita Amateur Research Association COAST Card On A Stick COAST Computer Operations, Audit and Security Technology COB Chip On Board COBOL Common Business Oriented Language COC Coded Optical Character COCOT Customer Owned Coin Operated Telephone COD Capacity On Demand COD Code (list) CODASYL Committee/Conference on Data System Languages CODE Client Server Open Development Environment CODEC Coder/Decoder CODEC Compression/Decompression CODINE Computing in Distributed Networked Environments CODIT Code Division Testbed COE Central Office Equipment COE Common Operating Environment COEDS Common Event Database System COEM Commercial Original Equipment Manufacturer COFDM Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex COFF Common Object File Format COGO Coordinate Geometry (Language) COIN Console Interrupt Request COINS Computer Output Information System COL Caldera Open Linux COL Collision COL Computer Oriented Language COLA comp.os.linux.announce (Newsgroup) COLD Computer Output to Laser Disc COLL Collision COLP Connected Line Identification Presentation COLR Connected Line Identification Restriction COLT Communications Line Terminator COLT Computer Oriented Language Translator COLT Control Language Translator Seite 157 COM Command COM commercial; Internet-Domain: Firmen in USA COM Common/Component Object Model COM Communication COM Component Object Model COM Computer Output Microfilm COM Continuation Of Message COMAL Common Algorithmic Language COMDEX Computer Dealers' Exposition COMET Cornell Macintosh Terminal Emulator COMHED Common Header COMINT Communications Intelligence COMM Communications COMMS Customer Oriented Manaufacturing Management System COMP Compare COMPACT Computer Planning and Control Technique COMPSAC International Computer Software and Applications Conference COMSAT Communications Satellite Corporation COMSEC Communications Security COMSL Communications System Simulation Language COMSOAL Computer Method of Sequencing Operations for Assembly Lines COMTRAN Commercial Translator (IBM) CON Console COND Condition CONF Conference, Configuration CONP Connected Name Identification Presentation CONP Connection Oriented Network Protocol CONS Connection Oriented Network Service CONTU Commission On New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works COO Chief Operating Officer COOL Control Oriented Language COP Constrained Optimization Problem COP CPU Overheating Protection COPA Child Online Protection Act COPE Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement (Act) COPE Computer Performance Evaluation COPICS Communications Oriented Production Information and Control System COPS Common Open Policy Service COPS Computer Oracle and Password System COR Common Object Runtime CORAL Computer Online Real-Time Applications Language CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture CORE Common Runtime Environment CORE Council of Registrars (Internet) CORNET Corporate ISDN Network Protocol COS Card/Cray Operating System COS Class of Service Seite 158 COS Compatible Operation System COS Complementary Switching COS Corporation for Open Systems (OSI) COS Custom Order Specification COSE Combined Office Standard Environment COSE Common Open Software/Systems Environment COSINE Cooperation for OSI Networking in Europe COSMIC Computer Software Management and Information Center (NASA) COSMOS Complementary Symmetric Metal Oxide Semiconductor COSMOS Computer Oriented System for Management Order Synthesis COSMOS Computer System for Mainframe Operations COSN Consortium for School Networking COSO Charge One Site Only COSPAS Cosmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynich Sudov COSS Common Object Services Specification COSY Conferencing System COT Customer Owned Tooling COTK Control Track COTS Coin Operated Telephone System COTS Commercial Off The Shelf (software) COTS Commodity Off The Shelf (Cluster) COTS Connection Oriented Transport Service COVE Code Verification COW Copy On Write COW Cluster Of Workstations CP Call Pay CP Card Punch CP Central/Communications/Customized Processor CP Check/Control Point CP Choke Packet CP Circuit Package CP Code Page CP Complete Partitioning CP Computer Professional CP Conducting Polymer CP Contention Procedure CP Continuous Path CP Constraint Programming CP Control Program CP Copy Protected CPA Certified Public Accountant CPA Closest Point of Approach CPA Code Parasite Autopropageable CPA Cost Per Action CPA Critical Path Analysis CPAN Comprehensive Perl Archive Network CPBX Computerized Private Branch Exchange Seite 159 CPC Card Programmable Calculator (IBM) CPC Computer Process Control CPC Constant Point Calculation CPC Cost Per Click CPCS Check Processing Control System CPCS Common Part Convergence Sublayer CPD Constructive Page Description CPE Central Processing Element CPE Computer Performance Evaluation CPE Customer Provided/Premises Equipment CPFR Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment CPFSK Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying CPG Central Pattern Generator CPG Clock Pulse Generator CPG COSINE Policy Group CPI characters per inch CPI Clocks Per Instruction CPI Code Page Information CPI Common Part Indication CPI Common Programming Interface (IBM) CPI Cost Performamce Index CPIC Common Programming Interface for Communications (IBM) CPIM Common Presence and Instant Messaging CPL Call Processing Language (Telecom) CPL Characters Per Line (cpl) CPL Combined Programming Language CPL Common Public License CPL Control Panel Library (Microsoft) CPL Current Privilege Level CPL Cyberathlete Professional League CPLD CMOS Programmable Logic Device CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device CP/M Control Programm for Microcomputers (DEC) CPM Control Programm for Microcomputers (DEC) CPM Colliding Pulse Mode CPM Computer Program Protection Manager CPM Corporate Performance Management CPM Critical Path Method CPM Cryptography Provider Manager CPN Conditional Pathname CPN Customer Premises Network CPO Certified Project Officer CPO Chief Privacy Officer CPP Corporate Preview Program CPPM Computer Protection Program Manager CPPM Content Protection for Prerecorded Media CPPS Critical Path Planning and Scheduling Seite 160 CPRM Content Protection for Recordable Media CPS Certification Practice Statement CPS Constraint Parameter Set CPS Continuation Passing Style CPS Critical Path Scheduling CPS cycles/characters per second CPSA Consumer Product Safety Act CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSI Configurable Post Script Interpreter CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility CPST Control Point Spanning Tree CPT Command Pass Thru CPT Common Point of Trust CPT COSINE Project Management Team CPT Critical Path Technique CPTWG Copyright Protection Technical Working Group CPU Central Processing Unit CPV Cold Process Verification CPW Commercial Processing Workload CQL Channel Queue Limit CQM Class Queue Management CQP Corpus Query Processor CR Cambridge Ring CR Carriage Return CR Core (Network) Router CR Cray Research, Inc. C/R Command Response CRAM Card Random Access Memory CRAM Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism CRAM Cyberspatial Reality Advancement Movement CRC Class, Responsibility, Collaboration/Collaborators CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CRCG Fraunhofer Center for Research in Computer Graphics CRCW Concurrent Read, Concurrent Write (PRAM) CRD Color Rendering Dictionary CRD Creation Revision Deletion (request) CREN Corporation/Computer Research Education/Educational Network, USA CREW Compact for Responsive Electronic Writing CREW Concurrent Read, Exclusive Write (PRAM) CRF Cable Retransmission Facility CRF Cross Reference File CRI Colour Reproduction Indices CRIM Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montreal CRIMM Continuity RIMM CRISP Complex Reduced Instruction Set Processor CRL Certificate Revocation List CRL Compile-time Reconfigurable Logic Seite 161 CR/LF Carriage Return/Line Feed CRM Communications + Records Management CRM Customer Relationship Management CROM Control Read Only Memory CRPC Center for Research on Parallel Computation CRR Change Request Reply CRS Cell Relay Service CRS Computer Reservation System CRSAB Centralized Repair Service Answering Bureau CRT Cathode Ray Tube CRT Chinese Remainder Theorem CRTC Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller CRTM Core Root of Trusted Module CRU Comite Reseau des Universites CRU Computer Resource Unit CRU Customer Replaceable Unit CRUD Create, Read, Update, and Delete CRV Code Rule Violation CS Cable/Card/Chip Select CS Call Sign CS Card Service CS Chip Select CS Circuit Switching CS Clear Screen CS Clear to Send CS Client/Server CS Code Segment CS Coding Scheme CS Communications Satellite/System CS Computer Science CS Continuous Servo CS Convergence Sublayer CS Correspondence System CS-ACELP Conjugate Structure Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction CS1 Capability Set 1 CS80 Command Set 80 (Hewlett-Packard) CSA Calendaring and Scheduling API CSA Call Path Service Architecture CSA Communications Streaming Architecture CSA Comprehensive System Accounting CSA Conseil Superieur de l'Audiovisuel CSA Cyber Security Agency, EU CSAR Channel System Address Register CSB Channel Status Byte CSC Center for Scientific Computing CSC COSPAS-SARSAT-Council Seite 162 CSCR Consortium for Slow Commotion Research CSCW Computer Supported Cooperative/Collaborative Work CSD Circuit Switched Data CSD Cold Shutdown CSD Computer Services Department CSD Corrective Service Disk/Diskette (IBM) CSDC Code Segment Descriptor Cache CSDGM Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata CSDN Circuit Switched Data/Digital Network CSDS Circuit Switched Data Service CSE Certified System Engineer CSE Customer Support Engineer CSE Common Subexpression Elimination CSEA Cyber Security Enhancement Act CSF Compagnie Sans Fil CSF Content Sealed Format CSFI Communication Subsystem For Interconnection CSG Constructive Solid Geometry CSG Consulting Services Group CSI Code Sequence Identification CSI Command Sequence Introducer CSI Common Synchronous/System Interface CSI Computer Security Institute, San Francisco, USA CSIC Computer System Interface Circuit CSIC Customer Specific Integrated Circuit CSID Called Subscriber Identifier/Identification CSID Calling Station Identifier CSIP Compressed Sources IBM PC CSIP Corporate Stable Image Platform CSIRT Computer Security Incident Response Team CSL Computation Structures Language CSL Computer/Context Sensitive Language CSLIP Compressed Serial Line Interface Protocol CSM Compatibility Support Module CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection CSMA/CE Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Elimination CSMP Continuous System Modelling Program CSMS Customer Support Management System CSN Card Select Number CSN Circuit Switched Network CSN Customer Service Number CSNET Computer and Science Network, USA CSO Central Services Organization CSP Certified Systems Professional CSP Chip Scale/Size Packaging CSP Commercial Service Provider Seite 163 CSP Commercial Subroutine Package CSP Communicating Sequential Process/Processes CSP CompuCom Speed Protocol CSP Constraint Satisfaction Problem CSP Cross System Product CSP Cryptographic Service Provider CSPDN Circuit Switched Public Data Network CSPDU Convergence Sublayer Protocol Data Unit CSPLA Conseil superieur de la Propriete Litteraire et Artistique CSPP Computer Systems Policy Project CSPWG Computer Security Policy Working Group CSR Cell Switch Router CSR Control and Status Register Management CSR Customer Service Record CSRAM Custom Static Random Access Memory CSRC Computer Security Resource Center CSRF Cross Site Request Forgery CSRG (Austin) Common Standards Revision Group CSRG Computer Systems Research Group (Berkeley) CSS Cascaded/Cascading Style Sheet CSS Centralized Structure Store CSS Chirp Spread Spectrum CSS Client-Server-System CSS Code Storage Segment CSS Coded Switch Set CSS Computer Scheduling System CSS Computer Subsystem CSS Content Scrambling System CSS Continuous System Simulator CSS Core System Software CSS Critical Systems Support CSS Cross Site Scripting CSSD Cloneproof Schwartz Sequential Dropping CSSL Continuous System Simulation Language CSSM Client Server Systems Management CSSM Computer Security Site Manager CSSO Computer System Security Officer CSSP Cascading Style Sheet Positioning CSSSP Common Sparse Spectral Spatial Pattern CSTA Computer Supported Telephony Application CSTAC Computer Systems Technical Advisory Committee CSTB Computer Science + Technology Board CSTR Computing Science Technical Report CSTS Computer Supported Telecommunication/Telephony Standard CSU Channel Service/Switching Unit CSU Control and Service Unit CSV Certified Server Validation Seite 164 CSV Circuit Switched Voice CSV Client SMTP Verification CSV Comma Separated Values/Variables CSW Channel Status Word CSZ Clark, Shenker, Zhang (algorithm) CT Call Transfer CT Chipcard Terminal CT Clock Time CT Computer Technik/Telephony/Tomography CT Controller CT Cordless Telephone CT Cut Through CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network CTB Cipher Type Byte CTB Communication Toolbox (Apple) CTB Computer Based Training CTC Channel To Channel CTC Cornell Theory Center CTC Counter Timer Chip CTCP Client To Client Protocol CTCPEC Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria CTCSS Continuous Tone Coded/Controlled Squelch System CTD Cell Transfer Delay CTDB Clustered Trivial Data Base CTDB Compact Terrain Data Base CTEA Copyright Term Extension Act CTES Cell Technology Evaluation System CTF Common Trace Facility CTF Contrast Transfer Function CTI Computational Testbed for Industry CTI Computer Telephony Integration CTIA Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association CTL Complementary Transistor Logic CTL Complex Text Layout CTL Corel Transactional Licensing CTL CTSS Command Language Controller CTM Clock and Tone Module CTM Cordless Terminal Mobility CTN Corporate Telecommunication Network CTO Chief Technical/Technology Officer/Offices CTOS Cassette Tape Operating System CTOS Corporate Telecommunications and Office Systems CTP Community Technology Preview CTP Composite Theoretical Performance CTP Computer To Plate CTP Cordless Telephony Profile CTPA Coax to Twisted Pair Adapter Seite 165 CTR Cable Throw Replacement CTR Center for Telecommunications Research, Columbia U. CTR Common Technical Regulations CTR Computing Tabulating Recording (Corporation) CTR Counter CTR Current Transfer Ratio CTRCO Calculating Tabulating Recording Corporation CTRL Control CTS Clear To Send CTS Common Transport Semantics CTS Common Type System CTS Computer Telephony Solution CTS (EC) Conformance Testing Services CTS Courier Time Server CTS Customer Telephone System CTSS Compatible/Cray Time-Sharing System CTY Console Teletype CU Control Unit CU Customer Use CU See You (Slang) CU2 See You, Too (Slang) CUA Common User Access (IBM) CUA Commonly Used Acronym CUA Computer Users Association CUB Cursor Backward CUCN Communication Controller Node CUD Cursor Down CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture CUE Custom Updates and Extras CUF Cursor Forward CUG Closed/Closet User Group CUI Captive/Common/Consistent User Interface CUI Character/Character-oriented User Interface CUL See You Later (Slang) CUNY City University of New York CUOD Central Unit on Demand CUP Communications User Program CUP Competitive Upgrade CUP Cursor Position CUPID Completely Universal Processor Input/Output Design CUPS Common UNIX Printing System CURL Cambridge University Robot Language CUSI Configurable Unified Search Index CUSIP Committee for Uniform Security Identification Procedures, USA CUSP Customer Programming Language CUSSNET Computer Use in Social Sciences Network CUT Control Unit Terminal Seite 166 CUTE Clarkston University Terminal Emulator CUU Computerunterstützter Unterricht CUU Cursor Up CVD ClamAV Virus Database CVD Compact Video Disk CVE Collaborative Virtual Environment CVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CVF Compressed VFAT CVF Compressed Volume File CVGA Color Video Graphics Array CVIA Computer Virus Industry Association CVN Credit Card Validation Number CVP Collaborative Virtual Prototyping CVS Computer Vision Syndrome CVS Concurrent Versions System CVSD Continuous Variable Slope Delta (Modulation) CVT Convert CVT Coordinated Video Timings (VESA) CVW CodeView for Windows (Microsoft) CVW Collaborative Virtual Workspace (License) CW Call Waiting CW Continuous Wave CW Control Word CWA Competitive Web Analysis CWI Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam CWIS Campus/Community Wide Information Service/System (Internet) CWP Communication Word Processor CWS Congestion Window Setting CXFS SGI Clustered Extended File System CXI Common X Interface CXML Commerce Extensible Markup Language CYA Cover Your Ass (Slang) CYK Cocke-Younger-Kasami (-Algorithmus) CYL Cylinder CYL See You Later (Slang) CYMK Cyan Yellow Magenta Key/Black (Farbmodell) D Daemon, Data, Deutsch, Digital, Direct, Document, Double D Datenleitung D2C Digital To Character D2PC Dynamic Two Phase Commitment D2T2 Dye Diffusion Thermal Transfer (Drucker) D64S ISDN-Festverbindung 64 kbit/s DA Destination Address DA Digital/Analog, D/A DA Direct Access Seite 167 DA Destination Address DAA Data Access Arrangement DAA Decimal Adjust for Addition DAA Detect and Avoid Algorithm DAA Digest Access Authentication DAA Dynamic Adaptive Acknowledgment DAB Daten-Autobahn DAB Digital Audio Broadcast/Broadcasting DAB Direct Access Buffer DAC Data Acquisition and Control DAC Daily Administrative Check DAC Design Automation Conference DAC Device Access Code DAC Digital-Analog-Converter DAC Digital Audio Copy DAC Discretionary Access Control DAC Distributed Academic Computing DAC Dual Attached/Attachment Component/Concentrator DACD Directory Access Control Domain DACK DMA Acknowledge DACL Discretionary Access Control List (Microsoft) DACS Data Acquisition Control System DACS Data and Analysis Center for Software, DoD, USA DACS Digital Access and Cross-connect System DACT Data Compression Technology DACTLU Deactivate Logical Unit DAD Desktop Application Director DAD Duplicate Address Detection DAE Datenaufnahmeeinheit DAE Differential-algebraic Equation DAE Digital Audio Extraction DAF Destination Address Field DAF Deutsche-Arbeitsfront-Empfänger DAG Directed Acyclic Graph DAG Direktrufnetzabschlussgerät DAGM Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung DAI Distributed Artificial Intelligence DAK Diagnose-Kanal DAKfCBNF Deutscher Arbeitskreis für CB- und Notfunk DAKS Dateikatalogsystem DAL Data Access Language/Layer DAL Dedicated Access Line DAL Disk Access Lockout DAM Data Acquisition and Monitoring DAM Debian Account Manager DAM Digital Asset Management DAM Digital Audio Monitor Seite 168 DAM Direct Access Method DAMA Demand Assigned Multiple Access DAML DARPA/Distributed Agent Markup Language DAML Digital Archives Markup Language DAMPS Digital Advanced Mobile Phone Service DAN Domestic/Desk Area Network DANCC Domestic Area Network Coordination Centre DANTE Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe DANZKO Datennetzkoordinator DAO Data Access Object DAO Disk At Once DAP Data Access Protocol (DEC) DAP Data Archiving Process DAP Developer Assistance Program DAP Directory Access Protocol DAP Division Advisory Panel (NSF) DAP Document Application Profile DAP Dynamic Application Partitioning DAPC Data Acquisition and Process Control DAPI Desktop Application Programming Interface DAPIE Developers' Application Programming Interface Extensions DAR Datenausgabe-Register DAR Digital Audio Radio DAR Display Aspect Ratio DAR Dynamic Adaptive Routing DARC Data Radio Channel DARC Deutscher Amateur-Radio Club DARI Database Application Remote Interface (IBM) DARMS Digital Alternate Realization of Musical Symbols DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, USA DART Dexterous Anthropomorphic Robotic Testbed DART Digital Audio Reconstruction Technology DAS Data Acquisition Subsystem/System DAS Datenausgabe-Steuerung DAS Decimal Adjust for Subtraction DAS Digital Analysis System DAS Direct Attached Storage DAS Dual Attached/Attachment Station (FDDI) DASAT Datenübertragung via Satellit DASD Direct Access Storage Device DASH Digital Audio Stationary Head DASL DAV Search and Locate DASP Data Administration Strategic Plan DASP Data Analysis Statistics and Probability DASP Deliver Automated Solutions Process DASP Drive active -- Slave present DASP Dynamic Adaptive Speculative Preprocessor Seite 169 DASS Direct Access Secondary Storage DASS Ditributed Authentication Security Service DAST Datenaustausch-Steuerung DAT Digital Audio Tape DAT Disk Array Technology DATACOM Data Communications DATC Drake Authorized Testing Center (Novell) DATEL Data Telecommunication DATEV Datenverarbeitungsorganisation der steuerberatenden Berufe DATEX-J Data Exchange for Jedermann DATEX-L Data Exchange by Lines (leitungsvermittelt) DATEX-M Data Exchange Multi-Megabit DATEX-P Data Exchange in Packages (paketvermittelt) DATV Digital Amateur Television DAU Digitaler Alarmumsetzer DAU Digital Announcement Unit DAU Dümmster Anzunehmender User (Slang) DAU Dynamische Adress-Umsetzung DAV Data Available DAV Digital Audio Video DAV Distributed Authoring and Versioning DAVACS DoE Automated Visitor Access Control System DAVIC Digital Audio Video Council DAVID Digital Audio Video Interactive Decoder DAWG Directed Acyclic Word Graph DB Data Base/Buffer DB Device Bay DB Dynamic Backtracking DBA Database Access/Agent/Administrator DBB Detect Before Break DBBS Database Baby Sitter (DBA) DBBS Dynamic Bass Boost System DBC Data Bus Controller DBC Device Bay Controller DBCES Dynamic Bandwidth Utilization in 64 kBit/s Time Slot Trunking over ATM Using Circuit Emulation Services DBCS Delivery Bar Code Sorter DBCS Double-Byte Character Set DBE Data Base Engine DBFS Data Base File System DBH Data Base Handler DBI Data Base Interface (Class) DBIC Dezibel Isometric Circular DBLP Digital Bibliography + Library Project DBM Data Base Manager DBM Dezibel per Milliwatt DBML Data Base Markup Language DBMS Data Base Management System Seite 170 DBP Deutsche Bundespost DBPSK Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying DBQ Data Base Query DBQ Data/Document Based Question DBR Deterministic Bit Rate DBR DOS Boot Record DBS Data Base Server/System DBS Debian Build System DBS Demand Based Switching DBS Deutscher Bildungsserver DBS Direct Broadcast/Broadcasting Satellite/System DBT Dynamic Backtracking DBV Deutsches Bücherverzeichnis DBV Digital Broadcast Video DBWR Database Writer DBX Debugger for UNIX DC Data Collection/Communication/Compression/Control DC Design Change DC Device Context (Microsoft) DC Device/Domain Control DC Direct Connect/Current DC Distributed Computing DC Distribution Center DC Domain Controller DC Dublin Core (Metadata Element Set) DC Duck + Cover (Slang) DCA Data Center Administration DCA Defense Communications Agency, USA DCA Digital Computer Association DCA Distributed Communications Architecture DCA Document Content Architecture DCAF Distributed Console Access Facility (IBM) DCAM Data Communication Access Method DCAM Digital Camera DCAM Direct Chip Attach Module DCB Data/Device Control Block DCB Disk Coprocessor Board (Novell) DCC Data Communication Channel DCC Data Country Code DCC Debian Core Consortium DCC DCC Common Core (Alliance) DCC Department Computer Coordinator DCC Differential Chain Code DCC Digital Command Control DCC Digital Compact Cassette DCC Digital Content Creation DCC Direct Cable/Client Connection Seite 171 DCC Direct Client to Client DCC Display Combination Code DCC Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse DCCA Distributed Component Computing Architecture DCCH Dedicated Control Channel DCCP Data Communications Control Procedure DCCP Datagram Congestion Control Protocol DCCP Digital Computer Control Panel DCCP Display Control Computer Program DCCP Dublin Core Community Profile DCCP Dynamic Content Caching Protocol DCCS Distributed Capability Computing System DCD Data Carrier Detect DCE Data Circuit/Communication Equipment DCE Data Circuit-Termination Equipment DCE Data Collection Engine DCE Digital Communications Experiment DCE Distributed Computing Environment (OSF) DCF Data Communication Facility (IBM) DCF Data Compression Facility DCF Data Count Field DCF Design rule for Camera File systems DCF Disengage Confirmation DCF Distributed Coordination Function DCF Document Composition Facility DCF Driver Configuration File DCFL Deterministic Context Free Language DCFL Direct Coupled FET Logic DCI Digital Cinema Initiatives DCI Display Control Interface DCL Data Center Linux DCL Data Control Language (SQL) DCL DEC Command Language DCL Declaration DCL Device Clear DCL Digital Command Language (DEC) DCL Disc Change Line DCLZ Data Compression Lempel Ziv DCM Data Communication Method/Multiplexer DCM Digital Content Management DCM Distributed Computing Model DCM Dual chip Module DCME Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment DCMI Dublin Core Metadata Initiative DCML Dynamic Configuration Markup Language DCNA Data Communications Network Architecture DCOM Data Communication processor Seite 172 DCOM Distributed Component Object Model DCOP Desktop Communications Protocol (KDE) DCP Data Collecting Platform DCP Device Control Protocol DCP Digital Cinema Package DCS Data Collection/Control System DCS Defined Context Set DCS Desktop Colour Separation DCS Diagnostic Communication System DCS Digital Cellular (Telecommunication) System DCS Distributed Computing/Control System DCS Dynamic Channel Selection DCSP Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Problem DCT Database Configuration Tool DCT Digital Cellular Telephone DCT Digital Core Technology DCT Discrete Cosine Transform/Transformation DCTL Direct Coupled Transistor Logic DCTP Developmental Certification Test Plan DCU Data Cache Unit DCV Destination Coded Vehicle DD Data Definition/Deliverable DD Debian Developer DD Digital Data/Display DD Double Density DDA Deutsche Daten-Autobahn DDA Digital Differential Analyzer DDA Distributed Data Access DDA Distributed Database Architecture DDA Document Description Architecture DDA Domain Defined Attribute DDA DRAM Development Alliance DDB Device Dependent Bitmap DDB Device Descriptor Block DDB Dynamic Delayed Broadcasting DDBAC Data Design HBCI Banking Apllication Components DDBMS Distributed Data Base Management System DDC Dewey Decimal Classification DDC Digital/Display Data Channel DDC Direct Digital Control DDC Distributed Data Coupling DDC Dual Die Chip DDC Dynamic Data Center DDC1 Display Data Channel One DDCMP Digital Data Communication Message Protocol (DEC) DDCS Distributed Database Connection Services (IBM) DDD Direct Distance Dialing Seite 173 DDDB Display Device Data Block DDE Direct Data Entry DDE Distributed Debugging Environment DDE Dynamic Data Exchange DDEML Dynamic Data Exchange Manager Library (Microsoft) DDES Double Data Encryption Standard DDF Dynamic Data Formatting DDFA Data Communications and Terminal Controller Device File Access DDH Distributed Document Handling DDI Device Driver Interface DDI Digital Document Interchange DDI Direct Dial/Dialling In DDIF Digital Document Interchange Format DDK Device Driver Kit (Microsoft) DDK Driver Development Kit DDL Data Definition/Description Language DDL Display/Document Description Language DDM Distributed Data Manager/Management DDN Defense Data Network, USA DDNS Dynamic Domain Name System DDOS Distributed Denial Of Service DDP Datagram Delivery Protocol DDP Debian Documentation Project DDP Distributed Data Processing DDR Double Data Rate DDR Dynamic Document Review DDS Data Description Specification DDS Data Distribution Service DDS Dataphone Digital Service (AT&T) DDS Delegation Discovery System DDS Design Data Sheet DDS DFN Directory Services DDS Digital/Distributed Data Service/Storage DDS Digital Direct Synthesis DDS Direct Digital Service/Synthesis DDS Direkte digitale (Frequenz-)Synthese DDS Disk Definition Structure DDS Distributed Database Services DDT Dynamic Debugging Tool DDTA Digital Distributed Transaction Architecture DDV Datendirektverbindung DDV DES DES Verfahren DDV Dialog Data Validation DDVT Dynamic Dispatch Virtual Tables DDX Digital Data Exchange DDXP Digital Data Exchange, Packet-switching Network DE Datenentstörung Seite 174 DE Debugging Extensions DE Device End DE Discard Eligible DE Document Engineering DE Double Ended DEA Data Encryption Algorithm DEA Deterministischer Endlicher Automat DEA Disposable Email Address DEARN Deutsches EARN DEBI Direct Memory Access Extended Bus Interface DEC Decrement DEC Device Clear DEC Digital Equipment Corporation DECNET Digital Equipment Corporation Networking (protocol) DECT Digital European Cordless Telecommunication DECUS DEC Users Society DED Darkness Emitting Diode DEE Datenendeinheit/-einrichtung (= DTE) DEF Data Exchange Format DEF Default DEF Destination Element Field DEF Desktop Functional Equivalent DEFOMA Debian Font Manager DEG Datenendgerät DEISA Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications DEK Data Encryption Key DEK Dateneingabekanal DEL Decode Encode Language DEL Delete DELTA Developing European Learning Through Technology Advance DELUG Deutsche LINUX User Group DEM Digital Elevation Model DEMA Decoupled Multiuser Acquisition DEMA Differential Electromagnetic Analysis DEMTS Digital and Electronic Maps Transfer Standard DEN Directory/Document Enabled Networking/Networks DENIC Deutsches Network Information Center DEOS Distributed External Object Store DEP Data Execution Prevention/Protection DEPP Distributed Enhanced Programming Policy DER Dateneingaberegister DER Distinguished Encoding Rules DES Data Encryption Standard DES Data Entry Sheet DES Dateneingabesteuerung DES Dynamic Energy Saver DESY Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg Seite 175 DET Device Execute Trigger DEV Development DEV Device DEV Device Exclusion Vector DEVO Datenerfassungsverordnung DF Data/Destination Field/Form DF Default DF Device/Double Flag DFA Deterministic Finite Automaton DFB Distributed Feedback (-Laser) DFBI Depth First Begin Index DFC Data Flow Control DFCE Defense Control Element DFD Datenanwendung für Dritte DFD Datenflussdiagramm, Data Flow Diagram DFD Deutsches Fernerkundungs-Datenzentrum DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder DFEI Depth First End Index DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFKI Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, Kaiserslautern und Saarbrücken DFM Design For Manufacturability DFN Deutsches Forschungsnetz e. V. DFP Decimal Floating Point DFP Digital Flat Panel (Port) DFR Double Frequency Recording DFS Deniable File System DFS Depth First Search DFS Distributed File Service/System DFS Dynamic Frequency Selection DFSA Direct File System Access DFSG Debian Free Software Guidelines DFSMS Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem DFT Design For Testability DFT Diagnostic Function Test DFT Discrete Fourier Transform/Transformation DFT Distributed Function Terminal DFT Drive Fitness Test DFU Data File Utility DFU Device Firmware Update DFUE Datenfernübertragung DFV Datenfernverarbeitung DFZ Default-free Zone DG Data Group DG Datagram DGA Direct Graphics Access/Architecture DGC Distributed Garbage Collection DGI Deutsche Grid-Inititative Seite 176 DGIF Delta GIF DGIS Direct Graphics Interface Standard DGL Device-independent Graphics Library (HP) DGN Deutsche Gesellschaft für Netzdienste DGPS Differential Global Positioning System DGS Dynamische Geometrie-Software DGT Direction Generale des Telecommunications DH Diffie-Hellman (Key Exchange) DH Digital Home DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (Internet) DHDTV Digital High Definition Television DHIS Dynamic Host Information System DHL Dynamic Head Loading DHRVVF Ducking, Hiding and Running Very Very Fast (Slang) DHS Department of Homeland/Hopeless Security, USA DHSD Duplex High Speed Data DHT Distributed Hash Table DHTML Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language DI Data In DI Decoder Identification DI Destination Index DIA Defence Intelligence Agency DIA Deutsche Informatik Akademie DIA Display Industry Association DIA Document Interchange Architecture (IBM) DIAC Dedicated Inquiry Access Code DIAD Delivery Information Acquisition Device DIAS Digital Information Archiving System DIB Data Information Base DIB Device Independent Bitmap DIB Directory Information Base DIB Dual Independent Bus DIBOL DEC Business Oriented Language DICOM Digital Image/Imagery/Imaging (and) Communication/Communications DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine DID Digital Image Design DID Digital Information Display DID Direct Inward Dialling DIDAC Digital Data Acquisition + Control DIDL Digital Item Declaration Language DIDS Defense Integrated Data System DIDS Distributed Intrusion Detection System DIF Data/Directory Interchange Format DIFS Distributed/DCF Inter Frame Space DIG Digital Imposition Geometry DIGI Deutsche Interessengemeinschaft Internet e. V. DII Dynamic Invocation Interface Seite 177 DIIP Direct Interrupt Identification Port DIL Dual In Line DILA Direct-Drive Image Light Amplifier (D-ILA) DILLIGAS Do I Look Like I Give A Shit (Slang) DIM Data Interpretation Module DIMDI Deutsches Institut für Medizinische Information und Dokumentation DIME Direct Internet Message Encapsulation DIMM Dual Inline Memory Module DIN Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung, Berlin DIN Do It Now (Slang) DINI Deutsche Inititative für Netzwerkinformation DIO Data Input and Output DIP Dialup Internet Protocol DIP Digital/Document Image Processing DIP Dissemination Information Package DIP Dual Inline Package/Pin DIPS Dual Domain In Plane Switching DIR Directory DIRC Digital Inter Relay Communication DIS Data Item Specification DIS Digital Immune System (Symantec) DIS Directory/Distributed Information System DIS Distributed Interactive Simulation DIS Draft International Standard (ISO) DIS Dynamic Impedance Stabilization DISA Data Interchange Standards Association DISA Defense Information Systems Agency, USA DISA Direct Inward System Access DISC Disconnect (frame) DISCO Digital Secure Communication (Bosch/Ascom) DISCSI Differential SCSI DISEQC Digital Satellite Equipment Control DISN Defense Information Systems Network DISOSS Distributed Office Support System (IBM) DISP Directory Information Shadow Protocol DISP Displacement DIST Digital Image Scaling Technology DIT Depth of Inheritance Tree DIT Directory Information Tree DITO Dit Is Totale Onzin (Slang) DITO DoD IPv6 Transition Office DITR Deutsches Informationszentrum für Technische Regeln DIU Data Interface Unit DIV Data In Virtual (Facility) DIV Digitale Vermittlungsstelle DIV Divide Seite 178 DIVA Digitales Videoarchiv, Karlsruhe DIVE Direct Interface Video Extension DIVO Digitale Vermittlungsstelle Ortsnetz DIVX Digital Video Express DIW D-Inside Wire DIWSCSI Differential Wide SCSI (16 Bit) DIX Digital Equipment Corporation, Intel, Xerox (Ethernet) DIY Do It Yourself (Slang) DJDE Dynamic Job Descriptor Entry DJM Distributed Job Manager DKE Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik im DIN und VDE DKE Deutscher Kleinempfänger (Goebbelsharfe) DKG Digitales Kartengerät DKI Device Kernel Interface DKIM Domain Keys Identified Mail DKMS Dynamic Kernel Module Support (Linux) DKOM Direct Kernel Object Manipulation DKRZ Deutsches Klima-Rechenzentrum, Hamburg DKUUG Danish UNIX Users' Group DKZ Datenkonzentrator DL Download DL/1 Data Manipulation Language 1 (IBM) DLB Dynamic Load Balancing DLC Data Link Control (IBM) DLC Digital Learning Center (Kodak) DLC Digital Loop Carrier DLC Distributed Loop Carrier DLC Down Line Control DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier DLCX Data Link Control Exchange DLD Detailed Level Design DLE Data Link Escape DLF Deutschlandfunk DLGI Dienstleistungsgesellschaft für Informatik DLHP Deutsches Linux HowTo Projekt DLI Digital Libraries Initiative DLL Data Link Layer DLL Delay/Digitally Locked Loop DLL Dynamic Link Library DLLP Data Link Layer Protocol DLM Distributed LAN Monitoring DLM Distributed Lock Manager DLM Dynamic Link Module DLNA Digital Living Network Alliance DLO Document-Like Object DLOC Delta Lines Of Code DLP Data Load Partition Seite 179 DLP Digital Light Processing DLPI Data Link Provider Interface DLR Dependent LU Requester DLR Design Layout Record DLR DOS LAN Requester DLS Data Link Switching DLS Dependent LU Server DLS Distributed Load Sharing DLS Downloadable Sounds DLSG Deutsche Lehrsoftware Gemeinschaft DLSW Data Link Switching DLT Digital Linear Tape DLTM Don't Lie To Me (Slang) DM Data Mark/Mining/Mode DM Delta Modulation DM Dense Mode DM Device Management/Mapper DM Dialogue Management (System) DM Direct Manipulation (of text) DM Disconnect/Disconnected Mode DM Distributed Memory/Monitor DMA Direct Memory Access/Addressing DMA Document Management Alliance DMAC Direct Memory Access Controller DMAN Differential Manchester (Coding) DMAPI Data Management Application Program Interface DMB Digital Multimedia Broadcast/Broadcasting DMB Domain Master Browser DMC Digital Media Center DMC Direct Memory Controller DMC Distributed Management Chain DMCA Digital Millenium Copyright Act DMD Device Manager Driver DMD Digital Micromirror Device DMD Direct Manipulation Device DMD Directory Management Domain DME Digitaler Meldeempfänger DME Direct Memory Execution DME Distance Measuring Equipment DME Distributed Management Environment (OSF) DMF Direct Manual Focus DMF Distribution Media Format DMG Distress Message Generator DMI Data Management and Interoperability DMI Data Memory Interface DMI Database Management Interface DMI Definition of Management Information Seite 180 DMI Design Manufacturing Interface DMI Desktop Management Interface DMI Deutsche Mittelstandsinformatik DMI Digital Media Infrastructure DMI Digital Multiplexed Interface DMI Digital Music Initiative DMI Diploma in Medical Informatics DMI Dipole Mode Index DMI Direct Manipulation Interface DMI Distributed Management Interface DMI Distributed Medical Intelligence DMI Dynamic Method Invocation DML Data Manipulation Language DML Dialog Markup Language DML Distributed Mode Loudspeaker DMLT Distributed Multi Link Trunking DMM Digital Multimeter DMMP Distributed Memory, Message Processing DMMS Dynamic Memory Management System DMMV Deutscher Multimedia Verband DMO Directory Management Organization DMOS Double-diffused Metal-Oxide Semiconductor DMOZ Directory Mozilla DMP Designated Mailers Protocol DMP Dot Matrix Printer DMPC Distributed Memory Parallel Computer DMPM Digital Monitor Power Management DMPP Distributed Memory Parallel Processor DMQS Display Mode Query and Set (IBM) DMR Dual Modular Redundancy DMS Data/Design/Desktop/Document Management Software/System DMS Deadline Monotonic Scheduling DMS Digital Management Solutions DMSD Digital Multi-Standard Decoding DMSDK Digital Media Software Development Kit DMSP Distributed Mail System Protocol DMSS Distributed Mass Storage System DMSV Distributed Memory, Shared Variables DMT Discrete Monitor Timing (VESA) DMT Discrete Multitone (Modulation) DMTF Desktop/Distributed Management Task Force DMU Digital Mock-up DMUP Debian Machine Use Policies DMUX Demultiplexer DMY Day Month Year (Datumsangabe) DMZ De-Militarised Zone (Firewall) DN Distinguished Name Seite 181 DN Down DNA Digital Network Architecture (DEC) DNA Direct Note Access DNA Distributed Network Architecture DNA Document Enabled Network DNB Deutsche Nationalbibliographie DNC Direct/Distributed Numerical Control DNCP Decnet Phase IV Control Protocol DNCRI Division of Networking and Communications Research and Infrastructure (NSF) DND Do Not Disturb DNDO Do Not Disturb Override DNE Deterministic Network Enhancer (VPN) DNF Disjunktive Normalform DNG Datennetzabschlussgerät DNG Digital Negative DNHR Dynamic Non-Hierarchical Routing DNI Desktop Network Interface DNI Direct Neural Interface DNIC Data Network Identification Code DNIE Digital Natural Image Engine DNIS Dialed Number Identification Service DNKZ Datennetz-Kontrollzentrum (DBP) DNL Dynamic Noise Limiter DNLC Directory Name Lookup Cache DNM Datennetzabschlussmodul DNMS Datennetz-Management-Software DNPG Digital Networks Product Group DNRC Domain Name Rights Coalition DNS Direct Numerical Simulation DNS Domain Name Server/Service/Scheme/System (Internet) DNSB Daten-Netz-Signalisierung Typ B DNSBL DNS Based Blacklist DNSO Domain Name Supporting Organization DNSSEC Domain Name System with Security Extensions DNUG Deutsche Notes User Group DO Data Out, Distributed Object DOA Dead On Arrival DOAG Deutsche Oracle-Anwender-Gruppe DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals DOAR Directory of Open Access Repositories DOC Distributed Object Computing DOCP DAE Optimal Control Problem DOCS Designation of Other Coding System DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification DOCSV Data Over Circuit Switched Voice DOCT Distributed Object Computation Testbed DOD Department of Defence (Defense), USA Seite 182 DOD Digital Optical Disc DOD Dollars On Demand DOD Drink Or Die DOD Drop On Demand DODCI Department Of Defense Computer Institute DOE Department Of Energy, USA DOE Distributed Objects Environment/Everywhere DOI Digital Object Identifier DOI Domain Of Interpretation DOIP Dial Other Internet Providers DOK Distrikts- und Ortsverbands-Kenner (des DARC) DOL Direct Object Linking DOLAP Desktop OLAP DOM Document Object Model/Modul DOM Document Output Management DOMF Distributed Object Management Facility (Sun) DOORS Distributed Object Oriented Reliable Service DOP Directory Operational Binding Management Protocol DOQ Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle DOR Digital Optical Recording DOS Denial Of Service DOS Disk Operating System DOS Distributed Operating System DOSEM DOS Emulator/Emulation DOSS Dedicated Office Systems and Services DOT Document Template DOT Documents to Think with (GMD) DOV Data Over Voice DOVE Digital Orbiting Voice Encoder DOW Day Of Week DOW Direct Overwrite DP Data Processing DP Dial Pulse DP Digital Person/Persona/Photography DP Distributed Printing/Processor DP Dot Pitch DP Draft Proposed Standard (ISO) DPA Demand Protocol Architecture DPA Differential Power Analysis DPA Document Printing Application/Architecture DPAM Demand Priority Access Method DPAR Data Parallel Abstraction DPAREN Data Parity Enable (IBM) DPB Drive Parameter Block DPBO Downstream Power Back Off DPC Deferred Procedure Call DPC Direct Program Control Seite 183 DPC Display Controller DPCM Differential Puls Code Modulation DPCT Data Processing Control Transmittal Card DPD Dead Peer Detection DPD Deep Power Down (modus) DPDA Deterministic Push Down Automaton DPDS Data Processing Distributed Systems DPF Discrete Packet Format DPG Dedicated Packet Group DPI Deep Packet Inspection DPI Distributed Protocol Interface DPI dots per inch DPL Debian Project Leader DPL Descriptor Privilege Level DPL Distributed Program Link DPM Digital Panel Meter DPM Display Power Management DPMA Data Processing Management Association, USA DPMA Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, München DPMI DOS Protected Mode Interface (Microsoft) DPMS Digital/Display Power Management Signaling/Software/Support DPMS Display Power Management Signaling (Standard) (VESA) DPMS DOS Protected Mode Service DPO Dial Pulse Originating DPO Data Phase Optimization DPOF Digital/Direct Print Order Format DPP Demand Priority Protocol DPR Distributed Pasword Recovery DPR Dynamic Physical Rendering DPS Digital Print System DPS Display Postscript DPS Document Processing System DPSI Direction, Planification et Strategie Informatique DPSI Dots Per Square Inch DPSI Dual Power Servo Interface DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying DPT Data Processing Terminal DPT Drive Parameter Table DPU Data Parallel Unit DQCB Distributed Queue Control Bus DQDB Distributed Queue Double/Dual Bus DQF Driver Qualification File DQL Data/Database/DataEase Query Language DQL DAML Query Language DQL DICOM Query Label DQL Domain Qualifier List/Lists DQO Data Quality Objective Seite 184 DQPSK Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying DR Data Received DR Designated Router DR Digital Research DR Direct or Reverse DR Disaster Recovery DR Document Request DR Dynamic Reconfiguration DRA Deutsches Rundfunk-Archiv DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory DRAW Direct Read After Write DRB DRAM Row Boundary DRBD Distributed Replicated Block Device DRC Dynamic Range Compression DRCMF Digital Reality Creation Multi Function (Sony) DRCS Dynamically Redefinable Character Set DRDA Distributed Relational Database Architecture (IBM) DRDA Distributed Remote Database Access DRDRAM Direct Rambus Dynamic RAM DRDW Direct Read During Write DRE Direct Recording Electronic (Device) DRE Distributed Real-time and Embedded (systems) DRI Declarative Referential Integrity DRI Defense Research Internet DRI Digital Research Incorporated DRI Direct Rendering Infrastructure DRI Dynamic Range Increase DRL Dynamically Reconfigurable Logic DRM Digital Radio Mondiale (Modulation) DRM Digital Restrictions/Rights Management DRM Direct Rendering Manager DRM Distributed Resource Management DRM Dual Retention Mechanism DRMS Data Record Management System DRO Data Request Output DRO Destructive Read Out DRP DEC's Routing Protocol DRP Disaster Recovery Plan DRP Distributed Reservation Protocol DRQ Disengage Request DRQ DMA Request DRR Dynamic Rate Repartitioning DRS Data Relay Satellite DRS Document Registration System DRS Domino Runtime Services DRS Driver Resource DRS Druckstation Seite 185 DRTS Data Relay + Tracking System DRTS Distributed Revision Tracking System DRV Drive (Laufwerk) DRY Don't Repeat Yourself DS Data Segment/Send/Server/Strobe DS Differentiated Service DS Digit Select DS Directory Services DS Distributed Services (OSF) DS Distribution Service (Cable TV) DS Distribution System (WLAN) DS Double Sided DS Drive Select DS02 ISDN-Festverbindung 128 kbit/s DS3 Digital Signal Level 3 DSA Data Service Adapter DSA Data/Digital Signature/Standard/Storage Architecture/Algorithm DSA Debian Security Advisory DSA Digital Signature Algorithm DSA Directory System Agent (X.500) DSAB Distributed Systems Architecture Board DSAF Destination Subarea Address Field DSAP Data Self Auditing Program DSAP Destination Service Access Point DSAS Data Sharing Architecture System DSB Datenschutzbeauftragter DSB Double Side Band DSC Digital Selective Call/Calling DSC Direct Satellite Communications DSC Direct Space Control DSC Document Structuring Comments/Conventions (Postscript) DSCH Downlink Shared Channel DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point DSCS Defense Satellite Communications System, USA DSD Direct Stream Digital DSDC Data Segment Descriptor Cache DSDC Dual Socket Direct Connect DSDD Double Sided Double Density (Floppy) DSDT Data Set Definition Table DSDT Differentiated System Description Table DSE Data Storage Equipment DSE Data Switching Exchange DSE Distributed System Environment DSE DSA Specific Entry DSEA Display Station Emulation Adapter DSECT Data/Dummy Control Section DSEE Domain Software Engineering Environment (HP) Seite 186 DSG Digital Signal Generator DSH Desparately Seeking Help (Slang) DSH Dotnet Scripting Host DSHD Double Sided High Density (Floppy) DSI Detailed Spectrum Investigation DSI Digital Sspeech Interpolation DSI Dynamic Systems Initiative (Microsoft) DSIG Digital Signature DSIMM Dual RAS SIMM DSIS Distributed Support Information Standard DSK Datenschutzkommission DSL Damn Small Linux DSL Dialogue Scripting Language (OSF) DSL Digital Subscriber Line DSL Dynamic Simulation Language DSLAC DSL Access Concentrator DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer DSLB Digital Subscriber Line Board DSM Daten-Signal-Multiplexsystem DSM Demand Side Management DSM Distributed Shared Memory DSM Domain Specific Modelling DSMA Digital Sense Multiple Access DSMIT Distributed SMIT (IBM) DSML Directory Services Markup Language DSMLT Distributed Split Multi Link Trunking DSMX Digitaler Signalmultiplexer DSN Data Source Name DSN Deep Space Network DSN Defense Switched Network DSN Delivery Status Notification DSN Digital Switching Network DSN Distributed Sensor Networks DSO Digital Sampling Oscilloscope DSO Dynamic Shared Object DSOM Distributed System Object Model DSOM Distributed Systems Operations and Management DSP Delivery Service Partner DSP Digital Signal/Sound Processing/Processor DSP Directory Synchronization/System Protocol DSP Display Support/Systems Protocol DSP Domain Specific Part DSPL Datensichtplatz DSPT Display Station Pass Thru DSPU Downstream Physical Unit DSQ Digital Squelch DSQ Double Square (Coding) Seite 187 DSQD Double Sided Quad Density (Floppy) DSR Data Set Ready DSR Device Status Register/Report DSR Digitales Satelliten-Radio DSR Document Search and Retrieval DSR Dynamic Source Routing DSRC Dedicated Short Range Communication DSRI Deutsche Stiftung für Recht und Informatik DSS Data Security Standard DSS Data Storage Segment/Server DSS Decision Support System DSS Digital Satellite System DSS Digital Signature Standard/System DSS Digital Spread Spectrum DSS Digital Subscriber Signalling DSS Digitized Sky Survey DSS Direct Station Selector DSS Directory and Security Services DSS Distributed Security Service DSS1 Digital Signalling System No. 1 DSSA Domain Specific Software Architecture DSSI Digital Standard Systems Interconnect (DEC) DSSI Digital Storage Systems Interconnect DSSS Direct Sequence/Sequencing Spread Spectrum DSSSL Document Style Semantics and Specification Language DST Datenstation DST Daylight Saving Time DST Depleted Substrate Transistor DST Direct Stream Transfer DST Dispersive Signal Technology DSTN Double Super Twisted Nematic Field Effective Material DSU Data/Digital Service/Switching Unit DSUWG Data Systems Users' Working Group DSVD Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data DSW Data/Device Status Word DSX Digital Signals Cross-Connect DT Data Track/Translation/Transmission/Transmit/Type DT Date + Time DT Deep Trench (bipolar junction transistor) DT Definition Term DT Delay Time DT Desktop DT Deutsche Telekom DT Diagnostic Test DT Dial Tone DT Digital/Direct Television DT Digital Termination Seite 188 DT Directional Transmission DT Display Terminal DT Distributed (graphical user interface) Toolkit DT Double Tagging DT Downtime DTA Datenträger-Austausch DTA Diagnosetestablauf DTA Direct Tape Access DTA Disk Tranfer Area DTAB Demountable Tape Automated Bonding DTAG Deutsche Telekom AG DTC Data Communications and Terminal Controller DTC Desktop Communication/Conferencing DTC Distributed TCP Caching DTC Distributed Transaction Coordinator DTCP Digital Transmission Content/Copy Protection DTD Document Type Definition DTDS Disaster Tolerant Disk System DTE Data Terminal/Terminating Equipment DTE Dumb Terminal Emulator DTF Digital Tape Format (Sony) DTF Distributed Test Facility DTFS Desktop File System DTIM Delivery Traffic Indication Map/Message DTK Deception Toolkit DTK Desired Track DTK Developer Transition Kit DTL Designated Transit List DTL Dialogue Tag Language DTL Diode Transistor Logic DTLA Dynamic Transmit Level Adjustment DTLB Dual Translation Lookaside Buffer DTLS Datagram Transport Layer Security DTLS Descriptive Top Level Specification DTLS Distributed Teaching, Learning, and Services DTM Deterministic Turing Machine DTM Digital Terrain Mapping DTMF Data/Dual Tone Multiple Frequency DTMF Desktop Management Task Force DTML Document Template Markup Language DTN Data Transmission Network DTN Delay/Disruption Tolerant Network/Networking DTN Digital Telephone Network DTN Duplex, Tray, Network (printer) DTN Dutch Telecom Netherlands DTOS Distributed Trusted Operating System DTP Desktop Publishing Seite 189 DTP Distributed Transaction Process/Processing DTPS Dialer Token Pairs DTR Data Terminal Ready DTR Data Transfer Rate DTR Dedicated Token Ring DTR Digital Trunk DTS Decode Time Stamp DTS Digital Termination/Transceiving System DTS Digital Theatre Sound/System DTS Direct To SOM DTS Distributed Time Server/Service DTS Distributed Traffic Shaping (Cisco) DTSS Dartmouth Time Sharing System DTSS Digital Time Synchronization Service DTTB Digital Terrestrial TV Broadcasting DTV Desktop Video DTV Digital Television DTVC Desktop Video Conferencing DTX Discontinuous Transmission DU Disk Usage DUA Directory User Agent (X.500) DUAT Direct User Access Terminal DUCWIC Do You See What I See (Slang) DUe Datenübertragung DUeE Datenübertragungseinheit/-einrichtung DUG Discretionary User Group DUKATH Drahtlose Universität Karlsruhe (TH) DUL Dial-up User List DUN Dial-up Networking (Profile) DUNCE Dial-up Network Connection Enhancement DUNDI Distributed Universal Number Discovery DUNDIS Direction of United Nations Databases and Information Systems DUS Datenübertragungssystem DUST Datenübertragungssteuerung DUST Datenumsetzerstelle DUT Device Under Test DUV Data Under Voice DV Datenverarbeitung DV Delivery Verification (certificate) DV Digital Video DV Distance Vector DVA Datenverarbeitungsanlage DVA Distance Vector Algorithm DVB Digital Video Broadcast/Broadcasting DVBH Digital Video Broadcast/Broadcasting Handheld DVBT Digital Video Broadcast/Broadcasting Terrestrial DVC Desktop Video Conferencing Seite 190 DVC Digital Vibrance Control DVC Digital Video Camera/Cassette DVCR Digital Video Cassette Recording DVCS Distributed Version Control System DVD Dackel Vom Dienst DVD Deutsche Vereinigung für Datenschutz DVD Digital Versatile/Video Disc DVD-R Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory DVD-RW Digital Versatile Disk Re-Writable DVD-RAM Digital Versatile Disk Random Access Memory DVE Digital Video Effects D-VHS Data VHS DVI Deutsches Video Institut DVI Device Independent DVI Digital Video/Visual Interactive/Interface/Interleaved DVL Digital Video Link DVM Digital Voltmeter DVMRP Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol DVO Dynamic Variable Ordering (Heuristic) DVOF Digital Video Over Fibre DVR Digital Video/Voice Recorder DVST Datenvermittlungsstelle DVV Datenverarbeitungsverantwortlicher DW Data Warehouse/Warehousing DW Dual Watch DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing DWF Drawing Web Format DWG Drawing (AutoCAD) DWIM Do What I Mean (Slang) DWISNWID Do What I Say Not What I Do (Slang) DWM Diskless Workstation Management DWMT Discrete Wavelet Multi Tone DWN Debian Weekly News DWS Digitaler Wahlstift DWT Directory Watch DWT Discrete Wavelet Transform/Transformation DWTT Distribution Wide Tracker Tool DX Directory Exchange DX Weitverkehr, Distance (Funk) DXA Directory Exchange Agent DXB Digital Extended Broadcasting DXB Drawing Exchange Binary DXC Data Exchange Control DXC Digital Cross Connect DXF Data/Drawing Exchange/Interchange File/Format DXF Data Transfer File DXG Datexnetzabschlussgerät Seite 191 DXI Data Exchange Interface DYHWIH Do You Hear What I Hear (Slang) DYMO Dynamic MANET On-Demand (Routing) DYNSLT Dynamic Select DYNSRC Dynamic Source DZUG Deutsche Zope Users Group E Electronic, End, Enhanced, European, Extended E2EG Ear To Ear Grin (Slang) E2U E.164 To URI EA Effective Address EA Eingabe/Ausgabe, E/A EA Emulsion Aggregation EA Extended Address/Attribute EA External Address EAC Election Assistance Commission, USA EAC European Activities Committee EAC Exact Audio Copy EAC Extended Access Control EACEM European Association of Consumer Electronics Manufacturers EAD Encoded Archival Description (Format) EAD Ethernet-Anschlussdose EAI Enterprise Application Integration EAIM European Alliance for Information Management EAL Evaluation Assurance Level EAM Electronic Accounting Machinery EAN European Advanced Networking (Protocol) EAN European Article Number EAN Extragalactic Area Network EANCOM EDIFACT-Subset Konsumwirtschaft EANTC European Advanced Networking Test Center EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol EAPOE Extensible Authentication Protocol Over Ethernet EAPOL Extensible Authentication Protocol Over LAN EAPS Ethernet Automatic Protection Switching EAR Eavesdrop And Register EAR Elektro-Altgeräte Register EAR Enterprise Archive EAR External Access Register EARBA Enhanced Adaptive Rate Based Algorithm EARN European Academic Research Network EAROM Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory EARS Electronic Access to Reference Services EARS Electronic Authoring and Routing System EARS Explicit Archive and Retrieval System EAS Electronic Authorization System Seite 192 EAS Enterprise Agreement Subscription EAS Extended Area Service EASA European Academic Software Award EASC Euro-Asian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Russia et al.) EASKT Einzelanschluss-Konzentrator EATA Enhanced AT Bus Attachment EAWR Eingabeauswahlknotenregister EAX Environmental Audio Extensions EAZ Endgeräteauswahlziffer (ISDN) EBASIC Extended BASIC EBC EFI Byte Code EBC EISA Bus Controller EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (IBM) EBCOT Embedded Block Coding with Optimized Truncation EBCT Electron Beam Computed Tomography EBD Emergency Boot Disk EBI Equivalent/Extended Background Input/Investigation EBL Electronic Bearing Line EBM Electronic Bearing Marker EBNF Erweiterte (Extended) Backus-Naur-Form EBONE European Backbone EBP Electronic Bill Presentmet EBP Elektronisches Briefpapier EBP Extended Base Pointer EBPNN Error Back Propagation Neural Network EBPP Electric Bill Presentment and Payment EBR Excessive Burst Rate EBR Extended Boot Record EBS Event Based Sampling EBT Electronic Benefits Transfer EBTF European Banking Technology Fair EBU European Broadcasting Union EBV Elektronische Bildverarbeitung EBX Electronic Book Exchange EBXM Electronic Business XML EC Echo Cancellation EC Educational Computer EC Electronic Cash/Commerce EC End Chain EC Error Control EC European Community EC Evolutionary Computing EC Exchange Carrier EC Executive Commitee ECA Event, Condition, Action ECAD Electronic Computer Aided Design ECAL Enjoy Computing And Learn Seite 193 ECAS Exchange Card Architecture Specification ECAT Electronic Card Assembly and Test ECB Electronic Code Book ECB Event Control Block ECBS European Committee for Banking Standards ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem/Cryptography ECC Enter Cable Change ECC Error Check/Correction Circuit/Code ECC Error Checking and Correcting ECCC Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity ECCN Export Control Classification Number ECCOS Electronic Card Catalog + Ordering System ECD Enhanced Colour Display ECD Enhanced Compact Disc ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman ECDL European Computer Driving License ECDLP Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm ECDT Embedded Controller Boot Resources (Description) Table ECEF Earth-centered Earth-fixed ECF Enhanced Connectivity Facility ECG Electronic Content Guide ECHO European Community Host Organisation ECI Europäisches Computer Informationszentrum, Bonn ECI External Call Interface ECIN Electronic Commerce Info Net ECIS European Committee for Interoperable Systems ECL Emitter Coupled Logic ECL Execution Control List ECLF Extended Log File Format ECM Electronic Control Module ECM Enhanced Coprocessor Mount ECM Enterprise Content Management ECM Entity Connection/Coordination Management ECM Error Correcting/Correction Mode ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association ECN Electronic Communications Network ECN Explicit Congestion Notification ECNE Enterprise Certified NetWare Engineer (Novell) ECO Electron Coupled Oscillator, Electronic Commerce Forum ECODU European Control Data Users Group ECOM Electronic Commerce ECOM Electronic Computer Originated Mail ECOM Emergency/Exterior Communications ECOMA European Computer Measurement Association ECOOP European Conference on Object Oriented Programming ECP Enhanced/Extended Capabilities Port (Microsoft) Seite 194 ECP Excessive Cross-Posting ECPA Electronic Communications Privacy Act ECR Efficient Consumer Response ECRC European Computer Industry Research Centre ECRIT Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies ECS Embedded Computing System ECS Encryption Control Signal ECS Enhanced Chip Set ECS European Common Standard ECS European Communications Satellite ECSD Enhanced Circuit Switched Data ECSI European Custom Systems Integration ECSS Exalted Carrier Single Sideband ECTF Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum ECTL Electronic Communal Temporal Lobe ECU EISA Configuration Utility ED Edge Device ED End Delimiter ED Erase Display ED2K EDonkey2000 EDA Electronic Design Automation EDA Embedded Document Architecture EDA Event Driven Architecture EDA Explorative Datenanalyse EDAB Extended Digital Audio Broadcasting EDAC Error Detection And Correction EDAP Extraordinary Data Availability and Protection EDB Embedded Data Base EDC Electronic Digital Computer EDC Enhanced Data Correction EDC Error Detection and Correction EDC Error Detection Code EDCA Enhanced Distributed Channel Access EDCF Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function EDD Enhanced Disk Drive EDDC Extended Distance Data Cable EDE Encrypt Decrypt Encrypt EDF Earliest Deadline First EDFA Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier EDG Electronic/Email Discussion Groups EDG Environmental Data Gathering EDG Environmental Database Gateway EDG EOS Data Gateway EDG European Data Grid EDGAR Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution EDGE Explicit Data Graph Execution Seite 195 EDI Electronic Data/Document Interchange EDIBDB EDIFACT-Subset Baumärkte EDID Extended Display Identification Data EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN, DIN) EDIFICE EDIFACT-Subset Elektroindustrie EDIFURN EDIFACT-Subset Möbelindustrie EDIOFFICE EDIFACT-Subset Bürobedarf EDITEX EDIFACT-Subset Textilindustrie EDL Edit Decision List EDL Encapsulator/Enterprise Definition/Description Language EDLC Ethernet Data Link Control EDM Engineering Data Management EDMS Electronic Document Management System EDMS Enterprise Desktop Management Services EDO Enhanced/Extended Data Out/Output (DRAM) EDOC Electronic Document EDOC Enterprise Distributed Object Computing EDP Electronic Data Processing EDP Enhanced Dot Pitch EDPM Electronic Data Processing Machine EDPS Electronic/Enhanced Data Processing System EDR Enhanced Data Rate EDR External Developer Relaease EDRAM Enhanced Dynamic Random Access Memory EDS Electronic DIP Switch EDS Elektronisches Datenvermittlungssystem EDS Experimental Distributed System EDSAC Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator EDSI Enhanced Small Device Interface EDSL Ethernet Digital Subscriber Line EDSRA Earth Data System Reference Application EDSS European Digital Subscriber System EDTV Enhanced/Extended Definition Television EDU educational; Internet-Domain: Universitäten in USA EDV Elektronische/Experimentelle Daten-Verarbeitung EDVA Erbium doped Fiber Amplifier EDVAC Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer EE Electronic/Extended Edition EE Endeinrichtung EEC Extended Error Correction EEDID Enhanced Extended Display Identification Data EEE Energy Efficient Ethernet EEEPROM Emulated Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EEFL External Electrode Fluorescent Lamp EEHLLAPI Entry Emulator HLLAPI EEHO Either End Hop Off EEL Epsilon Extension Language Seite 196 EEM Extended Memory Management EEMA European Electronic Messaging Association EEMAC Electrical + Electronic Manufacturers of Canada EEMS Enhanced Expanded Memory Specification/Support EEP Equal Error Protection EEPAL Electrically Erasable Programmable Array Logic EEPI Electronic Entertainment Policy Inititative EEPLD Electrically Erasable Programmable Logic Device EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EES Escrowed Encryption Standard EESA Enterprise Extensions SMART Accessed EF Externer Fehler EFA Extended File Attribute EFAC Extended File Access Control EFCI Explicit Forward Congestion Identification EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation EFI Electromechanical Frequency Interference EFI Electronics For Imaging EFI Extensible Firmware Interface EFIP European Federation of Interconnection and Packaging EFISC Enhanced Fast Instruction Set Computer EFL Emitter Follower Logic EFLA Extended Four Letter Acronym EFM Eight-by/to-Fourteen Modulation EFR Enhanced Full Rate EFRC Enhanced Full Rate CODEC EFS Electronic Filing System EFS Enhanced/Encrypted/Encrypting/Enterprise/Episode/Extent File System EFS Extended File (Name) Server EFT Electronic Funds Transfer EFT Euro File Transfer EFTP Easy File Transfer Protocol EFTS Electronic Funds Transfer System EFUe Emissionsdaten-Fernübertragung EG Evil Grin (Slang) EG Exterior Gateway EGA Enhanced Graphics Adaptor/Array EGC (Inmarsat) Enhanced Group Call EGD Entropy Gathering Daemon EGEE Enabling Grids for E-Science in Europe EGG Gesetz zum Elektronischen Geschäftsverkehr EGK Elektronische Gesundheitskarte (eGK) EGL Embedded-Systems Graphics Library EGL Enterprise Generation Language EGN Einzelgebührennachweis EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol (Internet) Seite 197 EGPCS Environment, GET, POST, Cookies, Server EGPE Extended Generalized Programming Environment EGPRS Enhanced General Packet Radio Service EGW Edge Gateway EHCI Enhanced Host Controller Interface EHF Extremely High Frequency EHKP Einheitliches höheres Kommunikationsprotokoll EHLLAPI Emulator High Level Language Application Programming Interface EHR Electronic Health Record EHS European Home System EHSA European Home Systems Association EIA Electronic Industries Alliance, USA EIAJ Electronics Industry Association of Japan EIB European Installation Bus EIBA European Installation Bus Association EIBIEM Enhanced Interactive Business Integrating Environment Manager EICAR European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research EICTA European Information, Communications + Consumer Electronics Industry Technology Association EID Electronic Identity EID Electronic Information Display EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics EIDP Electronic Information Developers Program EIES Electronic Information Interchange System EIES European Information Exchange Service for the Communication between Harbour Areas EIFS Extended Inter Frame Space EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol EIM Electronic Image Management EIMS Eudora Internet Mail Server EIN European Informatics Network EIP Enterprise Informational Portal EIP Extended Instruction Pointer EIP Extended IP (Internet) EIR Equipment Identity Register EIRP Effective/Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power EIS Electronic/Employee/Emergency Information Services/System EIS Enterprise/Executive/Expert Information System EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture EISS Europäisches Institut für Systemsicherheit EIST Enhanced Intel Speedstep Technology EIT Event Information Table EITI European Interconnect Technology Initiative EITO European Information Technology Observatory EIUF European ISDN User Forum EIV Encryption Initialization Vector EJB Enterprise Java Beans EJO Electronic Journal Online EK Editor Kit Seite 198 EK Event Kernel EKT Envelope-Kanal-Teiler EKTS Electronic Key Telephone Service/Sets EL Electroluminiscent (Display) EL Elevation EL Embedded Linux EL Erase Line ELAN Educational/Elementary Language ELAN Emulated Local Area Network ELANC Enhanced Local Area Network Controller ELC Embedded Linking and Control ELC Embedded Linux Consortium ELD Electroluminescent Display ELD Electronic License Distribution ELEC Embedded Linux Expo + Conference ELEC Enterprise Local Exchange Carrier ELENA Elektronischer Einkommensnachweis ELF Executable and Linkable/Linking Format ELF Extremely Low Frequency ELFEXT Equal Level Far End Crosstalk ELFF Extended Log File Format ELGA Elektronische lebenslange Gesundheitsakte ELKS Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset ELM Electronic Mail (system) ELOD Erasable Laser Optical Disk ELOS Electro Optical Synergy ELOS Embedded Lightweight Operating System ELP Education License Program ELS Entry Level System ELSA Enhanced Linux System Accounting ELSPA European Leisure Software Publishers Assosciation ELSTER Elektronische Steuer-Erklärung ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter ELV Electronic/Extra Low Voltage ELV Elektronisches Lastschriftvefahren ELWIS Elektronisches Wasserstrassen-Informationssystem für die Binnenschifffahrt EM Electronic Mail EM End of Medium EM End-host Multicast EM Expanded Memory EMA Electronic Mail Association EMA Enterprise Management Architecture (DEC) EMAC European Market Awareness and Education Committee EMACS Editing Macros (GNU) EMACS Escape-Meta-Alt-Control-Shift (Slang) EMAIL Electronic Mail EMAS Edinburgh Multi-Access System Seite 199 EMB Enhanced Master Burst EMB Extended Memory Block EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Electronic Mail Connection EMC Extended Math Coprocessor EMCC Eckert-Mauchly Computer Company EME Earth - Moon - Earth (Connection) EME Electromagnetic Environment EMEA Europe, Middle East, and Africa EMEA European Medicinal Evaluation Agency, London EMF Electromagnetic Field/Force EMF Enhanced Meta File EMFBI Excuse Me For Butting In (Slang) EMFIS Emerging Markets Financial Services EMHS Electronic Message Handling Systems EMI Electric & Musical Industries EMI Electromagnetic Interference EMI External Memory Interface EML European Media Lab, Heidelberg EMM Enterprise Mail Manager EMM Expanded Memory Manager EMP Electromagnetic Pulse EMP Excessive Multi-Posting/Multiple Posting EMPA Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt EMR Electromagnetic Radiation EMR Electronic Mail Registration EMR Enhanced Metafile Record EMS Electronic Mail System EMS Electronic/Enhanced Message Service EMS Energy Management System EMS Enhanced Messaging Service EMS Expanded Memory Specification EMSAPI Extended Messaging Services Application Programming Interface EMSEC Emanations Security EMSEC Embedded Security (group), UCLA EMT Embedded Management Tool EMUG European MAP Users Group EMV Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EMVG Gesetz über die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Geräten EMVU Elektromagnetische Veträglichkeit zur Umwelt EMX Enterprise Mail Exchange EN End Node EN European Norm ENA Electronic Networking Association ENCMM Ethernet Network Control + Management Module ENDEC Encoder/Decoder ENDF Evaluated Nuclear Data File Seite 200 ENDS Ends Segment ENFIA Exchange Network Facilities For Interstate Access ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer ENISA European Network and Information Security Agency ENITH European Network for Information Technology in Human Services ENL European Network Laboratories ENP Ethernet Node Processor ENQ Enquiry ENS Enterprise Network System/Services/Switch ENSS European Navigation Satellite System ENSS Exterior Nodal Switching Subsystem (Internet) ENUM (T)Elephone Number Mapping EO Electro Optical EO Europe Online EOA End Of Address EOB End Of Block EOC Embedded Operations Channel EOC End Of Character/Conversion/Cycle EOD End Of Data EOD End Of Discussion (Slang) EOF ECC On the Fly EOF End Of Field/File/Flame EOF Enterprise Objects Framework EOI End Of Image/Interrupt EOI End Or Identify EOJ End Of Job EOL End Of Life/Line/List EOL Europa Online EOM End Of Message/Meckerei EOM Erasable Optical Memory EON Enhanced (Information Concerning) Other Networks EOP End Of Page/Partition EOR End Of Record EOR Exclusive Or (auch: XOR) EOS Educational Online Sources EOS Electro Optical System (Canon) EOS End Of String EOS Error Correction Code On SIMM EOSAT Earth Observation Satellite EOSDIS Earth Observing System Data and Information System (NASA) EOT Embedded Open Type EOT End of Tape/Transaction/Transmission/Table/Text EOTC European Organization for Testing and Certification EOU Ease Of Use EOU End Of User EOUG European Oracle Users Group EPA Environmental Protection Agency, USA Seite 201 EPA Europäisches Patentamt, München EPA Execution Path Analysis EPAC Enhanced Perceptual Audio Coding EPC Electronic Product Code EPEAT Electronics Product Environmental Assessment Tool EPG Electronic Program Guide EPI Enhanced Parallel Interface EPI Execute Programmer Immediately (Slang) EPI External Presentation Interface EPIC Electronic Privacy Information Center, USA EPIC Explicitly Parallel Instruction (Set) Computing EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon EPL Effective Prvilege Level EPL Ethernet Powerlink EPLD Electronic/Erasable Programmable Logic Device EPM Enterprise Process Management EPMAP Electronic Publishing Mapping Project EPO Emergency Power Off EPO Entry Point Obscuring EPOE Enhanced Power Over Ethernet EPP Enhanced Parallel Port EPP Ethernet Packet Processor EPPT European Printer Performance Test EPRCA Enhanced Proportional Rate Control Algorithm EPRML Enhanced Partial Response Maximum Likelihood EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EPS Electronic Publishing System EPS Encapsulated Postscript EPS Enterprise Parallel Server (HP) EPSCS Enhanced Private Switched Communications Service EPSF Encapsulated Postscript File Format EPSI Encapsulated Postscript Interchange Format EPSMA European Power Supply Manufacturers Association EPSR Ethernet Protection Switching Ring EPSS Experimental Packet Switching Service EPU Energy Processing Unit EQ Equalizer ER Entity Relationship ER Explicit Rate ER Externer Rechner ERA Elementarer/Eingeschränkter Regulärer Ausdruck ERA Extended Registry Attribute ERAS Electronic Routing and Approval System ERBIS Einheitliches Rechnerunterstütztes Betriebsführungssystem ERC European Radiocommunication Committee ERC European Research Council ERC Explicit Route Control Seite 202 ERC External Relations Committee ERCIM European Research Consortium for Informatics and Applied Mathematics ERD Emergency Repair Disc ERD Entity Relationship Diagram ERE Extended Regular Expression ERESC European Register of Stolen Computers EREW Exclusive Read, Exclusive Write (PRAM) ERG European Regulators Group ERI Emergency Recovery Information ERIC Educational Resources Information Center, USA ERL Echo Return Loss ERLL Enhanced Run Length Limited ERM EMC and Radio Matters ERM Entity/Enterprise Relationship Model ERMA Electronic Recording Method, Accounting (General Electric) ERMES European Messaging System ERMES European Radio Message Service/System ERN Explicit Route Number ERO European Radiocommunications Office EROM Erasable Read Only Memory ERP Effective Radiated Power ERP Endpoint Routing Protocol ERP Enterprise Resource Planning ERR Error ERS Evidence Record Syntax ERU Emergency Recovery Unit/Utility ES Elektronische Signatur ES Elementary Stream ES Endsystem, End System ES Enhanced Security ES Expanded Store ES Extra Segment ESA Enterprise System Architecture ESA European Space Agency ESATA External Serial ATA ESB Einseitenband, Single Side Band ESB Enterprise Service Bus ESC Electronic Support Center/Centre ESC Escape ESC European Support Center (Novell) ESCD Extended Setup/System Configuration Data ESC/I Epson Standard Code for Image Readers ESC/P Epson Printer Language ESCM Extended Services Communications Manager ESCON Enterprise Systems Connection (Architecture) (IBM) ESD Electronic Software Distribution ESD Electronic System Design Seite 203 ESD Electrostatic Discharge ESD Emergency Shutdown Device ESD Emergency Startup Disk ESD Entry Systems Division ESDA Electronic System Design Automation ESDC Extra Segment Descriptor Cache ESDI Enhanced Small/System Device Interface ESDP Enhanced Service Discovery Profile ESDRAM Enhanced Synchronous Dynamic RAM ESE Ethernet Switching Engine ESE Expert System Environment ESE Extensible Storage Engine ESF Eureka Software Factory ESF Extended Superframe Format ESG Earth System Grid ESH End System Hello PDU ESHG Elektrische Systemtechnik für Heim und Gebäude ESI Electrostatic Interference ESI End System Identifier ESI Enhanced Serial Interface ESI European Software Institute ESI External Systems Interface ESIG European SMDS Interest Group ESIS End System to Intermediate System Protocol (OSI) ESM Enterprise Security Manager ESM Ethernet Switching Module ESMR Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio ESMS European Satellite Multimedia Services ESMTP Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (Internet) ESN Electronic Serial Number ESOC European Space Operation Centre ESOSL Endless Snorts Of Stupid Laughter (Slang) ESP Early Support Program ESP Electronic Shock/Skip Protection ESP Encapsulating Security Payload ESP Enhanced Serial Port ESP Enhanced Service Provider ESP Enterprise System Platform ESP Eudora Sharing Protocol ESP Extended Stack Pointer ESPRIT European Strategic Programme for Research in Information Technology ESR Equivalent Series Resistance ESR Event Service Routine ESRO Efficient Short Remote Operations ESS Electronic Switching System ESS Enterprise Storage Server (IBM) ESS Environmental Stress Screening Seite 204 ESS Extended Service Set ESSID Extended Service Set Identifier ESTSC Energy Science + Technology Software Center ESU Electrostatic Unit ESU Europäische Standardüberweisung (eBanking) ESUG European Smalltalk Users Group ESV Elektronikschrottverordnung ETA Estimated Time of Arrival ETACS Extended Total Access Communication System ETANN Electrically Trainable Analog Neural Network (Intel) ETB End of Transmission Block ETC Electronic Toll Collection ETC Enhanced Throughput Cellular (modem protocol) ETD Estimated Time of Departure ETDD Electrical Time Division Demultiplexer/Demultiplexing ETDM Electrical Time Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing ETE Entry to Exit ETF Enriched Text Format ETFTP Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol ETI Extended Terminal Interface ETIN Elektronische Transfer-Identifikations-Nummer ETL Extract, Transform, Load ETM Exchange Telephone Manager ETN Electronic Tandem Network ETNS European Telephony Numbering Space ETOL Evil Twin On Line (Slang) ETOM Electron Trapping Optical Memory ETOX EPROM Tunnel Oxide ETR Early Token Release ETRN Extended Turn (command) ETS EIB Tool Software ETS Electronic Tracking System ETS European Telecommunication Standard ETSA European Telecommunication Services Association ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETX End of Text EU Elektronische Unterschrift EU Execution Unit EUC End User Computing EUC Enhanced/Extended UNIX Code EUCIP European Certification of IT Professionals EUD Extended U-shape Cell Device EUDC End User Defined Character EUI End User Interface EUI Extended Unique Identifier EULA End User License Agreement EUNET European UNIX Network Seite 205 EURID European Reguistry of Internet Domain Names EUROPEN Dachverband europäischer UNIX-Anwendervereinigungen EUSES End Users Shaping Effective Software EUUG Extragalactic/European Unix User Group EUV Extreme Ultra Violet (Lithography) EV Etagenverteiler EV European Videotelephony EV Extended Validation EVA Eingabe, Verarbeitung, Ausgabe EVA Elektronische Fahrplan- und Verkehrsauskunft EVA Elektronischer Verkehrslotse für Autofahrer EVA Elektronisches Volltext-Archiv, Karlsruhe EVA Empfangs- und Verteilanlage EVA Enhanced Video Adapter EVAS EDV-gestütztes Vereins-Administrations-System EVD Enhanced Versatile Disc EVE European Video Telephony EVE Exklusiver Verzeichnis-Eintrag (Datex-J) EVGA Extended Video Graphics Array/Adapter EVL Electronic Visualization Laboratory, Chicago EVM Embedded Virtual Machine EVMS Enterprise Volume Management System EVN Einzelverbindungsnachweis EVO Elektro-Schrott-Verordnung EVP Enhanced Virus Protection EVR Enhanced Video Renderer EVS Event Service (OSF) EVU Elektrizitäts-/Energieversorgungsunternehmen EWOS European Workshop on Open Systems (OSI) EWS Employee Written Software (IBM) EWSD Elektronisches Wählsystem, digital EWSM Elektronisches Wählsystem für MANs EWSP Elektronisches Wählsystem für Paketvermittlung EWTS Enterprise Web Training System EXAPT Extended Subset of APT EXCA Exchangeable Card Architecture EXCH Exchange EXFCB Extended File Control Block EXIF Exchangeable Image File Format EXM Enterprise Messaging Exchange EXP Exponent EXT External EXTRN External Reference EXUG European X User Group EZV Elektronischer Zahlungsverkehr Seite 206 F Federation, Fernmelde-, Field, File, Francais, Funk F!FF Forum Informatiker für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung F2F Face to Face (Slang) FA Fernmeldeamt FA For Auction (Slang) FA Front End Application FA Full Adder, Fermeldeamt, Fernamt FAB (Chip) Fabrication Plant FABS Fast Access Btree Structure FAC Fast Access Channel FAC File Access Code FAC Final Assembly Code FACCH Fast Associated Control Channel FACL Full Access Control List FACS Fibronics Advanced Cabling System FACS Firmware ACPI Control Structure FACT Federation Automatic Coding Technologies FADA File Access Data Unit FADC Fast/Flash Analog to Digital Converter FADT Fixed ACPI Description Table FAE Field Apllications Engineer FAF File Attribute File FAFWOA For A Friend Without Access (Slang) FAG Fernmeldeanlagengesetz FAI Fournisseurs d'Acces Internet FAI Fully Automatic Installation FAID Flash Authority Identification Data FAL File Access Listener FAM File Alteration Monitor FAMOS Floating Gate Avalanche MOS FAN Family Area Network FAP File Access Protocol FAPI Family Application Program Interface FAPL Format and Protocol Language FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (Netnews) FAQ Fragen, Antworten, Quellen der Erleuchtung (Netnews) FAQ Foire Aux Questions (Netnews) FAQL FAQ List FAR False Acceptance Rate FARE Film Automatic Retouching and Enhancement FARNET Federation of American Research Networks FAS Fahrassistenzsystem FAS Frame Alignment Signal FASC Future of the Amateur Service Committee FASIC Function- and Algorithm-Specific Integrated Circuit FAST Fast Access Stationary Tape Guide Transport FAT File Allocation Table Seite 207 FAXT Far End Crosstalk FAXTAM Fax and Telephone Answering Machine FB Fiber Backbone FB Fine Business (Slang) FB Fully Buffered FBAS Farb-Bild-Austast-Synchronsignal (RGB-Signal) FBD Fully Buffered DIMM FBE Free Buffer Enquiry (Arcnet) FBIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service FBLINU Forum für blinde und sehbehinderte Internetnutzer FBO Frame Buffer Object FBPP Federal Biometric Protection Profile FBRM Fractional Bit Rate Modulation FBS Fernbedienungs- und Steuerungssystem FC Federal Criteria FC Fibre Channel FC File Catalogue FC Flip Chip FC Flow Control FC Forward Checking FC Frame Control FCA Fibre Channel Association FC-AL Fiber Channel Arbitrated Loop FCB File Control Block FCB Future Communications Bus FCC Federal Communications Commission, USA FCC File Carbon Copy FCCH Frequency Correction Channel FCCSET Federal Coordination Committee on Science, Engineering and Technology FCD Final Committee Draft FCD Floating Car Data FCD Foundation for Communication for the Disabled FCFS First Come First Served FCI flux changes per inch FCIA Fibre Channel Industry Association FCIF Full Common Intermediate Format FCL FORTRAN Command Language FCLC Fibre Channel Loop Community FCP Fibre Channel Protocol FCPGA Flip Chip Pin Grid Array FCRAM Fast Cycle (Dynamic) Random Access Memory FCS Fibre Channel Standard FCS First Customer Shipment FCS Frame Check Sequence FCSI Fiber Channel Systems Initiative FCT Fast CMOS Technology FCT Firewall Configuration Tool Seite 208 FCVC Flow Controlled Virtual Channel FD Finite Domain FD Floppy Disk FD Full Duplex FDB Fluid Dynamic Bearing FDC Final Committee Draft FDC Floppy Disk Controller FDCC Formal Definitions of Cultural Conventions FDD Feature Driven Development FDD Floppy Disk Drive FDDI Fiber Digital/Distributed Data Interface FDDI TP-PMDFDDI Twisted Pair Physical Layer Medium Dependent FDDI/UTP FDDI Unshielded Twisted Pair FDDT FDDI Full Duplex Technology FDE Full Disc Encryption FDE Full Duplex Ethernet FDES Full Duplex EtherSwitch FDF Forms Data Format FDFDDI Full Duplex FDDI FDFS File Descriptor File System FDI Flash Data Integrator FDISK Fixed Disk FDL Factory Data Link FDL File Definition Language FDL (GNU) Free Documentation License FDM Flight Dynamic Model FDM Frequency Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing FDMA Frequency Division Multiple/Multiplex Access FDOCA Formatted Data Object Content Architecture FDP Form Description Program FDR Frame Drop Rate FDSE Full Duplex Switched Ethernet FDSL Fixed Directory Subscriber List FDSL Flexible Digital Subscriber Line FDT Formal Description Technique FDX Full Duplex (transmission) FE Finite Elemente FE Focus Error FE Format Effektor FE Frame/Framing Error FEA Fast Ethernet Alliance FEA Fractal Element Antenna FEAL Fast Data Encipherment Algorithm FEBE Far End Block Error FEC Fast EtherChannel (Cisco) FEC Floating Electrode Capacitor Cell FEC Forward Equivalence Class Seite 209 FEC Forward Error Correction FEC Front End Clipping FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification FED Fachverband Elektronik Design e. V. FED Field Emission Device/Display FEDIS Finite Element Data Interchange Specification FEM Finite-Elemente-Methode FEP Firewall Enhancement Protocol FEP Front End Processor FEPIM Fast Ethernet Port Interface Module FER Frame Erasure Rate FERAM Ferroelectric Random Access Memory FERF Far End Receive Failure FEST Finite Element Simulation Technique FEST Framework for European Telemedicine FET Feldeffekt-Transistor FEXT Far End Crosstalk FF Fieldbus Foundation FF First Fail (Principle) FF Flipflop FF Form Feed FFA Free For All FFAPI File Format API FFDT FDDI Full Duplex Technology (DEC) FFGF File Framework Generator and Formatter FFI Foreign Function Interface FFII Förderverein für eine Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur FFM File-on-File Mounting File System FFOL FDDI Follow-On LAN FFR For Future Release FFS Fast/Flash File System FFS Flexibles Fertigungssystem FFS For Free Server FFSN Fast Flux Service Network FFT Fast Fourier Transform/Transformation FFT Full Frame Transfer FFTP Fast Food Transfer Protocol (Mampfnet) FG Feature Group FG Foreground FG Frame Ground FGA Feature Group A FGB Feature Group B FGC First Global Commerce FGD Feature Group D FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee FGF Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk FGS Fair Group Scheduling Seite 210 FGV Fernmeldegebührenvorschriften FH Frame Handler FHS Filesystem Hierarchy Standard FHS For Heaven's Sake (Slang) FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum FI Feature Interaction FI Form Interpreter FI Full Interchangeability FIAWOL Fandom Is A Way Of Life (Slang) FICON Fiber Connectivity FID File/Format/Frequency Identifier/Identification FIF Fachinformation in Fachhochschulen FIF Fractal Image Format FIFF Forum InformatikerInnen für den Frieden e. V. FIFO First In, First Out (Speicher) FILO First In, Last Out (Speicher) FIMS Forms Integration Management Standard FINCEN Financial Crimes Enforcement Network FINTS Financial Transaction Services FIP File Processor Buffering FIPR Foundation of Information Policy Research, UK FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard, USA FIQ Fast Interrupt Request FIR Fast Infrared Communication FIR Finite Impulse Response FIR Full Intra Request FIRP Federal Internetworking Requirements Panel (NIST) FIRST Fraunhofer-Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik, Berlin FIRST Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams FIS Financial Information System FISA Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISH First In, Still Here (Slang) FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act, USA FIT Fachauschuss für Information und Telekommunikation FIT Failures In Time FIT Fingerprint Identification Technology FIT Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik, Sankt Augustin FITB Fill In The Blank (Slang) FITL Fiber In The Loop FITNR Fixed In The Next Release (Slang) FITS Flexible Image Transport System FITUG Förderverein Informatik und Gesellschaft e. V. FIX Federal Information/Internet Exchange FIZ Fachinformationszentrum FK Family Key FKTG Fernseh- und Kinotechnische Gesellschaft FL Fiber Link Seite 211 FLA Full Look Ahead FLAC Free Lossless Audio Codec FLAIM Flexible and Adaptable Information Manager FLAME Flexible Application Program Interface for Module-based Environments FLASK Flux Advanced Security Kernel FLBGA Fine Line Ball Grid Array FLC Ferro-electric Liquid Crystal FLC First Level Cache FLI Font Library FLIC FORTRAN Language for Industrial Control FLIT Flexowriter Interrogation Tape FLL Frequency Locked Loop FLN Family Life Network FLN Fuzzy Lattice Neurocomputing FLOF Full Level One Feature FLOP Floating Point Operation FLOPS Floating Point Operations per Second FLOSS Free/Libre Open Source Software FLP Fast Link Pulse FLT Fertigungsleittechnik FLUVIS Fluid Dynamics Visualization in a Virtual Windtunnel FM Facility/Fault/Function Management FM Frequenzmodulation, Frequency Modulation FMA Fault Management FMA Fused Multiply-Add FMAC Floating Point Multiply Accumulate FMC Fan Monitor Connector FMC Flexible Manufacturing Cell FMC Flight Management Computer FMCW Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave FMD Fluorescence Multilayer Disk FMD Funkmessdienst FME Funkmeldeempfänger FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis FMH Function Management Header FMI Fixed Mobile Integration FML Forms Markup Language FMP Flow Management Protocol FMP Functional Multiprocessor/-processing FMS Facility/File/Forms Management System FMS Fernmeldesystem FMS Fieldbus Message Specification FMS Flexible Manufacturing System FMS Funkmeldesystem FMV Full Motion Video FN Fiber Node FNA File Name/Attribute Augmentation Facility Seite 212 FNA Formerly Known As (Slang) FNA Functional Needs Analysis FNA Functional Network Architecture FNC Federal Networking Council, USA FNL Fortran Numerical Library FO Fernmeldeordnung FO Fiber Optics FOAF Friend Of A Friend (Slang) FOC Fiber Optic Cable FOC Free Of Charge FOC Full Operational Capability FOD Fax On Demand FOD Foreign Object Damage FOF Factor Out Failure FOIA Freedom Of Information Act, USA FOIP Fax Over Internet Protocol FOIRL Fiber Optic Inter Repeater Link FOL First-Order Logic FOLDOC Free On-Line Dictionary Of Computing FOLED Flexible Organic Light Emitting Display FOMA Freedom Of Multimedia Access FOMAU Fiber Optic Medium Attachment Unit FOOBAR FTP Operation Over Big Address Records FORTRAN Formula Translator FORTWIHR Forschungsverbund für technisch-wissenschaftliches Hochleistungsrechnen FOSDEM Free and Open Source Developers' European Meeting FOSI Formatting Output Specification Instance FOSS Free and Open Source Software FOSSIL Fido-Opus-Seadog Standard Interface Layer FOV Field Of View FP Fabri-Perrot (-Laser) FP False Positive FP Fiber Passive FP Fixed Part FP Floating Point FPAD Field Programmable Address Decoder FPAL Field Programmable Array Logic FPD Flat Panel Display FPDP Front Panel Data Port FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array FPIC Field Programmable Interconnect Circuit FPK Fast Packet Keying FPLA Field Programmable Logic Array FPLD Field Programmable Logic Device FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications System FPLS Field Programmable Logic Sequencer FPM Fast Packet Multiplexing Seite 213 FPM Fast Page Mode (DRAM) FPML Field Programmable Macro Logic FPO For Placement Only (image) FPODA Fixed Assignment PODA FPP Fast Parallel Port FPP Fixed Path Control FPP Floating Point Processor FPP Fraud Prevention Pool FPP Full Packaged Product FPS Fast Packet Switching FPS First Person Shooter FPS For Pay Server FPS Frames per Second FPT Force/Forced Perfect Termination FPU File Preparation Unit FPU Floating Point Unit FPX Flash Pix (Format) FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name (Internet) FQHN Fully Qualified Host Name (Internet) FR Frame Relay FRAD Frame Relay Access Device FRAD Frame Relay Assembler/Disassembler FRAM Ferroelectric/Ferromagnetic Random Access Memory FRAP Frame Relay Access Protocol FRC Full Rate Channel FRC Functional Redundancy Checking FRCA Fast Response Cache Accelerator FRDS Failure Resistant Disk System FRE Full Regular Expression FREQNPAV Frequenznutzungsplanaufstellungsverordnung FREQNPAVBVFrequenznutzungsplanaufstellungsverordnungsbeauftragtenversammlung FRF Frame Relay Forum FRICC Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee FRISK Fri Programvare I Skolen (Norway) FRMR Frame Reject (frame) FRPI flux reversals per inch FRR False Rejection Rate FRS Family Radio Service FRS Frame Relay Service FRTS Future Request To Send FRU Field Replaceable Unit FS Field/File Separator FS File System FS Finite State FS Font Server FS Frame Status FS Full Screen Seite 214 FSA Finite State Automaton FSAA Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing FSAG Free Software Association Germany, Frankfurt (M) FSAN Full Services Access Network FSB Front Side Bus FSB Functional System Block FSC Fujitsu Siemens Computers FSCSI Fast SCSI FSD File System Driver FSE Freisprecheinrichtung FSF Free Software Foundation FSFE Free Software Foundation Europe FSFO Failsave Failover FSG Free Standards Group FSK Frequency Shift Keying (Modulation) FSL Full Shallow Learning FSM Finite State Machine FSM Free Space Map FSM Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia (Diensteanbieter) FSMO Flexible Single Master Operation FSN File System Navigator FSN Full Service Network FSP File Service Protocol (Internet) FSS Fixed Satellite Services FST Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Telefonmehrwertdienste FSTP Fast Spanning Tree Protocol FSU Free Software Union FT Fast Track FT Fault Tolerant FT Free Term FT Funkentelegraphie FTA Final Type Approval FTAM File Transfer, Access and Management (OSI) FTASB Faster Than A Speeding Bullet (Slang) FTB Front To Back Algorithm FTBS Failed To Build from Source FTC Fax Transfer Centre FTC Federal Trade Commission, USA FTDS Failure Tolerant Disk System FTEG Gesetz über Funkanlagen und Telekommunikationsendeinrichtungen FTL Faster Than Light (Slang) FTLS Formal Top Level Specification FTP File Transfer Protocol (Internet) FTP Foiled Twisted Pair FTPI Flux Transitions Per Inch FTPS File Transfer Protocol over TLS/SSL (Internet) FTR Failed To Return Seite 215 FTR Fast Token Ring FTR Fast Transient Response FTR Feature Test Release FTR File Typing Rules FTR For This Reason (Slang) FTR Forget The Rest (Slang) FTR Frame Transfer Repring FTR Full Test/Text Retrieval FTRT Faster Than Real Time (Slang) FTS Fahrerlose Transportsysteme FTS Fidonet Transport Standard FTS File Transfer Service FTTB Fiber To The Basement/Building FTTC Fiber To The Curb FTTG Fiber To The Galaxy FTTH Fiber To The Home FTTL Fiber To The Loop FTTN Fiber To The Neighbourhood FTZ Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt FTZ Forschungs- und Technologie-Zentrum der DBP Telekom FU Functional Unit FUA Flow Update Acknowledge FUA Follow Up Amplifier FUBAHR Fouled Up Beyond All Hope of Recognition (Slang) FUBAR Fouled Up Beyond All Repair/Recognition (Slang) FUBB Fouled Up Beyond Belief (Slang) FUBS Fido Used Book Squad FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation/Doubt (Slang) FUD Flussdiagramm (DIN 66 001) FUE Forschung und Entwicklung FUG Functional Unification Grammar FUI Fake User Interface FUI File Update Information FUL Forschung und Lehre FUNET Finnish University and Research Network FUNI Frame based/Relay User Network Interface FUP Funktionsplan (DIN 40 719) FURA Föreningen Umeå Radioamatörer FUSE Filesystem in User Space FUSSP Final Ultimate Solution of the Spam Problem FUST Funkstelle FÜV Fernmeldeverkehrs-Überwachungs-Verordnung FV Festverbindung FVD Finalized Versatile Disc FVF Flexible Vertex Format FVIT Fachverband Informationstechnik im ZVEI FVT Full Video Translation Seite 216 FVV Feste virtuelle Verbindung FW Firewall FWA Fixed Wireless Access FWEE Fernwirkendeinrichtung FWEG Fernwirkendgerät FWH Firmware Hub FWI Frequently Wanted Information FWIW For What It's Worth (Slang) FWLST Fernwirkleitstelle FWT Fast Wavelet Transform FX File Express FX Foreign Exchange (Service) FXO Foreign Exchange Office FXP File Exchange Protocol (RFC 959) FXS Foreign Exchange Station FXSR Fast FP/MMX Streaming SIMD Extensions Save/Restore FXU Fixed Point Unit FYA For Your Amusement (Slang) FYEO For Your Eyes Only (Slang) FYI For Your Information (Internet) FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, Karlsruhe G General, German, Global, Graphic, Ground, Group G2B Government To Business G2C Government To Citizen G2G Government To Government GA Globus Alliance GA Go Ahead (Slang) GAAS Galliumarsenid (GaAs) GAB Group Audio Bridging GABELN Group Area Brett Echo Liste Netz GABI General Application Binary Interface GABICO Ganz billiger Computer GAC Global Assembly Cache GAC Government Advisory Committee GACP Gateway Access Control Protocol GAE German Application Environment GAFIA Get Away From It All (Slang) GAG Generic Algorithms for GIMP GAIN German Advanced Integrated Network (IBM) GAK Government Access to Keys GAL Gate/Generic Array Logic GAL Get A Life (Slang) GALA Geschwindigkeitsabhängige Lautstärkeanhebung GAMM Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik GAMS Generalized Algebraic Modelling System Seite 217 GAN Global/Galactic Area Network GAP General/Generic Access Profile GAP German Academic Publishers GARP Generic Attribute Registration Protocol GARP Genetic Algorithm of Rule-Set Production GARP Group Address Resolution Protocol GART Graphics Address Remapping Table GART Graphics Aperture Relocation Table GAS Gateway Access Server GAS GNU Assembler GAT Geek of All Trades (Slang) GAT Generic Application Template GAUDI Guideline Authoring and Dissemination GAVDP Generic Audio Video Distribution Profile GBB Generic Blackboard System GBG Geschlossene Benutzergruppe (Btx, Datex-J) GBIC Gigabit Interface Converter GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility GBJ Graph Based Backjumping GBN Global Business Network GC Game Computer GC Garbage Collection GC Global Catalogue GC Grid Computing GCA Graphic Communications Association, USA GCAD Geographical Computer Aided Design System GCC Generic Conference Control GCC GNU C Compiler (gcc) GCC GNU Compiler Collection GCF Gatekeeper Confirmation GCFA GIAC Certified Forensics Analyst GCI General Circuit Interface GCL Golden Common LISP GCN Global Challenge Network GCR Gray Component Replacement GCR Group Coded Recording GCS Gauss Centre for Supercomputing GCS Gauss Centre for Supercomputing GCS Geek of Computer Science (Slang) GCT Gate Controlled Thyristor GDA Gesellschaft für Digitale Archivierungstechnik GDA Global Data Area GDA Global Directory Agent GDB Genome Database GDDM Graphics Data Display Manager GDE Generic Decryption Engine GDF Geographic Data Format Seite 218 GDI Graphic Device Interface GDLM GFS Distributed Lock Manager GDMO Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects (OSI) GDN Government Data Network (UK) GDOI Group Domain Of Interpretation GDOS Graphics Device Operating System GDP Generalized Drawing Primitive GDPDU Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff und zur Prüfbarkeit digitaler Unterlagen GDPS Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex (IBM) GDR Global Data Router GDR Grinning, Ducking and Running (Slang) GDRVVF Grinning, Ducking and Running Very, Very Fast (Slang) GDS Global Directory Service GDT Global Descriptor Table GDT Grand Dictionaire Terminologique GDTRC Global Descriptor Table Register Cache GE Geek of Engineering (Slang) GE General Electric Company GE Gigabit Ethernet GE Graphic Escape GEA Gigabit Ethernet Alliance GEB Gödel, Escher, Bach GEC Green Electronics Council GECOS General Electric Comprehensive Operating System GEDA GNU Electronic Design Automation GEDIG German EDIF Interest Group GEGL Generic Graphics Library GEHR Good European Health Record GEIS General Electric Information Services GEM Global Enterprise Management GEM Globally Executable MHP GEM Graphics Environment Manager GEMA Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungsrechte GEMS Global Enterprise Management of Storage GEN Global European Network GENA General Event Notification Architecture GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit GEOSAR Geostationary Search And Rescue GEP Good Engineering Practice GET Ground Elapsed Time GEZ Gebühreneinzugszentrale GFC General/Generic Flow Control GFC Going For Coffee (Slang) GFDL GNU Free Documentation License GFG Ganz Freches Grinsen (Slang) GFG Gift From God (Slang) GFR Guaranteed Frame Rate Seite 219 GFS Global/Google File System GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying GFY Good For You (Slang) GFY Go Find Yourself (Slang) GG Gadu-Gadu GGF Global Grid Forum GGI General/Generic Graphical/Graphics Interface GGP Gateway to Gateway Protocol GGS Gütegemeinschaft Software e. V., Köln GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node GHC Glasgow Haskell Compiler GHF Grosshandels-Flatrate GHN Get Hold Next GHT Geographic Hash Table GHU Get Hold Unique GI Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. GIAC Global Information Assurance Certification GIBN Global Interoperability for Broadband Networks GID Group Identifier/Identification GIF Graphics Interchange Format GIFT GNU Image Finding Tool GIGO Garbage In, Garbage/Gospel Out (Slang) GII Global Information Infrastructure GIIS Grid Index Information Service GILC Global Internet Liberty Campaign GILS Government Information Locator Service GILT Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, Translation GIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program GIMPS Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search GIOP General Inter-ORB Protocol GIP Global Internet Project GIP GPS/GSM Interworking Profile GIPS Giga-Instructions Per Second GIS Geographic Information System GISC Generic Intelligent System Controller GIT GNU Interactive Tools GIWIST Gee I Wish I'd Said That (Slang) GIX Global Internet Exchange GK Gatekeeper GKMP Group Key Management Protocol GKS Graphical Kernel System GKV Geschäftskundenvertrieb (Telekom) GL Graphics Language GLASS Globally Accessible Services GLDV Gesellschaft für Linguistische Datenverarbeitung GLIN Global Legal Information Network GLL Geographic Position - Latidtude/Longitude (message) Seite 220 GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System GLP Government License Program GLT Gebäudeleittechnik GLU General Logic Unit GLUE Global User Environment GLV Global Line Vectorization GLX OpenGL Extension for the X Window System GM General MIDI GMC Global Motion Compensation GMD Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung GMDS Global Managed Data Services GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System GME Gesellschaft Mikroelektronik im VDE GMHS Global Message Handling System GMII Gigabit Media Independent Interface GML Generalized/Geographic Markup Language GMM Gamut Map Model GMMP Global Memory, Message Passing GMP GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library GMPLS Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching GMR Giant Magneto Resistance/Resistive (Head) GMRP GARP Multicast Registration Protocol GMS Global Messaging Service (Novell) GMSC Gateway Mobile Switching Centre GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (Modulation) GMSV Global Memory, Shared Variables GMT Generic Mapping Tools GMT Greenwich Mean/Meridian Time GMX Global Message Exchange GN Group Ad-hoc Network Point GNA Globewide Network Academy GNATS GNATS's A Tracking System GND Ground GNF Greibach Normal Form GNI Gesellschaft für Angewandte Neuroinformatik GNI Grenoble Network Initiative GNKSA Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval GNN Global Network Navigator GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment GNS Global Name Service GNS Global Name Space GNS Global Navigation Satellite/System GNS Global Network Security/Services/Simulation/Solutions GNS GPS Navigation Systems GNS Grid Network Service GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System GNU GNU's Not UNIX Seite 221 GO Geek of Other GOB Group Of Blocks GOBS Grundsätze ordnungsgemässer DV-gestützter Buchführungssysteme GOC General Operators Certificate GOCC Government Open Code Collaborative GOD Global Out Dial GOEP Generic Object Exchange Profile GOES Geostationary/Geosynchronous Operational/Orbiting Environmental Satellite(s) GOK God Only Knows (Slang) GOL Game Of Life GOMS Goal, Operators, Methods, Selection GOP Group Of Pictures GOS Global Overseas Service GOS Grundsätze ordnungsgemässer Speicherbuchführung GOSIP Government OSI Profile GOSPL Generalized Open Source Programmable Logic GOST Gosudarstvennyy Standart (EASC) GOT Global Offset Table GOUV Grizzled Old Unix Veteran (Slang) GOV Government; Internet-Domain: Behörden in USA GP Game Port GP Gas Plasma GP General Purpose GP Green Pages GPA GNU Privacy Assistant GPA Ground Plane Antenna GPC General Purpose Computer GPF General Protection Fault/Failure GPFS General Parallel File System (IBM) GPGPU General Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Unit GPI General Purpose Interface GPI Graphics Programming Interface GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus GPIM Gigabit Interface Module GPL General Public License (GNU) GPL Graphics Programming Language GPNV General Purpose Non-Volatile (Area) GPON Gigabit Passive Optical Network GPP Generic Packetized Protocol GPR Global Position Receiver GPRS General Packet Radio Service GPS General Problem Solver GPS Generalized Processor Sharing GPS Global Pizza Service GPS Global Positioning Satellite/System GPS Graphical Process Statistics GPSR Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing Seite 222 GPSS General Purpose Simulation System GPT GUID Partition Table GPU Graphic/Graphical Processing/Processor Unit GQL Graphical Query Language GQM Goal, Question, Metric GQOS Guaranteed Quality Of Service GRA Group Random Access GRACCE Grand Challenge Computational Environment GRAM Globus Resource Allocation Manager GRASP General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception GRD Grinning, Running + Ducking (Slang) GRE Generic Router/Routing Encapsulation (CISCO) GRE Graphics Engine GREAT Graphical Environment And Desktop GREP Global Regular Expression and Print GRIB Gridded Binary (code, data format) GRID Global Resource Identifier GRIO Guaranteed Input Output Bandwidth GRIS Grid Resource Information Service GRJ Gatekeeper Reject GRL Global Revocation List GRP General Registration Protocol GRQ Gatekeeper Request GRS Generic Record Syntax GRUB Grand Unified Bootloader GS Geek of Science GS Geprüfte Sicherheit (TÜV) GS Global Store GS Group Separator GSA Global Mobile Suppliers Association GSA Global Security Architecture GSE Graphical Setup Environment GSF Ghostscript Font GSFDL GNU Simpler Free Documentation License GSI Generic Software Interface GSI Grid Security Infrastructure GSID Global Server Identifier GSL GNU Scientific Library GSL Graphics Subroutine Library GSLB Global Server Load Balancing GSM Global Shared Memory GSM Global System for Mobile Communications GSM Group Speciale Mobile GSMA Global Scheduling Multiple Access GSMP General/Generic/Global Switch Management Protocol GSNW Gateway Services for Netware GSO Generic Segmentation Offload Seite 223 GSO Geosynchronous Orbit GSOC German Space Operations Center GSR Gigabit Switching Router GSS Generic Security Services GSS Group Support System GSSAPI Generic Security Service Application Program Interface GST Gebäudesystemtechnik GST Greedy String Tiling (Algorithm) GST Greenwich Sidereal Time GSTN General/Global Switched Telephone Network GSUG German Smalltalk Users Group GSX Graphics System Extension GT Global Teach GT Globus Toolkit GT Group Technology GTE Geometry Transfer Engine GTF General Timing Formula (VESA) GTL Gunning Transceiver Logic GTLD Generic Top Level Domain GTO Gate Turn Off GTP Go Text Protocol GTR Grafikfähiger Taschenrechner GTS Global Telecommunication System GTS Global Time Server/Service GTT Global Title Translation GTUBE Generic Test for Unsolicited Bulk Email GU Gabelumschalter GU Geek Undecided GUD Grand Unified Debugger GUI Graphical User Interface GUID Globally Unique Identifier GUL Groupe d'Utilisateurs de Linux GULM Global Universal Lock Manager GULM Grand Unified Lock Manager GULP Graph Unification Logic Programming GUMM Gurus of UNIX Meeting of Minds GUN Gemeinschaft der UNIX-Anwender Niederrhein GUP Generic Ultimate Protocol GURN GNSS Upper Rhine Graben Network GUS Ground Uplink System GUS Guide to the Use of Standards (OSI) GUUG German/Galactic Unix User Group GV Gebäudeverteiler GV Gestattungsvertrag GVBD Götz-von-Berlichingen-Dämon (Internet) GVH Gesamtverzeichnis deutschsprachiger Hochschulschriften GVIF Gigabit Video Interface Seite 224 GVM Grafik, Visualisierung, Mediadienste GVN Global Value Numbering GVPN Global Virtual Private Network GVRP GARP VLAN Registration Protocol GVT Global Virtual Time GVU Gesellschaft zur Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen GVU Graphics Visualization and Usability GVV Gewählte virtuelle Verbindung GW Gateway GW Gleichwelle GW Grenzwelle GWDG Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen GWEN Ground Wave Emergency Network GWIA Groupwise Internet Agent GWIN Gigabyte Wissenschafts-Netz, G-WIN GWL Gateway Link GWM Generic Window Manager GYM Google, Yahoo, Microsoft GZS Gesellschaft für Zahlungssysteme H Hardware, High, Home H4P High-Performance Parallel Processor Project HA Halbaddierer HA Half Adder HA High Availability/Aperture HA Home Agent/Appliances HAAPI Human Authentication Application Program Interface HAARP High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program/Project HAB Host Adapter Board HAC Hierarchical Arc Consistency HAC High Availability Cluster HACMP High Availability Cluster Management Protocol HACMP High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing (IBM) HACS Hazard Assessment Computer System HADA High Availability Disk Array HAK Hugs And Kisses (Slang) HAL Hard Array Logic HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer HAL Heuristically programmed Algorithmic Computer HAL House Programmed Array Logic HAM Hypertext Abstract Machine HAND Have A Nice Day (Slang) HANFS Highly Available Network File System HAP Host Access Protocol HAREC Harmonized Amateur Radio Examination Certificate HAS Hauptanschluss Seite 225 HASP Houston Automatic Spooling Package/Priority HB Home Banking HBA Host Bus Adapter HBC Home Banking Computer HBCDC High Bandwidth Cellular Data Channel HBCI Home Banking Computer Interface HBES Home and Building Electronic Systems HBO Host Byte Order HBS Home Bus System HCA Heartbeat Collision Avoidance HCA Host Channel Adapter HCCSM High Performance Common Channel Signalling Modul HCD Host Controller Device/Driver HCF Halt and Catch Fire (Slang) HCF Hybrid Distribution Function HCI Host Controller Interface (USB, Firewire, Bluetooth etc.) HCI Human Computer Interaction/Interface HCLP Hierarchical Constraint Logic Programming HCMOS High Speed CMOS HCN Hierarchical Cache Network HCP Hardware Control Protocol HCP Host Configuration Protocol HCRP Hardcopy Replacement Profile HCS Header Check Sequence HCT Hardware Compatibility Test HCT Home Communication Terminal HCVQ Hierarchical Classified Vector Quantization HD Hard Disk HD Heavy Duty HD High Definition/Density HD Hilfskanal Datenleitung HDA Head and Disk Assembly HDA High Definition Audio HDAP High Definition Audio Performance HDAP Home Digital Audio Platform HDB High Density Bipolar (code) HDB HoneyDanBer (P. Honeyman, D. A. Nowitz, B. E. Redman) (uucp) HDB3 High Density Bipolar Code of Order 3 HDC Hard Disk Controller HDC Hash Distributed Caching HDCD High Definition Compatible Digital HDCD High Density Compact Disk HDCP High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection HDCP High Definition Content Protection HDD Hard Disk Drive, High Definition Display HDDVD High Density Digital Versatile Disc HDF HDSL Dual Framer Seite 226 HDF Hierarchical Data Format HDI Head to Disk Interference HDL Hierarchical Design Language HDLC High Level Data Link Control (Protocol) HDM Hardware Device Module HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface HDML Handheld Device Markup Language HDN Hochgeschwindigkeits-Datennetz HDOP Horizontal Dilution Of Precison HDPLD High Density Programmable Logic Device HDR HDSL Dual Regenerator HDR Header HDR High Dynamic Range HDRI High Dynamic Range Imaging HDRR High Dynamic Range Rendering HDS High Definition System HDSC High Density Signal Carrier HDSL High Bit/Data Rate/Speed Digital Subscriber Line/Link/Loop HDT High Definition Telephony HDTV High Definition Television HDW Hardware HDX Half Duplex HE Head End HE High Efficiency HE Höheneinheit (in Racks) HEA Health/Higher Education Authority HEAAC High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coder/Coding HEAT Helpdesk Expert Automation Tool HEC Header Error Check/Control HECTOR Heterogeneous Computer Together HEHO Head End Hop Off HEL Hardware Emulation Layer HEM Home, Entertainment, Multimedia HEMP High-level Entity Management Protocol (Internet) HEMS High-level Entity Management System (Internet) HEMT High Electron Mobility Transistor HEN Home Entertainment Network HENSA Higher Education National Software Archive HEO Highly Elliptical Orbit HEP Heterogenous Element/multi Processor HEPNET High Energy Physics Network HERF High Energy Radio Frequency HERT HERT/Hackers' Emergency Response Team HES Home Electronic System (Siemens) HESSLA Hacktivismo Enhanced-Source Software License Agreement HEX hexadezimal HF High Frequency/Functionality Seite 227 HF Hochfrequenz HFC Hybrid Fiber Coax (Network) HFD Hauptanschluss für Direktwahl/Direktruf HFD Hot Fix Device HFEP Host Front End Protocol HFM High Frequency Mode HFP Hands Free Profile HFRG Gesetz über den Betrieb von Hochfrequenzgeräten HFS Hierarchical File System HFT High Function Terminal HFT Hochschule für Technik, Stuttgart HGA Head Gimbal Assembly HGA Hercules Graphics Adapter HGA High Gain Antenna HGC Hercules Graphics Card/Controller HGML Hyper Graphics Markup Language HGZH Hoffe Geholfen Zu Haben (Slang) HHI Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Berlin HHOK Ha Ha Only Kidding (Slang) HHOS Ha Ha Only Serious (Slang) HI Handover Interface HID Human Interface Device (Profile) HIDS Host-based/Hybrid Intrusion Detection System HIFD High Density Floppy Disk HIFI Hypertext Interface For Information HIL Hardware In the Loop HIL Human Interface Link (HP) HILI High Level Interface HINFO Host Information (Record) HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, USA HIPER High Performance European Radio HIPPI High Performance Parallel Interface HIPS Host Intrusion Prevention System HIS House Information System HISA Health Informatics Service Architecture HISA Healthcare Information System Architecture HK Host Key HKSCS Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set HL Halbleiter HL Hop Level (Flow Control) HLCO High Low Close Open HLDS Hitachi LG Data Storage HLL High Level Language HLLAPI HLL Application Program Interface HLM Heterogeneous LAN Management HLQ High Level Qualifier HLR Home Location Register Seite 228 HLRN Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Nord HLRN Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen HLRS Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart HLRZ Hochleistungsrechenzentrum HLS Hue, Lightness/Luminance, Saturation (Farbmodell) HLT Halt HM Hilfskanal Meldeleitung HMA High Memory Area HMA Hub Management Architecture HMAC (keyed) Hash Message Authentication Code HMC Hardware Management Console HMC Her/His Majesty's Computer (Fun) HMD Head/Helmet Mounted Display HMI Horizontal Motion Index HMI Human Machine Interface HMMP Hypermedia Management Protocol HMMS Hypermedia Management Scheme HMOS High Density Metal Oxide Semiconductor HMOS High Speed Metal Oxide Semiconductor HMP Heterogeneous Multi-Processing HMP Host Monitoring Protocol HMUX Hybrid Multiplexer HOB Head Of Bus HOB Hierarchical Operational Binding HOH HDSL Overhead Bit Handling HOL Higher Order Logic HON Health On the Net HOP Homecast Open Protocol HOPTE High Order Path Terminating Equipment HOS Health Online Service HOW Hand Over Word HP Hewlett-Packard HP Hochpass HP Home Page HPA Host Protected Area HPB Half Power Bandwidth HPC Handheld Personal Computer HPC Health Professional Card HPC High Performance Cluster/Computing HPCA High Performance Computing Act HPCC High Performance Computing Challenge HPCC High Performance Computing and Communications HPCI High Performance Computing Initiative HPCRC High Performance Computing Research Center HPCS High Performance Communication Server HPDPS Hewlett-Packard Distributed Print System HPDS High Performance Data System Seite 229 HPET High Precision Event Timer HPF High Performance FORTRAN HPFL Hewlett-Packard Fiber Optic Link HPFS High Performance File System (OS/2) HPGL Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language HPI Host Port Interface HPIB Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus HPL Home Product Link HPLIP Hewlett-Packard Linux Imaging and Printing HPM Hardware Performance Monitor HPM Hyper Page Mode HPOFS High Performance Optical File System HPPA Hewlett-Packard Precision Architecture HPPI High Performance Parallel Interface HPPS Hewlett-Packard Payment Scheme HPQ Hewlett-Packard Compaq HPR High Performance Routing HPSB High Performance Serial Bus (FireWire) HPSC High Performance Scientific Computing HPSL Hewlett-Packard Support Line HPSN High Performance Scalable Networking HPSS High Performance Storage System HPTC3 High Prformance Technical Computing Competence Center HQ High Quality HR High Reflection (Display) HR High Resolution HRC Half Rate Channel HRC Hybrid Ring Control HRG High Resolution Graphics HRIS Human Resource Information System HRM Hopwise Reliable Multicast HRMS Human Resource Management System HRN Heterogenes Rechnernetz HRNG Hardware Random Number Generator HRRN Highest Response Ratio Next HRS Hotel Reservation Service HRT High Resolution Telemetry HRTF Head Related Transfer Function HRZ Hochschul-Rechenzentrum HS High Speed HS Hilfskanal Steuerleitung HSB Hue, Saturation, Brightness HSC High Speed Channel/Connect HSCC Home-based Server-less Cooperative Caching HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data HSD High Speed Data HSDN High Speed Data Network Seite 230 HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access HSDT High Speed Data Transport HSI Hardware-Software-Interface HSI Hayes Synchronous Interface HSI Hue, Saturation, Intensity HSIK How Should I Know (Slang) HSIM High Speed Interface Module HSL Hierarchical Specific Language HSLAN High Speed Local Area Network HSLFX Hierarchical Specification Language - Function Extension HSM Herzschrittmacher HSM Hierarchical Storage Management/Manager HSMD High Speed Mobile Data HSO Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe für Online-Süchtige e. V. HSP Headset Profile HSP High Speed Peering HSP High Speed Printer/Processor HSP High Speed Publishing HSPA High Speed Packet Access HSPI High Speed Parallel Interface HSPS High Speed Peripheral Shelf HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol (Cisco) HSSDC High Speed Serial Data Connection/Connector HSSG High Speed Study Group HSSI High Speed Serial Interface HST High Speed Technology/Telegraphy HSTR High Speed Token Ring HSUPA High Speed Uplink Packet Access HSV Hue, Saturation, Value (Farbmodell) HSYNC Horizontal Synchronization (signal) HT High Tension HT Horizontal Tabulator HT Hyper Threading HTA High Temperature Alarm HTB Hierarchical Token Bucket HTC High Throughput Cluster HTCC High Temperature Cofired Ceramic HTCP Hyper Text Caching Protocol HTFS High Throughput File System HTH Hope This/That Helps (Slang) HTML Hypertext Markup Language HTMPL Hypertext Markup with Perl Language HTPC Home Theatre Personal Computer HTSI Host Transport Service Interface HTT Hyper-Threading Technology HTTP Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (Internet) HTTPS Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Secure/Security/over TLS/SSL (Internet) Seite 231 HTX HTML Extensions HUC Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing HUD Heads Up Display HUGO Holland Users Group for OS/2 HV High Voltage HVC Hue (Farbton), Value (Helligkeit), Chroma (Buntheit) HVD High Voltage Differential (SCSI) HVD Holographic Versatile Disc HVM Hardware Virtual Machine HVP Horizontal + Vertical Position HVT Hauptverteiler HVV Hyperlink Vector Voting HW Hardware HWANS Hinweisansage HWCP Hardware Code Page HWID Hardware Identifier HWMP Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol HWS Ham/Haskell Web Server HWS Hybrid Wireless Satellite HYTEA Hypertext Authoring Environment I Ident, Indicator, Information, Integrated, International, Internet I18N Internationalization I2O Intelligent Input/Output I3 IMA Interoperability Initiative I4DL Interface, Inheritance, Implementation, Installation Definition Language IA Identification & Authentication, I&A IA Information Appliance IA Intelligent Applications IA International Alphabet IA Interworking Implementation Agreement IAA Intel Application Accelerator IAAS Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Berlin IAB Individual Address Block IAB International Academy of Broadcasting IAB Internet Activities/Architecture Board IAB Internet Advertising Bureau, UK IAC In Any Case (Slang) IAC Inquiry Access Code IAC Interapplication Communication (Apple) IACK Information Acknowledgement IACR International Association for Cryptologic Research IAD Integrated Access Device IAD Internet Addiction Disorder IAE In Any Event (Slang) IAE ISDN Anschalteinheit/Anschlusseinheit Seite 232 IAEL International Association of Entertainment Lawyers IAFA Internet Anonymous FTP Archive IAG Industry Advisory Group (Novell) IAHC Internet International Ad Hoc Committee IAI Internet Applications Integration IAL Intel Architecture Labs IAL International Algebraic Language (ALGOL) IAM Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Bern IAMCE ISDN Access Module Control Element IAMT Intel Advanced Management Technology IAN Integrated Access Node IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer (Slang) IAOG International Administrative Management Domains Operators Group IAP Internet Access Policy/Provider IAP ISDN Access Internetworking Profile IAR Institut für Automation und Robotik IARP International Amateur Radio Permission IARP Inverse Address Resolution Protocol IARU International Amateur Radio Union IAS Information Access System IASG Internet Addiction Support Group IASNET Institute for Automated Systems Network IASS Internet Alphaserver System Software IAT Import Address Table IATE Inter Active Terminology for Europe IAUG International AIX Users Group IAX Inter-Asterisk Exchange Protocol IB In Betrieb IB Intelligent Backtracking IBA Independent Broadcasting Authority IBA Intel Boot Agent IBAC In Band Adjacent Channel IBAN International Bank Account Number IBC Illinois Benedictine College (Gutenberg-Projekt) IBC Inadequate But Cute (Slang) IBC Inter Base Component IBC International Broadcasting Convention IBCN Integrated Broadband Communication Network IBCS1 Intel Binary Compatibility Specification Edition 1 IBDWT Irrational Based Discrete Weighted Transform IBFD Interessengemeinschaft Blinder Funkamateure Deutschlands IBIA International Biometric Industry Association IBL Input Buffer Limit IBM International Business Machines (Big Blue) IBN International Booking Network IBO Inter Base Object Seite 233 IBOC In Band On Channel IBOND Intelligent Business On Demand IBP Institut Blaise Pascal, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France IBS Integriertes Banken-System IBS Intelsat Business Services IBSS Independent Basic Service Set TSF Timing Synchronization Function IBT Internet Based Training IBTD I Beg To Differ (Slang) IBU Informationsverbund Buchhandel IBX Individualized Blackbox Component (Microsoft) IC I See (Slang) IC In Characters (Slang) IC Incoming Call IC Information Centre IC Input/Integrated Circuit IC Instruction Cache IC Interexchange Carrier IC Interrupt Controller ICA Image Component Attribute ICA Independent Component Analysis ICA Independent Computing Architecture ICA Intelligent Channels/Console Architecture ICA Intelligent Communication Adapter ICA Interface Connector Assembly ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming ICAM Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing ICAN Individual Customer Access Network ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICAP Integrated Computer Aided Production ICARE International Council for Amateur Radio in Education ICAS Information Communication Assistance System ICAS Intel Communicating Applications Specifications ICB Interface Control Board ICBM Inter-continental Ballistic Messenger ICC Integrated Circuit Card ICC Intelligent Channel Controller ICC International Color Consortium ICC International Conference on Communications ICCB Internet Control and Configuration Board ICCC International Conference on Computer Communications ICCCM Interclient Communications Conventions Manual ICCE International Conference on Consumer Electronics ICCHP International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons ICCS Integrated Communications Cabling System (Siemens) ICD International Code Designator Seite 234 ICDE International Conference on Data Engineering ICE Image Correction and Enhancement ICE In-Circuit Emulator/Emulation ICE Information Content Exchange ICE Integrated Communication Environment ICE Inter Client Exchange (Protocol) ICF Interact Communication Facility ICE Internal Compiler Error ICE Internet Communications Engine ICF Internet Connection Firewall ICG Inversive Congruential (random number) Generator ICG Interface Coordination Group ICH I/O Contoller Hub ICI Inter/Interexchange Carrier Interface ICI Information Science Institute ICIA International Communications Industries Association ICIP ICI Protocol ICL Interface Clear ICM Image Color Management/Matching ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol ICN Information and Communication Network ICN Integrated Computing Network ICO Information Commissioner's Office ICO Intermediate Circular Orbit ICOCBW I Could, Of Course, Be Wrong (Slang) ICP Input Control Procedure ICP Integrated Channel Processor ICP Interconnection Partner ICP Internet Cache Protocol ICP Internet Content Provider ICPC (ACM) International Collegiate Programming Contest ICQ I Seek You (Slang) ICR Information Collection Request ICR Initial Cell Rate ICR Intelligent Character Recognition ICRA Internet Content Rating Association ICS IBM Cabling System ICS Integrated Communication Services ICS Internet Chess Server ICS Internet Connecting/Connection Sharing (Microsoft) ICS Intuitive Command Structure ICSA International Customer Service Association ICSTIS Independent Committee for the Supervision of Standards of Telephone Information Services ICT Information and Communication Technology ICTF Internet Content Task Force ICU ISA Configuration Utility ICU Instruction Cache Unit Seite 235 ICU International Components for Unicode ICV Integrity Check Value ICX Inter Cartridge Exchange ID Identification, Identifier ID Instruction Decode ID Internet Draft ID Intrusion Detection IDA Independent/Intelligent Disk/Drive Array IDA Interactive Debugging Aid IDAPI Integrated Database Application Programming Interface IDB Integrated Database IDC I Don't Care (Slang) IDC International Data Corporation IDC Internet Database Connector IDC Item Description Code IDCT Inverse Discrete Cosine Tranform/Transformation IDD International Direct/Distance Dialling IDE Integrated Development Environment IDE Integrated Device/Drive Electronics IDE Interactive Design and Engineering IDE Interface Design Enhancement IDEA International Data Encryption Algorithm IDF Intel Developer Forum IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame IDF Inverse Document Frequency IDI Initial Domain Identifier IDI ISDN Driver Interface IDK Interessengemeinschaft Datenkommunikation IDL Interactive Data Language IDL Interface/Internet Definition Language IDM Identity Management IDM Improved/Integrated Data Modem IDM Intelligent Device Management IDM Internet Download Manager IDMS Imaging and Document Management System IDMS Integrated Database Management System IDN Identification Number IDN Integriertes Datennetz, Integrated Digital Network IDN Internationalized Domain Name IDP Initial Domain Part IDP Integrated Data Processing IDP Internet Datagram Protocol IDR Intergalactic Digital Research IDR Intermediate Data Rate Service IDRP Interdomain Routing Protocol IDS Integrated Data System IDS Intrusion Detection System Seite 236 IDSL ISDN Digital Subscriber Line IDST I Didn't Say That (Slang) IDT Improved Definition Television IDT Interrupt Descriptor Table IDTRC Interrupt Descriptor Table Register Cache IDTS I Don't Think So (Slang) IDTV Improved Definition Television IDU Interface Data Unit IDXP Intrusion Detection Exchange Protocol IE Information Element IEB Institute of Electronic Business, Berlin IEC Interexchange Carrier IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IEC International Engineering Consortium IECC Intercultural E-mail Classroom Connections IECQ IEC Quality Assessment System for Electrical Components IED Intelligent Electronic Device IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE/CS IEEE Computer Society IEF Information Engineering Facility IEMMC Internet Electronic Mail Marketing Council IEMP Internal Electromagnetic Pulse IEN Image Enabled Netware IEN Internet Engineering/Experiment/Experimental Note IEPRC International Electronic Publishing Research Centre IES Information Exchange System IES Integrated Election System IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group IET Image Enhancement Technology IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IETM Interactive Electronic Technical Manual IEX Imaging Extensions for XWS IF Intermediate Frequency, Zwischenfrequenz IFA Internationale Funkausstellung, Berlin IFC Integrated Factory Control IFC Industry/Internet Foundation Classes IFD Image File Directory IFD Interface Device IFF Interessengruppe Funkamateure im Fernverkehr IFF Interchange File Format (Amiga) IFF Internet Fast Forward IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation IFG Incoming Fax Gateway IFG Informationsfreiheitsgesetz IFG Inter Frame Gap IFIP International Federation for Information Processing IFL Integrated Facility for Linux Seite 237 IFL Internet For Learning IFMP Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol IFPI International Federation of the Phonographic Industry IFRB International Frequency Registration Board IFS Inter Frame Space IFS Installable File System (OS/2) IFS Interchange File Separator IFS Internal Field Separator IFU Instruction Fetch Unit IFU Internationale Fernmeldeunion IFV Internationaler Fernmeldevertrag IFVV Internationale feste virtuelle Verbindungen IFW ISDN for Workgroups (Microsoft) IFWFW ISDN for Windows for Workgroups (Microsoft) IG Interactive Graphics IG Interessengemeinschaft, Interest Group IG Interior Gateway IGA Integrated Graphics Adaptor/Array IGBT Insulated/Insulator Gate Bipolar Transistor IGC Institute for Global/Galactic Communications IGC Integrated Graphics Controller IGD (Fraunhofer-)Institut für Grafische Datenverarbeitung, Darmstadt IGE (Eidgenössisches) Institut für geistiges Eigentum, Bern IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification IGF Internet Governance Forum IGIS Interactive Graphics Information System IGITT Interactive Graphics Information Troubleshooting Technology IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol IGN IBM Global Net IGP Interior Gateway Protocol (Internet) IGRF International Geomagnetic Reference Field IGRP Internet/Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (Cisco) IGS Interchange Group Separator IGS Internet Go Server IGTF Internet Governance Task Force IH In House IHEM In-House Energy Management IHL Internet Header Length IHS Integrated Heat Spreader IIC Inter Integrated Circuit (Bus) IID Interface Identifier IIF Image Interchange Facility III Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan IIJ Internet Initiative Japan IIL Integrated Injection Logic IIM Identified Internet Mail IIM Information Interchange Model Seite 238 IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol IIP ISDN Intermediate Interworking Profile IIPS Irrevocably Interruptible Power Supply IIR Immediate Impulse Response IIRC If I Remember Correctly (Slang) IIS Internet Information Server (Microsoft) IIS Internet Integrated Services IISP Interim Inter Signalling/Switch Protocol IITA Information Infrastructure Technology and Applications IITF Information Infrastructure Task Force, USA IITYWYBMADIf I Tell You Will You Buy Me Another Drink? (Slang) IIWM If It Were Me/Mine (Slang) IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJS Inkjet Server (HP) IK-CAPE Industriekooperation Computer Aided Process Engineering IKE Internet Key Exchange (Protocol) IKMP Internet Key Management Protocol IKOE Institut für Kommunikationsökologie, Hamburg IKT Informations- und Kommunikations-Technologie IL Idle IL Idle Listening IL Intermediate Language ILA Internet Learning Agent ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier ILETS International Law Enforcement Telecommunications Seminar ILG Initiated Linux Guru ILLAB Ich Liege Lachend Am Boden (Slang), vgl. ROTFL ILLIAC Illinois Institute for Advanced Computing ILLIAC Illinois Integrator + Automatic Computer ILM Industrial Light + Magic, Inc. (G. Lucas) ILMI Interim Local Management Interface ILP Inductive Logic Programming ILP Integer Linear Programming ILP Integer, Long, Pointer ILS Integrated Logistic Support ILT Item Level Tagging ILVU Interleaved Video Unit IM Information Management/Modeling IM Instant Message/Messaging/Messenger IM Intermodulation IM IPv4 Multicast IMA Interactive Multimedia Association IMA Internationale Multimedia Akademie (Karlsruhe) IMA Inverse Multiplexer for ATM IMAC Isochronous MAC (FDDI) IMACS International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation IMAO In My Arrogant Opinion (Slang) Seite 239 IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol IMBE Improved Multi-Band Excitation IMC Internet Mail Consortium IMCO In My Considered Opinion (Slang) IMDS Image Data Stream (IBM) IME In My Experience (Slang) IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identifier/Identity IMG Image IMG Information Management Group IMHO In My Humble Opinion (Slang) IMI I Mean It (Slang) IMI Internet MSS Interface IMIMG ISDN Memorandum of Understanding Implementation Management Group IMNSCO In My Not So Considered Opinion (Slang) IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion (Slang) IMO In My Opinion (Slang) IMO International Maritime Organization IMOBO In My Own Biased Opinion (Slang) IMP Information/Interface Message Processor IMP Instant Messaging Protocol IMP Internet Messaging Program IMPA Intelligent Multi-Port Adaptor IMPP Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol IMPS Infinite Monkey Protocol Suite IMQ Intermediate Queuing (device) IMR Internet Monthly Report IMS Information Management System IMS Integrated Media Service IMS Internet Mail Service IMS Intermediate Maintenance Standards IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity IMSL International Mathematical Subroutine Library (VNI) IMSP Independent Manufacturers Support Program IMSP Internet Message Support Protocol IMT Information Managment Team IMT Inter-Machine Trunk IMT International Mobile Telecommunications IMTC International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium IN Individual Network e. V. IN Input IN Intelligentes Netz (Telekom) INA Institut National de l'Audiovisuel INAK Information Negative Acknowledgement INAP Intelligent Network Application Part INARP Inverse Address Resolution Protocol INC In Chain Seite 240 INC Increment INC Internet Computer INCA Interleaved Native Compiled Architecture INET International Networking Conference INFN Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy INH Intelligent Networking Hub INIS International Nuclear Information System INKA Individual Network Region Karlsruhe INM Integrated Network Management INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization INMS Integrated Network Management Services INN International Network News INOC Internet Network Operations Center INPO In No Particular Order (Slang) INRIA Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, France INS Input String INS Instance Object INSB Internet Services for the Blind INT Interrupt, Internal, Integer, Interrogative INTA International Trademark Association INTA Interrupt Acknowledge INTAP Interoperability Technology Association for Information Processing, Japan INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite Organization INWG International/Internet Working Group IO Input/Output, I/O IOAPIC Input Output Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller IOAT Input Output Acceleration Technology IOC Initial Operational Capability IOC Input Output Controller IOCS Input/Output Control System IOCTL Input/Output Control IOD Information Object Definition IOD Intelligence On Demand IODE Issue Of Data Ephemeris IOE Input Output Engine IOFEXT Input Output Far End Crosstalk IOI Input Output Interconnect/Interface/Interrupt IOI Integrated Operator Interface IOI International Olympiad in Informatics IOMMU Input Output Memory Management Unit IONL Internal Organization of the Network Layer (OSI) IOP Input Output Processor IOP Internal Operation IOPL Input/Output Priviledge Level IOR Indian Ocean Region IOS Input Output Subsystem IOS International Organization for Standardization Seite 241 IOS Internetwork Operating System (CISCO) IOSGA Input/Output Support Gate Array IOT Inter-Office Trunk IOTA Islands On The Air IOTP Internet Open Trading Protocol IOW In Other Words (Slang) IP Image Processing IP Information Provider IP Instruction Pointer IP Integer Programming IP Intellectual Property IP Intelligent Peripheral IP Interactive Proof IP Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) IP Interrupt Process IPA Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA International Phonetic Alphabet IPAE IP Address Encapsulation IPARS International Passenger Airline Reservation System IPAVS IP-Adressen-Verwaltungs-System IPC Instructions Per Clock IPC Integrated Passive Component IPC Inter Personal Computer IPC Interprocess Communication IPCA Internet Parallel Computing Archive IPCI Industrial PCI IPCP Internet Protocol Control Protocol IPDS IBM/Intelligent Printer Data Stream IPES Improved Proposed Encryption Standard IPF Information Presentation Facility IPG In Plane Gate Transistor IPG Inter Packet Gap IPI Image Processing and Interchange IPI Intelligent Peripheral Interface IPI International Payment Instruction IPIP Internet Protocol within Internet Protocol IPL Information Processing Language IPL Initial Program Loader IPL Interrupt Priority Level IPLS IP-Only LAN-Like Service IPM Intelligent Power Mode/Module/MOS, Interpersonal Message IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface IPMP Intellectual Property Management and Protection IPMV95 Integrated Packet Trunk Module V.95 Interface IPNG Internet Protocol Next Generation (IPv6) IPNS ISDN PBX Networking Specification IPOC Interim Policy Oversight Committee Seite 242 IPON Intelligent Passive Optical Network IPP Intel Primitive Performance (Library) IPP Internet Presence Provider IPP Internet Printing Protocol IPPV Impulse/Instant Pay Per View IPR Intellectual Property Rights IPRB Intellectual Property Review Board IPS Image Packaging System IPS In Plane Switching (panel) IPS inch per second IPS Internet Privacy Standard IPS Intrusion Prevention System IPSE Integrated Project Support Environment IPSEC Internet Protocol Security Protocol IPSI (Fraunhofer-Institut für) Integrierte Publikations- und Informationssysteme IPT Immersive Projection Technology IPTC International Press Telecommunications Council IPTO Information Processing Techniques/Technology Office IPTV Internet Protocol Television IPU Imposition Processing Unit IPV4 Internet Protocol Version 4 IPV6 Internet Protocol Version 6 (= IPng) IPVR Inst. für parallele und verteilte Höchstleistungsrechner, Stuttgart IPW Incremental Packet Writing IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange (Novell) IPXCP Internetwork Packet Exchange Control Protocol IQL Interactive Query Language IQMS Integrated Quality Management System IR Information Request/Retrieval IR Infrared, Infrarot IR Intermediate Representation IR Internet Registry IRAC Indpendent Review Advisory Committee IRAF Image Reduction and Analysis Facility IRAS I Really Am Sorry (Slang) IRAW Idle Read After Write IRB Instruction Recoder Buffer IRB Instrumentation Request Broker IRC International Record Carrier IRC International Reply Coupon IRC Internet Relay Chat IRD Integrated Receiver Decoder (TV) IRD Internet Resource Directory IRDA Infrared Data Association IRDS Information Resources Dictionary System IRG Implicit Regeneration IRICE Integrated Remote Interface Control Element Seite 243 IRIG Interrange Instrumentation Group IRIS Infrastructure for Resilient Internet Systems IRIS Intelligent Reference Information System IRIS Interregional Information Society Initiative IRL In Real Life (Slang) IRL Inter Repeater Link IRLED Infrared Light Emitting Diode IRM Information Rights/Resource Management IRQ Information/Interrupt Request IRR Information Request Response IRR Internet Routing Registry IRS Information Retrieval System IRS Interchange Record Separator IRS Internal Revenue Service IRS Intrusion Response System IRSG Internet Research Steering Group IRT Institut für Rundfunktechnik, München IRTF Internet Research Task Force IRV International Reference Version IS In Service IS Information Separator/Sevices/System IS Integrated Service IS Intensity Stereo IS Interactive Service (Telecommunication) IS Intermediate System IS International Standard (ISO) IS Interrupt Status ISA Industry Standard Architecture ISA Informationssystem Studienwahl und Arbeitsmarkt, Duisburg/Essen ISA Instruction Set Architecture ISA Integrated Services Architecture ISA Interactive Services Association ISA Internet Security and Acceleration (Server) ISAKMP Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol ISAM Index/Indexed Sequential Access Method ISAPI Internet Server API ISBD International Standard Bibliographic Description ISBN International Standard Book Number ISBT It's Strange But True (Slang) ISC Instruction Set Computer ISC Internet Service Center ISCA International Symposium on Computer Architecture ISCB Interessengemeinschaft sehgeschädigter Computerbenutzer ISCSI Internet SCSI ISD Image Section Descriptor ISD Instructional System Design ISD International Standard Data Network Seite 244 ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISDN Isosorbitdinitrat ISDN Ist sowas denn nötig? (Slang) ISFET Ionensensitiver Feldeffekttransitor ISFT Industrial Siemens Flatpanel Technology ISH Information Superhighway ISI Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California ISI Information Society Index ISI Institute for Scientific Information, USA ISI Inter Symbol Interference ISI Internally Specified Index ISIN International Securities Identification Number ISIS Intermediate System to Intermediate System Protocol (OSI) ISIS Industrial Signature Interoperability Specification ISL Imperceptible Structured Light ISL Initial System Loader ISL Interactive System Language ISL Intersatellite Link ISM Industrial, Scientific, Medical (Applications) ISMA Internet Streaming Media Alliance ISMP Internet Message Support Protocol ISMS Information Security Management System ISN Internet School/Shopping Networking ISNS Internet Storage Naming Service ISO International Standardization Organization ISOC Internet Society ISODE ISO Development Environment (OSI) ISP Image Synthesis Processor ISP International Standardized Profile ISP Internet Service Provider ISP Interrupt Stack Pointer ISP Interrupt Status Port ISPBX ISDN Private Branche Exchange ISPF Interactive Structured Programming Facility (IBM) ISPI Institut für Integrierte Publikationssysteme, Darmstadt ISPLSI in-system-programmable LSI ISPO Information Society Project Office ISQIT Information Systems Quality Improvement Team ISR Information Storage and Retrieval ISR Intermediate Session Routing ISR Interrupt Service Routine ISRC International Standard Recording Code ISRN International Standard Recording Number ISSA Information Systems Security Association ISSCC International Solid State Circuits Conference ISSE Information Security Solutions Europe ISSE Internet Streaming SIMD Extension Seite 245 ISSI Individual Short Subscriber Identity ISSN International Standard Serial Number ISSO Information System Security Officer ISSP Inter-Switch Signalling Protocol ISSP Internet Satellite Service Provider ISSS IBM Speech Server Services ISST (Fraunhofer-)Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik IST Information Society Technologies (Programme) IST Internet Transaction Server ISTF Internet Science and Technology Fair ISTF Internet Societal Task Force ISTM It Seems To Me (Slang) ISTO Information Science and Technology Office ISTPA International Security, Trust + Privacy Alliance ISTR I Seem To Remember (Slang) ISU Industry Solution Unit (IBM) ISUG International SGML/XML Users' Group ISUP ISDN User Part ISUS Information Services and User Support (DFN) ISV Independent Software Vendor ISVR Intel Smart Video Recorder ISWIM If you See What I Mean ISWL International Short Wave League ISWYM I See What You Mean (Slang) IT Information Technology, Informationstechnik ITA Intend To Adopt (Debian) ITA Interface Test Adapter ITA Interim Type Approval ITA International Telegraphy Alphabet ITAA Information Technology Association of America ITAC ISDN Terminal Adapter Circuit ITB Information Technology Branch ITB Intermediate Text Block ITC Independent Television Commission ITC IntelliCAD Technology Consortium ITC International Telegraph Code ITE Informationstechnische Einrichtung ITE Internal Terminal Emulator ITF Isochronous Transfer ITG Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE ITG Informationstechnische Grundausbildung ITHE International Travel Host Exchange ITI Interactive Terminal Interface ITIF Information Technology and Innovation Foundation ITK Informationstechnik und Telekommunikation ITLB Instruction TLB ITM Internet Transaction Mix Seite 246 ITO Indium Tin Oxide ITO Intend To Orphan (Debian) ITOT ISO Transport Service on top of TCP ITP Intent To Package (Debian) ITR Internet Talk Radio ITRS International Roadmap for Semiconductors ITS Incompatible Time-Sharing System ITS Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, USA ITS Intelligent Transport System ITS International Telecommunications Society ITS Internationalization Tag Set ITS (NIST) Internet Time Service ITSEC Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria/Certification ITSEM Information Technology Security Evaluation Manual ITSK IT Sicherheitskriterien (Grünbuch) ITSO Information Technology Security Office, Indiana University ITSP Internet Telephony Service Provider ITSTC Information Technology Steering Committee ITT Internet, Television, Telephone ITT Invitation To Transmit (Arcnet) ITU Intelligent Thermal Update ITU International Telecommunication Union ITUG International Telecommunications Users' Group ITV Interactive Television ITW In The Wild ITX Intermediate Text Block IU Integer Unit IUG Informix User Group IUK Information und Kommunikation IUKDG Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste-Gesetz IUMA Internet Underground Music Archive IUPAP International Union of Pure and Applied Physics IUR International User Requirements IUS Interchange Unit Separator IUTY It's Up To You (Slang) IV Initialisation Vector IV Interessenverbund IVB Individuelle Verkehrsbeeinflussung IVBB Informationsverbund Bonn-Berlin IVC Inter-Vehicle Communication IVCA International Visual Communication Association IVDLAN Integrated Voice and Data Local Area Network IVHS Intelligent Vehicle Highway System IVIS Interactive Video Information System IVN Intervening Network IVNM Interessenverband Neue Medien IVOD Interactive Video On Demand Seite 247 IVP Installation Verification Image IVR Interactive Voice Recognition/Response IVS IBM Verkabelungssystem IVS Interactive Visualization System IVT Interrupt Vector Table IVV Independent Verification and Validation IVW Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeerträgen IW Information Warfare IWBNI It Would Be Nice If (Slang) IWF Impulswahlverfahren (Telefon) IWU Interworking Unit IWV Impulswahlverfahren IX Internet Exchange IXA Internet Exchange Architecture IXC Interexchange Carrier IXF Integrated Exchange Format IXI International X.25 Interconnect IXP Internet Exchange Point IYB In Your Basket (Slang) IYSWIM If You See What I Mean (Slang) IZT Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung J Java, Japan, Job J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition J2SE Java 2 Standard Edition JA Jump Address JAAS Java Authentication and Authorization Service JAD Joint Application Design JAE Java Application Environment JAM Just A Minute (Slang) JAM Jyacc Application Manager JANET Joint Academic Network, England JAP Java Anon Proxy JAR Java Archive JASON Journal Articles Sent On Demand JAUA Just Another Useless Answer (Slang) JAXP Java API for XML Processing JBCE Japan Business Council in Europe JBCE JavaBean Calculation Engine JBD Journaling Block Device JBIG Joint Bilevel Image Group JBOD Just a Bunch Of Discs JCA Java Connection Architecture JCALS Joint Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support System JCB Job Conrol Block JCC Java Competence Center Seite 248 JCE Java Cryptography Extension JCL Job Control Language (IBM) JCP Java Community Process JCS Job Control Statement/System JCT Job Control Table JD Julian Date/Day JDB Java Debugger JDBC Java Data Base Connectivity JDC Japanese Digital Cellular JDK Java Developers/Development Kit JECC Japan Electronic Computer Center JEDEC Joint Electronic Devices Engineering Council JEIDA Japan/Japanese Electronics Industry Development Association JES Job Entry Subsystem JESA Japan Engineering Standard Association JESSI Joint European Submicron Silicon Initiative JFC Java Foundation Class JFET Johnson/Junction Field Effect Transistor JFFS Journalling Flash File System JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format JFS Journal/Journaled/Journalling/Java File System JFS Jumbo Frame Support JGFET Junction Gate Field Effect Transistor JIB Job Information Block JIC Just In Case (Slang) JICST Japan Information Center of Science and Technology JID Jabber Identifier JIF Journal Impact Factor JIT Just In Time (Compiler) JJ Josephson Junction JJ Just Joking (Slang) JMMD Jokes Make My Day (Slang) JMP Job Monitor Protocol JMS Java Messaging Service JMS Job Management System JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface JNDSPI Java Naming and Directory Service Provider Interface JNI Java Native Interface JOL Job Orientation Language JOSS Joint Object Services Submission JOTA Jamboree On The Air JPDA Java Platform Debugging Architecture JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group JPL Java Perl Lingo JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA JPL Jyacc Procedural Language JRE Java Runtime Environment Seite 249 JRTS Java Real Time System JSDK Java Servlet Development Kit JS JavaScript JS Jumper Setting JSC Job Status code JSF Jabber Software Foundation JSGF Java Speech Grammar Format JSH Job control Shell JSM Job Stream Manager JSML Java Speech Markup Language JSNM Just Stark Naked Magic (Slang) JSP Jackson Structured Programming JSP Java Server Page/Pages JSQL Java SQL JSS JavaScript Style Sheet JSSE Java Secure Socket Extension JT Job Table JTAG Joint Test Action Group JTAM Job and Transfer Manipulation JTAP JTC1 TAG Application Portability Study Group JTAPI Java Telephony Application Programming Interface JTC Joint Technical Committee (ISO/IEC) JTM Job Transfer and Management/Manipulation JTRS Joint Tactical Radio System, USA JTS Java Transaction Service JUBL Jülicher BlueGene/L (Supercomputer) JUD Jabber User Directory JUG Java User Group JUGD Java User Group Deutschland JUGFET Junction Gate Field Effect Transistor JUMP Java User Migration Path JUNET Japan/Japanese UNIX Network JUST Joint Users of Siemens Telecommunications JV Job Variable JVM Java Virtual Machine JVNC John-von-Neumann (Super-Computer-) Center JVT Joint Video Team JWS Java Workshop JXTA Juxtapose (Sun) K Key, Kilo, Kommunikation K12 Kindergarten through 12th grade, K-12 KA Kamikaze (packet) KA Keine Ahnung (no idea) KA Key Account KA Knowledge Access/Acquisition/Architecture Seite 250 KA Kommunikationsausrüstung KAD Knowledge Aided Design KAD Kontoauszugsdrucker KADB Kernel Assembly Debugger KADM Kerberos Administration (server) KADS Knowledge Analysis and Design System KAI Kurzweil Applied Intelligence KALUG Karlsruhe Linux User Group KAM Knowledge Aided Manufacturing KAOS Kent Applicative Operating System KAP Kernel Andorra Prolog KAPSE Kernel Ada Program Support Environment KAS Kerberos Authentication Server KB Keyboard KB Kilobyte KB Knowledge Base KBE Knowledge Based Engineering KBPS Kilobit/byte per second KBS Knowledge Based System KC Kids' Computer KCC Keyboard Communications Concentrator KCD Kernel Cousin Debian KCL Kyoto Common Lisp KCP Kernel Control Path KCS Kansas City Standard KD Knowledge Discovery KDC Key Distribution Center KDD Knowledge Discovery in Databases KDE KDE Desktop Environment KDF Knowledge Discovery Framework KDS Knowledge Discovery System KDS Kommunikationsdatensatz KDT Key Definition Table KE Knowledge Economy KEA Key Exchange Algorithm KED Kundenenddokumentation KES Key Escrow System KEWL Knowledge Environment for Web-based Learning KF Knopflerfish KGI Kernel Graphics Interface KHM Kunsthochschule für Medien, Köln KI Künstliche Intelligenz KIBO Knowledge In, Bullshit Out (Slang) KIK Kommunaler Info-Kanal KIS Kernel Information/Intrusion System KIS Knowbot Information Service KISS Keep It Simple/Small and Stupid/Simple Seite 251 KIT Kernel Software for Intelligent Terminals KJM Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz KK Konnektivitäts-Koordination KLNG Knowledge-supported Line Network Global (Vectorization) KLO Knowledge Level Object KLOC Kilo Lines Of Code KM Knowledge Management/Mismanagement KMMT Kompetenzzentrum Multimedia und Telematik, Tübingen KMS Key Management Server KMS Knowledge Management System KMU Kleine und Mittlere Unternehmen KNAS Kerberos Network Authentication Service KNF Konjunktive Normalform KNI Katmai New Instructions KOALA Konstanzer Ausleih- und Anfragesystem KOP Kontaktplan (DIN 19 239) KPA Key Process Area KPI Key Performance Indicator KQML Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language KOS Keep On Smiling (Slang) KOS Kernel/Kohler Operating System KOS Key Object Selection KR Knowledge Representation K&R Kernighan + Ritchie KRC Kent Recursive Calculator KRITIS (Arbeitsgruppe) Kritische Infrastrukturen KRS Knowledge Retrieval System, Kernighan + Ritchie Standard KS Session Key KSAM Keyed Sequential Access Method KSK Key Signing Key KSR Keyboard Send Receive KT Kommunikationstechnik KTA Korean Telecommunication Authority KTK Kommission für den Ausbau des technischen Kommunikationssystems KU Unit Key KÜFUST Küstenfunkstelle KUUG Karlsruher UNIX User Group KV Kabelverzweiger, Karnaugh Veitch (Diagramm) KVM Kernel-based Virtual Machine KVM Keyboard, Video, Mouse KVNO Key Version Number KVP Kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozess KVZ Kabelverzweiger KW Kurzwelle, Kurzwahl KWIM Know What I Mean? (Slang) KWIPS Kilo Whetstones Per Second KZK Klasse - Zuständigkeit - Kooperation Seite 252 KZU Kennzeichenumsetzer L Line, Link, Linux, Local, Logic, Low L2CAP Logical Link and Control Adaptation Protocol L2F Layer 2 Forwarding L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol LA LAN Analyzer LA License Application LA License/Licensing Administration/Administrator LA Location Area LA Logical Address LAA Locally Administered Address LAB Logic Array Block LABNET Laboratory Broadband Network LAC L2TP Access Controller LACC Los Alamos Computer Code LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol LAD Leistungsanschlusseinheit, digital LADDR Layered Device Driver Architecture LADE Language Definition Environment LADSPA Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plug-in API LADT Local Area Data Transport LAES Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance LAF Look And Feel (L&F) LAG Link Aggregate Group LAI LAN Automatic Inventory LAI Location Area Identity LAICS Los Alamos Integrated Communications System LALL Longest Allowed Lobe Length LALR Lexically Assign, Logically Refine LALR Look Ahead Left Right LAM Lobe Attachment Unit LAM Local Area Multicomputer LAMPS Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, SSL LAN Local Area Network LANANA Linux Assigned Names And Numbers Authority LANC Local Application Control Bus System LANC Local Area Network Control (Sony) LANDSAT Land-use Satellite LANE Local Area Network Emulation/Emulator LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA LANUG Los Alamos NeXT Users Group LAP Link Access Profile/Protocol/Procedure LAP Lower Address Part (Bluetooth) LAPB Link Access Procedure for Balanced Mode LAPD Link Access Procedure for the D-Channel Seite 253 LAPF Link Access Procedure Framed Mode LAPF Link Access Protocol for Frame Mode Bearer Services LAPIC Local Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller LAPM Link Access Protocol for Modems LAPS Local Area Network Adapter and Protocol Support (IBM) LAR Load Access Right LARC Livermore Automatic Research Computer LARP Live Action Role Playing LARS Linux Accessibility Resource Site LART Loser/Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool LAS Library Access System LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation LASIC Laser Application Specific Integrated Circuit LAST Local Area Storage Transport (DEC) LAT Local Area Transport (DEC) LATA Local Access and Transmit/Transport Area LATM LPI Approved Training Materials LAU Lobe Access Unit LAVC Local Area VAX Cluster LAVMS Los Alamos Voice Messaging System LAWN Local Area Wireless Network LBA Linear Beschränkter Automat LBA Logical Block Addressing LBB Logic Building Block LBC Local Bus Controller LBM Local Bus Master LBRV Low Bit Rate Voice LBS Location Based Services LBT Listen Before Talk LBT Local Bus Target LBV Leistungsbedarfsvorhersage LBX Low Bandwidth X LC Late Counter LC Library of Congress, USA LC Liquid Crystal LC Live Camera LC Local Changes/Control LC Low Complexity LC Lower Case LCA Logic Cell Array LCA Losely Coupled Architecture LCC Linux Core Consortium LCCM LAN Client Control Manager LCD Liquid Crystal Device/Display LCF LAN Configuration Facility LCF Lightweight Client Framework LCF Location Confirmation Seite 254 LCF Logic for Computable Functions LCF Low Cost Fiber LCG Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid, CERN, Genf LCG Linear Congruential (random number) Generator LCHU Low Cost Home User LCI Life Cycle Integration LCI Logical Channel Indentifier LCIM Life Cycle Information Management LCL Local Clock LCM LEAF Creation Method LCM Life Cycle Management LCN Local Control Network LCN Logical Channel Number LCOM Lack of Cohesion in Methods LCOS Liquid Crystal On Silicon LCP Link Control Protocol (Internet) LCR Least/Low Cost Router/Routing LCRD Low Cost Removable Drive LCS Linux Compatibility Standard LCS Liquid Cooling System LCS Liquid Crystal Shutter LCSC Local Carrier Service Center LCSH Library of Congress Subject Headings LCU Last Cluster Used LD Long Distance LD Low Delay LDA Local Delivery Agent LDA Logical Device Address LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol LDCM LAN Desk Client Manager (Intel) LDF Linear Display File LDG Los Alamos Debugger LDIF LDAP Data Interchange Format LDIP Laboratory Data Integrity Program LDLN Long Distance Learning Network LDM Long Distance Modem LDN Linux Standard Base Developer Network LDP Label Distribution Protocol LDP (The) Linux Documentation Project LDP Loader Debugger Protocol LDR Light Dependent Resistor LDR Long Distance Relationship LDRI Low Dynamic Range Image LDS Landesamt für Datenverarbeitung und Statistik LDS Logical Data Structure LDS Lotus Discovery Server LDSG Landesdatenschutzgesetz Seite 255 LDSL Low Speed ISDN Digital Subscriber Line LDSS Low-dimensional Semiconductor Structure LDT Lightning Data Transport LDT Local Descriptor Table LDTR Load Descriptor Table Register LDTRC Load Descriptor Table Register Cache LDTV Limited Definition Television LDUP LDAP Duplication and Update (Protocol) LE Light/Limited Edition LE Link Encapsulation LE Logical Element/Extent LEA Law Enforcement Agency LEAF Large Effective Area Fiber LEAF Law Enforcement Access Field LEAP Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol LEARP LAN Emulation Address Resolution Protocol LEC LAN Emulation Client LEC Local Exchange Carrier LECS LAN Emulation Client/Configuration Server/Service LED Light Emitting Diode LEF Library Exchange Format LEL Link Embedded and Launch-to-edit LEM Language Extension Module LEM Link Error Monitor LEMF Law Enforcement Monitoring Facility LEMP Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse LEN Low Entry Networking/Node LEO Link Everything Online LEO Low Earth Orbit/Orbiting LEOSAR Low Earth Orbit Search And Rescue LEP Light Emitting Polymer LEPS Lancom Enhanced Passphrase Security LER Light Emitting Resistor LES LAN Emulation Server/Service LES Land-Erdfunkstelle LESC London E-Science Center LF Lifetime Failure LF Line Feed LF Login Facility LF Low Frequency LFA Log File Analysis LFAP Lightweight Flow Admission Protocol LFF Large Form Factor LFI Last File Indicator LFK Landesanstalt für Kommunikation LFM Low Frequency Mode LFN Logical File Name Seite 256 LFN Long File Names LFO Low Frequency Oscillator LFP Large Format Printing LFS Large File Support LFS Linux From Scratch LFS Linux Log File System LFS Local File System LFS Log-structured File System LFSA List of Frequently Seen Acronyms LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register LFU Least Frequently Used LGA Low Gain Antenna LGFT Lie Group Fourier Transform LGMR Laser Guided Magnetical Recording LGN Logical Group Node LGPL Library/Lesser General Public License (GNU) LH Link Header LHS Left Hand Side LI Lawful Interception LI Length Indication LIC Logical Link Control LICS Lotus International Character Set LID Logical Input Device LIDAR Light Detection And Ranging LIDS Linux Intrusion Detection System LIEP Large Internet Exchange Packet (Novell) LIF Low Insertion Force LIFE Laboratory of International Fuzzy Engineering LIFO Last In, First Out (Speicher) LII Linux Internationalisation Inititative LILO Last In, Last Out (Speicher) LIM Light Intensity Modulation LIM Load Information Manager LIM Lotus, Intel, Microsoft LIMB Listing of Molecular Biology Databases LIMDOW Laser Intensity Modulation Direct Overwrite LIMS Laboratory/Library Information Management System LIN Local Interconnect Network LINFO The Linux Information Project LINQ Language Integrated Query LINX London Internet Exchange LIP Large Internet Packet LIP Line Interconnection Point LIP Loop Initialization Protocol LIPS Lightweight Internet Person Schema LIPS Logical Inferences/Instructions Per Second LIPX Large Internet Packet Exchange Seite 257 LIR Library of International Relations LIR Line Reference LIR Local Internet Registry LIRA Learning Information Retrieval Agent LIRC Linux Infrared Remote Control LIS Logical IP Subnetwork LISA Localization Industry Standards Association LISP List Processing (Language/Program) LISP Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses LITA Library and Information Technology Association, USA LIVE Linux Verband e. V., Frickenhausen LK Linienkoppler LKCD Linux Kernel Crash Dump LKM Loadable Kernel Module LKML Linux Kernel Mailing List LKP Local Knowledge Pool LKS Loadable Kernel Server LL Leased Line LL Local Loopback LLA Latitude, Longitude, Altitude LLA Link Level Access LLC Logical Link Control LLC Low Layer Compatibility LLC2 Logical Link Control Class 2 LLF Least Laxity First LLF Low Level Format LLG Lesser Linux God LLH Logical Link Header LLNL Lawrence Livermoore National Laboratory, USA LLOC Lines Of Code LLP Link Layer Protocol LLP Live Long and Prosper (Slang) LLR Least-Loaded Route LLS Linear Least Squares LLTA Lots and Lots of Thundering Applause (Slang) LLU Link Local Use LMAO Laughing My Ass Off (Slang) LMB Line Mode Browser LMB Local Master Browser LMBCS Lotus Multibyte Character Set LMDO Laughing My Diaper Off (Slang) LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service LME Layer Management Entity LMF Local Media Format LMF Logical Mainframe LMI Local Management Interface LMK Langwelle, Mittelwelle, Kurzwelle Seite 258 LMOS Loop Maintenace Operations System LMP Layer Management Protocol LMP Link Manager/Management Protocol LMR Land Mobile Radio LMS Laser Magnetic Storage LMS Learning Management System LMS License Management Service (OSF) LMSC LAN/MAN Standards Committee (IEEE) LMTP Local Mail Transfer Protocol LMU Logical Network Management Unit LN Logical Network LNA Low Noise Amplifier LNAI Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNB Low Noise Block Converter LNC Low Noise Converter LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNG Line Network Global (Vectorization) LNI Lecture Notes of Informatics LNOV Line Network Orientied Vectorization LNP Local Network Protocol LNS L2TP Network Server LO Local Oscillator LOA Letter Of Assurance LOAF Linux On A Floppy LOB Large Object LOC Library Of Congress, USA LOC Line(s) Of Code LOC Loop On-Line Control LOCIS Library Of Congress Information System, USA LOD Level Of Detail LOF List Of Figures LOF Loss of Frame LOI Letter Of Intent LOL Laughing Out Loud (Slang) LOL List Of Lists LOL Lots Of Luck (Slang) LOM LAN On Mainboard/Motherboard LOM Learning Object Metadata LON Local Operating Network LOOPS LISP Object Oriented Programming System LOP Logikplan (DIN 19 239/40 719) LOP Loss of Pointer/Power LORAN Long Range Aid to Navigators LORE Line Oriented Editor LOS Line Of Sight LOS Loss Of Signal LOT List Of Tables Seite 259 LOWFER Low Frequency Experimental Radio LP Line Printer LP Linear/Logic Programming LP Logical Partition LP Long Play LP Low Power/Profile LPA Logarithmic Periodical Antenna LPAC Lossless Predictive Audio Compression LPB Local Peripheral Bus LPC Linear Predictive Coding LPC Local Procedure Call LPC Low Pin Count (Interface) LPD Landespostdirektion LPD Line Printer Daemon (UNIX) LPD Low Power Device LPI lines per inch LPI Linux Professional Institute LPI Lower Prediction Interval LPIC Linux Professional Institute Certification LPL Lotus Programming Language LPM lines per minute LPM Low Power Mode LPN Logical Page Number LPO Logical Post Office LPP Licensed Program Product LPPB Land Pre Pit Level before Recording LPPL LaTeX Project Public License LPQ Line Printer Queue LPRS Low Power Radio Service LPS lines per second LPS Low Power Schottky (Semiconductor) LPT Line Printer LPTF Laboratoire Primaire du Temps et des Frequences LPTS Low Power Time Source LQ Letter Quality LQM Link Quality Monitoring LQR Link Quality Report LRC Local Register Cache LRC Longitudinal Redundancy Check LRE Left to Right Embedding LRE Limited Regular Expression LRE Long Reach Ethernet LRI Least Recently Loaded LRJ Location Reject LRP Linux Router Project LRPC Lightweight Remote Procedure Call LRQ Location Request Seite 260 LRU Least Recently Used LRU Lowest Replaceable Unit LRZ Leibniz-Rechenzentrum München LS Location Services LSA Line Sharing Adapter LSA Local Security Authority LSA Link State Algorithm/Advertisement LSA lötfrei -- schraubfrei -- abisolierfrei LSB Least Significant Bit LSB Linux Standard Base LSB Lower Side Band LSC Least Significant Character LSC Live Sequence Chart LSCD Licensed Status Confirmation Document LSD Least Significant Digit LSDV Link Segment Delay Value LSF Load Sharing Facility LSF Log Structured File (Array) LSI Large Scale Integration LSID Local Session Identifier LSL Link Support Layer LSM Linux Security Module LSM Linux Software Map LSM Logical Storage Manager LSO Linux Standards Organization LSP Link State Packet/PDU LSP Linux Support Package LSP Local Support Provider LSR Label/Load Switch/Switched/Switching Router LSR Least Squares Regression LSR Link State Request/Routing LSR Linux Software Resources/Review LSR Load Shifting Resistor LSR Local Service Request LSR Logical Shift Right LSR Logical Storage Resource LSR Loose Source Route LST Linux Support Team LSV Low Speed Variant LSX Lotus Script Extensions LSZ Leitungschlüsselzahl LSZH Low Smoke Zero Halogen (Kabel) LT LaGrande Technology LT Lease Time LT Link Trailer LTA Laptop Access LTCC Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic Seite 261 LTDC Long Term Data Collection LTE Long Term Evolution LTI Laser Thermal Imaging LTI Linear Time Invariant (system) LTM Long Term Memory LTNS Long Time No See (Slang) LTO Linear Tape Open LTP Linux Test Project LTP Long Term Plan/Prediction/Program LTPS Low Temperature Polysilicon LTS Local Time Server/Service LTS Long Term Support LTSC Learning Technology Standards Committee LTSP Linux Terminal Server Project LTV Light To Voltage LU Logical Unit LUA Limited User Account LUB Least Upper Bound LUF Lowest Usable Frequency LUFS Linux Userland File System LUG Linux/Local User Group LUI Live User Interface LUKS Linux Unified Key Setup LUM Linux User Management LUN Logical Unit Number LUNI LAN Emulation User Network Interface LUP Language Upgrade LUT Local User Terminal LUT Look Up Table LUUG Lunar UNIX Users Group LV Logical Volume LV Low Voltage LVD Low Voltage Differential (SCSI) LVDS Low Voltage Differential Sensing/Signal/Signalling/SCSI/Swing LVM Logical Volume Manager LVN Landesverwaltungsnetz Baden-Württemberg LVS Linux Virtual Server LW Langwelle, Long Wave LW Long Wire Antenna LWAPP Lightweight Access Point Protocol LWC Lift Window Control LWDMO Lead Writing Device - Manual Option (vulgo Bleistift) LWDRM Light Weight Digital Rights Management LWE Linux World Conference + Expo LWIR Long Wave Infrared LWL Lichtwellenleiter LWL Long Wave Laser Seite 262 LWN Linux Weekly News LWP Lightweight Process LWX LAN WAN Exchange LZ Leerzeichen (space) LZH Lempel, Ziv, Huffman (Algorithm) LZMA Lempel, Ziv, Markow Algorithm LZSS Lempel, Ziv, Storer, Szymanski (Algorithm) LZW Lempel, Ziv, Welch (Algorithm) M Manage, Memory, Message, Mobile, Mode, Multi M Meldeleitung M2FM Modified Double Frequency Modulation M2M Machine To Machine MA Management Agent MA Master MAB Maschinelles Austauschformat für Bibliotheken MABI Macintosh Application Binary Interface MAC Machine Aided Cognition MAC Mainframe Attachment Controller MAC Maintaining Arc Consistency MAC Mandatory/Medium/Media/Memory Access Control/Controller MAC Membership Advisory Committee MAC Message Authentication Check/Code MAC Multi Access Computer MAC Multiplexed Analogue Components MAC Multiply Accumulate/Accumulator (Command, Unit) MACE Middleware Architectural Committee for Education MACF Mandatory Access Control Framework MACP Motion Adaptive Color Plus MACS Mixed Aloha Carrier Sense MACS Modem Access Control System MACUL Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning MADCAP Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol MADSL Margin Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line MAE Macintosh Application Environment MAE Metropolitan Area Exchange MAF Mozilla Archive Format MAGRAM Magnetic Random Access Memory MAN Manchester (Coding) MAN Metropolitan Area Network MANET Mobile Adhoc Network MANIAC Mathematical Analyzer, Numerical Integrator, and Computer MAP Maintenance Analysis Procedure MAP Manufacturing Automation Protocol MAP Manufacturing Package MAP Mesh Access Point Seite 263 MAP Message Access Protocol MAP Mobile Application Part MAPI Mail/Message/Messaging Application Programmer/Programming Interface MAPICS Manufacturing, Accounting and Production Information Control System (IBM) MAPS Mail Abuse Prevention System MAPTOP MAP Technical Office Protocol MAR Memory Address Register MARBI Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information (Committee) MARC Machine-Readable Cataloging/Code MARID MTA Authorization Records In DNS MARP Multi LAN Address Resolution Protocol MARPA Mini Automatic Radar Plotting Aid MARS Message Archiving and Retrieval Service MARS Military Affiliate Radio System MARS Multicast Address Resolution Server MAS Microsoft Anti-Spyware MAS Multi Agent System MASC Multicast Address-Set Claim (Protocol) MASER Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation MASI (Laboratoire de) Modelisation et d'Architecture des Systemes Informatiques MASM Macro Assembler (Microsoft) MASS Mass Storage System MASS Message Authentication Signature Standard MATIP Mapping of Airline Traffic over Internet Protocol MATRIX Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange MAU Medium Attachment Unit (Ethernet) MAU Multi Station Access Unit MAVT Mobile Audio Visual Terminal MAZ Magnetbildaufzeichnung MB Macro Block MB Megabyte/Multi Byte MBA Macroblock Address MBA Managed (PC) Boot Agent MBC Multi Bit Cell MBCS Multibyte Character Set (encoding) MBFT Multipoint Binary File Transfer MBMS Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service MBONE Multicast/Multimedia Backbone MBPS Megabits/bytes per second MBR Master Boot Record MBS Maximum Burst Size MBS Mobile Broadband System MBSA Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer MBX Mailbox MC Master Control MC Miniature Card MC Mobile Commerce/Communication Seite 264 MC Moving Coil MC Multi Carrier/Cast MC Multipoint Controller MCA Machine Check Architecture MCA Micro Channel Architecture (IBM) MCA Mission Critical Application MCA Motion Capture and Analysis MCA Multiprocessor Communication Adapter MCAD Mechanical Computer Aided Design MCAST Motif Cluster Alignment and Search Tool MCAT Metadata Catalog MCB Memory Control Block MCBSP Multi Channel Buffered Serial Port MCC Mamas Computer Club MCC Manchester Computing Centre MCC Media Changer Commands MCC Memory Cache Controller MCC Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation MCC Mission Control Center MCCI Multi-Channel Communications Interface MCCI Multimedia Copyright Clearance Ireland MCCOI Multimedia Communications Community of Interest MCCS Monitor Command and Control Set (VESA) MCD Mad Computer Disease MCD Mini Client Driver MCDA Micro Channel Developers Association MCDS Mail Channel Directory System MCDU Multipurpose Control and Display Unit MCE Machine Check Exception MCE Management Communication Engine MCE Media Center Edition (Microsoft) MCF Meta Content Format MCF MOM Connector Framework (Microsoft) MCFT Multi Cash File Transfer (eBanking) MCGA Multi Colour Graphics Adaptor/Array MCGAM MIXER Conformant Global Address Mapping MCH Memory Controller Hub MCI Media Control Interface MCIR Machine Controlled Interactive Retrieval MCIS Microsoft Commercial Internet System MCM Media and Communication Management MCM Multi Carrier Modulation MCM Multi Chip Module MCN Media Catalogue Number MCN Multiple Crossbar Network MCNC Microelectronics Center of North Carolina MCNS Multimedia Cable Network System Seite 265 MCOP Management Coprocessor MCOP Mobile Connect One-time Password MCOP Multimedia Communication Protocol (KDE) MCP Macintosh Coprocessor Platform MCP Master Control Programm MCP Media and Communications Processor MCP Microsoft Certified Professional MCP Multichip Package MCPP Microsoft Communications Protocol Program MCR Minimal/Minimum Cell Rate MCS Master Control Station MCS Mission Critical Server MCS Modulation and Coding Scheme MCS Multicast Server MCS Multinational Character Set MCS Multipoint Communication Services/System MCSE Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer MCSG Mathematical and Computational Sciences Group MCT Memory Controller MCT Mind Control Technology MCT MOS Controlled Thyristor MCU Master Control Unit MCU Memory/Micro/Multipoint/Module Control/Controller Unit MCU Minimum Coded Unit MCU Multi Chip Unit MCU Multicast Unit MCU Multipoint Conferencing/Control Unit MCX Media Center Extender MD Mail Drop MD Mediation Device MD Message Digest MD Mini Disk MD5 Message Digest 5 MDA Mail Delivery Agent MDA Media Dependent/Device Adapter MDA Mediated Digest Authentication MDA Mesh Deterministic Access MDA Mobile Digital Assistant MDA Model Driven Architecture MDA Merci d'avance (Slang) MDA Monochrome Display Adapter MDAC Master Data Acquisition and Control System MDAC Microsoft Data Access Component MDBMS Multidimensional DBMS MDBS Mobile Data Base Station MDDI Mobile Digital Display Interface (VESA) MDE Maschinendatenerfassung Seite 266 MDEC Motion (JPEG) Decoder MDF Main Distribution Frame MDG Message Design Guidelines MDG Minimum Delay Generator MDG Mobile Data Gateway/Group MDG Module Dependency Graph MDG Multiple Default Gateway MDG Multiuser Dungeon Game MDH Multimedia Data Handling MDI Media Dependent Interface MDI Multiple Document Interface MDIS Mobile Data Intermediate System MDIX Media/Medium Dependent Interface Crossed MDK Multimedia Development Kit (Microsoft) MDN Message Disposition Notification MDNI Management Director (!) Network Interface MDNI Multicast Device Network Interface MDNS Managed Data Network Service MDR Minimum Design Requirement MDS Meta Data Server MDS Microsoft Deployment Solution MDS Monitoring and Discovery Service MDS Mulit-Dimensional Scaling MDS Multiple Data Stream MDSL Medium Bit Rate/Multirate Digital Subscriber Line MDSTV Mediendienstestaatsvertrag MDT Mittlere Datentechnik MDT Mobile Data Terminal MDY Month Day Year (Datumsangabe) ME Micro Edition ME Mutation Engine MEB Memory Expansion Board MEC Memory Expansion Card MECN Mobile Extended Corporate Network MEDARS Medical Access and Retrieval System MEDLINE Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System MELANI Melde- und Analysestelle Informationssicherung, Schweiz MEMS Micro Electro-Mechanical System MEO Medium Earth Orbit MERIT Michigan Education Research Insruction Triad MERLIN Message Handling and Radio Link Management MERS Most Economical Route Selection MES Mobile End System MESFET Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor MESI Modified Exclusive Shared Invalid (Cache) MET Memory Enhancement Technology MET Middle European Time Seite 267 MET Mission Elapsed Time METAL Macro Expansion Template Attribute Language MEXE Mobil Station Execution Environment MEZ Mitteleuropäische Zeit MF Marinefunker MF Multifunktion MFC Mainframe Computer MFC Microsoft Foundation Classes MFC Multifunktionale Chipkarte MFFS Microsoft Flash File System MFI Metafile Input MFIA Magtape Formatter Interface Adapter MFJ Modified Final Judgement MFLOP Million Floating Point Operations MFM Modified Frequency Modulation MFO Metafile Output MFP Multifunction Peripheral MFPA Multi Function Peripheral Association MFQ Multilevel Feedback Queue MFR Multi Frequency Receiver MFS Macintosh File System MFS Maximum Frame Size MFS Memory File System MFS Mitteilungen für Seefunkstellen MFT Master File Table MFT Multi-Programming with a Fixed number of Tasks MFTL My Favorite Toy Language MFTP Multicast File Transfer Protocol MFV Mehrfrequenz-Wahlverfahren (Telefon) MG Master Group MG Media Gateway MGA Mehrgeäteanschluss MGA Monochrome/Multimode Graphic Adapter MGC Media Gateway Controller MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol MGFT Motion Group Fourier Transform MGPF Multiprogram General Purpose Facilities MGR Multi Gigabit Router MH Modified Huffman (Compression) MHD Moving Head Disk MHEG Multimedia and Hypermedia Expert Group MHF Message Handling Facility MHN Münchener Hochschul-Netz MHOTY My Hat's Off To You (Slang) MHP Multimedia Home Platform MHS Message/Mail Handling Service/System MHTML MIME encoded Hypertext Markup Language Seite 268 MI Mode Indicate MI Modul Interface MI Multiple Instruction (Stream Computer) MIA Missing In Action (Debian) MIAS Mehrwertsteuerinformationsaustauschsystem MIB Management Information Base MIB Melde- und Informationssystem Binnenschifffahrt MIC Macro Interpretative Command MIC Media Interface Connector MIC Memory In Cassette MIC Message Integrity Check/Code MIC Mode Indicate Common MIC Multimedia Interactive Control MICA Modem ISDN Channel Aggregation MICE Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for Europe MICK Multimedia-Informations-Centrum Karlsruhe MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition MICS Mobile Information and Communication Systems MID Maritime Identification Digit MID Message Identifier MID Mobile Internet Device MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface MIDP Mobile Information Device Profile MIDS Matrix Internet Data Survey MIEF Management Information Error Facility MIF Management Information File/Format MIHMA Model-based Integration Heterogeneous Multimedia Archives MII Media Independent Interface MII Microsoft, IBM, Intel MIL military; Internet-Domain: Militär in den USA MIL (amerikanische Militärnorm) MIL Machine Interface Layer MILNET Military Network, USA MIM Metall-Isolator-Metall (Bildschirm) MIMD Multiple Instructions Multiple Data MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output MINC Multilingual Internet Names Consortium MINT Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik MIO Modular Input Output MIP Maximum Integration Phone MIPA Mutual Internet Practices Association MIPS Million Instructions Per Second MIPS Most Irrelevant Product Specification MIPS Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems MIPTEL Mobile IP Telephony MIS Management Information System Seite 269 MIS Metal Insulator Semiconductor MISD Multiple Instructions Single Data MIT Management Information Tree MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology MITI Ministry of Trade and Industry, Japan MITM Man In The Middle (attack) MITMA Man In The Middle Attack MITS Model Instrumentation Telemetry System MIX Member Information Exchange MIXER MIME Internet X.400 Enhanced Relay MJ Major Descriptor MJ Modular Jack (Steckersystem) MJD Modified Julian Date MJPEG Motion-JPEG MKB Media Key Block MKL Mathematical Kernel Library (Intel) MKT Multifunktionales Kartenterminal ML Machine/Markup/Meta Language MLA Micro Lense Array MLA My Local Address MLC Multi Level Cell MLD Master Logic Diagram MLD Multicast Listener Discovery MLE Millenium Language Extension MLI Multiple Link Interface MLID Multiple Link Interface Driver MLIS Multilingual Information Society MLM Mailing List Manager MLM Multi-Level Marketing MLP Message/Multilayer Link Protocol MLP Mobile Location Protocol MLPPP Multi Link PPP MLR Multi-Channel Linear Recording MLS Multi Level Security MLS Multiple Link Support MLT Mechanized Loop Testing MLT Multi-Level Transition/Transmission MLT Multi Link Trunking MLV Multi Language Vendor MM Maschinenlesbares Merkmal MM Material/Mobility Management MM Metadata Manager MM Moving Magnet MM Multiple Master MMA Million Message Attack MMA Multi-Megabit-Anpassung MMAC Multi Media Access Center Seite 270 MMAP Multi Media Access Profile MMC Man Machine Communication MMC Matched Memory Cycle MMC Microsoft Management Console MMC MIDI Machine Control MMC Multi Media Card/Commands MMCA Multi Media Card Association MMCD Multimedia Compact Disc MMDF Multichannel Memorandum Distribution Facility MMDS Multichannel Multipoint Distribution System MME Multi Media Extensions MMF Make Money Fast MMF Multi-Mode Fiber MMI Man Machine Interface MMIC Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit MMIS Materials Manager Information System MMJ Modified Modular Jack (Steckersystem) MMK Multimediale Kommunikation MML Man Machine Language MML Mathematical Markup Language MMM Memory Mapper Modul MMM Micro Macro Magician MMM Microsoft Multimedia Movie MMM Mobile Media Mode MMM Multi Media Mediocrity MMORPG Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game MMP Massive Multi Processing MMPC Multi Message Package Chaffing MMPM Multi Media Presentation Manager MMR Modified Modified Read (Compression) MMR Multi Hop Relay MMS Manufacturing Message Specification MMS Module Management System MMS Multimedia Messaging Service MMS Multimedia Survey MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity MMT Multimedia Timer MMTCA Multimedia Toolbox for Cooperative Applications MMU Memory Management Unit MMX Multi Media Extensions MN Minor Descriptor MNG Minimal No-Good MNIT Mobile Networks Integration Technology MNP Microcom Networking Protocol MNP Multiple Networking Program MNRE Manual Not Read Error (Slang) MNS Managed Network Services Seite 271 MO Magneto-Optical (Disk) MO Managed Object MO Mobile Originated (Message) MOAP Multihop Over the Air Programming MOBB Month Of Browser Bugs MOCA Music Online Competition Act MOD Magneto-Optical Disk MOD Movie/Music On Demand MODCA Mixed Object Document Content Architecture MODEM Modulator-Demodulator MODFET Modulation Doped Field Effect Transistor MOESI Modified, Owner, Exclusive, Shared, Invalid MOF Meta Object Facility MOH Music On Hold MOHLL Machine Oriented High Level Language MOKB Month Of Kernel Bugs MOLAP Multidimensional Online Analytical Processing MOLI Microsoft Online Institute MOLP Microsoft Open License Pak MOM Map Oriented Machine MOM Message Oriented Middleware MOM Microsoft Operations Manager MOO MUD/Multiuser Object Oriented MOON Management Of Optical Networks MOP Maintenance Operations Protocol (DEC) MOP Multiple Original Prints MOPL Map oriented Programming Language MOPS Million Operations Per Second MOS Mean Opinion Score MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor MOSC Modified Original Smart Card MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor MOSIX Multicomputer Operating System for UNIX MOSPF Multicast Extensions to OSPF MOSPF Multicast Open Shortest Path First MOSS Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server MOSS MIME Object Security Services MOST Media Oriented Systems Transport MOST Mobile Open Systems Technology MOT Multimedia Object Transfer MOTAS Member Of The Appropriate Sex (Slang) MOTIS Message Oriented Text Interchange System MOU Memorandum Of Understanding MOV Metal Oxide Varistor MP Magic Packet MP Massively Parallel MP Mesh Point Seite 272 MP Multilink Protocol MP Multiple Processors MP Multipoint Processor MP Multiprocessing MP3 MPEG Layer 3 MPA Minimum Perceptable Action MPA Motion Picture Association MPAA Motion Picture Association of America MPC Media Port Controller MPC Microsoft Certified Professional MPC Multimedia PC MPCS Manufacturing Planning and Control System MPE Maximum Permissible Exposition MPE Multiprogramming Executive MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group MPF Mapping Field MPG Medizinprodukte-Gesetz MPI Message Passing Interface MPI Multi-Protocol Interchange MPICH Message Passing Interface Chameleon MPL Mozilla Public License MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching MPM Message/Multi Processing Module MPMLQ Multipulse Maximum Likelihood Quantization MPOA Multi Protocol Over ATM MPP Massively Parallel Processing/Processor MPP Message Posting/Processing Program/Protocol MPPP Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol MPQS Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve MPR Massenparallelrechner MPR Mät- och Provningsrådet (Schweden) MPR Multi-Protocol Router MPR Multipart Repeater MPR Multipoint Relay MPRM Mobile Payment Reference Model MPT Memory Protocol Translator MPT Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, UK + Japan MPTF Multiple Protocol Transport Feature MPTN Multi-/Multiple Protocol Transport Network (IBM) MPTP Micro Payment Transfer Protocol MPTS Multiprotocol Transport Services (IBM) MPU Microprocessor Unit MPU MIDI Processing Unit MPW Macintosh Programmers/Programming Workbench MPX Multi Pointer X (Server) MPX Multiplex MQ Message Queuing Seite 273 MQE Managed Query Environment MQI Messaging and Queuing Interface MR magneto-resistiv MR Modem Ready MR Modified Read (Compression) MRAM Magnetoresistive/Ferromagnetic Random Access Memory MRB Method Request Broker MRC Magneto-Resistive Cluster MRCC Maritime Rescue Coordination Center MRCF Microsoft Realtime Compression Format MRCI Microsoft Realtime Compression Interface MRM Motif Resource Manager MRM Multi Resolution Mesh MRML Mind Reading Markup Language MRML Multimedia Retrieval Markup Language MRO Multi-Region Operation MRP Material Requirements Planning MRP Manufacturing Resource Planning MRPL Main Ring Path Length MRS Media Recognition System MRS Microcontroller Readable Sector MRS Mode Register Set MRS Moderator Recovery System MRS Monitored Retrievable Storage MRT Mean Repair Time MRTD Machine Readable Travel Document MRU Maximum Receive Unit MRU Most Recently Used MRZ Machine Readable Zone MS Management Services MS Memory Stick/System MS Message Store MS Microsoft Corporation MS Mobile Station MS Multiplexer Section MS Music/Speech MSA Microsoft Systems Architecture MSA Mobile Service Architecture MSAA Microsoft Active Accessibility MSAIS Multiplexer Section Alarm Indication Signal MSAM Microsoft Screen Access Model MSAM Multikeyed Indexed Sequential File Access Method MSAP Minislotted Alternating Priorities MSAS Multimedia-Stream Adaptation Services MSAU Multi-Station Access Unit MSB Most Significant Bit/Byte MSC Main Service Channel Seite 274 MSC Mid Speech Clipping MSC Mobile (Services) Switching Centre MSCDEX Microsoft Compact Disk Extensions MSCHAP Microsoft Challenge/Reply Handshake Protocol MSCP Mass Storage Control Protocol MSCS Microsoft Cluster Server/Services MSD Mass Storage Device MSD Most Significant Digit MSDL Motion Special Description Language MSDN Microsoft Developer Network MSDOS Microsoft Disk Operating System MSDP Multicast Source Discovery Protocol MSDR Multiplexed Streaming Data Request MSDS Microsoft Developer Support MSDS MIDI Sample Dump Standard MSFDC Microsoft + First Data Corporation MSG Message MSI Maritime Safety Information MSI Medium Scale Integration MSI Message Signaled Interrupt MSI Microsoft Installer MSIE Microsoft Internet Explorer MSIL Microsoft Intermediate Language MSISDN Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network MSISDNN Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number MSK Minimum Shift Keying MSL Master Symbol List MSL Map Specification Library MSL Mean Sea Level MSL Mirrored Server Link MSLR Max Scan Line Register MSLR Morphological and Syntactic LR Parser MSM Mainstream Media MSN Microsoft Network MSN Multiple Subscriber Number MSO Multiple System Operator MSOH Multiplexer Section Overhead MSOPF Multicast Open Shortest Path First MSP Message Security Protocol MSP Multiplexer Section Protection MSR Machine Specific Register MSR Message Service Routine MSR Messen, Steuern, Regeln MSR Model Specific Registers MSR Multiplicity Shift Register MSRN Mobile Station Roaming Number MSS MAN Switching System Seite 275 MSS Maximum Segment Size MSS Mobile Satellite Service MSSG MPEG Software Simulation Group MSTE Multiplexer Section Terminating Equipment MSTP Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol MSU Multi Service Unit MSV Medium Speed Variant MSW Machine Status Word MT Mobile Terminated (Messaging) MT Movable Type MTA Macintosh Telephony Architecture MTA Mail/Message Transfer Agent MTA Multiple Terminal Access MTBB Mean Time Between Breakdowns MTBDL Mean Time Between Data Loss MTBF Mean Time Between Failures MTBJ Mean Time Between Jams MTC Multi Threaded Calculation MTD Memory Technology Device MTDA Mean Time Data Availability MTF Mean Time to Failure MTF Microsoft Tape Format MTF Modulation Transfer Function MTFBWY May The Force Be With You (Slang) MTH Memory Translation/Translator Hub MTJ Magnetic Tunnel Junction MTN Mini Typing Notify MTOPS Millions Theoretical Operations Per Second MTP Mail Transfer Protocol (Internet) MTP Message Transfer Part MTP Meteo Time Protocol MTQP Message Tracking Query Protocol MTRR Memory Type Range Register MTS Message Transfer/Telephone Services/System MTS Michigan Terminal System MTS Microsoft Transaction Server MTS Multichannel Television Sound MTS Multimedia Teleschool (Berlitz) MTTF Mean Time To Failure MTTH Mean Time To Half Brightness MTTR Mean Time To Recovery/Repair MTU Maximum Transfer/Transmission Unit MTUF Magnetic Tape Unit Formatter MU Message Unit MÜ Maschinelle Übersetzung MUA Mail User Agent MUCK Multi User Chat Kingdom Seite 276 MUD Multi/Multiple-User Dialogue/Dimension/Dungeon (Spiele) MUEW Monopolübertragungsweg MUF Maximal Usable Frequency MUFF Maus- und Fenster-Firlefanz MUL Memory Upper Low MUL Mobile User Link MULTICS Multiplexed Information and Computing Service MUMPS Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System MUNDI Multiplexed Network for Distributive and Interactive Services MUSE Multiple Sub-Nyqyist-Sampling Encoding MUSEN Meinem Unmassgeblichen Sprachempfinden Nach (Slang) MUSH Multi-User Shared Hallucinations MUSIC Multiple Signal Characterization/Classification MUSICAM Masking Universal Subband Integrated Coding and Multiplex MUTEX Mutual Exclusion MUX Multiplexer MVA Multi-domain Vertical Alignment (panel) MVB Multimedia Viewer Book MVC Manual Volume Control MVC Model View Controller (design pattern) MVC Multimedia Viewer Compiler MVC Micro-Bit-Virus-Centrum, Karlsruhe MVCC Multi Version Concurrency Control MVD Multi Valued Dependency MVDM Multiple Virtual DOS Machines MVFS Multi Version File System MVGA Monochrome Video Graphics Array MVIP Multi Vendor Integration/Interaction Protocol MVL Multiple Virtual Line MVM Matrix Vector Multiplier MVP Multimedia Video Processor MVQ Motion Vector Quantization MVS Multiple Virtual Storage/Systems (IBM) MVT Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks MVT Multi Vendor Teaming MW Mittelwelle, Medium Wave MWC Mirror Write Cache MWCG Multiply With Carry (random number) Generator MWCM Molecular Wire Crossbar Memory MWD Mehrwertdienst MWI Message Waiting Indication MWM Motif Window Manager MWMR Multiple Write, Multiple Read MWN Managed WAN Networks MX Mail Exchange/Exchanger (DNS-Record) MXF Material Exchange Format MXS Mail Exchangers (plural of MX) Seite 277 MXS Message Exchange Services MXS Microsoft Exchange Server MXT Memory Expansion Technology (IBM) MYOB Mind Your Own Business (Slang) MZAP Multicast-Scope Zone Announcement Protocol N National, Network, No/Non NA Network Access NA Not Applicable/Available NAB National Address Base NAB National Association of Broadcasters (USA) NAC Network Access/Admission Control NAC Network Analysis Corporation NAC Network Applications Consortium (USA) NAC Null Attachment Concentrator NACA National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (USA) NACD National Association of Computer Dealers NACK Negative Acknowledge NACS National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors NACS NetWare Asynchronous Communication Server NADIR Network Anomaly Detection + Intrusion Reporter NAEC Novell Authorized Education Center NAF National Arbitration Forum NAFOD No Apparent Fear Of Death (Slang) NAG Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford NAIF Navigation Ancillary Information Facility NAK Negative Acknowledge/Acknowledgement NAL Network Abstraction Layer NAL Novell Application Launcher NAM Name and Address Module NAM Narrow Amplitude Modulation NAM National Account Manager NAM Netware Application Manager NAM Network Analysis Module NAM Number Assignment Module NAMP NetWare Asynchronous Messaging Protocol NAN Not a Number NAND not and NANOG North American Network Operators Group NAP Network Access Point/Protection/Protocol NAP Non-significant Address Part (Bluetooth) NAPAW North American Process Algebra Workshop NAPLPS North American Presentation Layer/Level Protocol Syntax NAPT Network Address Port Translation (RFC 3022) NAPTR Naming Authority Pointer NAQ Never Answered Questions Seite 278 NARR Narrative NAS Network Access Server NAS Network Administration System NAS Network Application Services NAS Network Application Support (DEC) NAS Network Attached Storage NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA NASA .net Application and Strategic Alternatives NASI NetWare Asynchronous Services Interface (Novell) NASIG Numerical Analysis Special Interest Group NASK Naukowa i Akademicka Siec Komputerowa (Polen) NASS Numerical Aerodynamics Simulation System NAT Network Address Translation NAU Network Access/Addressable Unit NAUN Nearest Active Upstream Neighbour NAV Network Allocation Vector NAVI New Analog Video Interface NAVTEX Navigational Warnings by Telex NAX Nachrichten auf Fax NB Noise Blanker NB Northbridge NBC National Broadcasting Compnay, USA NBD Network Block Device NBD No Big Deal (Slang) NBF Netbios Frame (Transport Protocol) NBFCP NetBIOS Frames Control Protocol NBG Networking Business Group NBMA Non-Broadcast Multiple Access NBN Nixdorf Breitbandnetz NBNS NetBIOS Name Server/Service NBO Network Byte Order NBP Name Binding Protocol NBP Netbios Protocol NBP Network Bootstrap Program NBS National Bureau of Standards, USA (jetzt NIST) NBT NetBIOS on TCP/IP NC Network Computer/Control NC Newcastle Connection NC No Connection NC Node Consistency NC Number Cruncher/Crusher NC Numerical Control NCA Network Communications Adapter NCA Network Computer/Computing Architecture NCAM National Center for Accessible Media, USA NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA NCB NetBIOS Control Block Seite 279 NCC National Computing Centre NCC Network Computer Client NCC Network Control Center NCC Network Coordination Centre (RIPE) NCCUSL National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws NCD Network Computing Device NCD Network Copy Detection NCE Nomadic Computing Environment NCEG Numerical C Extensions Group NCF Network Computing Facility NCGA National Computer Graphics Association NCI Network Control Information NCM Network Configuration Management NCMT Numerical Control for Machine Tools NCN New Century Network NCNCNC No Coffee, No Chocolate, No Computer (Slang) NCO Numerically Controlled Oscillator NCP NetWare Core Protocol NCP Network Control Processor/Protocol/Program NCP Not Copy Protected NCQ Native Command Queuing NCR National Cash Register Corporation, USA NCS Natural Colour System NCS Network Computer Server NCS Network Computing System NCS NASI Connection Service NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications, USA NCSA National Computer Security Association NCSA National Customer Service Association NCSC National Computer Security Center NCSC North Carolina Supercomputing Center NCSD National Cyber Security Division, USA NCSI Network Communication Services Interface NCSL National Computer System Laboratory NCSTRL Networked Computer Science Technical Reports Library ND Natürliche Dummheit (Gegensatz zu KI) ND Network Diagram NDA Non Disclosure Agreement NDA Norddeutsche Datenautobahn NDAC Not Data Accepted NDAS Network Direct Attached Storage NDB Non-Directional Beacon NDC National Destination Code NDC Normalized Device Coordinate NDI Network Distribution Infrastructure NDIS Network Device/Driver Interface Specification NDL Network Database Language Seite 280 NDLTD Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations NDM Netzwerk-Datenmodell NDM Normal Disconnected Mode NDMP Network Data Management Protocol NDMS NetWare Distributed Management Services NDP Numeric Data Processor NDPS Netware Distributed Printing Services NDPS Non-Disruptive Path Switching NDR Non Delivery Report NDR Norddeutscher Rundfunk NDS Netware/Novell Directory Services NDS Noise Detected as Speech NDST Network Dedicated Systems Time NDT Net Data Throughput NDT Network Design Tool NDTP Network Dictionary Transfer Protocol NE Name Error NE Network/Node Element NE4 Netzebene 4 NEA Nichtdeterministischer Endlicher Automat (NFA) NEARNET New England Academic and Research Network NEC National Electric Code (Kabel) NEC Nippon Electric Company, Japan NEC Numerical Electromagnetics Code NECC National Education Computing Conference, USA NECTAR Network Computer Architecture NEDD New Electrostatic Drop Detector NEES Network for Earthquake Engineering and Simulation NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NEMS Nano Electromechanical Storage NEOS Networked Educational On-line System NERD Network Event Recording Device NEST Novell Embedded Systems Technology NET network; Internet-Domain: Netzverwaltung NET Network Entity Title NET Norme Europeenne de Telecommunication NETBEUI NetBIOS Extended User Interface (IBM) NETBIOS Network Basic Input and Output System (IBM) NETBLT Network Block Transfer (Protocol) NETCDF Network Common Data Form NETSC Netscape (Browser) NETSC Network Security Consortium NEWS Network Extensible Window System NEXT Near End Cross Talk NF Niederfrequenz NF Noise Factor NF Normalform (Datenbank) Seite 281 NFA Nondeterministic Finite Automaton NFAR Network File Access Routine NFC Near Field Communications NFF No Fault Found NFGM Nano Floating Gate Memory NFI No Frigging Idea (Slang) NFM Narrow Frequency Modulation NFM Network File Manager NFS Nachrichten für Seefunkstellen NFS Network/Nightmare File Server/System NFS Number Field Sieve NFSS New Font Selection Scheme NFW No Fucking Way (Slang) NG Next/New Generation NG No Good NGG Network Group Germany NGI Next Generation Internet NGIO Next Generation Input Output NGM Netware Global Messaging NGMHS NetWare Global Message Handling System NGMN Next Generation Mobile Network NGN Next Generation Network NGO Non Governmental Organization NGS Non Government Standard NGSCB Next Generation Secure Computing Base NGSCBFW Next Generation Secure Computing Base for Windows NGWS Next Generation Windows Services NGZ Network Game Zone NHC Notebook Hardware Control NHOB Non-specific Hierarchical Operational Binding NHRP Next Hop Routing/Resolution Protocol NI Neighbourhood Interchangeability NI Network Interconnect NIA Network Interoperability Alliance NIC National ISDN Council NIC Network Information Center NIC Network Interface Card NIC John-von-Neumann-Institut für Computing, Jülich NICA Novell Integrated Computing Architecture NICAD Nickel Cadmium (Akkumulator) NICAM Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex NICE Network Information and Control Exchange (Protocol) NICK Netzweites Informationssystem im Campus der Universität Karlsruhe NID Namespace Identifier NID Next ID NIDL Network Interface Definition Language NIDS Network Intrusion Detection System Seite 282 NIF Nautischer Informationsfunk NIF Network Information File/Frame NIG Non Isolated Gate NIH National Institute of Health, USA NIH Not Invented Here NIHCL NIH Class Library NII National Information Infrastructure, USA NIIT National Information Infrastructure Testbed NIK Nachhaltigkeit in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik NIL Network Interchange Language NILFS New Implementation of a Log-structured File System NIM Network Installation Manager NIM Network Interface Machine NIMA National Imaging and Mapping Agency NIMBY Not In My Backyard (Slang) NIMH Nickel Metal Hydride (Akkumulator) NIMP NetWare Internetwork Messaging Protocol NIP Network Inquiry Protocol NIP Non-Impact Printer/Printing NIPC National Infrastructure Protection Center NIPS Network I/O Per Second NIR Network Information Retrieval NIS Nachbarschafts-Informationssystem NIS NATO Identification System NIS Network Information/Interpreting Service NIS Norddeutsches Informationssystem NISA New Information Services Architecture NISDN Narrow Band ISDN NISO National Information Standards Organization NISS National Information Services and Systems, USA NISS National Information on Software and Services, USA NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA NIT Network Information Table NIT Network Interface Tap NITC National Information Technology Center NIU Network Interface Unit NIUF National ISDN Users Forum NJE Network Job Entry (IBM) NL Network Layer NL New Line NLA Next Level Aggregator NLA Not Long Ago (Slang) NLANR National Laboratory for Applied Networking Research, USA NLB Network Load Balancing NLE Nonlinear Editing NLLS Nonlinear Least Squares NLM Netware Loadable Modul (Novell) Seite 283 NLMB Nolifemuddinbastard (Slang) NLOC Netto Lines Of Code NLP Natural Language Processing NLP Non Linear Programming NLPID Network Layer/Level Protocol Identifier NLQ Near Letter Quality NLS National/Native Language Support NLSP Netware Link Service/State Protocol NLUUG Niederländische UNIX User Group NM Network Management NM New Maintainer (Debian) NMA Network Management Architecture NMAS Novell Modular Authentication Services NMC Network Management/Measurement Center NMCP Network Management Control Protocol NMEA National Marine Electronics Association NMI Non Maskable Interrupt NML Normal NMM NetWare Management Map (Novell) NMM Network Management Modul NMO Network Management Option (OSF) NMOS N-Channel MOS (Transistor) NMOS Network Management Operating System NMP Network Management Processor NMPR Networked Media Product Requirements NMR Network Management Responder (Novell) NMR Noise to Mask Ration NMS Network/NetWare Management Station/System NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone NMU Non-Maintainer Upload (Debian) NMVT Network Management Vector Command NMX Network Magement Extensions NN Network Node NN Newbie Note (Slang) NN Nightmare Networker (Slang) NNGS No Name Go Server NNI Network Node/Network Interface NNI Next Node Indicator NNR Novell Network Registry NNSC NSFnet Network Service Center NNSP National Network of State Polls, USA NNSP Neural Networks for Signal Processing NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol (Internet) NNX Nerwork Numbering Exchange NOA Nerds on Air NOAA National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration NOAH Network Oriented Application Harmonization Seite 284 NOC Network Operation Center NOC Number of Children NOEBL Nichtöffentlicher beweglicher Landfunk NOEML Nichtöffentlicher mobiler Landfunk NOMA National Online Media Association NOP No Operation NOR not or NORC Naval Ordnance Research Calculator NORSAR Norwegian Seismic Array NOS Network Operating System NOW Network Of Workstations NP No Problem (Slang) NP Nondeterministic Polynomial time NPA Network Performance Analyzer NPA Network Printer/Printing Alliance NPA Numbering Plan Area NPACI National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure NPAP Network Printing Alliance Protocol NPAPI Netscape Plug-in Application Program Interface NPC Network Personal Computer NPCID Network Provides Caller Identifier NPH Non Processed Header NPI Neighbourhood Partial Interchangeability NPI Network Printer Interface NPL National Physical Laboratory, England NPL Nonprocedural Language NPP Network Printing Protocol NPR Non Persistent Reference NPS Network Print Server NPTL Native POSIX Thread Library NPTN National Public Telecomputing Network, USA NPV Non Patient Vicinity NQE Network Queuing Environment NQS Network Queuing System NR No-Good Recording NRC National Research Council, USA NRCS National Replacement Character Set NREN National Research and Education/Educational Network NRF Nerds' Revolutionary Front NRL Namespace Routing Language NRM Normal Response Mode NRN National Research Network NRN Netware Remote Node NRN No Reply Necessary (Slang) NRO Numbering Resource Organisation NRPC (Lotus) Notes Remote Procedure Call NRRT Non-reroutable Traffic Seite 285 NRT Non Real Time NRTL Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (USA) NRTM Near Real Time Mirroring NRV Niedersächsicher Rechner-Verbund NRZ Non Return to Zero NRZI Non Return to Zero, Invert on ones NS Name Server (Record) NS Natural Stupidness NS Netscape NS Network Supervisor NS New Signal NSA National Security Agency, USA NSA Nichtschlüsselattribut NSAP Network Service Access Point NSAPA Network Service Access Point Address NSAPI Netscape Server API NSC National Support Center NSC Network Security Controller NSC Network Signon Coordinator NSCACE NSC Auxiliary Control Element NSCD Name Service Cache Daemon NSDI National Spatial Data Infrastructure NSDI Networked Systems Design and Implementation NSE Network Software Environment NSF National Science Foundation, USA NSF Non Standard Format NSF Norges Standardiseringsforbund NSF (Lotus) Notes Storage Facility/File NSFNET National Science Foundation Network (Internet) NSI Network Solutions, Inc. NSI Norsk Sentrum for Informatikk, Norwegen NSIC National Storage Industry Consortium, USA NSID (DNS) Name Server Identifier NSL Network Service Layer NSM Network Storage Manager NSM Netz-Service-Modul NSM Netz- und Systemmanagement NSO Network Security Officer NSO Nonvirtual Significant Other (Slang) NSP Native Signal Processing NSP Network Services Protocol/Provider NSR Niederspannungsrichtlinie NSRA Nordvästra Skånes Radioamatörer NSRMP Network Security Risk Management Protocol NSS Namespace Specific String NSS Name Service Switch NSS National Search and Rescue Secretariat, Canada Seite 286 NSS Network Specific String NSS Nodal Switching System NSS Novell Storage Services NSSDC National Space Science Data Center, USA NSSN National Standards System Network, USA NSSR Non-Specific Subordinate Reference NSTL National Software Testing Labs, USA NSTVA Nebenstellen-Vermittlungsanlage NSTX Name Server Tunnel Exchange (Protocol) NSUB Neighbourhood Substitutability NSUE Netzsteuerungs- und -überwachungssystem NSW National Software Works, USA NSW Network Setup Wizard NSW Norton SystemWorks (Symantec),USA NSW Novell Script for NetWare NT Network Termination/Terminator (ISDN) NT New Technology/Trouble NTAS Windows NT Advanced Server NTBA Network Terminator Basicrate Access (ISDN-Netzbasisanschluss) NTC National Telecommunications Conference NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient NTDLM Neue Telefondienstleistungsmerkmale NTF Neutral Transfer Format NTF No Trouble Found NTFS New Technology File System (Microsoft) NTG Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft e. V. NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration, USA NTIC Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication NTL Network Tracing and Logging NTM Nondeterministic Turing Machine NTN Network Terminal/Termination Number NTP Network Termination Point NTP Network Time Protocol NTR Nationale Teilnehmer-Rufnummer NTS Network Transport Services (IBM) NTS New Typesetting System NTSA Networking Technical Support Alliance NTSC National Television Standards/System Committee, USA NTSC Never The Same Color (Slang) NTT Nippon Telegraph + Telephone Corporation, Japan NTTAWWT Not That There's Anything Wrong With That (Slang) NTTF Networking and Telecommunications Task Force NTV Network Television NUA Network User Address NUI Network User Identification/Interface NUL Null NUMA Non Uniform Memory Access/Address/Architecture Seite 287 NURBS Non Uniform Rational B-Spline NV Net View/Vision/Volume NV Network Variable/Video NV New Version NV No Overflow NV Nominal Voltage NV Non-volatile NVE Nummer der Versandeinheit NVM Non Volatile Memory NVN National Videotext Network NVO Non-Visual User Object NVOD Near Video On Demand NVP Network Voice Protocol (Internet) NVP Nominal Velocity of Propagation NVQ National Vocational Qualification NVR Non Volatile Random Access Memory NVRAM Non Volatile Random Access Memory NVT Network Virtual Terminal NWFS Netware File System (Novell) NWG Network Working Group NWNET North West Net NWS National Warning System, USA NWS Network Weather Service NX No Execute NYPSC New York Public Service Commission NYSERNet New York State Educational and Research Network O Object, Open, Operate, Optical OA Open Access OAA Open Agent Architecture OAEP Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding OAF Origin Address Field OAG Open Application Group OAI Offene Anwendungs- und Interkommunikationssysteme OAI Open Applications Interface OAI Open Archive Initiative OAI Oracle Academic Initiative OAIS Open Archival Information System OAM Object Attribute Memory OAM Operation, Administration, Maintenance OAO Over And Out (Slang) OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards OATUS On A Totally Unrelated Subject (Slang) OAUS On An Unrelated Subject (Slang) OAW Optically Assisted Winchester OB Orange Book Seite 288 OBC Onboard Computer OBE Overcome By Events (Slang) OBEX Object Exchange (Protocol) OBI Online Book Inititative OBO Or Best Offer (Slang) OBS Objektbanksystem OBS Optical Burst Switching OBST Object Management System of STONE OBTW Oh, By The Way (Slang) OBU On Board Unit OC Open Control OC Optical Carrier OC3 Optical Carrier Level 3 OCA Object/Open Component Architecture OCALA Open Common Annotation Language OCB Optically Compensated Bend OCC Omas/Opas Computer-Club OCC Operations Control Center OCC Other Common Carrier OCCC Obfuscated C Code Contest OCE Open Collaborative Environment (Apple) OCFS Oracle Cluster File System OCI Object Code Insertion OCI Operational Cryptography and Interception OCI Oracle Call Interface OCL Operator/Operation Control Language OCLC Online Cataloging/Computer Library Catalog/Center OCP Optical Storage Processor OCR Optical Character/Curve Recognition OCR Oracle Cluster Registry OCS Object Compatibility Standard OCS Open Cabling System OCSP Online Certificate Status Protocol OCT Object Code Translator OCTD Observation, Conclusion, Temporary Data OCX OLE Control Extensions ODA Open Data Applications ODA Open/Office Document Architecture ODAC Open Document Architecture Consortium ODAM Open Distributed Application Model ODAPI Open Database Application Programming Interface ODB Object Oriented Data Base ODBC Open Data Base Connectivity (Microsoft) ODBMS Object Oriented Database Management System ODC Overdrive Circuit ODCS Open Distributed Computing Structure ODD Open Data Desktop Seite 289 ODE Object Data and Environment ODE Open Dynamics Engine ODE Ordinary Differential Equation ODE OSF Development Environment ODETTE Organisation for Data Exchange by Tele-Transmission in Europe ODF On Disk Format ODF Open Document Format ODF OpenDoc Development Framework ODFA Open Document Format Alliance ODI Open Data-Link Interface (Novell) ODIF Open/Office Document Interchange Format ODIMS Open Distributed Information Management System ODINSUP ODI-NDIS Supplementary Driver ODL Object Definition Language, Optical Disc Library ODM Object Data Manager ODMA Open Document Management API ODMG Object Database Management Group ODMR On Demand Mail Relay ODN Optical Data Network ODP Open Directory Project ODP Open Distributed Processing ODR Optical Digital Reference ODS Offene Datenschnittstelle ODS Offenes Deutsches Schulnetz ODS On Disc Structure (File System) ODS Open Data Services ODSI Open Directory Service Interface ODT On-Die Termination ODTM Optical Time Division Multiplexing ODVA Open Device-Net Vendor Association OE Opportunistic Encryption OE Output Enable OEB Open Electronic Book OEBL Öffentlicher beweglicher Landfunk OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OEF Origin Element Field OEM Odd Even Merge (Graph, Netz) OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer OES Odd Even Sort (Graph, Netz) OES Open Enterprise Server (Novell) OF Overflow Flag OFA Optimal Flexible Architecture OFAP Old Fart At Play (Slang) OFB Output Feedback OFD Optical Frequency Division Demultiplexer/Demultiplexing OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex/Multiplexing OFE Open Financial Exchange Seite 290 OFET Organic Field Effect Transistor OFFIS Oldenburger Forschungs- und Entwicklungsinstitut für Informatik-Werkzeuge und -Systeme OFHC Oxygen Free High Conductivity (Copper) OFM Optical Frequency Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing OFS Object File System OFS Old File System (Amiga) OFS Output Field Separator OFTC Open and Free Technology Community OFTP Odette File Transfer Protocol OFW Oberflächenwelle OFX Open Financial Exchange OGIS Open Geodata Interoperability Specification OGM Ogg Media OGSA Open Grid Services Architecture OGSI Open Grid Services Infrastructure OH Off Hook OHA Open Handset Alliance OHCI Open Host Controller Interface OHR Over Horizon RADAR OIC Oh, I See (Slang) OIC Operator Interface Console OID Object Identifier (IANA) OIDC Object Identifier Component OIDL Object Interface Definition Language OII (European Commission's) Open Information Interchange (Service) OIM Object Interaction Model OIM Office of Information Management OIM Offline Instant Message OIM Open Information Model OIM Operating Instruction Manual OIM Operations/Operator Interface Module OIM Optical Interface Module OIM Oracle Identity Management OIM OSI Internet Management OIN Open Invention Network OIO Open Infrastructure for Outcomes OIRT Organisation International de Radio et Television OIS Office/Online Information System OIT Object Identifier Tree OIU Operator Interface Unit OIV Object Identifier Value OIW OSI Implementors' Workshop OK Oberer Kanal OKKSA Offener Katalog für Kommunale Softwareanforderungen OLALA Open Local Area Linux Applications OLAP Online Analytical Processing OLC Online Computer Seite 291 OLC Optical Link Card OLE Object Linking and Embedding OLE Open License for Education OLED Organic Light Emitting Device/Diode/Display OLI Open Link Interface (Novell) OLI Optical Phone Line Interface OLIT Open Look Intrinsic Toolkit OLIX On-Line Informationssystem UNIX OLM Optical Link Modul OLP Open License Plan/Program OLPC One Laptop Per Child OLSR Optimized Link State Routing (Protocol) OLT Optical Line Termination OLTC On Line Trace Compression OLTP On Line Transaction Processing OLWM Open Look Window Manager OM Object Manager OM Old Man (Radioamateur) OM Optimal Mismatch O&M Operation and Maintenance OMA Object/Open Management Architecture OMA Open Mobile Alliance/Architecture (Cabrio?) OMAC One-key Message Authentication Code OMAP Open Multimedia Applications Protocol OMAP Operation and Maintenance Part OMC Operation and Maintenance Center OMCR Operation and Maintenance Center Radio OMCS Operation and Maintenance Center Switch OME On-board Modul Extension OMF Object Management Facility/Framework OMF Object Module Format OMF Open Media Framework OMF Open Source Metadata Framework OMFS Open Mosix File System OMG Object Management Group OMI Open Messaging/Modelling Interface OMI Open Microprocessor Systems Initiative OML Object Manipulation Language OMR Optical Mark Recognition OMS Object management System OMT Object Modelling Technique OMUP Operating and Maintenance User Part ONAL Off-Network Access Line ONC Open Network Computing (Sun) ONCS Open Network Compute Server ONE Open Net/Network Environment (Sun) ONI Operator Number Identification Seite 292 ONM Open Network Management ONMS Open Network Management System ONN Open Network Node ONNA Oh No, Not Again (Slang) ONNTA Oh No, Not This Again (Slang) ONP Open Network Provision ONP Open Network Provision ONP Open Networking Platform ONS Object Naming/Numbering System ONU Optical Network Unit OO Owner Override OOA Object Oriented (System) Analysis OOC Object Oriented Concepts OOC Out Of Characters (Slang) OOD Object Oriented Design OODBMS Object Oriented Database Management System OOE Objektorientierter Entwurf OOF Out Of Frame OOI Object Of Interest (Slang) OOI Object Oriented Implementation OOIS Object Oriented Information System OOK On Off Keying OOL Object Oriented Language OON Object Oriented Nonsens OOP Object Oriented Pleasure/Programming OOP Out Of Print (Slang) OOPL Object Oriented Programming Language OOPS Object Oriented Programming System OOPS Objext Oriented Proxy Server OOPS Out Of Phase Stereo OOPSLA Object Orientied Programming Systems, Languages and Applications OOSA Object-Oriented Software Architecture OOT Object Oriented Technology OOTB Out Of The Box (Slang) OOTC Obligatory On-Topic Comment (Slang) OOXML Office OpenXML (Microsoft) OPA Old Programmers Association OPA Open Protocol Architecture OPA Overview Pac Attribute OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue OPAL Optische Anschlussleitung OPB On-Chip Peripheral Bus OPC OLE for Process Control OPC Optical Photo Conductor OPC Optical Proximity Correction OPC Output Control OPCAT Object Process CASE Tool Seite 293 OPD Oberpostdirektion OPD Original Point of Distribution OPD Output Driver OPEN Optical Pan-European Network OPI Open Prepress Interface OPI Operator Interface OPIC Open Programmable Interrupt Controller OPIE Open Palmtop Integrated Environment OPL Open Publication License OPM Object Process Methodology OPM Operations Per Minute OPM Output Protection Management OPML Outline Processor Markup Language OPN Open Projects Network OPP Open Publication Policy OPS Online Programming and Simulation OPS Open Profiling Standard OPSEC Open Platform for Security OPT Open Protocol Technology OPTA Onafhankelijke Post en Telecommunicatie Autoriteit (NL) OPUS Octal Program Updating System OPUS Online Publikationsverbund der Universität Stuttgart OPUS Overlay Peer Utility Service OPX Off Premises Extension OQL Object Query Language OQPSK Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying OR Operations Research ORACLE Optional Reception of Announcement by Coded Line Electronics ORB Object Request Broker ORBL Open Relay Black List ORDB Open Relay Data Base ORG organizational; Internet-Domain: Organisationen in den USA ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory OROM Optical Read Only Memory ORP Open Router Project ORS Open Relay Server ORS Output Record Separator ORSN (European) Open Root Server Network OS Operating System OS Output Specification OSA Open Scripting/Services/Solutions/Storage/Systems Architecture OSA Open System Authentication OSA Optical Society of America OSACA Open System Architecture for Controls within Automation Systems OSADL Open Source Automation Development Laboratory OSAF Origin Subarea Address Field OSBF Open Source Business Foundation Seite 294 OSC On Scene Commander OSC Open System Center (IBM) OSC Operating System Command OSCAR Open System for Communication in Realtime OSCAR Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio OSCI Online Services Computer Interface OSD Object-based Storage Device OSD On Screen Display OSD Open Software Description (Format) OSD Open Source Definition OSDL Open Source Development Lab/Labs, Oregon OSE Open Systems/Software Environment OSF Open Software Foundation OSG Open Science Grid OSGI Open Services Gateway Initiative OSI Open Source Initiative OSI Open Systems Interconnect/Interconnection (ISO) OSIE Open Systems Interconnection Environment OSINLCP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol OSITOP Open Systems Interconnection Technical and Office Protocols OSL Object Script Language OSL Open Subscription License OSM On Screen Menue OSM Operating System Specific/Service Module OSNR Optical Signal to Noise Ratio OSNR Optical Signal to Noise Ratio OSO Overscan Operation OSPF Open Shortest Path First (Internet) OSPI Operating System Programming Interface OSPM Operating System Power Management OSQL Object Structured Query Language OSS Object Storage Server OSS Open Sound System OSS Open Source Software/Solution OSS Operational/Operator Support System OSSO Open Source Solutions Operation (HP) OST Object Storage Target OSTA Optical Storage Technology Association OSTG Open Source Technology Group OSTM Open System Transaction Management OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy OSU Officially Sanctionized User OSU Ohio/Oklahoma/Oregon/Oswego State University OSU On-orbit Serviceable Unit OSU Optical Scanning Unit OSVS Operating System Virtual Storage OT Object Technology Seite 295 OT Off Topic (Slang) OT Open Transport OT Ordering Table OTA Over The Air OTA US Congress Office of Technology Assessment OTD Optical Time Division OTDM Optical Time Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer OTF Open Token Foundation OTF Open Type Font OTG (USB) On The Go OTI Original Transmitter Identification OTIST One Touch Intelligent Secutity Technology OTL Out To Lunch (Slang) OTM On Time Marker OTOH On The Other Hand (Slang) OTP One-Time Pad/Password/Programmable OTP Open Trading Protocol OTR One Touch Record/Recording OTRS Open Ticket Request System OTTH On The Third Hand (Slang) OUI Organizationally Unique Identifier OUM Ovonic Unified Memory OURS Open Users Recommended Solutions OV Overflow OVC Over-Current Protection OVL Over-Load Protection OVL Overlay OVP Over-Voltage Protection OVST Ortsvermittlungsstelle OVT Over-Temperature Protextion OWA Outlook Web Access OWAMP One Way Active Measurement Protocol OWFS Optical WORM File System OWG Optical Waveguide OWL Object/Open Windows Library OWL One World Language OWL Online Web Library OWL Open Wire Line OWL Operational Web Link OWL Oracle Web Listener OWL Web Ontology Language (sic!) P Packet, Personal, Power, Project, Protocol, Public P Polynomial time P2P Peer To Peer Seite 296 P2P Private To Private P3P Platform for Privacy/Private Preferences PA Percentage of Allowable Aliasing Energy PA Power Amplifier PA Preamble PA Program/Project Administrator PA Provider Aggregated PA Public Address (System) PAB Policy Advisory Body (Internet) PABX Private Access/Automatic Branch Exchange PAC PCI AGP Controler PAC Perceptual Audio Coding PAC Player Access Control PAC PPTP Access Concentrator PAC Privilege Attribute Certificate PACE Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) PACE Priority Access Control Enabled PACI Partnerships for Advanced Comptutational Infrastructure PACS Personal Access Communication System PACS Picture Archiving and Communications System PACT PBX and Computer Teaming PACTOR Packet Radio AMTOR PACX Private Automatic Computer Exchange PAD Packet Assembler and Dissassembler PAD Personal Aroma Diffusor PAD Personenauskunftsdatei PADI Packet Assembly Dissassembly PADI PPPoE Active Discovery Inititation PADI Protocol for Application Database Interface PADL Pattern Development Language PADO PADI Active Discovery PADO PPPoE Active Discovery Offer PADR PADO Active Discovery PADR Port A Data Register PADR PPPoE Active Discovery Request PADS Parallel And Distributed Systems PADS PPPoE Active Discovery Session(-confirmation) PADS Processing Arbitratry Data Streams PADS Processing of Analog and Digital Signals PADS Public Area Display System PADT PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate PAE Page/Physical Address Extension PAGSI Programme d'Action Gouvernemental pour la Societe de l'Information PAID Purchasing, Accepting, Invoicing, and Disbursing System PAISY Payroll And Information System PAISY Personalabrechnungs- und Informationssystem PAK Packet (Arcnet) Seite 297 PAK Product Authorization Key PAL Paradox/Programming Application Language PAL Phase Alternating Line/Loop (TV) PAL Privileged Architecture Library (DEC) PAL Programmable Array Logic PAL Protocol Adaptation Layer PAL Prototype Access Language PALC Plasma Addressed Liquid Crystal (Display) PAM Personal Application Manager PAM Physical Access Method PAM Pluggable Authentication Module/Modules PAM Puls Amplitude Modulation PAMR Public Access Mobile Radio PAN Personal Area Network/Networking (Profile) PANU Personal Area Network Unit PAP Password Authentication Protocol PAP Point Authorization Protocol PAP Printer Access Protocol PAP Programmablaufplan PAP Public Access Profile PAPR Power Architecture Platform Reference PAR Positive Acknowledgement with Retransmission PAR Project Authorization Request (IEEE) PARC Palo Alto Research Center (Xerox) PARISC Precision Architecture Reduced Instruction Set Computer PARK Public Access Rights Key PARLE Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe PAS Publicly Available Specifications PASS Picture Archiving and Sharing Standard PAT Page Attribute Table PAT Performance Acceleration Technique (Intel) PAT Port Address Translation PAT Program Association Table PAT Public Access Terminal PATA Parallel ATA PATC Page Address Translation Cache PAX Parallel Architecture Extended PAX Pixel Addressing Extension PAX Portable Archive Exchange PAX Public Access Xanadu PB Packet Bus PB Page Break/Buffer/Builder PB Pipeline/Pipelined Burst (cache) PB PowerBook (Macintosh) PB Printed Board PB Program Block PB Programs Branch Seite 298 PB Public Broadcasting PB Push Button PBA Printed Board Assembly PBC Peripheral Board Controller PBC Peripheral Bus Computer PBC Pipeline Burst Cache PBC Plain-text Block Chaining PBC Processor Bus Controller PBC Push-Button Configuration PBDBM Peripheral Backup Detailed Billing Control Element PBDU Protocol Bridge Data Unit PBE Prompt By Example PBGA Plastic Ball Grid Array PBM Pipelined Burst Mode PBM Port Bypass Module PBM Portable Bitmap PBM Position Based Multicast PBN Packet Based Network PBNAC Port Based Network Access Control PBNSC Peripheral Backup NSC Control Element PBO Paperless Business Office PBO Pixel Buffer Object PBO Port Based Object PBO Power Back Off PBO Process Before Output PBO Profiler Binary Output PBO Pseudo Boolean Optimization PBOS Processed Book Open Source PBOS Processed Book Operating System PBP Peer Binding Protocol PBU Page Buffer Unit PBX Private Branch Exchange PC Path Consistency/Control PC Personal Computer PC Pervasive Computing PC Primary Channel PC Program Counter PC Programmable Controller PCA Parallel Channel Adapter PCA Personal Client Architecture PCA Policy Certification Authority PCA Principal Component Analysis PCB Printed Circuit Board PCB Program Control Block PCBC Propagating Cipher Block Chaining PCC Papas Computer-Club PCC Peoples' Computer Company Seite 299 PCC Portable C Compiler PCCH Physical Control Channel PCD Photo Compact Disc PCD Plasma Coupled Device PCD POSIX Conformance Document PCD Protein Coated Disc PCDATA Parsed Character Data PCE Phase Change Erasable PCF Packaged Collaboration File PCF Parallel Computing Forum PCF Point Coordination Function PCF Portable Compiled Font PCH Paging Channel PCI Payment Card Industry PCI Peripheral Component/Controller Interface PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect (Bus) PCI Programmable Communication Interface PCI Protocol Control Information PCIDSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard PCIE Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (Bus) PCIOS Processor Common Input Output System PCIPIO PCI Programmable Input/Output PCL Primary Copy Locking PCL Printer/Procedure/Process Control Language PCLAN Personal Computer Local Area Network PCM Physical Connection Management PCM Plug Compatible Machine PCM Puls-Code-Modulation PCMCIA PC Memory Card International Association PCN Personal Communication Network PCNFS Personal Computer Network File System PCP Post's Correspondence Problem PCP Probabistically Checkable Proof PCR Peak Cell Rate PCR Phase Change Recording PCRAM Phase Change Random Access Memory PCRE Perl Compatible Regular Expression PCS PC Service (OSF) PCS Personal Communication Services/System PCS Personal Conferencing Specification PCS Physical Coding Signalling/Sublayer PCS Pinball Construction Set PCS Port Concentrator Shelf PCS Print Contrast Signal PCS Probabilistic Clock Synchronization PCS Program Control System PCS Project Control System Seite 300 PCSA Personal Computing Systems Architecture (DEC) PCSC Personal Computer Site Coordinator PCSC Personal Computer Smart/Sound Card PCSC Personal Computer/Computing Support Center PCSC Personal Communications Switching Center PCSC Pitch Corrected Speed Control PCSP Partial Constraint Satisfaction Problem PCT Private Communication Technology PCTE Portable Common Tool Environment PCTS POSIX Conformance Test Suite PCTT Physical Church Turing Thesis PCWG Personal Conferencing Work Group PD Page Directory PD Phase Change Dual PD Plug + Display, P+D (Interface) PD Protocol Driver PD Public Domain PDA Personal Digital Assistant (Apple) PDA Push Down Automaton PDAP Prospero Data Access Protocol PDB Process Data Base PDB Professional Disc for Broadcasting PDB Protection Database PDC Power Disc Cartridge PDC Primary Domain Controller PDC Professional Developer Conference PDC Program Development Computer/Council PDCH Physical Data Channel PDD Physical Device Driver PDD Portable Digital Document PDD Professional Disc for Data PDE Partial Differential Equation PDES Product Data Exchange Standard PDF POP Directional Formatting PDF Portable Document Format (Adobe) PDF Printer/Product Description File PDF Processor Defined Function PDF Program Development Facility PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy PDI Packet Driver Interface PDI Personal/Product Data Interchange PDIAL Public Dialup Internet Access List PDIF Product Definition Interchange Format PDL Page Description Language PDL Primary Defect List PDL Program Design/Description Language PDL Push Down List Seite 301 PDLC Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal PDM Product and Document Management PDM Product Data Management PDM Projekt- und Datenmanagement PDM Pulsdauer-Modulation PDN Public Data Network PDO Packet Data Optimized PDO Portable Distributed Object PDO Prozessdatenobjekt PDP Packet Data Protocol PDP Parallel Distributed Processing PDP Peer Dicovery Protocol PDP Plasma Display Panel PDP Policy Decision Point PDP Programmed Data Processor (DEC) PDQ Pretty Darned Quick (Slang) PDR Packet Drop Rate PDR Program Data Requirement PDS Packet Driver Specification PDS Partitioned Data Set PDS Processor Direct Slot (Apple) PDS Professional Development System PDS Program Design Specification PDS Public Domain Software PDSL Power Line Digital Subscriber Line PDSS Program/Post Development Support System PDT Portables Daten-Terminal PDT Programmable Drive Table PDT Produktionsdatentechnik PDT Propagation Delay Time PDTE Packet-mode DTE PDU Packet/Protocol Data Unit (OSI) PDV Path Delay Value PE Parity Error PE Periphere Einrichtung PE Phase Encoded/Encoding PE Physical Extent PE Processing Element PE Product/Professional/Project Engineer PE Protected Environment PE Protective Earth PE Provider Edge (device) PEA Pocket Ethernet Adapter PEAP Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol PEARL Process and Experiment Automation Realtime Language PEB Peripheral Extension Bus PEB Process Environment Block Seite 302 PEBKAC Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair (Slang) PEC Packet Error Checking PECL PHP Extension Code Libary PEG PCI Express for Graphics PEL Picture Element PEM Privacy Enhanced Mail PEM Privacy Enhancement for Electronic Mail PEN Private Enterprise Number PEP Packet Exchange Protocol PEP Packetized Ensemble Protocol PEP Pan European Paging PEP Peak Envelope Power PEP Point d'Echange de Proximite PEP Policy Enforcement Point PEP Protocol Extension Protocol PER Packet Error Rate PERL Practical Extraction and Report Language PERM Programmgesteuerte Elektronische Rechenanlage TH München PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique PES Packetized Elementary Stream PES Position/Positioning Error Signal PES Processor Enhancement Socket PES Proposed Encryption Standard PET Personal Electronic Transactor (Commodore) PET Print Enhancement Technology PEX PHIGS Extension to X PF Packet Filter PF Process Flow (Analysis, Diagram) PF Punch Off PFA Power FORTRAN Accelerator PFA Predictive Failure Analysis PFB Postscript Font Binary PFC Power Factor Compensation/Correction PFD Programming Facility for Display Users PFF Packet Filtering Firewall PFIR People For Internet Responsibility PFM Postscript Font Metric PFM Pure Fantastic Magic (Slang) PFN Physical File Name PFOS Passive Fiber Optic Segment PFR Portable Font Resource PFR Power Fail Restart PFS Perfect Forward Secrecy PFS Portable File System PFS Professional File system (Amiga) PFTP Passive FTP PFTP Port File Transfer Program Seite 303 PFW Personal Firewall PFY Pimply-Faced Youth (BOFH's assistant) PG Program/Programme PG Project Gutenberg PGA Pin Grid Array PGA Professional Graphics Adapter PGA Program Global Area PGC Program Chain PGE PTE Global Flag PGI Parameter Group Identifier PGL Peer Group Leader PGL Professional Games League PGM Portable Gray Map PGM Pragmatic General Multicast (protocol) PGML Precision Graphics Markup Language PGO Profile Guided Optimization PGN Portable Game Notation PGP Pretty Good Privacy/Piracy/Protection PH Packet Handler PH Polynomial Hierarchy PHB Per Hop Behaviour PHCB Page Header Control Bit PHIGS Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System PHOTON Paneuropean Photonic Transport Overlay Network PHP Personal Home Page (Tools) PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor PHS Personal Handy-Phone System PHY Physical Access PHY Physical Layer Protocol PI Page Impression PI Parameter Identifier PI Partial Interchangeability PI Profibus International PI Program Identification/Interruption PI Protection Index PIA Peripheral Interface Adapter PIA Privacy Impact Assessment PIC Picture File PIC Platform for Internet Content PIC Position Independent Code PIC Primary Interexchange Carrier PIC Priority/Programmable Interrupt Controller PIC Programmable Integrated Circuit PIC Programmable Interconnection PIC Programmable Interrupt Controller PICA Personal Internet Client Architecture PICMG PCI Industrial Computers Manufacturers Group Seite 304 PICS Platform for Internet Content Selection PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement PICS Protocol Interoperability Conformance Statment PID Persistant/Personal/Protocol Identifier PID Privater Informationsdienst PID Process/Protocol Identifier (Identification Number) PIE Persistent Identification Element PIE Position Independent Executable PIF Parity Inner Fails/Failures PIF Postscript Interchange Format PIF Program Information File (Microsoft) PIFS Point Coordination/PCF Inter Frame Space PIG Pathologischer Internet-Gebrauch PII Personally Identifiable Information PIK Programmer's Imaging Kernel PIL Python Imaging Library PIM Personal Information Manager/Management PIM Port Interface Module PIM Processor In Memory PIM Protocol Independent Multicasting PIMF Pair In Metal Foil (cable) PIMS Project Information Management System PIN Persönliche Identifikations-Nummer PIN Processor Independent NetWare PIN Program Item Number PINET Physics Information Network PING Packet Internet Groper PINT Phone IP Internetworking (Services) PINT PSTN and Internet Internetworking PINX Private Integrated Services Network Exchange PIO Parallel/Programmable/Programmed Input/Output (Chip) PIOFS Parallel I/O File System PIP P-Internet-Protocol PIP Path Independent Protocol PIP Peer Information Protocol PIP Periodical Informational Posting PIP Peripheral Interchange Program PIP Picture in Picture PIP Process Improvement Proposal PIPI Packet Interchange Protocol Instruction PIPO Parallel In, Parallel Out PIR Private Information Retrieval PIR Public Internet Registry PIS Personal-Informations-System PIS Premium Information Service PISS Public Information System Specialist PIT Programmable Interval Timer Seite 305 PITA Pine In The Ass (Slang) PITAC President's Information Technology Advisory Committee PITR Point-In-Time Recovery PIU Path Information Unit PIU Pathological Internet Use PIW Photo Imaging Workstation PIXEL Picture Element PIXIT Protocol Implementation Extra Informations for Testing PJL Printer Job Language PK Primary Key PKC Public Key Cryptography PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards (Group) PKI Philips Kommunikationsindustrie AG PKI Personal/Public Key Infrastructure PKV Privatkundenvertrieb (Telekom) PKZ Personenkennziffer PL Payload Length PL Physical Layer PL Presentation Layer PL Private Line PL Programming Language PLA Partial Look Ahead PLA Programmable Logic Array PLATO Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations PLB Personal Locator Beacon PLB Processor Local Bus PLC Packet Loss Concealment PLC Power Line Communication/Converter PLC Product Lifecycle (Management) PLC Programmable Logic Controller PLCC Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier PLCE Peripheral and Loading Control Element PLCP Physical Layer Convergence Protocol PLD Programmable Logic Device PLE Programmable Logic Element PLEDM Phase-state Low Electron Drive Memory PLIC Programmable Logic Integrated Circuit PLID Plugin Identifier PLIP Parallel Line Internet Protocol PLL Permanent Logical Link PLL Phase Locked Loop PLM Product Lifecycle Management PLM Programming Language for Microcomputers PLMN Public Land Mobile Network PLP Packet Layer Protocol PLP Perl Page PLP Personal License Password Seite 306 PLP Portable Line Printer (spooler system) PLP Presentation Level Protocol PLR Packet Lost Ratio PLS Physical Layer Signaling PLS Programmable Logic Sequencer PLSI Programmable Large Scale Integration PLT Power Line Telecommunication PLT Procedure Linkage Table PLUMPS Public Long-distance Unified Mail Provider Service/System PLV Presentation/Production Level Video PLZ Postleitzahl PM Performance Management PM Phasenmodulation PM Physical Modeling PM Power Management PM Presentation Manager (IBM) PM Preventive Maintenance PM Private Mail PM Problem/Process/Project Management PM Protected Mode PMA Parked Member Addressing (Bluetooth) PMA Performance Management and Accounting PMA Physical Medium Attachment PMA Program Area PMAC Parallelizable Message Authentication Code PMAC Programmable Multi Axis Controller PMAP Port Mapper PMC Physical Media Components Sublayer PMC Programmable Machine Controller PMD Packet Mode Data PMD Physical Medium Dependence/Dependent (Layer) PMD Polarization Mode Dispersion PME Pattern Matching Engine PME Power Management Event PMETC Pardon Me, etc. (Slang) PMFJIB Pardon Me For Jumping In But (Slang) PMI Product Manufacturing Information PMK Pairwise Master Key PML Programmable Macro Logic PMMU Paged Memory Management Unit PMOS p-Channel MOS (Transistor) PMP Point to Multi Point PMP Process Management Portal PMP Protected Media Path PMPO Peak Music Power Output PMR Perpendicular Magnetic Recording PMR Private Mobile Radio Seite 307 PMS Pantone Matching System (Colours) PMS Password Management System PMS Printer Management Software PMT Program Map Table PMTMR Power Management Timer PMTU Path Maximum Transfer Unit PMW Project Manager Workbench PMX Presentation Manager for X PMXAS Primär-Multiplex-Anschluss (ISDN) PN Part/Path Number PN Phase Noise PN Punch On PNA Parallel Network Architecture PNA Personal Navigation Assistant PNC Paging Network Controller PNCP Peripheral Network Control Point PND Personennamendatei PND Portable Navigation Device PNG Portable Network Graphic PNNI Private Network/Node to Network Interface PNO Profibus-Nutzer Organisation PNO Public Network Operator PNP Positive Negative Positive (Transistor) PNP Plug and Play/Pray PNR Passenger Name Record PNS Post's Normal System PNS PPTP Network Server PNW Personal NetWare (Novell) PO Paper Out, Parity Odd POA Post Office Agent POB Post Office Box POC Phase-only Correlation POC Planned Organizational Change POC Point Of Call/Communication/Consistency/Contact POC Policy Oversight Committee (Internet) POC Portable Object Compiler POC Post Operative Constipation POC Power Converter POC Processor Outage Control POC Proof Of Concept POC Purchase Order Change POC Push-to-Talk Over Cellular (Phone) POCE Pantone Open Color Environment POCSAG Post Office Standardisation Advisory Group POD Piece Of Data POD Ping Of Death POD Plain Old Data/Documentation Seite 308 POD Point Of Demarcation/Deployment/Distribution POD Pop-up Directory POD Print/Printing/Publishing On Demand POD Processing Of Data POD Project Overview Document POD Protocol Object Device PODA Priority-Oriented Demand Assignment POE Power Open Environment (IBM) POE Power Over Ethernet POEM Portable Object-oriented Entity Manager POET Persistent Objects and Extended Database Technology POET Partially Overlapped Echo Cancelled Transmission POF Parity Outer Fails/Failures POF Plastic/Polymer Optical Fiber POH Path Section Overhead POH Power-on Hours POI Path Overhead Indicator POI Point Of Information/Interaction/Interconnection/Interest POL Point of Learning POL Problem Oriented Language POM Persistant Object Manager POM Project Object Model PON Passive Optical Network POP Point of Presence/Purchase POP Post Office Protocol (Internet) POP Probability Of Plagiarism POPO Post Office Protocol Object/Operator POPS Performance Optimized Page Size POR Pacific Ocean Region POR Power-on Reset POS Persistant Object Service/Simple POS Personal Operating Space POS Pivoting Optical Servo POS Point of Sale POSE Portable Operating System Extension POSI Promotion Conference for OSI, Japan POSIX Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Systems/UNIX POST Power-on Self Test POT Portable Object Template/Translation POTS Plain Old Telephone Service/System POV Persistence Of Vision POV Point Of View (Slang) POWER Performance Optimization/Optimized With Enhanced RISC (IBM/Motorola) PP Peering Point PP Physical Partition PP Portable Part PP Predictive Pipelining Seite 309 PP Protection Profile PPA Print Performance Architecture (HP) PPB Paced Packet Batch PPC Pay Per Click PPC Personal Productivity Center PPC Physical Presence Command PPC Power PC PPC Production Planning and Control PPCS Phoenix Page Control System PPD Postscript Printer Description (Adobe) PPDS Personal Printer Data Stream PPF Plain Paper Fax PPF Print Production Format PPGA Platic Pin Grid Array PPH Pages per Hour PPI pixels per inch PPI Programmable Peripheral Interface PPID Parent Process Identification Number PPL Point-to-Point/Process-to-Process Link PPM Parts per Mille PPM Pages per Minute PPM Perl Package Manager PPM Portable Pixmap PPM Post Programmable Memory PPM Prediction by Partial Matching PPM Process Performance Manager PPM Pulse Position Modulation PPN Private Packet Network PPP Point-to-Point Protocol (Internet) PPPOE Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet PPRC Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy PPS Point of Presence Server PPS Precise Positioning Service/System PPS Production Planning System PPS Programming Procedures and Standards PPS Pulse Per Second PPTP Point to Point Tunneling Protocol PPU Physics Processing Unit PPUC Probably Permanently Under Construction (Web, Slang) PQET Print Quality Enhancement Technology PQN Prefix Query Notation PR Pacing Response PR Packet Radio PR Page Rank PR Path Replacement PR Perpendicular Recording PR Primitive Recursive (function) Seite 310 PR Public Relations PRA Primary Rate Access PRA Purported Responsible Address PRACE Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PACE) PRAM Parallel/Perimeter/Phase Change Random Access Memory PRCS Project Revision Control System PRD Program Requirements Document PRDMD Private Directory Management Domain PRE Partial Redundancy Elimination PREP PowerPC Reference Platform PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency PRI Primary Rate Interface (ISDN) PRIG Packet Radio Interest Group PRISM Parallel Reduced Instruction Set Multiprocessor PRISM Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata PRMD Private Management Domain (X.400) PRML Partial Response Maximum Likelihood PRMS Problem Report Management System PRN Packet Radio Network PRN Permanent/Pseudo Random Number PRN Printer PRN Pseudo Random Noise (GPS) PRNET Packet Radio Network PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator PRO Precision RISC Organization PROFS Professional Office System (IBM) PROLOG Programming in Logic PROM Programmable Read Only Memory PRP Peer Resolver Protocol PRQ Preisrequest PRS Print Management Service (OSF) PRTI Professional Realtime Interface PS Packet Switch PS Personal System (IBM) PS (Adobe) PostScript PS Power Supply PS Privilege Service PS Program Service Name PS Program Stream PS Proportional Spacing PSA Physical Sector Address PSABI Processor Specific Application Binary Interface PSAP Public Safety Answering Point PSB Path State Block PSC Physical Signaling Components Sublayer PSC Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center PSC Print Scan Copy Seite 311 PSC Product Service Center PSCN Program Support Communications Network PSCT Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Texture (Display) PSD Page Setup Dialogue PSD Platform Specific Driver PSD Power Saving Drive PSD Power Spectral/Spectrum Density PSDS Power Spectral/Spectrum Density Shaping PSDN Packet/Public Switched/Switching Data/Digital Network PSE Packet Switching Exchange PSE Page Size Extension PSE Path Switching Element PSE Personal Security Environment PSE Personen-Such-Einrichtung PSE Port Switched Ethernet PSF PC Screen Font PSF Permanent Swap File PSFQ Pump Slowly, Fetch Quickly PSI Packetnet System Interface PSI Postscript Interpreter PSK Phase Shift Keying PSK Pre-Shared Key PSL Problem Statement Language PSN Packet Switch Node PSN Processor Serial Number PSNR Peak Signal to Noise Ratio PSO Protocol Supporting Organization PSP (Corel) Paint Shop Pro PSP Pascal/Python Server Pages PSP Personal Software Process PSP Program Segment Prefix PSP Programmable Signal Processor PSP Projektstrukturplan PSPDN Packet Switched Public Data Network PSR Parallel/Processor/Project Software PSR Phase Shift Resistivity PSR Physical Storage Resource PSR Power/Processor/Program State/Status Register PSR Prescaler Select Register PSR Priority Service Request PSR Program Support Requirements PSR Programmable Scanner PSR Project Status Report PSRAM Pseudo Static Random Access Memory PSS Private Signalling System PSSC Preliminary System Security Concept PST Pre-Structured Technology Seite 312 PSTN Public Switched/Switching Telephone Network PSU Page Storage Unit PSU Power Supply Unit PSW Program Status Word PSYC Protocol for Synchronous Conferencing PT Packet/Payload Type PT Page Table PT Payload Type PTAL Payment Transaction Application Layer PTB Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig PTBR Page Table Base Register PTBT Prime Times, Bad Times PTBT Probabilistic Timed Behaviour Tree PTD Parallel Transfer Disk Drive PTE Page Table Entry PTF Program Temporary Fix PTF Pthread Framework PTI Payload Type Identifier/Indicator PTMP Point To Multi Point (Connection) PTMSC Point To Multipoint Service Centre PTN Plant Test Number PTO Patent and Trademark Office, USA PTO Please Turn Over (Slang) PTO Public Telecommunication Network Operator PTP Point To Point (Connection) PTR Pointer Record (DNS) PTS Post- och Telestyrelsen PTS Presentation Time Stamp PTS Problem Tracking System PTSE PNNI Topology State Element PTT Post, Telephon, Telegraph PTT Push To Talk (key) PTY Program Type PTZ Posttechnisches Zentralamt, Darmstadt PU Physical/Processing Unit PUC Public Utility Commission PUI Picoscopic User Interface PUK Personal Unblocking Key PUL Packet Underway Limit PUMA Protected User-Mode Audio PUO Prohibited User Operation PUP PARC Universal Packet (Protocol) PUP Product Upgrade PUPA Preliminary Universal Programming Architexture (for GRUB) PUPM Price per User Per Month PUPS PDP UNIX Preservation Society PURL Persistent Uniform Resource Locator Seite 313 PUS Potenziell unerwünschte (unwanted) Software PUS Processor Upgrade Socket PV paketvermittelt PV Physical Volume PVA Patterned Vertical Alignment (panel) PVC Permanent Virtual Channel/Circuit/Connection PVFS Parallel Virtual File System PVM Parallel/Passthru Virtual Machine (IBM) PVN Private/Programmable Virtual Network PVP Protected Video Path PVR Permanent Virtual Route PVR Personal Video Recorder PVR Physical Volume Repository PVRA Physical Volume Reserved Area PVS Potentially Visible Set PVS Professional Vision Services PVT Position, Velocity, Time (GPS) PVV Path Variability Value PW Pseudo Wire PWB Printed Wire Board PWB Programmer's Workbench PWI Public Windows Initiative/Interface PWL Password List PWM Pulse Width Modulation, Pulsweitenmodulation PWP Phase Wobble Prepit PWR Power (Saft) PWS Personal Workstation PWSCS Programmable Workstation Communication Services PXE Preboot Execution Environment PXI PCI Extension for Instrumentation PXISA PXI Systems Alliance PZF Pseudozufallsfolge PZM Punkt-zu-Mehrpunkt (-Verbindung, ISDN) PZP Punkt-zu-Punkt (-Verbindung, ISDN) Q Quality, Query, Queue QA Quality Assurance/Audit QA Query Analyser QA Questions and Answers, Q&A QAM Quadraturamplitudenmodulation QARE Quick Agent Runtime Environment QAWN QoS in Ad hoc Wireless Networks QBE Query By Example QBF Query By Forms QBIC Query by Image Content QBM Quad Band Memory Seite 314 QCA Quantum-dot Cellular Automaton QCB Queue Control Block QCIF Quarter Common Intermediate Format QD Quad Density, Quick Disconnection QDL Quadri Data Layer QDR Quad Data Rate QES Qualifizierte elektronische Signatur QFA Quick File Access QFD Quality Function Deployment QFP Quadratic Flatpack QFP Questions Frequent/Frequemment Posees QFT Queued File Transport QIAM Queued Indexed Access Method QIC Quality Insurance Chain QIC Quarter Inch Cartridge/Committee QID Quanteninformationsdynamik QISAM Queued Index Sequential Access Method QL Query Language QLLC Qualified Logical Link Control QLP Query Language Processor QM Quality Management QMF Query Management Facility QMR Quarterly Maintenance Release QMS Quality Management System QMTP Quick Mail Transfer Protocol QNN Quantum Neural Network QOS Quality of Service QPI QuickPath Interconnect/Interface QPL Q Public License (Trolltech) QPL Quantum/Questionaire Programming Language QPSK Quadrature/Quaternary Phase Shift Keying QRI Queue Response Indicator QRSS Quasi Random Signal Source QS Qualitätssicherung QSA Qt Script for Applications QSAM Queued Sequential Access Method QSDPCM Quadtree-strukturierte Differenz-Puls-Code-Modulation QSIG Quersignalisierung QSIG Unified International Corporate Network Signalling Standard QSMTP Queued SMTP QSND Queue Send (command) QST Calling All Stations (not an acronym) QST Qualified Software Tester QST Qualitäts- und Sicherheitstechnik QST Quick Start Tutorial QST Quiet System Technology (Intel) QTAM Queued Teleprocessing Access Method Seite 315 QTD Quote of The Day QTML Quicktime Media Layer QUED Quick Editor QUIP Query Interactive Processor QUISAM Queued Index Sequential Access Method QWERTY (US Typewriter Layout) QWERTZ (German Typewriter Layout) QXML QuarkXPress Markup Language R Radio, Real, Receive, Reference, Remote RA Radiocommunications Agency RA Random Availability RA Receiver Address RA Regulärer Ausdruck RA Repository Access RA Return Authorization RA Router Advertisement RAB RAID Advisory Board RAC Radio Amateurs of/du Canada RAC Real Application Cluster (Oracle) RAC Remote Access Concentrator RACE Research And Development in Advanced Communication Technologies in Europe RACE Row-based ASCII Compatible Encoding RACF Resource Access Control Facility (IBM) RACH Random Access Channel RACKS Reusable Application Interface for Communicating Real-Time Kernels RACON Radar Beacon RAD Rapid Application Development RADAR Radio Detecting and Ranging RADB Routing Arbiter Data Base RADIUS Remote Access/Authentication Dial-In User Service RADSL Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line RAEBNC Read And Enjoyed, But No Comment (Slang) RAG Row Address Generator RAI Remote Alarm Indication RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Discs RAK Regeln für die alphabetische Katalogisierung RAL Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK RALU Register Arithmetic Logic Unit RAM Random Access Machine/Memory RAM Rate Adaptive Mode RAM Rechargeable Alcali Mangan (battery) RAMDAC Random Access Memory Digital Analog Converter RAMP Remote Access Maintenance Protocol RAMPS Reliability, Availability, Manageability, Performance, Serviceability RAND Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (License) Seite 316 RAO Remote Access Outsourcing RAOLSR Radio Aware Optimized Link State Routing RAP Radio Local Loop Access Profile RAP Rapid Application Prototyping RAP Rogue Access Point RAP Route Access Protocol RAP Roving Analysis Port RAR Roshal Archiver RARE Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (Internet) RAS Random Access Storage RAS Registration, Admission, and Status RAS Reliability, Availability and Serviceability RAS Remote Access Server/Service RAS Row Address Select/Strobe RASMED Redundant Array of Slightly More Expensive Disks RAST Receive and Send Terminal RASUM Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, Usability, Manageability RATP Reliable Asychronous Transfer Protocol (Internet) RATS Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society RATS Rough Auditing Tool for Security RAVE Renderer Acceleration Virtual Machine RAW Read After Write RBAC Role Based Access Control RBAM Remote Batch Access Method RBBS Remote Bulletin Board System RBER Residual Bit Error Rate RBL Realtime/Remote Black/Blackhole List RBM Rule Base Memory RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company RBS Reference Broadcast Synchronization RBW Resolution Bandwidth RBW Reverse Band Working RBW Roll Back Version RC Reaction Controller RC Receive Common RC Receiver Clock RC Reconfigurable Computing RC Release Candidate/Critical RC Replica Catalog RC Rivest Cipher RC Run Command RCA Radio Corporation of Amerika, USA RCA Ripple Carry Adder RCB Release Critical Bug RCC Radio Common Carrier RCC Reduced Complexity Computer Seite 317 RCC Remote Cluster Controller RCC Rescue Coordination Centre RCC Routing Control Center/Channel RCD Recordable Compact Disc RCDATA Replaceable Character Data RCE Region Code Enhancement RCE Revision Control Engine RCEVH Research Centre for the Education of the Visually Handicapped RCF Registration Confirmation RCLK Rack Clock RCP Radio Control Protocol RCP Reality Immersion Coprocessor RCP Retransmission Control Procedure RCS Record Communication Switching System RCS Resource Construction Set RCS Revision Control System RCS Rights Control System RCU Read, Copy, Update RCV Receive RD Receive Data RD Recursive Design RD Request Disconnect RD Resource Discovery RD Route Distinguisher R&D Research and Development RDA Remote Data/Database Access RDAT Rotary Digital Audio Tape RDB Receive Data Buffer RDB Relational Database RDBMS Relationales Datenbank-Management-System RDC Remote Dual Copy RDCCG Regional Data and Computing Center Germany, Karlsruhe RDD Replaceable Database Driver RDE Ruby Development Environment RDF Resource Definition/Description Format/Framework RDH RSA DES Hybrid RDL Register Description Language RDMA Remote Direct Memory Access RDN Relative Distinguished Name RDO Remote Data Object RDOS Real-time Disk Operating System RDP Reliable Datagram Protocol (Internet) RDP Remote Desktop Protocol RDR Rijksdienst voor Radiocommunicatie RDRAM Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory RDRN Rapidly Deployable Radio Network RDS Radio Data System Seite 318 RDS Rapid Development System RDS Remote Data Services RDS Resolver Discovery Service RDSL Rate-adaptive/Residential/Reverse Digital Subscriber Line RDSR Receiver Data Service Request RDSS Radio Determination Satellite Services RDST Rotating Head Digital Storage Tape RDTSC Read Time Stamp Counter RE Recall RE Regular Expression RE Report Engine RE Recursively Enumerable RE Reverse Engineering REACH Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals READSL2 Reach Enhanced ADSL2 RED Random Early Detection REG Regular Languages REGTP Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post REJ Reject REKO Reparatur-Konzept (Swisscom) REL Rights Expression Language REM Remark REM Remote REM Reseau d'Enseignement Multimedia REM Ring Error Monitor REO Removable Erasable Optical Disk REP Reply to Message Number REP Robots Exclusion Protocol REQ Request RES Radio Equipment and Systems RES Remote Execution Server/Service RES Reset, Restore RES Rotation Error Signal REST Representational State Transfer RESV RSVP Reservation Request RET Resolution Enhancement Technology (HP) REXX Restructured Extended Executor (IBM) RF Radio Frequency RF Relevance Feedback RF Remote File RF Royalty Free (License) RFA Remote File Access RFA Request For Adoption (Debian) RFB Remote Frame Buffer RFC Remote Function Call RFC Request For Comments (Internet) RFC Response For a Class Seite 319 RFD Request For Discussion (Usenet) RFE Radio Free Ethernet RFE Request For Enhancement RFH Remote Frame Handler RFI Radio Frequency Interference RFI Request For Information RFID Radio Frequency Identification RFLA Real Full Look Ahead RFNM Ready/Request For Next Message RFP Radio Fixed Parts RFP Request For Packaging (Debian) RFP Request For Proposal RFQ Request For Quotation/Quote RFS Remote File Sharing/System RFS Remote Forensic Software RFT Request For Technology (OSF) RFT Revisable Format Text RFU Reserved for Future Use RG Radio Guide (coax cables) RGB Rot (Red), Grün (Green), Blau (Blue) (Farbmodell) RGBA Rot (Red), Grün (Green), Blau (Blue), Alpha (Farbmodell) RGDI Renaissance Graphics Device Interface RGP Raster Graphics Processor RG/U Radio Guide/Utility (Kabel) RH Request/Response Header RH Registration Hierarchy RHAD Red Hat Advanced Development (Laboratories) RHC Regional (Bell) Holding Company RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer RHCS Red Hat Cluster Suite RHEL Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHN Red Hat Network RHNT Registration Hierarchical Name Tree RHOB Relevant Hierarchical Operational Binding RHS Right Hand Side RHSA Red Hat Security Advisory RI Referential Integrity RI Ring In/Indicator RIA Red Ink Award RIA Rich Internet Application(s) RIA Robot Institute of America RIAA Recording Industry Association of America RIAS Rundfunk Im Amerikanischen Sektor, Berlin RIB RenderMan Interface Bytestream RIB Routing Information Base RIC Radio Identify Code RID Relative Identifier Seite 320 RID Retinal Imaging Display RIF Radio/Renderman Interface RIF Record Identifier RIF Regional/Resource Information RIF Resource Interchange File RIF Routing Information Field/Frame RIF Rule Information RIF Rule Interchange Format RIFF Resource Interchange File Format RII Ring/Routing Information Indicator RIM Records and Information Management RIM Remote Installation and Maintenace RIM Request Initialization Mode RIMM Rambus In-line Memory Module RIMS Ranging Integrity Monitoring Station RIP Raster Image Processor RIP Request In Progress RIP Routing Information Protocol RIP Remote Image/Imaging Protocol/Processing RIPE Reseaux IP Europeenne RIPL Remote Initial Program Loading RIPNG Routing Information Protocol Next Generation RIPSO Revised Internet Protocol Security Option RIR Regional Internet Registry RIS Remote Installation Services RISC Reduced Instruction Set Code/Computer RITA Reduced Interim Type Approval RITA Reliable Internetwork Troubleshooting Agent RJ Registered Jack RJE Remote Job Entry (IBM) RJS Remote Job Service RKE Remote Keyless Entry RKO Root Key Operator RL Real Life (Slang) RL Reconfigurable Logic RL Remote Loopback RLC Radio Link Control RLC Run Length Coding RLE Research Laboratory of Electronics RLE Run Length Encoded/Encoding RLF Reverse Line Feed RLG Research Libraries Group RLIN Research Libraries Information Network (RLG) RLL Radio in the Local Loop RLL Row Level Locking RLL Run Length Limited RLM Receiver-driven Layered Multicast Seite 321 RLM Robotic Library Manager RLM Robust Linear Model RLMT Redundant Link Management Technology RLN Remote LAN Node RLP Radio Link Protocol RLP Resource Location Protocol RLS Remote Learning System RLSD Received Line Signal Detected RLV Ringleitungsverteiler RM Reference Model RM Resource Management RM Retention Module RMA Rate Monotonic Analysis RMA Remote Memory Access RMC Radio Monte Carlo RMC Rambus Memory Controller RMC Resource Monitoring and Control RMF Remote Management Facility RMI Remote Method Invocation RMII Reduced Media Independent Interface RMOA Realtime Multimedia Over ATM RMON Remote (Network) Monitoring RMP Radio Management Panel RMP Random Match Probability RMP Reliable Multicast Protocol RMP Remote Maintenance Panel/Processor RMP Resource Management Plan/Program/Project RMS RAID Management Software RMS Rate Monotonic Scheduling RMS Reason Maintenance System RMS Record/Resource Management Services/System RMS Replica Management System RMS Richard Matthew Stallman RMS Root Mean Square RMT Reliable Multicast Transport RMT Ring Management RNA Remote Network Access RNA Rufnummernanzeige RNARS Royal Navy Amateur Radio Society RNC Radio Network Controller RNG Random Number Generator RNI Reseau National d'Interconnexion de Renater RNIS Reseau Numerique a Integration de Services RNR Receive Not Ready (frame) RNRT Reseau National de Recherche en Telecommunications RNSI Remote Node Service for ISDN RO Read Only Seite 322 RO Ring Out ROADS Resource Organization And Discovery in Subject-based services ROADS Running Out of Address Space ROBO Remote Office Branch Office ROC Restricted Operators Certificate RODPO Reading on Demand - Paper Option (vulgo Buch) ROFBTC Rolling On the Floor Biting The Carpet (Slang) ROFL Rolling On the Floor Laughing (Slang) ROFLASTC Rolling On the Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat (Slang) ROFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off (Slang) ROHC Robust Header Compression ROHS Restriction Of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electric and Electronic Equipment ROI Rectangle/Region Of Interest ROI Return Of Investment ROKSO Register Of Known Spam Operations ROLAP Relational Online Analytical Processing ROLZ Reduced Offset Lempel Ziv (Algorithmus) ROM RAID On the Motherboard ROM Read Only Memory RONJA Reasonable Optical Near Joint Access ROP RISC Operation ROPES Rapid Object Oriented Process for Embedded Systems ROPS Remote Operations Service ROS Record On Silicon ROS Remote Operation Service ROS Resident Operating System ROSA Receive Only Satellite Antenna ROSE RATS Open System Environment ROSE Research Open Systems for Europe ROSE Remote Operations Service Element/Entity ROTD Release Of The Day ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing (Slang) ROW Rest Of the World RP Radio Paging RP Randomized Polynomial time RP Rendezvous Point RPA Remote Passphrase Authentication RPB Radio-Praktiker-Bücherei RPB Reverse Path Broadcasting RPC Radio Paging Call RPC Regional Playback Control RPC Remote Procedure Call RPC Root Path Cost RPD Rapid Prototyping Development RPDB Routing Policy Database RPDFP Remote Physical Device Finger Printing RPELPC Regular Pulse Excited Linear Predictive Coder Seite 323 RPELTP Regular Pulse Excitation with Long-Term Prediction Loop RPF Reverse Path Forwarding RPG Record Program Generator (IBM) RPL Requested Privilege Level RPL Resident Programming Language RPM Radio Packet Modem RPM Rapid Prototyping Module RPM Red Hat Package Manager RPM Revolutions per minute RPN Reverse Polish Notation RPPROM Reprogrammable PROM RPS Redundant Power Supply RPS Remote Procedure Services RPSL Routing Policy Specification Language RPSU Redundant Power Supply Unit RPU Ray Processing Unit RQBE Relational Query By Example RQST Request RR Radio Regulations RR Real Reality RR Receive/Receiver Ready RR Resource Record (DNS) RR Round Robin RRA Remote Record Access RRAS Routing and Remote Access Service RRC Radio Resource Control RRD Round Robin Database RRG Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft RRI Resource Recovery Interface RRIP Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol RRJ Registration Reject RRLP Radio Resource LCS Protocol RRO Radial Run Out RRP Registry Registrar Protocol RRQ Registration Request RRT Radar Range Tracking RRT Radio Receiver Transmitter RRT Radio Relay Terminal RRT Random/Randomized Response Technique RRT Range Router Table RRT Rapid Reprogramming Terminal RRT Recommended Replacement Time RRT Request Response Trace RRT Routing Request Timer RRZN Regionales Rechenzentrum Niedersachsen, Hannover RS Reader Stop RS Recommended Standard Seite 324 RS Record Separator RS Reed Solomon (Code) RS Registry Service RS Request to Send RS Route Server RS Router Solicitation RS232 Recommended Standard 232 (Norm für serielle Schnittstelle) RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adleman RSAC Recreational Software Advisory Council RSB Repair Service Bureau RSB Reservation State Block RSBAC Rule Set Based Access Control RSCS Remote Spooling and Communications Subsystem RSCV Route Selection Control Vector RSDP Root System Description Pointer RSDT Root System Description Table RSE Register Stack Engine RSET Reset RSFQ Rapid Single Flux Quantum (Logic) RSI Repetitive Strain Injury RSIP Realm Specific Internet Protocol (parameter) RSIS Relocateable Screen Interface Specification RSL Radio Signaling Link RSL Received Signal Level RSL Registry Size Limit RSL Request and Status Link RSL Reserve Static Line RSL Resilient Server Link RSL Resource Specification Language RSMLT Routed Split Multi Link Trunking RSN Real Soon Now (Slang) RSN Russian Security Newsline RSOH Regenerator Section Overhead RSP Required Space Character RSPC Reed Solomon Product Code RSPCWS Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelties to Web Surfers RSRB Remote Source Route Bridging RSS Radio Subsystem RSS RDF Site Summary RSS Really Simple Syndication RSS Resident Set Size RSS Rich Site Summary RSSAC Root Server System Advisory Committee RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication RST Readability, Signal Strength, and Tone RST Receive Start Threshold RST Reset and Restart Seite 325 RSTE Regenerator Section Terminating Equipment RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol RSTS Resource Sharing and Time Sharing RSTV Rundfunkstaatsvertrag RSVD Reserved RSVP Resource Reservation Setup Protocol RSX Real Time Resource Sharing Executive RT Radio Text RT Real/Run Time RT Receive Timing RT RISC Technology RTA Runder Tisch Amateurfunk RTAI Real Time Application Interface RTAM Remote Terminal Access Method RTAS Run-Time Abstraction Services RTB Regional Testbed RTC Real Time Clock RTC Return To Control RTC Reseaux Telphoniques Commutes RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services RTCP Realtime Transport Control Protocol RTDL Real-Time Data Link RTE Real-Time Enterprise RTE Right to Left Embedding RTEID Real Time Executive Interface Definition RTEL Reverse Telnet RTEMS Real Time Executive for Military/Multiprocessor Systems RTEMS Real Time Energy Management Solutions RTF Rich Text Format RTFAQ Read The FAQ (Slang) RTFB Read The Funny Binary (Slang) RTFF Read The Fantastic FAQ (Slang) RTFM Read The Fine/Fantastic/Funny ... Manual (Slang) RTFS Read The Funny Source (Slang) RTK Real Time Kernel RTK Real-Time Kinematic Positioning RTL Register Transfer Level RTL Resistor Transistor Logic RTL Run Time Library RTLS Real Time Locating System RTM Read The Manual (Slang) RTM Real Time Modeling RTM Release To Manufacturing RTM Response Time Monitor RTMP Routing Table Maintenance Protocol RTNR Real-Time Network Routing Seite 326 RTO Retransmission Timeout RTOS Real Time Operating System RTP Rapid Transport Protocol RTP Realtime Transport Protocol RTP Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post RTP Rendezvous and Termination Protocol RTP Realtime Transport Protocol (Internet) RTR RARE Technical Report RTS Ready/Request To Send RTS Real Time System RTS Reliable Transfer Service RTS Remote Telnet Service RTS Request To Send RTSE Reliable Transfer Service Element (OSI) RTSP Realtime Signal Processor RTSP Realtime Streaming Protocol RTSPS Realtime Streaming Protocol Secure/Server/Service/Specification RTSPU Realtime Streaming Protocol Unreliable RTT Resonant Tunneling Transistor RTT Round-Trip Time RTTI Run Time Type Information/Identification RTTY Radio Teletype (Funkfernschreiben) RTV Real Time Video RTWFQ Read The Whole Fantastic Question (Slang) RU Request/Response Unit RUA Remote User Agent RUC Reservation Upon Collision (Scheme) RULL Rechnerunterstütztes Lehren und Lernen RUM Rechenzentrum Universität Mannheim RUOK Are You Ok (Slang) RUP Rational Unified Process RUS Rechenzentrum der Universität Stuttgart RUSH Remote Use of Shared Hardware RV Real Virtuality RV Rotational Vibration RVI Reverse Interrupt RVL Ringverteilungsleiter RVML Rich Vector Markup Language RVP Rendezvous Protocol RVS Rotational Vibration Safeguard RVSA Remote Variant Selection Algorithm RW Rewritable RWB Responsive Workbench RWI Reset Window Indicator RWI Reversed Word Index RWM Read Write Memory RWP RIP While Printing Seite 327 RWS Rufweiterschaltung RWT Random Walk Theory RWTH Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, Aachen RX Receive Data RX Receiver RXC Receive Clock RXD Received Data RYS Read Your Screen (Slang) RZ Rechenzentrum RZ Return to Zero RZG Rechenzentrum Garching (MPG) RZM Root Zone Maintainer S Service, Signal, Standard, Synchron, System S Signal Timing S Steuerleitung S2M ISDN Wählverbindung 2 Mbit/s SA Security Association SA Selective Availability (GPS) SA Soft Affinity SA Software Assurance SA Source Address SA SpamAssassin SA Structured Analysis SA System Administrator SAA Silly And Awkward (Slang) SAA Single Assignment Approach SAA System/Systems Application Architecture SAAL Signalling AAL SAAS Software As A Service SAB Standards Activities Board (IEEE/CS) SABM Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode SABME Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended SAC Seismic Analysis Code SAC Service Access Controller SAC Single Attached/Attachment Component/Concentrator SAC Special Area Code SAC Syntax-based Arithmetic Coding SACCH Slow Associated Control Channel SACD Super Audio Compact Disk SACEADM System Auxiliary Control Element Administration SACECP System Auxiliary Control Element Common Pair SACEM Societe des Auteurs Compositeurs Editeurs de Musique SACK Selective Acknowledgement SACL System Access Control List SACNET Secure Automated Communications Network Seite 328 SACT SPARC Application Conformance Toolkit SAD Security Association Database SADT Structured Analysis and Design Technique SAE Self Addressed Envelope SAF Service Access Facility SAFI Subsequence Address Family Identifier SAFIR Service ATM Federateur et d'Interconnexion de Renater SAFT Simple Asynchronous File Transfer (Protocol) SAGA Standards und Architekturen für eGovernment-Anwendungen SAGE (UNIX) System Administrators' Guild SAIC Single Antenna Interference Cancellation SAIL Stanford AI Laboratory SAINT Symbolic Automatic Integrator SAK Secure Attention Key SAL Self Addressed Envelope SAL Structured Assembly Language SALT Speech Application Language Tag SALT SuSE Advanced Linux Technology SAM SCSI Architecture Model SAM Security Access/Account Manager SAM Sequential Access Method SAM Serial Access Memory SAM Smart ATM Modul SAM Storage and Archive Manager SAM Synchronous Address Multiplexer SAM System Administration Manager (tool) SAMI Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange SAN Satellite Access Network SAN Schulen ans Netz e. V. SAN Standard Address Number SAN Storage Area Network SAN System Area Network SANE Scanner Access Now Easy SANE Standard Apple Numeric Environment SANS SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security (Institute) SAO Session At Once SAP Secure Audio Path SAP Send And Pray SAP Service Access Point (OSI) SAP Service Advertising Protocol (Novell) SAP Session Announcement Protocol SAP SIM Access Profile SAP Symbolic Assembler Program SAP Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte (AG), Walldorf SAPI Service Access Point Identifier SAPI Speech API SAPI Streams Application Programming Interface Seite 329 SAR Search And Rescue SAR Segmentation And Reassembling/Reassembly SAR Smurf Amplifier Registry SAR Specific Absorption Rate SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar SARC Symantec Antivirus Research Center SARCOM Search And Rescue Communication SARE SpamAssassin Rules Emporium SARM Set Asynchronous Response Mode SARME Set Asynchronous Response Mode Extended SARP Search And Rescue Processor SARPA Security Advanced Research Projects Agency, USA SARSAT Search And Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking SART Search And Rescue (Radar) Transponder SARTG Scandinavian Amateur Radio Teleprinter Group SAS Security Association SAS Serial Attached SCSI SAS Short Authentication String SAS Signature Authority System SAS Single Attached/Attachment Station (FDDI) SAS Speicher- und Anforderungssteuerung SAS Statistical Analysis System SASDB Security Association Data Base SASE Self Addressed and Stamped Envelope SASI Shugart Associates System Interface SASL St. Andrews Static Language SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer SASL Single Assignment Language SAT Satisfiability Problem SATA Serial AT Bus Attachment SATAN Security Analysis/Administrator's Tool for Analyzing/Auditing Networks SATL SCSI ATA Translation Layer SAV Sender Address Verification SAW Surface Acoustic Wave (Filter) SAX Simple API for XML SB Southbridge SB Standby Indicator SB System Builder SBA Small Business Administration SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation System SBC SCSI Block Commands SBC Server Based Computing SBC Single Board Computer SBC Smart Bitrate Control SBC Subband Codec SBCS Single Byte Character/Command Set SBE Single Byte Extension Seite 330 SBE Society of Broadcast Engineers (USA) SBOD Switched Bunch Of Discs SBP Serial Bus Protocol SBP Structured Buffer Pool SBR Spectral Band Replication SBR1 Statistical Bit Rate Configuration 1 SBS Secure Boot System SBS Small Business Server SBST Smart Battery Status Table SBT Six Bit Transcode SBUP System Backup Partition SBV Skeletonization Based Vectorization SC Secondary Channel SC Send Common SC Sequential Consistency SC Smart Card SC Storage Compatibility SC Subcommittee SC Subscriber Channel (Sonnector) SCA Security Control and Audit SCA Single Connector Attachment SCA Software Communications Architecture SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition SCADDS Scalable Coordination Architectures for Deeply Distributed Systems SCAM SCSI Configured Automagically SCART Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareils Radio Recepteurs et Televiseurs SCB Subsystem Control Block SCC Satellite Control Center SCC SCSI Controller Commands SCC Serial Communication Controller SCC Small Card Clearing SCC Specialized Common Carrier SCC Spontaneous Computer Combustion SCC Standards Coordinating Committee (IEEE/CS) SCC Synchronous Channel Check SCCP Signal/Signalling Connection Control Port SCCS Source Code Control System SCCS Southern California Computer Society SCD Standard Color Display SCD Structured Charts Diagram SCE Service Creation Environment SCF Service Control Function SCF System Control Facility SCI Scalable Coherent Interconnect SCI Special Circumstance Instructions SCI Strategic Computing Inititative SCI System Control Interrupt Seite 331 SCIM Smart Commom Input Method SCLM Software Configuration Library Manager (IBM) SCM Selected Communication Mode SCM Software Configuration Management SCM Supply Chain Management SCM Switch Control Module SCML Spectrum Cataloging Markup Language SCMS Serial Copy Management System SCN Switched Circuit Network SCN System Change/Commit Number SCNR Sorry, Could Not Resist (Slang) SCO (The) Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. SCO Structured Complex Object SCO Synchronous Connection Oriented SCOS Single Copy Object Store SCP Secure Copy SCP Service Control Point SCP Session Control Protocol SCP Short Circuit Protection SCP Subsystem Control Port SCPC Single CHannel Per Carrier SCPI Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR Standard Context Routing SCR Sustainable/Sustained Cell Rate SCS Secondary Clear to Send SCS SNA Communication Service SCS System Communication Services SCSA Signal Computing System Architecture SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface SCSL Sun Community Source Licensing SCSP Server Cache Synchronization Protocol SCSSI Service Central de la Securite des Systemes d'Information SCSU Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode SCTP Screened Twisted Pair (cable) SCTP Shape-Controlled Traffic Pattern SCTP Simple Control Transport Protocol SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol SCTS Secondary Clear To Send SCTT Strong Church Turing Thesis SCU System Control Unit SD Sales + Distribution SD Secure Digital (Card) SD Send Data SD Shutdown SD Single Density SD Staircase Deadline (scheduler) Seite 332 SD Starting Delimiter SD Structured Design SD Super Density (Compact Disk) SDA Scalable Disk Array SDA Start of/Secure Domain Authority SDA Swappable Data Area SDA System Design Automation SDB Security Policy Database SDBM Selective Directed Broadcast Mode SDC Secondary Domain Controller SDC Secure Digital Card SDC Service Description Channel SDCCH Stand Alone Dedicated Control Channel SDCD Secondary Data Carrier Detect SDD Super Density Disk SDDC Single Device Data Correction SDDI Serial Digital Data Interface SDDI Shielded Twisted Pair Distributed Data Interface SDDS Sony Dynamic Digital Sound SDE Software Development Environment SDF Signal Delay Format SDF Space Delimited File/Format SDF Standard/System Data Format SDF Structured Display File SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SDHC Secure Digital High Capacity (Card) SDHT Selectively Doped Hetero Transistor SDI Selective Dissemination of Information SDI Serial Device/Digital Interface SDI Single Document Interface SDIF Standard Document Interchange Format SDIGN Vorschriftensammlung für digitale Netze SDIO Secure Digital Input/Output SDK Software Development/Developer's Kit SDL Scene Description Language SDL Security Development Lifecycle SDL Simple Direct Media Layer SDLC Software Development Life Cycle SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control (IBM) SDLP Standard Device Level Protocol SDLT Super Digital Linear Tape SDM Secure Digital Mini (card) SDM Security Device Manager SDM Short Data Message SDM Sub-rate Data Multiplexer SDMA Space Division Multiple Access SDMI Secure Digital Music Inititative Seite 333 SDMS SCSI Device Management System SDN Software Defined Network SDNS Secure Data Network Service/System SDO Servicedatenobjekt SDP Service Discovery Protocol SDP Session Description Protocol SDP Shared Development Process SDP Software Delivery Platform SDP Standard Directory Package (Apple) SDPS Science/Service/Shared/Spatial/Standard/Surveillance Data Processing Software/System SDPS Secure Digital Paper Seal SDPS Standard Dial-up POP3 Service SDR Session Director SDR Single Data Rate SDR Software Defined Radio SDR Streaming Data Request SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory SDS Sample Dump Standard SDS Software Distribution Service (OSF) SDS Subdivision Surface SDSC San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA SDSE Shadowed DSA-Specific Entry SDSL Single Line/Single Pair/Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line SDSS Sloan Digital Sky Survey SDTS Spatial Data Transfer Standard SDTV Standard Definition Television SDU Service/Signalling Data Unit SDX Storage Data Acceleration SDXC Synchronous Digital Cross Connect SDXF Structured Data Exchange Format SE Second Editon (Windows) SE Shared Everything SE Single Ended SE-SCSI Single Ended SCSI SEA Schoof, Elkes, Atkin SEA Self Extracting Archive SEA Society for Electronic Access SEAL Screening External Access Link SEBD Software Engineering Bibliographic Database (DACS) SEC Single Error Correction SEC Standard Ethernet Controller SECAM Sequentiel Couleur Avec Memoire SECBR Severely Errored Cell Block Ratio SECC Single Edge Contact Cartridge SED Smoke Emitting Diode SED Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display SEDAS Standardregelungen einheitlicher Datenaustausch Seite 334 SEE Software Engineering Environment SEEFUST Seefunkstelle SEEK Secure Electronic Exchange of Keys SEEM Simple Efficient Extensible Mesh SEL Security Enhanced Linux SEL Selector SEL Standard Elektrik Lorenz AG SEL System Event Logger SEM Search Engine Marketing SEM Server Enhancement Module SEMA Simple Electromagnetic Analysis SEMPER Secure Electronic Marketplace for Europe SEO Search Engine Optimization/Optimizer SEO Sequences Number SEP Separation SEP Somebody Else's Problem (Slang) SEPI School Educational Provision Improvement SEPP Secure Electronic Payment Protocol SEPP Single Edge Processor Package SER Soft Error Rate SES SCSI Enclosure Services SES Secure Easy Setup SES Ship Earth Station SES Societe Europeenne des Satellites SESAME Secure European System for Applications in a Multi-Vendor Environment SESK Session Key SET Secure Electronic Transaction SET Setkey SET Shortest Elapsed Time SET Single Electron Transistor SET Standard d'Exchange et de Transfert SETI Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence SEU Serial Encryption Unit SEU Smallest Executable Unit SEUL Simple End User Linux SEX Software Exchange SF Select/Send Frequency SF Sign Flag SF Single Frequency SF Store and Forward SFA Sales Force Automation SFAUSL Vorschriftensammlung Fernmeldeverkehr Ausland SFC System File Checker SFD Start Frame Delimiter SFF Small Form Factor SFINX Service for French Internet Exchange SFLAAE/BS Star Fleet Ladies Auxiliary and Embroidery/Baking Society Seite 335 SFLC Software Freedom Law Center SFMJI Sorry For My Jumping In (Slang) SFP Single Function Peripheral SFP Super Fine Positioning SFP System File Protection SFPS Secure Fast Packet Switching SFQ Stochastic Fairness Queuing SFQL Structured Full-text Query Language SFR Split Frame Rendering SFS Scalable/Secure File Share/System SFS Security Feature Set SFS Smart File System (Amiga) SFS Storage Attached Network File System SFT System Fault Tolerance SFT System File Table SFTM Switched Frame Transfer Mode SFTP Simple File Transfer Protocol SFU Services For Unix SFURD Stadtfunkrufdienst SFV Standard-Festverbindung SG Signal Ground SG Supergroup SGA Shared/System Global Area SGC SCSI Graphic Commands SGCP Simple Gateway Control Protocol SGDB Service de Genomique du Departement de Biologie, ENS Paris SGF Smart Go Format SGI Silicon Graphics, Inc. SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language SGMP Simple Gateway Management/Monitoring Protocol (Internet) SGPS Simple Global Positioning System (protocol) SGRAM Synchronous Graphical Random Access Memory SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node SH Sample and Hold, S/H SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SHA Super High Availability SHAFT Society to Help Abolish FORTRAN Teaching SHAR Shell Archive SHARL Specified Home Appliance Recycling Law, Japan SHDSL Single-pair High Speed Digital Subscriber Line SHF Super High Frequency SHIA Strongly Hedonistic Internet Area SHIFT Scalable, Heterogeneous, Integrated Facility SHIT Secure Home Internet Telephony SHM Semantical Hierarchy Model SHM Short Hold Mode SHOE Simple HTML Ontology Extensions Seite 336 SHRS Sehen, Hören, Riechen, Schmecken (Multimedia) SHTTP Secure HTTP SHV Standard High Volume SHY Soft/Syllable Hyphen SI Service Interaction SI Shift In SI Signalling Rate Indicator SI Simple Interface (Cray to UNIX) SI Source Index SI Still Image (Exchange) SI System Information SI Systeme International d'Unites SIA Semiconductor Industries Association SIA Serial Interface Adapter SIAM Supraleitendes Intelligentes Antennen-Modul SIASL Stranger In A Strange Land (Slang) SIB Scaled Index Based SIC Standard Industry Code SICAS Semiconductor International Capacity Statistics SID Security Identification/Identifier SID Session Identifier SID Silence Descriptor SID Society for Information Display SID Station Identification SID Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance SID Symbolic Interactive Debugger SIE Serial Interface Engine SIF Stateful Inspection Firewall SIFS Short Inter Frame Space SIFT Stanford Information Filtering Tool SIG Selective Integral Ground SIG Software/Special Interest Group SIGCAT Special Interest Group on CD-ROM Applications and Technology SIGG Signaturgesetz SIGIR Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval SIGPLAN Special Interest Group on Programming Languages SIH Super Information Highway SIHFT Software Implemented Hardware Fault Tolerance SII Static Invocation Interface SIIT Stateless IP/ICMP Translation (Algorithm) SIL Solid Immersion Lens SILC Secure Internet Live Conferencing SILK Speech, Image, Language, Knowledge SIM Set Initialization Mode SIM Subscriber Identification/Identity Module SIMA Support Initiative for Multimedia Applications SIMCA Sitting In My Chair Amused (Slang) Seite 337 SIMD Single Instruction Multiple Data (stream) SIMM Single Inline Memory Module SIMP Simple Intermachine Protocol SIMPLE Sheer Idiots Monopurpose Programming Language Environment SIMPLE SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions SIN Serial Data In SIN Service Indicator (ISDN) SINA Sichere Internet-Anbindung/Architektur (BSI) SINA SISY Integriertes FTP-Server Archiv, Karlsruhe SINPO Signal strength, Interference, Noise, Propagation disturbance, Overall merit SIO Serial Input Output SIO Simultaneous Interface Operation SIP SCSI Interlocl Protocol SIP Second/Simple Internet Protocol SIP Secure Internet Programming (Princeton U.) SIP Session Initiation Protocol SIP SMDS Interface Protocol SIP Submission Information Package SIPC Simple Integrated/Interactive Personal Computer SIPO Serial In Serial Out SIPP Simple Internet Protocol Plus SIPP Simple Polygon Processor SIPP Single In-Line Pin Package SIPP Stable Image PC Platform SIPP Stable Image Platform Program SIPS SIP over SSL SIR Serial Infrared Communication (Hewlett-Packard) SIRDS Single Image Random Dot Stereogram SIRF (SiRF Technology Inc., USA) SIS Schengen Information System SIS Silicon Isotope Superlattice (Technology) SIS Stateful Inspection System SISD Single Instruction Single Data(stream) SISO Serial In, Serial Out SISSL Sun Industry Standards Source License SISY Software Informations-System, Karlsruhe SIT Satellite Interactive Terminal SIT (Fraunhofer-Institut für) Sichere Telekooperation SIT Simple Internet Transition SIT Special Information Tone SITD Still In The Dark (Slang) SITOR Simple Telex Over Radio SITP Strategic Information Technology Plan, DoC, USA SITP System Integration Test Plan SIWG Special Interest Working Group SJCC Spring Joint Computer Conference SJF Shortest Job First Seite 338 SJF Super Jumbo Frame (Ethernet) SK Schneider & Koch, Ettlingen SK Server Key SK Synchronknoten SKA Shared Key Authentication SKAS Separate Kernel Address Space SKIP Simple Key Management for Internet Protocols SKU Stock Keeping Unit (Artikelnummer) SL Second Life SL Session Layer SL Shading/Specification Language SL Slave SLA Sealed Lead Acid (Battery) SLA Service Level Agreement SLA Site Level Aggregation/Aggregator SLAC Stanford Linear Accelerator Center SLAP Sounds Like A Plan (Slang) SLAPI Salutation Application Programming Interface SLC Second Level Cache SLC Single Level Cell SLC Synchronous Link Control SLD Second/Sub Level Domain SLDRAM Synchronous Link Dynamic RAM SLED Single Large Expensive Disk SLED Software Life Cycle Experience Database (DACS) SLED Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop SLES Suse Linux Enterprise Server SLI Scalable Link Interface/Interleave SLI Scanline Interleave SLI System Level Integration SLIAA Scalable Link Interface Anti-Aliasing SLIP Serial Line Interface Protocol (Internet) SLIP Symmetric List Processor SLIT System Locality Distance Information Table SLM Salutation Manager SLOC Source Lines Of Code SLOS SuSE Linux Office Server SLP School License Program SLP Service Location Protocol SLP Single Link Protocol SLP System Load Partition SLR Scalable Linear Recording SLS Service Level Specification SLSI Super Large Scale Integration SLT Speech and Language Technology SLU Site Local Use SLV Single Language Vendor Seite 339 SLURM Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management SM Security Management SM Set Mode SM Shadow Map SM Sparse Mode SM System Management/Manager SMA Shared Memory Architecture SMA Sharing with Minimum Allocation SMA Sub Miniature Assembly (Connector) SMAC Sensor Media/Medium Access Control SMACK Simplified Mandatory Access Control Kernel SMACS Schema Mapping Application Compiler System SMACS Smart Multi-Access Communication Service SMACS Stochastic Modelling and Analysis of Communication Systems SMAE Systems Management Application Entity SMAP Simple Mail Access Protocol SMAP System Management Application Process SMART Self Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology SMART Software Metering and Resource Tracking SMASE System Management Application Service Element SMB Server/Session Message Block SMB Small and Medium Business SMB System Management Bus SMC Secure Messaging Card SMC Standard Microsystems, Inc. SMCC Sun Microsystems Computer Corp. SMD Schiffsmeldedienst SMD Storage Modul Device SMD Surface Mounted Device SMDC Server Management Daughter Card SMDR Station Message Detail Recording SMDS Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service, USA SMDSU Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service Unit SME Subject Matter Expert SMF Service Management Facility SMF Simple Message Format SMF Single Mode Fiber SMF Standard Midi File SMF System Manager Facility SMFA System Management Functional Area SMG Supermastergroup SMI Secure Monitor Interrupt SMI Serial Management Interface SMI Structure of Management Information SMI System Management (mode) Interrupt SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language SMIME Secure MIME Seite 340 SMIS Safety/Supply/System Management Information System SMIS Service Marketing Information System SMIS Storage Management Initiative Specification SMIT System Management Interface Tool (IBM) SMK Software Migration Kit SML Simple Macro Language SML Simple Mailing List SML Simplified Markup Language SML Standard Math Library SML Standard Metalanguage SMLT Split Multi Link Trunking SMM Start of Manual Message SMM System Management Mode SMO Social Memory Organizer SMON Switched Monitoring Network SMOP Small/Simple Matter Of Programming SMP Simple Management Protocol (Internet) SMP Standard Message Package (Apple) SMP Standby Monitor Presence SMP Symmetrical/Synchronous Multi-Processing SMP SONET Physical Layer Mapping SMPS Switching Mode Power Supply (Schaltnetzteil) SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, USA SMR Signal to Mask Ration SMS Satellite Multi-Service System SMS Service/Security Management Station/System SMS Short Message Service SMS Software Management System SMS Storage Management Services SMS Subsystem Management Service (OSF) SMS System Management Server SMSC Short Message Service Center SMSCB Short Message Service Cell Broadcast SMSI Sommet Mondial de la Societe de l'Information SMSMO SMS Mobile Station Originated SMSMT SMS Mobile Station Terminated SMSP Storage Management Services Protocol SMT Simultaneous Multi Texturing SMT Simultaneous/Symmetrical Multithreading (Technology) SMT Station Management SMT Surface Mounted Technology SMTI Systems Management Tools Initiative SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (Internet) SMTPE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers SMU System Management Utility SMUX SNMP Multiplexing Protocol SMXQ Sharing with Maximum Queues Seite 341 SN Sequence Number SN Signal/Noise, S/N (ratio) SN Subscriber Number SNA Systems Network Architecture (IBM) SNACP SNA Control Protocol SNADS SNA Distribution Services SNAFU Situation Normal All Fed/Fucked Up (Slang) SNAP Streamlined Network Accelerated Protocol SNAP Subnetwork Access/Attachement Point/Protocol SNAPI Soft Switch Network Application Programming Interface SNCP Single Node Control Point SNCP System Services Control Point SNCS Secure Network Computer Server SNF Server Natural/Normal Format SNF Session Sequence Number Field SNI Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG, Paderborn SNI Subscriber Network Identifier/Interface SNIA Storage Networking Industry Association SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (Internet) SNMPV2 Simple Network Management Protocol Version 2 (Internet) SNOBOL String Oriented Symbolic Language SNP Sequence Number Protection SNPP Simple Network Paging Protocol SNR Saved Number Redial SNR Serial Number SNR Signal to Noise Ratio SNRM Set Normal Response Mode SNRME Set Normal Response Mode Extended SNS Session Network Services SNVT Standard Network Variable Type SO Shift Out SO Small Outline SO Supporting Organization SOA Service Order Activation SOA Service Oriented Architecture SOA Start Of (zone of) Authority (DNS) SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol SOB Start Of Block SOB Statement Of Boredom SOC System On a Chip SODIMM Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module SOE Standard Operating Environment SOFL Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language SOG Sync On Green SOGT Senior Officials Group on Telecommunications SOH Section Overhead SOH Start of Header/Heading Seite 342 SOHO Small Office, Home Office SOI Silicon On Insulator SOIF Summary Object Interchange Format SOIP Storage Over IP SOL Seniors/Senioren On Line SOL Siemens Optical Link SOL Simulation Oriented Language SOL Special Object Library SOLAS (International Convention for the) Safety Of Life At Sea SOM Start Of Message SOM System Object Model (IBM) SONET Synchronous Optical Network SONETT Soziales Netz Telecommunikation SOP Same Origin Policy SOP Service Object Pair SOP Standard Operating Procedure SORBS Spam and Open Relay Blocking System SOS Silicon On Sapphire SOS Sophisticated Operating System SOS Start Of Significance SOSI Shift Out Shift In SOSIG Social Science Information Gateway SOTIS Self-Organizing Traffic Information System SOUP Simple Offline Usenet Packet SOUT Serial Data Out SOX Sound Exchange (File) SP Segment Priority SP Service Provider SP Space (Leertaste) SP Stack Pointer SP Strict Priority SP System Program SPA Secure Password Authentication SPA Service Point Application SPA Simple Power Analysis SPA Software Publishers' Association SPADA Sprache und Daten SPAG Standards Promotion and Application Group (OSI) SPAM Send Phenomenal Amounts of Mail, Shit Posing As Mail (Slang) SPAN Services and Protocols for Advanced Networks SPAN Switched Port Analyzer SPAP Shiva Password Authentication Protocol SPARC Scalable Processor Architecture SPB Synchronous Pipelined Bus SPC SCSI Primary Commands SPC Small Peripheral Controller SPC Statistical Process Control Seite 343 SPC Stored Program Control SPC Sub-Process Control SPD Scalable Performance Data SPD Secondary Pool Descriptor SPD Secure Payload Database SPD Security Policy Database SPD Selective Packet Delay SPD Senior Program Developer SPD Serial Poll Disable SPD Serial Port Data SPD Serial Presence Detect SPD Sharable Private Disk SPD Silicon Photo Diode SPD Silicon Pixel Detector SPD Simple Pattern Detection SPD Simplified Printer Description SPD Single Programming Document SPD Software/System Preliminary Design SPD Software Product Description SPD Software Products Division SPD Spectral Power Density/Distribution SPD Speed SPD Sponsored Program Development SPD Spool Positioning Device SPD Storage Pool Deficiency SPD Structured Program Developmenr SPD Summary Program Description SPD Surge Protection/Protector Device SPDA Supplier Data Program SPDEEPROM Serial Presence Detect Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory SPDIF Sony and Philips Digital Interconnect/Interface Format SPDL Standard Page Description Language SPDN Shared Private Data Network SPDT Single-Pole Double-Throw (Relay) SPDU Session Protocol Data Unit SPE Superparamagnetic Effect SPE Symbolic Programming Environment SPE Synchronous Payload Envelope SPE Synergistic Processor/Processing Element SPEC Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation SPF Security/Sender Policy Framework SPF Sender Permitted From (obsolet) SPF Shortest Path First SPF System Programming Facility SPG Service Protocol Gateway SPI SCSI-3 Parallel Interface SPI Security Parameter Index Seite 344 SPI Serial Peripheral Interface SPI Server Programming Interface SPI Service Provider Interface SPI Software in the Public Interest, Inc. SPI Stateful Packet Inspection SPI Symbolic Probabilistic Inference SPICE Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis SPICE Spacecraft, Planet, Instruments, C Matrix, Events SPIFF Still Picture Interchange File Format SPIM Spam over Instant Messaging SPINE Shared Program Information Network SPIT Spam over Internet Telephony SPK Software Porting Kit SPKM Simple Public Key GSS-API Mechanism SPL Spooler/Spooling SPLD Simple Programmable Logic Device SPM Session Protocol Machine SPM System Performance Monitor (IBM) SPMD Single Program Multiple Data SPML Service Provisioning Markup Language SPMP Software Project Management Plan SPMS Software Project Management System SPN Service Principal Name SPNR Special People Numbers Registry SPOC Search And Rescue Point Of Contact SPOF Single Point Of Failure SPOOL Simultaneous Peripherals Operation On Line SPOT Single Point Of Truth SPOT Systeme Pour l'Observation de la Terre SPP Scalable Parallel Processing SPP Sequenced/Sequential Packet Protocol SPP Serial Port Profile SPP Standard Parallel Port SPPI Structure of Policy Provisioning Information SPR Software Performance Report SPS Secure Packet Shield SPS Session Presentation Services SPS Speicherprogrammierte Steuerung SPS Standard Positioning Service/System SPS Standby Power System SPSI Spots Per Square Inch SPT Sectors Per Track SPT Shortest Processing Time SPU Shader Processing Unit SPU Sound Processing Unit SPU Synergistic Processor Unit SPV Semipermanente Verbindung Seite 345 SPV Sound, Pictures, Video SPV Sparsed Pixel Vectorization SPWG Standard Panels Working Group (VESA) SPX Secured/Sequenced/Sequential Packet/Protocol Exchange SQ Signal Quality SQ Signal-Quantisierungsgeräusch SQA Safety/Software Quality Assurance SQCIF Sub Quarter Common Intermediate Format SQE Signal Quality Error (SQE Test, heartbeat, Ethernet) SQID Superconducting Quantum Interference Device SQL Squelch SQL Standard/Structured Query Language SQUID Source Quench Introduced Delay SR Sampling/Send Rate SR Session Reliability SR Signalling Rate Selector SR Shift Register SR Source Routing SRAM Shadow/Static Random Access Memory SRAT System Resource Affinity Table SRB Source Route Bridging (IBM) SRB Storage Resource Broker SRC Sampling Rate Converter SRC Source SRC System Resource Controller SRD Screen Reader System SRD Secondary Received Data SRD Short Range Device SREJ Selective Reject SRES Signed Result SRF Streaming Register File SRI Stanford Research Institute, USA SRL Structural Return Loss SRL Subject Restriction List SRM Send Routing Message SRM Shared Resource Manager SRMA Split-Channel Reservation Multiple Access SRMP Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol SRO Sharable and Read Only (memory) SRP Security Rollup Package (Microsoft) SRPI Server-Requester Programming Interface SRQ Service Request SRR Search and Rescue Region SRR Secondary Receiver Ready SRS Secondary Request to Send SRS Sender Rewriting Scheme SRS Shared Registry System Seite 346 SRS Sound Retrieval System SRT Secure Request Technology SRT Shortest Remaining Time SRT Shuttle Radar Topography (Mission) SRT Source Route/Routing Transparent SRTP Secure Realtime Transport Protocol SRTS Secondary Request To Send SRUC Split Reservation Upon Collision SRV Server SS Sampled Servo SS Seed/Stack Segment SS Select Standby SS Single Shift/Sided SS Storage Server SS7 Signalling System No. 7 SSA Screened Subnet Architecture SSA Serial Storage Architecture (IBM) SSA Static Single Assignment SSA Sveriges Sändareamatörer SSB Schwäbischer Standard-Benchmark SSB Single Sideband SSBA Suite Synthetique des Benchmarks de l'AFFU SSC SCSI Stream Commands SSC Symantec System Center SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code SSCF Service Specific Coordination Function SSCOP Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol SSCP System Services Control Point/Program SSCS Service Specific Convergence Sublayer SSD Schwartz Sequential Dropping SSD Secondary Send Data SSD Solid State Disk SSDA Synchronous Serial Data Adapter SSDC Stack Segment Descriptor Cache SSDP Simple Service Discovery Protocol SSDT System Service Descriptor Table SSE Streaming SIMD Extensions SSEC Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (IBM) SSEM System Security Engineering Management SSF Service Switching Function SSF Structured Fax File SSFDC Solid State Floppy Disc Card SSGA System Support Gate Array SSH Secure Shell SSI SCSI Serial Interface SSI Server Side Include SSI Single System Image Seite 347 SSI Small Scale Integration SSID Secondary Station Identifier SSID Service Set Identifier SSIMM Single RAS SIMM SSL Schüler, Studenten, Lehrer SSL Secondary System Loader SSL Secure Server Line SSL Secure Sockets Layer SSM Source Specific Multicast SSM Storage System Manager SSMA Spread Spectrum Multiple Access SSN Secure Server Network SSO Single Sign On SSO System Security Officer SSP Sender Signing Practices SSP Serial Storage Protocol SSP Service Switching Point SSP Switch-to-Switch Protocol SSP System Service/Support Processor SSR Scalable Sampling Rate SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar SSR Small Screen Rendering (Opera) SSR Sum of Squared Residuals SSR Super Self Refresh SSRC Synchronization Source Identifier SSS Switching Subsystem SST Self Service Terminal SST Simple SIPP Transition SSTP Screened Shielded Twisted Pair SSTV Slow Scan Television SSU Session Support Utility (DEC) SSW Schnittstellenwandler ST Segment Type ST Send Timing ST Service Ticket ST Straight Tip (Connector) ST Stream Protocol STA SCSI Trade Association STA Secure Ticket Authority STA Spanning Tree Algorithm STA Station STACK Start Acknowledgement STAR Self Defining Text Archival STAR Self Test And Repair STAR Self Tuning Architecture STAR Simultaneous Transmit And Receive STAR Stateful Assured Routing Seite 348 STAR Stop Talking And Read (Slang) STAR Storage And Retrieval STAX Streaming API for XML STB Set Top Box STC Set Top Computer STC Subtechnical Committee (ETSI) STD Secondary Transmitted Data STD Standard STD State Transition Diagram STD Subscriber Trunk Dialing STD Suspend To Disc STDA StreetTalk Directory Assistance (Banyan) STDM Statistical/Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing STE Signalling Terminal STEP Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data STF Specialist Task Force STGO Start Tag Open STID Secure Table Identifier STK Software Translation Kit STL Standard Template Library STM Science, Technology, Medicine STM Station/Storage Management STM Streams Manager STM Synchronous Transfer/Transport Mode/Modul STMF State Management Function STN Scientific & Technical Information Network, Karlsruhe STN Super Twisted Nematic Field Effective Material STO Strategic Technology Office STOA Science/Scientific and Technology/Technological Options Assessment STOE Störung STOMP Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol STOMP Systematic Test Of Multiplatform Product STONE Structured and Open Environment STP Shielded Twisted Pair STP Signal Transfer Point STP Spanning Tree Protocol STP Straight Through Processing STR Suspend To RAM STR Synchronous Transmitter Receiver STRIDE Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of service, Elevation of privilege STRIP Starmode Radio IP STRT Start Initialization STS Semi-Thue-System STS Station to Station Protocol STS Synchronous Transfer/Transport Signal STT Secure Transaction Technology STT Spin Torque Transfer (RAM) Seite 349 STU Schere-Tippex-Uhu (-Verfahren) STUN Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT STUSS Simply Time-consuming Unsolicited Superfluous Speaking (Slang) STX Start of Text SU Switching Unit SUB Subaddressing SUB Substitute/Substitutability SUB Systemunabhängige Betriebsführungstechnik SUDS Software Update and Distribution System SUG Sun User Group SUIT Simple User Interface Toolkit SUM Simple User Model SUMR Satellite User Mapping Register SUN Stanford University Network SUPL Secure User Plane SURANET Southeastern Universities Research Association Network SURE Scalability, Usability, Reliability, Economy SUS Single UNIX Specification SUS Software Update Services (Microsoft) SUSP System Use Sharing Protocol SUTP Screened Unshielded Twisted Pair SUUG Soviet UNIX User Group SV Standortverteiler SVAPI Scan View API SVC Supervisor Call SVC Switched Virtual Call/Channel/Circuit/Connection SVCC Switched Virtual Channel Connection SVCD Super Video Compact Disc SVD Simultaneous Voice and Data SVD Single Value Decomposition SVF Simple Vector Format SVG Scalable Vector Graphics SVGA Super Video Graphics Array SVHS Super Video Home System SVID Unix System V Interface Definition SVM Support Vector Machine SVN Subversion (a Version Control System) SVP Scan-line Video Processor SVPN Secure Virtual Private Network SVR Session-based Virtual Route SVR4 UNIX System V Release 4 SVV Segment Variability Value SVVS UNIX System V Validation Suite SW schwarz-weiss SW Short Wave SW Software SW Status Word Seite 350 SWAN Secure Wide Area Network SWAP Shared Wireless Application Protocol SWAT Samba Web Administration Tool SWB Software Bus SWBG Subtract With Borrow (random number) Generator SWERC South Western Europe Regional (ACM Programming) Contest SWF Scheduled Workflow SWF Shockwave Flash (File Format) SWF Short Wave Fading SWF Small Web File/Format SWF Staff Working File SWF Surface Wave Field SWIB Suchdienst Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications SWIFT Software Implemented Fault Tolerance SWIFT System for Wireless Information Forwarding and Teledistributing SWIM Super Wozniak Integrated Machine SWING Subscriber Wireless Network Gateway SWISH Simple Web Indexing System for Humans SWIW So Weit Ich Weiss (AFAIK) (Slang) SWL Short Wave Laser/Listener SWP Semantic Web Publishing SWP Semi-orthogonal Wavelet Packet SWP Shortest Widest Path SWP Simple Web Printing SWP Single-Wafer Processing SWP Software Package/Program SWP Surface Wave Propagation SWP Swap (file, partition) SWP Swisscom Workplace SWR Standing Wave Ratio SWS Scientific Workstation SWS Silly Window Syndrom SWT Shockwave Template SWT Softwaretechnik SWT Standard Widget Toolkit SX Simplex SXE Safe Execution Environment SXGA Super Extended Graphics Array SXXM Unextended Numbering Set Mode SYLK Symbolic Link Format (Microsoft) SYN Synchonizing Segment SYN Synchronous Idle SYSOP System Operator T Telecomm, Telephone, Terminal, Text, Time Seite 351 T Taktleitung T Transmit Data TA Terminaladapter, Informationstechnische Anschlussdose TA Traffic Announcement TA Transmitter Address TAB Tabulator TAB Technical Advisory Board TABD Transatlantic Business Dialogue TABYAS Thinking All But You Are Stupid (Slang) TAC Terminal Access Control/Controller TAC Transparent Audio Coding TAC Type Approval Code TACACS Terminal Access Controller Access Control System TACC Texas Advanced Computing Center, USA TACS Total Access Communications TAD Telephone Answering Device TADS Text Adventure Development System TAE Telekommunikations-Anschluss-Einheit TAFN That's All For Now (Slang) TAG Technology Advisors Group TAG Text And Graphics TAG Tiny Aggregation TAGC Tag Close Delimiter TAI Temps Atomique International TAL Teilnehmeranschlussleitung TAL Template Attribute Language TALES Template Attribute Language Expression Syntax TAM Telefon, Anrufbeantworter, Modem TAM Telephone Answering Machine TAN Total Area Network TAN Transaction Number TANJ There Ain't No Justice (Slang) TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Things As A Free Lunch (Slang) TAO Telephony Application Object TAO The ACE ORB TAO Track At Once TAO Traduction Assistee par Ordinateur TAOCP The Art Of Computer Programming (D. Knuth) TAP Telcom Advantage Packaging TAP Telecator Alphanumeric Protocol TAP Terminal Access Point TAP Test Access Port TAPI Telephony Application Programming Interface (Intel, Microsoft) TAPR Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Group TAR Tape Archive (Format) TARFU Things Are Really Fouled Up (Slang) TAS Telephone Answering Service Seite 352 TASI Time-Assignment Speech Interpolation TAU Test Access Unit TAV Test, Analyse, Verifikation (von Software) TAXI Transparent Asynchronous Transceiver Interface TBB Threading Building Blocks (Intel) TBC Time Base Corrector TBETSI Technischer Beirat für Normungsfragen des ETSI TBF Technisch betriebliche Funktionsbedingungen TBH To Be Honest (Slang) TBL Technik für Betriebslenkung TBL Tim Berners-Lee TBO Total Benefits of Ownership TBRPF Topology dissemination Based on Reverse Path Forwarding TBT Truncated Binary Tree TC Technical Committee/Corrigendum TC Telecine TC Transform Coding TC Transmission Control/Convergence TC Treatment Code TC Trust Center TCA Telecommunications Carrier Association TCA Tightly Coupled Architecture TCA Traffic Conditioning Agreement TCAP Transaction Capability Application Part TCB Trouble Came Back TCB Trusted Computer/Computing Base TCCC IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Communications TCE Transmission Control Element TCF Transparent Computing Facility TCFS Transparent Cryptographic File System TCG Trusted Computing Group TCH Traffic Channel TCI Tag Control Information TCIF Telecommunications Industry Forum, USA TCL Tool Command Language TCM Terminal Controller Module TCM Time Compression Multiplexing TCM Trellis Code Modulation TCMP Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor System TCNG Traffic Control Next Generation TCNS Thomas Conrad Networking System TCO Tjänstemännens Centralorganisation (Schweden) TCO Total Cost of Ownership TCOS IEEE Technical Committee on Operating Systems TCP Tape Carrier Package TCP TeX Code Page TCP Transmission Control Protocol/Program (Internet) Seite 353 TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, TCP/IP (Internet) TCPA Time of Closest Point of Approach TCPA Trusted Computing Platform Alliance/Architecture TCQ Tagged Command Queuing TCR Telephone Conversation Record TCS Telephony Control Specification TCS Terminating Call Screening TCSB Traffic Control State Block TCSEC Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (Orange Book) TCT The Coroner's Toolkit TCU Transmission Control Unit TCW Tagged Control Word TD Transmit Data TDA Tactile Digital Assaistant TDA Telediffusion d'Algerie TDA Temporal Data Authority TDA Terminal Data Adapter TDA To Do Archive TDA Tracking and Data Acquisition TDA Traffic Data Acquisition TDA Transition Data Analysis TDA Transmitted/Transported Data TDA Tunnel Diode Amplifier TDAB Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting, T-DAB TDAC Time Domain Aliasing Cancellation TDB Trivial Data Base TDC Transparent/Tranportation Data Channel TDCC Transportation Data Coordinating Committee TDD Telecommunication Device for the Deaf TDD Time Division Duplex TDDSG Teledienstedatenschutzgesetz TDDSGDVO Teledienstedatenschutzgesetzdurchführungsverordnung TDE Telescript Development Environment TDES Triple Data Encryption Standard TDF Telediffusion de France TDF Telemetry/Tracking Data Formatter TDF Time Division/Domain Filtering TDF Title/Trace/Typeface Definition File/Format TDF Transaction Data File TDF Transborder/Transnational Data Flow TDF Transformada De Fourier TDG Telekommunikations-Dienst-Gesetz, Teledienstegesetz TDHS Time Domain Harmonic Scaling TDI Transport Driver Interface TDL Trusted Devices List TDM Time Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing TDMA Time Division Multiple/Multiplex Access Seite 354 TDMF Transparent Data Migration Facility TDP Tag Distribution Protocol TDP Thermal/Typical Design Power TDR Time Domain Reflectometer/Reflectometry TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite TDS TeX Directory Structure TDSR Transmitter Data Service Request TDSV Telekommmunikations-Datenschutz-Verordnung TDT Terrestrial Dynamic Time TDU Topology Database Update TDX Time Domain Crosstalk TE Terminal Equipment TE Traffic Engineering TE Type Enforcement TEA Tiny Encryption Algorithm TEB Thread Environment Block TECO Tape/Text Editor and Corrector TED Telefonischer Ermittlungsdienst TEGFET Two-dimensional Electron Gas Field Effect Transistor TEHO Tail End Hop Off TEI Terminal Endpoint Identifier TEI Text Encoding and Interchange TEI Text Encoding Initiative TEI Transport Error Indicator TEL Trans Europe Line TELEX Telegraph Exchange (Fernschreiben) TELNET Telecommunications Network TEMEX Telemetry Exchange TEMPE Telecommunications and Enterprise Multimedia Platform Environment TEN Trans European Network TEP Transequatorial Propagation TER Terminal Interface TET Test Environment Toolkit TETRA Trans European/Terrestrial Trunked Radio (System) TF Task Force TF Term Frequency TF Trägerfrequenz TFA Transparent File Access TFB Terminal Framing Bit/Bits TFB Thin Film Battery TFB Time Frequency Bus TFC Thermal Fly-height Control TFC Traffic Channel TFD Thin Film Diode TFDD Text File Device Driver TFE Türfreisprecheinrichtung TFEL Thin Film Electroluminescent Seite 355 TFH Text File/Files from Hell (Slang) TFH Thanks For Helping (Slang) TFH Thin Film Head TFM TeX Font Metric TFN Tribe Flood Network TFS Translucent File System (Sun) TFT Thin Film Transistor (Display) TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol (Internet) TFTS Terrestrial Flight Telephone System TFTT Thanks For The Thought (Slang) TG Target TG Transmission Group TGAL Think Globally, Act Locally (Slang) TGB Tres Grande Bibliotheque TGIF Thank God It's Friday (Slang) TGM Timetable Generation Module TGN Thesaurus of Geographic Names TGN Transmission Group Number TGS Ticket Granting Server/Service TGT Ticket Granting Ticket TH Transmission Header TH Trouble History THD Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (jetzt TUD), Deutschland THP Tomlinson Harashima Precoder THT Through Hole Technology THT Token Hold/Holding Time/Timer THWLAIAS The Hour Was Late, And I Am Senile (Slang) THX Thanks (Slang) THX Tomlinson Holman's Experiment TI Tele Immersion TI Texas Instruments Inc. TI Transaction Identifier TIA Telecommunications Industries Association TIA Thanks In Advance (Slang) TIA Totally Integrated Automation TIAM Terminal Interactive Access Method TIB Tag Information Base TIB Technische Informationsbibliothek, Hannover TIC Token Ring Interface Coupler TIC Tongue In Cheek (Slang) TICF Transport Independent Convergence for FNA TID Target Identifier TIDSV Telekommunikations- und Informationsdienstunternehmen-Datenschutzverordnung TIE Time Interval Error TIES Telecom Information Exchange Services, Genf TIES Time-Independent Escape Sequence TIF Tag Image Format Seite 356 TIFF Tag/Tagged Image File Format TIG Terminal Internet Gateway TIGA Texas Instruments Graphics Architecture TIL Technical Information Library TIM Thermal Interface Material TIM Traffic Indication Map/Message TINAR This Is Not A Recommendation/Review (Slang) TINC There Is No Cabal (Slang) TINS This Is No Shit (Slang) TINWIS That Is Not What I Said (Slang) TIP Technology Integration Program TIP Terminal IMP TIP Terminal Interface Processor TIP Terminal Internet Protocol TIP Transputer Image Processing TIPC Telecommunications Information Privacy Code TIPC Total Information Processing TIPC Transparent Inter Process Communication TIPC Transputer Image Processing TIPHON Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization over Networks TIRPC Transport Independent Remote Procedure Call TISE Take It Somewhere Else (Slang) TK Telekommunikation TKG Telekommunikationsgesetz TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol TKO Telekommunikationsordnung TKÜV Telekommunikations-Überwachungsverordnung TKV Telekommunikations-Kundenschutzverordnung TKZULV Telekommunikationszulassungsverordnung TL Transport Layer TLA Temporal Logic of Actions TLA Three Letter Acronym TLA Top Level Aggregator TLAB Translation Look Aside Buffer TLAP Token Talk Link Access Protocol TLB Translation Look Aside Buffer TLC Target Language Compiler TLD Top Level Domain TLDP The Linux Documentation Project TLER Time Limited Error Recovery TLGE The Little Golem Editor TLH Top Level Hierarchy TLI Transport/Transfer Layer/Library Interface TLK Trusted Linux Kernel TLM Telemetry (word) TLN Telephone/Transfer Line Number TLN Terminal Location Number Seite 357 TLN The Learning/Library/Local Network TLN Too Late Now (Slang) TLN Transnational Learning Network TLN Trunk Line Network TLNKG Teilnehmerkennung (NUI) TLQ Top Letter Quality TLS Transport Layer Security TLS Three Level Scheduling TLT Teaching, Learning, and Technology TLT Temporal Logic of Transitions TLU Table Lookup TLV Tag, Length, Value TM Tape/Trade Mark TM Terminal Multiplexer TM Test Mode TM Traffic Management TM Transaction Monitor TM Turing Machine TMA Telecom Management TMA Telecommunication Managers' Association TMA Telekom Malaysia TMA Thinfilm Micromirror Array TMA Timeseries Moving Average TMA Tivoli Management Agent TMA Trusted Mail Agent TMAC Telex Multimedia Audio Communication TMAC Tool Monitor Adaptive Control TMC Traffic Message Channel TMD Time Division Multiplexing TMDS Transition Minimized Differential Signal TME Tetra Meldeempfänger TME Tivoli Management Environment TMG Telemediengesetz TMM Testing Maturity Model TMN Telecom Managed Network TMN Telecommunications Management Network TMO Thermal Magnetic Optical TMP Temporary TMR Triple Modular Redundancy TMR Tunnel/Tunneling Magnetoresistance TMRC Tech Model Railroad Club TMS Truth Maintenance System TMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity TMSL Test and Measurement Systems Language TMTO Time Memory Trade Off TMTOWTDI There's More Than One Way To Do It (Slang) TN TelNet Seite 358 TN Twisted Nematic (panel) TNA Temex-Netzabschluss TNB Teilnehmernetzbetreiber TNB Telekommunikationsnetz-Betreiber TNC Terminal Node Controller TND (Directie) Toezicht Netwerken en Diensten (NL) TNFEM Twisted Nematic Field Effective Material TNHD The New Hackers's Dictionary TNN Transport Network Node TNPC Taiwan New PC Consortium TNPP Telocator Network Paging Protocol TNS Temporal Noise Shaping TNS Transparent Network Substrate TNV Total Network Visibility TNX Thanks (Slang) TO Timeout TOA Type Of Address TOC Table Of Content/Contents TOD Time Of Day TODO (kein Akronym, to do = noch zu erledigen) TOE TCP/IP Offload Engine TOEIC Test of English for International Communication TOF Task Oriented Forms TOF Top of Form TOFU Text Oben, Fullquote Unten (Slang) TOI T-Online International AG TOJ Tears Of Joy (Slang) TOL T-Online TOM T-Online Messenger TOP Table Of Pages TOP Technical and Office Protocol TOPFET Temperature and Overload Protected FET TOR Telex Over Radio TOR The Onion Router TOS Tape Operating System TOS The/Tramiel's Operating System TOS Top Of Stack TOS Type Of Service TOUR Transport Optional Upgrade Release TP Technology Preview TP Tiefpass TP Traffic Program TP Transaction Processing TP Transport Protocol TP Turbo PASCAL TP0 Transport Protocol Class 0 (OSI) TP4 Transport Protocol Class 4 (OSI) Seite 359 TPA Transient Program Area TPC Transaction Processing/Performance Council TPC Transmit Power Control TPDDI Twisted Pair Distributed Data Interface TPDU Transport Protocol Data Unit TPEP Trusted Product Evaluation Program TPF The Perl Foundation TPF Transmission Priority Field TPH Transport Packet Header TPI Tag Protocol Identifier TPI tracks per inch TPM Terrible/Trusted Platform Module TPM Third Party Maintenance TPM Transactions Per Minute TPM Trusted Platform Module TPS Third Person Shooter TPS Transaction Processing System TPS Transactions Per Second TPSE Transaction Processing Service Element TPSN Timing-Sync Protocol for Sensor Networks TPTB The Powers That Be (Slang) TPU Text Processing Utility TPU Transparency Unit TPU Turbo PASCAL Unit TQFP Thin Quad Flat Package TQM Total Quality Management TR Task Register TR Technische Richtlinie TR Terminal Ready TR Token Ring TR Travan Cartridge TR Travel Report TR Trunk Reservation TRA Technology Related Anxiety TRA Telecommunications Research Associates TRAC Telecommunications Recommendations Application Committee TRAU Transcoder and Rate Adaption Unit TRC Tone Reproduction Curve TRCVR Transmitter-Receiver, Transceiver TRDMC Tears Running Down My Cheeks (Slang) TRE Telecommunications Research Establishment, Malvern, England TREAT Trouble Report Evaluation and Analysis Tool TREC Text Retrieval Conference TRIL Token Ring Interoperability Lab TRIP Telephony Routing over IP TRIPS Tera-op, Reliable, Intelligently adaptive Processing System TRIPS Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Seite 360 TRIZ Teorija Reschenija Isobretatelskich Zadatsch TRMPWR Terminator Power (Leitung, SCSI) TRNG True Random Number Generator TROLI Token Ring Optimized Link Interface TRON The Realtime Operating System Nucleus TRT Token Ring Terminal TRT Token Ring/Rotation Time/Timer TRX Transmitter-Receiver, Transceiver TS Telesync TS Transport Station, Telekom Service TSA Target Service Agent TSA Technical Support Alliance, Test Signal Analyser TSAP Transport Service Access Point (OSI) TSAPI Telephony Server/Service Application Programming Interface TSB Technical Service Bulletin TSC Time Stamp Counter TSC Transport Scrambling Control TSCC Technical Standards and Common Criteria TSCC Technical Support Call/Contact Center TSCC Techsmith Screen Capture Codec TSCC Terminal Server Connection Configuration TSCC Time Slot Control Channel TSE Text Setup Environment TSF Timing Synchronization Function TSM Terminal Server Manager (DEC) TSM Tivoli Storage Manager TSO TCP Segmentation Offload TSO Time Sharing Option (IBM) TSOHF Total Sense Of Humour Failure (Slang) TSOP Thin Small Outline Package TSP Texture and Shading Processor TSP Time-Stamp Protocol TSP Travelling Salesman Problem TSPI Telephony Service Provider Interface TSPS Traffic Service Position System TSR Terminate and Stay Resident TSS Task State Segment TSS TCP Support for Sensor Networks TSS Telecommunications Standardisation/Standards Sector (ITU) TSS Temex-Schnittstelle TSS Time Sharing System TSSDC Task State Segment Descriptor Cache TST Transmit Start Threshold TSTN Triple Supertwisted Nematic TSW Tele-Software TSWTCM Time Sliding Window Three Colour Marker TT Terminal Timing Seite 361 TT Tracing Thread TT Trunk Type TTAP Trust Technology Assessment Program TTBOMK To The Best Of My Knowledge (Slang) TTCAN Time Triggered Communications Area Network TTCN Testing and Test Control Notation TTF Truetype Font, Timetable File TTFF Time To First Fix (GPS) TTFN Ta Ta For Now (Slang) TTI Teaching, Training, and Information TTL Time To Live TTL Transistor-Transistor-Logik TTLS Tunneled Transport Layer Security TTML Tagged Text Markup Language TTO Tactical Technology Office TTP Time Triggered Protocol TTP Timed Token Protocol TTP Trusted Third Party TTRT Target Token Rotation Time/Timer TTS Text To Speech TTS Transaction Tracking System TTT Teleteaching and Training TTT That's The Truth (Slang) TTTN Tandem Tie Trunk Network TTU Teletex-Telex-Umsetzer TTUL Talk To You Later (Slang) TTW Through The Web TTX Teletex TTX Videotext TTXAU Teletex Access Unit TTY Teletype (Fernschreiber) TTYL Type/Talk To You Later (Slang) TU Tributary Unit TUBA TCP and UDP with Big/Bigger Addresses TUD Technische Universität Darmstadt (ehemals THD), Deutschland TUEB Temex-Uebertragungsbaugruppe TUG TeX User Group TUG Tributary Unit Group TUHS The UNIX Heritage Society TUI Text/Touch User Interface TULIP TCP and UDP over Lightweight IP TUP Telephone User Port TUSTEP Tübinger System von Textverarbeitungsprogrammen TV Television TVC Transient Virtual Channel TVI Television Interference TVOL TV Online Cable Service Seite 362 TVR Temex-Vermittlungsrechner TVS Transient Voltage Suppressor TVST Teilnehmer-Vermittlungsstelle TVX Valid Transmission Time/Timer TWAIN Technology Without An Interesting Name TWINKLE The Weizman Institute Key Locating Engine TWIRP Two Way Infrared Protocol TWIU That's What I Understand/Understood (Slang) TWSC Team World Service Center TWX Teletypewriter Exchange Service TWX Twinax (Cable) TX Telex (Fernschreiben) TX transmit, Transmitter TXC Transmit Clock TXD Tranmitted Data TXD Transmitter Delay TYCLO Turn Your Caps Lock Off (Slang) TYVM Thank You Very Much (Slang) U Ultra-, Uniform, Universal, Unix, User UA Unnumbered Acknowledgement (frame) UA User Area/Agent (OSI) UA Upgrade Advantage UAA Universally Administered Address UAAC University Academic Advising Center, USA UAC Unbalanced Asynchronous Class UAC User Account Control UAE Universelle Anschlusseinrichtung UAE Unrecoverable Application Error UAF User Authorization File UAM User Authentication Method/Module UAP Upper Address Part (Bluetooth) UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter UAWG Universal ADSL Working Group UBB Unified Back Buffer UBC Unified Buffer Cache UBC University of British Columbia UBE Unsolicited Bulk Electronic Mail UBH Union de Bloggers Hispanos UBH Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg UBH Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg UBH Usenet Binary Harvester UBHR User Block Handling Routine UBK Universitätsbibliothek Karlsruhe UBR Unspecified/Undefined Bit Rate UC Ubiquitous Computing Seite 363 UC Universal Code UC Upper Case UCAID University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development UCAR University Corporation for Atmospheric Research UCB University of California at Berkeley, USA UCD Uniform Call Distributor UCD Univention Corporate Desktop UCE Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Mail UCF Unregister Confirmation UCFS Unix Connectivity File Service UCI Universal Chess Interface UCIR User Controlled Interactive Retrieval UCITA Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act UCL Universal Communications Language UCL University College London UCLA University of California at Los Angeles, USA UCO Unstructured Complex Object UCR Undercolor Removal UCS Uniform Chromaticity Scale UCS Univention Corporate Server UCS Universal Card Slot UCS Universal Character Set (ISO 10646) UCSB University of California at Santa Barbara, USA UCSC University of California at Santa Cruz, USA UCSD University of California at San Diego, USA UCSF University of California at San Francisco, USA UDB Universal Database UDC User Defined Command UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration UDF Uniqueness Database File UDF Universal Disk Format UDF User Defined Function UDI Unified Display/Driver Interface UDI Universal Document Identifier UDI Unrestricted Digital Information UDK Universale Dezimalklassifikation UDLC Universal Data Link Control UDLI Unified Design Language for Integrated Circuits, UDL/I UDM Unternehmensdatenmodell UDMA Ultra Direct Memory Access UDO Ultra Density Optical (storage, disc) UDP Usenet Death Penalty (Slang) UDP User Datagram Protocol (Internet) UDP User Defined Protocol UDRP Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (ICANN) UDSL Unidirectional/Universal Digital Subscriber Line UDSV Teledienst-Unternehmen-Datenschutz-Verordnung Seite 364 UDT User Defined Datatype UE Unterhaltungs-Elektronik UEB Übertragungseinheit mit Basisbandverfahren UEC User Environment Component UED Unreal Tournament Editor UED URL Encoded Data UED User Environment Design UED User Experience Database/Directory UEFI Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEG Übertragungseinheit nach ITU G.703 UEI Übertragungseinheit nach ITU I.430 UEM Übertragungseinheit mit Modemverfahren UEM Universal Energy Management UEP Übergabepunkt UEP Unequal Error Protection UERE User Equivalent Range Error (GPS) UEV User End of Volume UFC Ubiquitous Fashionable Computer UFC Unified File Cache UFC URL Filter Client UFC User Filtered Content UFS Ultra Fast Switching UFS Universal/UNIX File System UFS Universal Flash Storage UG Underrun Goal UG User Group UGL Universal Glyph List UGS Univention Groupware Server UHC Unified Hangul Code UHCI Universal Host Controller Interface UHD User Help Desk UHF Ultrahigh Frequency (300 MHz -- 3 GHz) UHG Ultrahigh Gain (Antenna) UHL User Header Label UHN Unique Home Node UI UNIX International UI Unnumbered Information (frame) UI User Interface UIAP UNIX International Asia/Pacific UIC User Identification Code UIC User Interface Classes UID Unique/Unix/User Identifier UIDL Unique Identifier Listing UIFRAME Unnumbered Information Frame UIL User Interface Language UIM User Interface Management UIML User Interface Markup Language Seite 365 UIMS User Interface Management System UIO Userspace Input Output UIPI User Interface Privilege Isolation UIS User Interface Specification UIT Union Internationale des Telecommunications UKW Ultrakurzwelle UL Underwriters' Laboratory, Inc. UL Upload UL Urban Legend (Slang) ULA Uncommitted Logic Array ULA Unique Local Address ULD Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz, Kiel ULCPC Ultra Low Cost Personal Computer UIN Unbreakable Linux Network UIN Unique Identification Number UIN Universal Internet Number ULN Universal Link Negotiation ULP Unit in the Last Place ULP Upper Layer Protocol ULSI Ultra Large Scale Integration ULSN Ultra Low Speed Networking ULV Ultra Low Voltage UM Unified Messaging UMA Unified/Uniform Memory Access/Architecture UMA Universal Management Architecture UMA Unlicensed Mobile Access UMA Upper Memory Area UMAC Universal Hashing Message Authentication Code UMB Upper Memory Block UMD Universal Media Disc (Sony) UMI User MAN Interface UMIT University of Manchester Institute of Technology, UK UMIT Utilities, Municipalities, and Independent Telcos UML Unified Modeling Language UML User Mode Linux UMM Unidirectional Multipoint to Multipoint UMM Unix Macro Magician UMPC Ultra Mobile Personal Computer UMS Unified Messaging System UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System UN Unbalanced Normal UN United Nations UNA Upstream Neighbour Address UNC Unbalanced Normal Class UNC Uncorrectable (error) UNC Unique/Universal Naming Convention UNC University of North Carolina, USA Seite 366 UNDI Universal Network Device Interface UNGTDI UN Guidelines for Trade Data Interchange UNI User Network Interface UNICOM Universal Integrated Communication System UNICORE Uniform Interface to Computing Resources UNICOS UNIX-based Cray Operating System UNII Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure UNIVAC Universal Automatic Computer UNIX (kein Akronym, not an acronym) UNMA Unified Network Management Architecture UNO Universal Network Objects UNSW University of New South Wales, Australia UP Unambiguous nondeterministic Polynomial time UP Unnumbered Poll UP User Plane UPA Ultra Port Architecture (Sun) UPA Usability Professionals Association UPC Universal Printer Controller UPC Universal Product Code UPC Usage/User Parameter Control UPE User Portability Extension UPGS Unfinished Project Guilt Syndrome UPI United Press International UPI Universal Peripheral Interface UPI Upper Prediction Interval UPL User Program Language UPM Unidirectional Point to Multipoint UPM User Profile Management (IBM) UPN Umgekehrte Polnische Notation, RPN UPNP Universal Plug and Play UPP Unidirectional Point to Point UPPS Universal Portable Protocol Stack UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply, USV UPT Universal Personal Telecommunication (service) URA Uniform Resource Agent URC Uniform Resource Characterictics/Citation URD URL Rendezvous Directory URGC Uniform Reliable Group Communication Protocol URI Uniform/Universal Resource Identifier URJ Unregister Reject URL Universal/Uniform Resource Locator (Internet) URM Unbegrenzte Registermaschine URM Universal Retention Module URN Uniform Resource Name/Number URQ Unregister Request URSI Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale US Unit Separator Seite 367 USAN University Satellite Network USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter USB Universal Serial Bus USB Upper Side Band USC University of Southern California USDC US Display Consortium USF Uplink State Flag USFF Ultra Slim Form Factor USG UNIX Support/System Group (Novell) USIA US Information Agency USIM Universal Subscriber Identification/Identity Module USK Unterhaltungssoftwareselbstkontrolle USKA Union Schweizer Kurzwellenamateure USL UNIX System Laboratories (AT&T, Novell) USLE UNIX System Laboratories Europe USM User-based Security Model USN Update Sequence Number USO UNIX Software Operation USOC Uniform Service Order Code USRP Universal Software Radio Peripheral USRT Universal Synchronous Receiver Transmitter USSA Universal Storage System Architecture USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data USTA US Telephone Association USV Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung, UPS USW Ultra Short Wave UT Universal Terminal/Time UTC Unicode Technical Committee UTC Universal Time Coordinated UTDOA Uplink Time Difference Of Arrival UTF Unicode Transformation Format (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32) UTI Universal Text Interchange UTL User Trailer Label UTLB Unified TLB UTMA Ultra Thin Client Multiple Access UTNET University of Texas Network UTP Universal Personal Telephone Service UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair UTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access UTRAN UMTS Radio Access Network UTSL Use The Source, Luke (Slang) UUCP UNIX to UNIX Copy Program/Protokoll UUID Unique Universal Identifier (DCE) UUID Universally Unique Identifier UULP Unified User Level Protocol UUS User to User Signalling UUU Unknown UNIX User (J. Random Hacker?) Seite 368 UV Ultraviolett UVC USB Video Class UVD Unified Video Decoder UVL User Volume Label UVP Under-Voltage Protection UWB Ultra Wide Band UWG Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb UWM Universal Window Manager UX Unix (all kinds, BSD + Linux incl.) UXGA Ultra Extended Graphics Array V Value, Video, Virtual V24 V.24(CCITT-Norm für eine serielle Schnittstelle) V4FSL System V Release 4 File System Layout VA Vertical Alignment (panel) VA Virtual Address VA Volladdierer VA Vulnerability Assessment VAB Value Added Business VACM View-based Access Control Model VAD Value Added Driver/Disaster/Dealer VAD Value Assignment Delay VAD Voice Activity Detection/Detector VADCG Vancouver Amateur Digital Communications Group VADD Value Added Disk Driver VADE View, Add, Delete, Edit VADER View, Add, Delete, Edit, Restore VADS Value Added Data Service VADSL Very High Rate Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line VAFC VESA Advanced Feature Connector VAL Voice Application Language VAM Verband der Anbieter von Mobilfunkdiensten, Bonn VAM Virtual Access Method VAN Value Added Network VANS Value Added Network Services VAP Value Added Process VAP Virtual Access Point VAR Value Added Reseller/Retailer VAS Value Added Service VASCOM Value Added Services Network Communication VAST Vector and Array Syntax Translator VAT Video/Visual Audio Tool VATM Verband der Anbieter von Telekommunikations- und Mehrwertdiensten VATP Velazquez Application Transfer Protocol VAX Virtual Address Extension (DEC) VB Variable Block Seite 369 VB VESA Bus VB Virtual Beer VB Visual Basic VBA Visual BASIC for Applications (Microsoft) VBE VESA BIOS Extensions VBFS Very Big File System VBG Very Big Grin (Slang) VBL Vertical Blanking VBN Vermittelndes/Vermitteltes/Vorläufer Breitbandnetz (Telekom) VBNS Very High Performance/Speed Backbone/Broadband Network Service VBR Variable Bit Rate (Encoding) VBR-NRT Variable Bit Rate - No Real Time VBR-RT Variable Bit Rate - Real Time VBS Verteiltes Betriebssystem VBS Visual Basic Script VC Virtual Call/Circuit/Channel/Connection/Container VCA Voltage Controlled Amplifier VCC Virtual Channel Connection VCCI Voluntary Control Council for Interferences VCD Video Compact Disc VCD Virtual Communications Driver VCEG Video Coding Experts Group VCF Voltage Controlled Filter VCI Virtual Channel Identifier/Indicator VCK Virtueller Campus Karlsruhe VCL Video Coding Layer VCL Virtual Channel Link VCL Visual Computing Library VCLF Virtual (host) Common Logfile Format VCM Virtual Channel Memory VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator VCPI Virtual Control Programm Interface VCR Video Cassette/Conference Recorder VCS Virtueller Campus Schweiz VCS Version/Virus Control System VCSC Virtual Campus Supercomputing Center VCSEL Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser VCSIP Videotex Communication System for Information Providers VCU Voice Communication Unit VCX Virtual Component Exchange VD Voice + Data, V+D VD Volume Descriptor VDC Virtual Device Coordinates VDCW Verband der Deutschen Content Wirtschaft VDD Virtual Device/Display Driver VDDM Virtual Device Driver Manager VDOP Vertical Dilution Of Precision Seite 370 VDE Verallgemeinertes Darstellungselement VDE Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker VDE Video Display Editor VDE Virtual Distributed Ethernet VDEW Vereinigung Deutscher Elektrizitätswerke VDF Variable Data File VDG Video Display Generator VDI Video Display Interface VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure VDI Virtual Device Interface VDM Vienna Development Method VDM Virtual DOS Machine VDMSL Vienna Development Method -- Semantic Language VDN Virtual Data Network VDP Video Datagram Protocol VDP Video Distribution Profile VDPI Verein der Post-Ingenieure VDR Video Disc Recorder VDR Voltage Dependent Resistor VDS Virtual Direct Memory Access Service VDSL Very High Bitrate/Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line VDSO Virtual Dynamically linked Shared Object VDT Video/Visual Display Terminal VDU Video/Visual Display Unit VDV Vorbestellte Dauerwählverbindung VE Verbraucher-Elektronik VE Vermittlungseinrichtung VE Virtual Environment VE Volksempfänger VECLF Virtual (host) Extended Logfile Format VEMM Virtual Expanded Memory Manager VERI Virtual Environments Research Institute, Houston VERIF Verification VERP Variable Envelope Return Path VESA Video Electronics Standards Association VEX Video Extensions to XWS VF Voice Frequency VFAT Virtual File Allocation Table VFD Vacuum Fluorescent Display VFH Virtuelle Fachhochschule VFIP Voice File Interchange Protocol (Internet) VFIR Very Fast Infrared VFN Vendor Feature Note VFO Variable Frequency Oscillator VFPI Verein zur Förderung der Pädagogik der Informationstechnologie VFS Versioning File System VFS Virtual File System Seite 371 VFSDX Verordnung für den Fernschreib- und Datexdienst VFW Video For Windows (Microsoft) VG Volume Group VGA Vertical Grid Array VGA Video Graphics Array VGC Video Graphics Controller VGDA Volume Group Descriptor Area VGF Voice Grade Facility VGNV Verkehrsgebührennachverarbeitung VGRA Volume Group Reserved Area VGU Virtual Global University VHCI Virtual Host Controller Interconnect VHD Very/Video High Density VHD Virtual Hard Disk/Help Desk VHDCI Very High Density Cable Interconnect VHDL VHSIC Hardware Description Language VHDSL Very High Bit Rate/Speed Digital Subscriber Line VHE Virtual Home Environment VHF Very High Frequency (30 -- 300 MHz) VHLL Very High Level Language VHS Very High Speed VHS Video Home System VHS Virtual Host Storage VHSIC Very High Speed Integrated Circuit VHSIM Very High Speed Interface Module VHT Verteilte Hash-Tabelle VIA Vendors ISDN Association VIA Virtual Interface Architecture VIAD Video Image Area Definition VIB Video Interface Bus VIB Virtualisierung im Bildungsbereich VIBTS VTAM Integrated Bulk Data Transfer System VIC Video/Voice Interface Card/Controller VID VLAN Identifier VID Voltage Identification VEIL Video Encoded Invisible Light VIKAR Virtueller Hochschulverbund Karlsruhe VIM Vendor Independent Messaging VINCE Vendor Independent Network Control Entity VINES Virtual Network/Networking System/Software (Banyan) VIO Video/Virtual/Voltage Input Output VIOLA Vertically Integrated Optical Testbed for Large Applications VIOLD Vision Impaired On-line Documentation (DEC) VIP Variable Information Processing VIP Video Input Processor VIP Video Interface Port VIP Virtual IP (address, network) Seite 372 VIRIM Virtual Reality in Medicine VIROR Virtuelle Universität Oberrhein VIS Voice Information System, Virtual Instruction Set VISC Video Instruction Set Computing VISDP verantwortlich im Sinne des Pressegestzes VITA VMEbus International Trade Association VITAL Virtually Integrated Technical Architecture Lifecycle (Apple) VJ Van Jacobsen (Compression) VJHC Van Jacobsen Header Compression VK Videokonferenz VK Visitenkarte VK Visuelle Kommunikation VKL Verkehrseinschränkungsklasse VL Virtual Life (Slang) VL Volume Location VLA Very Large Array VLA Volume License Agreement VLAN Very/Virtual Local Area Network VLB Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bücher VLB VESA Local Bus VLBA Very Long Baseline Array VLBI Very Long Baseline Interferometry VLC Variable (word) Length Code VLDB Very Large Data Base VLDB Volume Location Database VLDW Very Long Data Word VLF Very Low Frequency VLF Virtual Lookaside Facility VLI Variable Length Integer VLIS Verkehrs-Leit und Informations-System VLIW Very Long Instruction Word VLM Very Large Memory VLM Virtual Loadable Module VLP Very Low Profile VLR Visitor Location Register VLSI Very Large Scale Integration VLSIC Very Large Scale Integration Circuit VLSM Variable Length Subnet Mask/Masking VM Video Mode VM Virtual Machine/Memory VMA Virtual Memory Access/Area VMB Video Memory Buffer VMC VESA Media Channel VMD Versatile Multilayer Disc VME Versacard Modified for Eurocard (Bus) VME Virtual Memory Executive VME Virtual (8086) Mode Enhancements Seite 373 VMG Video Manager VMI Vertical Motion Index VMI Video Module Interface VMI Virtual Machine Interface VMI VMware Machine Interface VML Vector Markup Language VML Vector Mathematical Library VMM Virtual Machine/Memory Manager/Monitor VMR Video Mixing Renderer VMRP VLAN Membership Resolution Protocol VMS Virtual Memory System (DEC) VMS Voice Mail/Messaging Server/System VMSC Visited Mobile Switching Centre VMT Virtual Memory Technique VMT Virtual Method Table VMTP Versatile Message Transaction Protocol (Internet) VMX Vector Multimedia Extension VMZ Verkehrsmanagement-Zentrum/Zentrale VNA Virtual Network Architecture VNC Virtual Network Computing VNET Virtual Network VNL Via Net Loss VNS Virtual Notebook System VO Virtual Object/Organization VO Vollzugsordnung (Funkdienst) VOB Video Object VOBS Video Object Set VOBU Video Object Unit VOC Voice (File) VOC Volatile Organic Compound VOD Video On Demand VODS Video Operators Distress Syndrom VOF Vollzugsordnung für den Funkdienst VOFDM Vector Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing VOFR Voice over Frame Relay VOI Verband der Optischen Informationssysteme VOIP Voice over IP VOL Volume Label VON Video/Voice Over Net VOR VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range VOS Virtual Operating System VOTS VAX OSI Transport Service VOX Voice Operated Transmission VP Virtual Path VPA Virtual Proxy Agent VPC Very Personal Computer VPC Virtual Path Connection Seite 374 VPC Virtual Personal Computer VPD Vacuum Photo Diode VPD Verified Pateint Data VPD Version Planning Document VPD Vertical Polar Diagram VPD Vertically Polarized Dipole VPD Virtual Predictive Dialing VPD Virtual Printer Device VPD Virtual Private Database VPD Virtual Product Development VPD Vital Product Data (IBM) VPD Voice Packet Driver VPD Volunteer Project Directory VPDN Virtual Private Data/Dialup Network VPDS Virtual Private Data Service VPE Virtual Processing Element VPI Virtual Path Identifier/Indicator VPL Virtual Path Link VPL Virtual/Visual Programming Language VPLS Virtual Private LAN/Line Service VPM Virtual Protocol Machine VPN Virtual Private Network VPNS Virtual Private Network Service VPO Virtual Projection Origin VPP Value Predictability Pattern VPP Virtual Presence Protocol VPP Volts Peak to Peak VPP VXI Plug + Play VPRT Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telekommunikation VPS Verbindungsprogrammierte Steuerung VPS Video Program/Programm/Programmier-Service/System VPS Virtual Private Server VPT Virtual Printing Technology VPU Video/Virtual/Visual/Vector/Voice Processing/Processor Unit VPV Videotex programmiert Video-Recorder VPWS Virtual Private Wire Service VQ Vector Quantization VQEG Video Quality Experts Group VQF Vector Quantization Format VR Virtual Reality/Route VR Voltage Regulator VRA Vollständiger Regulärer Ausdruck VRAM Video Random Access Memory VRC Vertical Redundancy Check VRC Viewing Reference Coordinate VRC Virtual Route Control VRCA Virtual Reality Center Aachen Seite 375 VRCB Virtual Route Control Block VRD Virtual Retinal Display VRF Vector Register File VRF Video Recording Format VRID Virtual Route Identifier VRM Variable Range Marker VRM Voltage Regulator Module VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language VRN Virtual Route Number VROOMM Virtual Realtime Object-Oriented Memory Management VRP Viewing Reference Point VRPRQ Virtual Route Pacing Request VRPRS Virtual Route Pacing Response VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol VRU Voice Response Unit VRV Vorwärts-Rückwärts-Verhältnis VS Virtual Storage VSA Virtual Server Architecture VSA Virtual Storage Access VSAM Virtual Storage Access Method VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal VSC Voice Security Card VSD Variable Speed Drive VSE Verification Support Environment VSE Virtual Storage Extended VSF Vertical Scanning Frequency VSI Verband der Software-Industrie Deutschlands e. V. VSI Virtual Socket Interface (Alliance) VSIS Video Signal Standard (VESA) VSK Video-Sender-Kennung VSL Vienna Symphonic Library VSL Virtual Socket Library VSM Virtual Shared Memory VSM Virtual Storage Management VSMO Virtual Social Memory Organizer VSMSC Virtual Short Message Center VSN Virtual Switched Network VSO Variable Speed Operation VSO Vertical Synchronization Offset VSO VITA Standards Organization VSOP Very Special Old Programmer (like me) VSOS Virtual Storage Operating System VSPW Vertical Synchronization Pulse Width VST Vermittlungsstelle VST Voltage Settling Time VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSX Verification Suite for X/Open Seite 376 VSYNC Vertical Synchronization (signal) VT Vanderpool Technology (Intel) VT Vertical Tabulator VT Video/Virtual Terminal VT Visualization Tool VTAM Virtual Terminal/Telecommunications Access Method VTB Video Timing Block VTC Vertical Transistor Cell VTC Video Teleconference Center VTCO Virtual Terminal Control Object VTM Verband der Telekommunikationsnetz- und Mehrwertdiensteanbieter, Köln VTOA Voice and Telephony Over ATM VTOC Volume Table Of Contents VTOS Virtual Time Operating System VTP Virtual Terminal Protocol VTS Video Title Set VTS Virtual Tape/Terminal Server/Service/Support VTS Voucher Trading System VTSU Virtual Terminal Support VU Volume Unit (Lautstärke) VUD Verband der Unterhaltungssoftware Deutschland VUE Visual User Environment VUEN Virtual University Education Network VUI Video User Interface VUIT Visual User Interface Tool (DEC) VUP VAX Unit of Performance VUP Version Upgrade VV Versorgungsvereinbarung VV Virtual Virtuality VVL Verbund Virtuelles Labor VVPAT Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail VWM Virtual Warehouse Manager VXD Virtual Device Driver (Microsoft) VXE VESA XGA Extensions VXFS VERITAS File System VXI VME Extensions for Instrumentation VZFDPBDK Verein zur Förderung der privat betriebenen Daten-Kommunikation e. V. W Wide, Window, Wireless, World W3 WWW, World Wide Web (Internet) W3C World Wide Web Consortium WAA Wavelet Analysis and its Applications WAA Web Analytics Association WAA Web Application Adaptor WAA Wireless Advertising Association WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System Seite 377 WAB What Another Bill (Slang) WABI Windows Application Binary Interface WACK Wait Acknowledgement WACS Wireless Access Communications System WAD Wählautomat für Datenverbindungen WADFS Wide Area Distributed File System WAE Worked All Europe WAENA Wide Area Educational Network WAF Web Application Firewall WAF Womens' Acceptance Factor WAFL Write Anywhere File Layout WAI Web Accessibility Initiative WAIK Windows Automated Installation Toolkit WAIS Wide Area Information Servers/Service WAITS Wide Area Information Transfer System WAL Write Ahead Logging WAM Warren Abstract Machine WAM Wide Amplitude Modulation WAMKSAM Why Are My Kids Staring At Me? (Slang) WAMP Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP WAMPUM Ward's Automated Menu Package Using Microcomputers WAN Wide Area Network WAO Warteschlange der ablaufbereiten Objekte WAP Wireless Application Protocol WAP Wissenschaftlicher Arbeitsplatz WAPECS Wireless Access Policy for Electronic Communication Services WAPI Wireless Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure WARC World Administrative Radio Conference WASP Web Standards Project WATS Wide Area Telephone/Telecommunications Service WATTC World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference WAWA Work Anywhere With Anybody WB Welcome Back (Slang) WB Write Back WBA Wireless Broadband Access WBC Web Based Communication WBC Wide Band Channel WBEM Web Based Enterprise Management WBM Web Based Management WBRC Württembergisch-Badischer Radioclub WBT Web Based Training WBT Windows Based Terminal WC Workgroup Computing WC World Coordinate WC Worst Case WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCF Waveguide Cavity Filter Seite 378 WCF Weather/Wireless Communications Facility WCF Web Component Framework WCF Windows Communication Foundation WCF Word Class Function WCCP Web Cache Coordination Protocol WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access WCE Write Cache Enable WCMS Web Content Management System WCP Worst Current Practice WCPN Wireless Customer Premises Network WCS Wireless Control System WCS Writable Control Store WCT WIPO Copyright Treaty WD Western Digital WDA Wahldiensteanbieter WDDM Windows Display Driver Model WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing WDM Windows Driver Model WDS Wireless Distribution System WDSL Wireless Digital Subscriber Line WDYMBT What Do You Mean By That (Slang) WDYS What Did You Say (Slang) WDT Watchdog Timer WE Write Enable WEB Workshop on E-Business WEB World Entertainment Broadcasting WEB (short for:) World Wide Web, WWW WEBDAV Web Document Authoring And Versioning WEEB Western European EDIFACT Board WEEE Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEFT Web Embedding Fonts Tool (Microsoft) WELL Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link WEP Wired/Wireless Equipment/Equivalent Privacy/Protocol WF Workflow WFA Wi-Fi Alliance WFG Wait For Graph WFM Wide Frequency Modulation WFM Wired for Management WFM Works For Me (and no one else) WFMC Workflow Management Coalition WFMS Workflow Management System WFP Wait for First Packet WFP Well Formed Path WFP Windows File Protection WFQ Weighted Fair Queuing WFS Woodstock File Server WFW Windows For Workgroups (Microsoft) Seite 379 WG Working Group (ISO) WGA Windows Genuine Advantage WGDTB Working Group on Digital Television Broadcasting WGIG Working Group on Internet Governance (ITU) WGS Work Group System WGS World Geodetic System (WGS84) WHAK With Hugs And Kisses (Slang) WHNF Weak Head Normal Form WHQL Windows Hardware Quality Lab WIA Windows Image Acquisition WIBNI Would It Be Nice If (Slang) WIC Wireless Indoor Communication WILD Wireless Interactive Learning Device WIMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access WIMP Windows, Icons, Menus/Mice, Pointing (s. a. MUFF) WIMPS Windows, Icons, Menus/Mice, Pointing, Scroll bars WIMRE Wenn Ich Mich Recht Erinnere (Slang) WIN Wireless Inhouse Network WIN Wissenschaftsnetz des DFN (X.25) WINS Windows Internet Name Service (Microsoft) WINS Wireless Integrated Network Sensor WIP Work In Progress (Slang) WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization WIS Windows Installer Service WISOA WIMAX Spectrum Owners Alliance WISP Wireless Internet Service Provider WKS Well Known Service/Socket (Internet) WL Wear Leveling WLAN Wireless Local Area Network WLANA Wireless LAN Association WLBS Windows Load Balancing Service WLL Wireless Local Loop WLM Workload Manager WM Window Manager WMA Windows Media Audio WMAN Wireless Metropolitan Area Network WMD Web Media Developers WMD Windows Media Device/Download WMD World Mail Directory WMD WYSIWYM Markdown (language, editor) WMDRM Windows Media Digital Rights Management WME Windows Media Encoder WMF Windows Media/Metafile Format WMI Windows Management Interface/Instrumentation WML Wireless Markup Language WMM Wi-Fi Multimedia WMN Wireless Mesh Network Seite 380 WMR Wireless Meshing Router WMRS Write Me Real Soon (Slang) WMS Wide Area Master Station WMT Windows Media Technologies WMV Windows Media Video WNIC WAN Interface Coprocessor WNIM WAN Interface Module WNP Weissbier Networking Protocol (Microhopf) WNPP Work-Needing and Prospective Package (Debian) WOA Web Object Application WOCNRA Wobble Signal to Noise Ration after Recording WOD Web Object Definition WOK Wake On Keyboard WOL Wake On LAN WOL Window Object Library WOLF Weak Signal Operation for Low Frequency WOM Wake On Modem WOM Write-Only-Memory WOMBAT Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time (Slang) WOP Werkstattorientierte Programmierung WORM Write Once, Read Many/Multiple WOS Web Object Script WOS Web/Workplace/Workstation Operating System WOS Webserver On Stick WOS Windows Open Services WOS Wireless Office Services/Solutions/System WOS Wizards of OS (Operating Systems) WOS Workshop for Open Systems WOSA Windows Open Systems Architecture (Microsoft) WOT Web Of Trust WOTA Who's On The Air (database) WP White Pages WP Wikipedia WP Word Processor WP Write Protected WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access WPAN Wireless Personal Area Network WPC Wearable Personal Computer WPD Windows Printer Description WPF Windows Presentation Foundation WPHD Write Protected Hard Disk WPIM WAN Interface Port Module WPM words per minute WPPT WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty WPS Wi-Fi Protected Setup WPS Windows Printing System WPS Workplace Shell (IBM) Seite 381 WRAM Window Random Access Memory WRB Web Request Broker WREL Wireless Resonant Energy Link WRL (DEC) Western Research Laboratory WRP Winsock Redirection Protocol WRR Weighted Round Robin WRS Wide Area Ground Reference Station WRT With Regard/Respect To (Slang) WRTH World Radio and Television Handbook WS Wide Screen WS Window Size WS Workstation WSAD Websphere Studio Application Developer WSDL Web Services Description Language WSGI (Python) Web Server Gateway Interface WSH Windows Scripting Host WSIS World Summit on the Information Society WSN Wireless Sensor Network WSP Web Standards Project WSQ Wavelet Scalar Quantization WSRF Web Services Resource Framework WSS Web Services Security WSS Windows Sharepoint Services (Microsoft) WSS Windows Sound System (Microsoft) WST World System Teletext WSTS World Semiconductor Trade Statistics WSUS Windows Server Update Services WT Without Thinking (Slang) WT Write Through WTB Wanted To Buy (Slang) WTH What The Heck/Hell (Slang) WTK Wechselstrom-Telegrafie auf Kurzwelle WTL Wechselstrom-Telegrafie auf Langwelle WTLS Wireless Transport Layer Security WTOS Wyse Thin Operating System WTS Web/Wireless Tracking System WTS Web Transaction Security/Services WTS Web Transcoding Server WTS WiMAX Test System WTS Windows Terminal Server (Microsoft) WTS Wireless Telephone System WTS World Telecommunication Standardization WTT Wanted To Trade (Slang) WTTF Want To Test First (Slang) WTTM Without Thinking Too Much (Slang) WULF Wake Up on Line/Liquid Feed WUS Windows Update Services (Microsoft) Seite 382 WUSB Wireless Universal Serial Bus WUXGA Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array WVQ Wavelet Vector Quantization WW Wahlwiederholung WWC World Wide Computing WWDM Wide Wavelength Division Multiplex WWG Wieder Was Gelernt (Slang) WWOZ Wahre Weingartener Ortszeit WWRF Wireless World Research Forum WWW W3, World Wide Web, World Wide Waiting, Weltweites Warten WWW Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME WWW Works With and Without WWWW World Wide Web Wizard/Worm WWWWW World Wide Web Worm Warning WXGA Wide Extended Graphics Array WYS Whatever You Say (Slang) WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get WYSIWYM What You See Is What You Mean WYSIWIS What You See Is What I See WZC Wireless Zero Configuration X Exchange, Execute, Extended, X Window System X11 X Window System Version 11 X11R7 X Window System Version 11 Release 7 XA Extended Architecture/Attribute XAA XFree86 Acceleration Architecture XAFS X-ray Absorption Fine Structure XAML Extensible Application Markup Language XAPIA X.400-API Association XAUI 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface XBAC Experience Based Admission Control XBAP XAML Browser Application XBM X Window System Black-and-white Bitmap (file) XBRL Extensible Business Reporting Language XCBP XML Common Biometric Format XCD Extended Compact Disc XCHG Exchange XCHS Extended Cylinders, Heads, Sectors XCMD Extended Mode Command (Apple) XCMD External Command XCP Extended Copy Protection (Sony) XD Execute Disable XD Extreme Digital (Card) XDCS X/Open Distributed Computing Services XDF Extended Density Format (IBM) XDLE Transparent Data Link Escape Seite 383 XDMCP X11 Display Manager Control Protocol XDP XML Data Package XDR External/Extended Data Representation XDS X/Open Directory Service XED XML Enabled Directory XETB Transparent End of Transmission Block XETX Transparent End of Text XEWA XML-Enabled Wide Area Search in Bioinformatics XFA Extended File Attribute XFA XML Forms Architecture XFCN External Function XFDF XML Forms Data Format XFDL Extensible Forms Description Language XFN X/Open Federated Naming Service XFS Extensions for Financial Services XFS SGI Extended File System XFS X11 Extended File System XFS X11 Font Server XG Extended General MIDI XGA Extended Graphics Array (IBM) XHCI Extended Host Controller Interface XHTML Extensible Hypertext Markup Language XID Exchange Identifier/Identification XIE X11 Image/Imaging Extension (Standard) XIE-DIS XIE Document Imaging Subset XIM X11 Input Method XIO Extended Input Output XITB Transparent Intermediate Block XKB X11 Keyboard Extension XLATE Translate XLFD X11 Logical Font Description/Descriptor XLINK Extended Local Informatik Netz Karlsruhe XLL Extensible Linking Language XLL XLink and XPointer Languages XLM Excel Macro Language (Microsoft) XMI XTendbus Multibus Interface XMIT Transmit XML Extensible Markup Language XMM Extended Memory Manager XMP X/Open Management Protocol XMP Extensible Metadata Platform (Adobe) XMPP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol XMS Extended Memory Specification XMSN Transmission XMT Transmit XMTR Transmitter XNS Xerox Network Services/Standard/System Seite 384 XOFF Exchange/Transmitter Off XOM X/Open Management XON Exchange/Transmitter On XOR Exclusive Or (auch: EOR) XORP Extensible Open Router Platform XOS Experimental Operating System XOT X.25 Over TCP/IP XP Cross Point XP Extreme Programming XPC X11 Performance Characterization Group XPEL X11 Protocol Engine Library XPFE Cross Platform Front End XPG X/Open Portability Guide XPLA Extended Programmable Logic Array XPM X Window System Pixelmap (file) XPS XML Paper Specification XPT External Page Table XPVM Executable Parallel Virtual Machine XR Index Register XRC Extended Remote Copy XREF Cross Reference List XSC Extended Scientific Calculation XSDT Extended System Description Table XSI X/Open Systenm Interface Specification XSL Extensible Style(sheet) Language XSLFO Extensible Style(sheet) Language Formatting Object XSLT Extensible Style(sheet) Language Transformation XSMD Extended Storage Module Drive XSMP X11 Session Manager Protocol XSS Cross-Site Scripting XSSI Extended Server Side Includes XSSO X/Open Single Sign-On (Service) XSTX Transparent Start of Text XSYN Transparent Synchronous Idle XT Crosstalk XT Extended Technology XTAL Crystal XTCLK External Transmit Clock XTI X/Open Transport (Layer) Interface XTP XPress Transfer Protocol XTTD Transparent Temporary Text Delay XUI X11 User Interface XUL Extensible/XML-Based User Interface Language XUMA Expertensystem Umweltgefährlichkeit von Altlasten XVE X11 Visual Extensions XVI XTendbus VMEbus Interface XVS X/Open System V Specification Seite 385 XVT Extensible Virtual Toolkit XWD X11 Window Dump XWS X Window System, X11 Y2K Year 2000 A.D. YABA Yet Another Bloody Acronym (Slang) YAFIYGI You Asked For It, You Got It (Slang) YAFFS Yet Another Flash File System YALE Yet Another Learning Environment YAODL Yet Another Object Description Language YAPC Yet Another Perl Conference YAPL Yet Another Programming Language YAS Yet Another Society YCAGWYW You cannot always get what you want (Slang) YDL Yellow Dog Linux YKWIS You Know What I'm Saying (Slang) YMD Year Month Day (ISO 8601) YMMD You Made My Day (Slang) YMMD Your Mileage May Differ/Diminish (Slang) YMMV Your Mileage May Vary (Slang) YODL Yet one Other Document Language YOU YAST Online Update (SuSE) YOYOW You Own Your Own Words (Slang) YP Yellow Pages (NIS) YTTT You Telling The Truth (Slang) YUV (Farbmodell: Luminanz Y, Chrominanzwerte U, V) Z Zahl, Zeichen, Zeit, Zentral-, Zentrum, Zero, Zone ZA Zero Adjusted/Adjuster ZA Zero Administration (networking) ZA Zone Alarm ZAC Zero Administration Client ZAI Zero Administration Initiative ZAIK Zentrum für Angewandte Informatik, Universität Köln ZAK Zero Administration Kit (Microsoft) ZAM Zentralinstitut für Angewandte Mathematik, Jülich ZBR Zone Bit Recording ZBT Zero Bus Turnaround ZBTSI Zero-Byte Time Slot Interchange ZC Zone Coordinator ZCAV Zone/Zoned Constant Angular Velocity ZCC Zone Coordinator Council ZCLV Zone/Zoned Constant Linear Velocity ZCML Zope Configuration Markup Language ZCR Zero Channel RAID ZCT Zero Count Table Seite 386 ZDF Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, Mainz ZDL Zero Delay Lockout ZDR Zeilendrucker ZDR Zone Density Recording ZDVA Zentrale Datenverarbeitungsanlage ZE Zentraleinheit ZEC Zone Echomail Coordinator ZEN Zero Effort Network (Novell) ZEO Zope Enterprise Object ZF Zwischenfrequenz ZFM Zentralamt Für Mobilfunk, Münster ZFS Zettabyte File System ZFS Zone Field Selection ZGDV Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung ZGS Zeichengabesystem ZHR Zero Hop Routing ZI Zentrale Instandhaltung ZIA Zentrale Inteliigenz-Agentur ZIB Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik, Berlin ZIF Zero Insertion Force ZIMS Zope Inventory Management System ZIP Zone Improvement Plan ZIP Zone Information Protocol ZIS Zertifikationsinfrastruktur ZISC Zero Instruction Set Computer ZKA Zentraler Kreditausschuss ZKD Zentrum für Kommunikationstechnik und Datenverarbeitung, Stuttgart ZKDSG Zugangskontrolldiensteschutzgesetz ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe ZL Zeile ZMH Zone Mailing Hour ZMI Zone Management Interface ZNB ZNYX NetBlaster ZODB Zope Object Data Base ZOFF Zeichenorientierte Fenster-Funktionen ZOO Zone Operation Organisation ZOPE Z Object Publishing Environment ZPP Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial time ZPT Zope Page Template ZPUe Zentralstelle für Private Überspielungsrechte ZRTP Zimmermann's Real-time Transport Protocol ZS Zeitschlitz ZSI Zentralstelle für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik ZSK Zone Signing Key ZSL Zero Slot LAN ZSP Zwischenspeicher ZSS Zentraler Service Switch Seite 387 ZTZB Zentrale Technik Zentraler Betriebslenkung ZV Zahlungsverkehr ZV Zeilenvorschub ZV Zoomed Video (Port) ZVDFUE Zahlungsverkehr-Datenfernübertragung ZVE Zählervergleichseinrichtung ZVEH Zentralverband der Deutschen Elektrohandwerke ZVEI Zentralverband der Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie ZW Zielwahl ZWR Zwischenraum (space) ZWS Zero Wait State ZZF Zentralamt für Zulassungen im Fernmeldewesen ZZK Zentraler Zeichenkanal (ISDN) Seite 388 U Karlsruher Test Nicht jedermann eignet sich für so schwierige Dinge wie die elektronische Datenverarbeitung. Um Ihnen die Entscheidung zu erleichtern, ob Sie in die EDV einsteigen oder sich angenehmeren Dingen widmen sollten, haben wir ganz besonders für Sie einen Test entwickelt. Woran denken Sie bei: Bit Was zum Trinken, aus der Eifel (1 Punkt) Schraubendrehereinsatz (1) kleinste Dateneinheit (2 Punkte) Festplatte Was zum Essen, vom Partyservice (1) Schallplatte (0) Massenspeicher (2) Menü Was zum Essen (1) Dialogtechnik (2) mittelalterlicher Tanz (0) CPU politische Partei (0) Zentralprozessor (2) Carnevalsverein (0) Linker Linkshänder (0) Anhänger einer Linkspartei (1) Programm zum Binden von Modulen (2) IBM Ich Bin Müde (1) International Business Machines (2) International Brotherhood of Magicians (1) Schnittstelle Verletzung (1) Verbindungsstelle zweier EDV-Geräte (2) Werkstatt eines Bartscherers (0) Slot Steckerleiste im Computer (2) einarmiger Bandit (1) niederdeutsch für Kamin (0) Seite 389 Fortran starker Lebertran (0) Formal Trash Notation (0) Programmiersprache (2) Mainframe Frachtkahn auf dem Main (0) Damit wollte Fridtjof Nansen zum Nordpol (0) großer Computer (2) PC Plumpsklo (Gravitationstoilette) (1) Personal Computer (2) Power Computing Language (0) Puffer Was zum Essen, aus Kartoffeln (1) Was am Eisenbahnwagen (1) Zwischenspeicher (2) Software Rohstoff für Softice (0) Programme, Daten und so Zeugs (2) was zum Trinken (0) Port was zum Trinken (1) Hafen (1) Steckdose für Peripheriegeräte (2) Strichcode maschinell lesbarer Code (2) Geheimsprache im Rotlichtviertel (0) Urliste in der Statistik (0) Chip was zum Essen (1) was zum Spielen (1) Halbleiterbaustein (2) Pointer Hund (1) starker Whisky (0) Zeiger auf Daten, Adresse (2) Page Hotelboy (1) englisch, Seite in einem Buch (1) Untergliederung eines Speichers (2) Character was manchen Politikern fehlt (1) Schriftzeichen (2) Wasserfall (0) Seite 390 Betriebssystem Konzern (0) betriebsinternes Telefonsystem (0) wichtigstes Programm im Computer (2) Traktor Papiereinzugsvorrichtung (2) landwirtschaftliches Fahrzeug (1) Zahl beim Multiplizieren (0) Treiber Hilfsperson bei der Jagd (1) Programm zum Ansprechen der Peripherie (2) Vorarbeiter (0) Animator was zum Trinken (1) Unterhalter (1) Programm für bewegte Grafik (2) Hackbrett Musikinstrument (1) Werkzeug im Hackbau (0) Tastatur (2) emulieren nachahmen (2) Öl in Wasser verteilen (0) entpflichten (0) Font Menge von Schriftzeichen (2) Soßengrundlage (1) Hintergrund, Geldmenge (0) Server Brettsegler (0) Kellner (0) Computer für Dienstleistungen (2) Yabbawhap Datenkompressionsprogramm (2) Kriegsruf der Südstadt-Indianer (0) was zum Essen (0) Terminal Schnittstelle Mensch - Computer (2) Bahnhof oder Hafen (1) Zubehör zu Drahttauwerk (1) Ampersand Sand aus der Amper (1) et-Zeichen, Kaufmanns-Und (2) Untiefe im Wattenmeer (0) Seite 391 Alias altgriechisches Epos (0) alttestamentarischer Prophet (0) Zweitname (2) Buscontroller Busfahrer (0) Busschaffner (0) Programm zur Steuerung eines Datenbusses (2) Algol was zum Trinken (0) Doppelstern (1) Programmiersprache (2) Rom Stadt in Italien (1) schwedisch für Rum (1) Read only memory (2) Dram Dynamic random access memory (2) dänisch für Schnaps (1) Straßenbahn (0) Diskette Mädchen, das oft in Discos geht (0) weiblicher Diskjockey (0) Massenspeicher (2) Directory oberste Etage einer Firma (0) Inhaltsverzeichnis (2) Kunststil zur Zeit der Franz. Revolution (0) Dekrement was die Verdauung übrig läßt (0) Anordnung von oben (0) Wert, um den ein Zähler verringert wird (2) Sprungbefehl Vorkommnis während Ihres Wehrdienstes (0) Kommando im Pferdesport (0) Anweisung in einem Programm (2) Oktalzahl Maß für die Klopffestigkeit (0) Zahl zur Basis 8 (2) Anzahl der Oktaven einer Orgel (0) Subroutine Kleidungsstück eines Priesters (0) was im Unterbewußten (0) Unterprogramm (2) Seite 392 Spoiler Was zum Essen (0) Posting in den Netnews (2) Was am Auto (1) virtuell tugendhaft (0) die Augen betreffend (0) nicht wirklich vorhanden, scheinbar (2) Klammeraffe ASCII-Zeichen (2) Bürogerät (1) Affenart in Südamerika (0) ESC Eisenbahner-Spar- und Creditverein (0) Eishockeyclub (0) escape, Fluchtsymbol (2) Monitor Karlsruher Brauerei (0) Fernsehsendung (1) Bildschirmgerät, Überwachungsprogramm (2) Unix Tütensuppe (0) Freund von Asterix und Obelix (0) hervorragendes Betriebssystem (2) Joystick Computerzubehör (2) männlicher Körperteil (0) Hebel am Spielautomat (0) Maus kleines Säugetier (1) Computerzubehör (2) junge Dame (1) Icon russisches Heiligenbild (0) Sinnbild (2) Kamerafabrik (0) Pascal französischer Mathematiker (1) Maßeinheit für Druck (1) Programmiersprache (2) Wysiwyg englisch für Wolpertinger (0) französisch für Elmentritschen (0) what you see is what you get (2) Seite 393 Register was in Flensburg (1) was an der Orgel (1) Speicher (2) Record was im Sport (1) englisch für Blockflöte (0) Datensatz (2) HP High Price (0) Hewlett-Packard (2) Horse Power (1) Kermit Dichtungspaste (0) Frosch aus der Muppet-Show (1) Dateiübertragungs-Protokoll (2) Ethernet Baustoff (Asbestzement) (0) Local Area Network (2) Student der ETH Zürich (0) Algorithmus Übermäßiger Genuß geistiger Getränke (0) Krankheit (0) Rechenvorschrift (2) File Was zum Essen, vom Metzger (0) Menge von Daten (2) Durchtriebener Kerl (0) Bug Vorderteil eines Schiffes (1) Fehler im Programm (2) englisch für Wanze (1) Router jemand mit Routine (0) französischer LKW-Fahrer (0) Verbindungsglied zweier Netze (2) Zylinder Kopfbedeckung (1) Teil einer Kolbenmaschine (1) Unterteilung eines Plattenspeichers (2) FTP kleine, aber liberale Partei (0) File Transfer Protocol (2) Floating Point Processor (0) Seite 394 Domäne Geist(0) Bereich (2) Blume (0) Bridge Kartenspiel (1) internationales Computernetz (0) Verbindung zweier Computernetze (2) Email Glasur (1) elektronische Post (2) Sultanspalast (0) Baum was im Wald (Wurzel unten) (1) was auf einem Schiff (keine Wurzel) (1) was aus der Informatik (Wurzel oben) (2) Internet Schule mit Schlafgelegenheit (0) Zwischenraum (0) Weltweites Computernetz (2) Split UNIX-Kommando (2) kantige Steinchen (0) Stadt in Dalmatien (1) Mini Damenoberbekleidung (1) kleiner Computer (2) Frau von Mickey Mouse (0) Cut Herrenoberbekleidung (1) Colonia Ulpia Traiana (1) UNIX-Kommando (2) 2B|!2B Parallelprozessor (0) Assembler-Befehl (0) ein Wort Hamlets (2) Shell Filmschauspielerin (Maria S.) (0) Kommando-Interpreter (2) Mineralöl-Gesellschaft (1) Slip Unterbekleidung (1) Schlupfschuh (0) Internet-Protokoll (2) Seite 395 Diäresis Durchfall (0) Diakritisches Zeichen (Umlaute) (2) Ernährungslehre (0) Space Bar Kneipe im Weltraum (www.spacebar.com) (0) Maßeinheit für den Druck im Weltraum (0) Größte Taste auf der Tastatur (2) Popper Popcorn-Röster (0) Mail-Programm (2) Philosoph aus Wien (1) Rohling Wüster Kerl (1) Noch zu beschreibende CD/DVD (2) Rohkost-Liebhaber (0) Schleife Kleidungsstück (1) Schlitterbahn (1) Kontrollanweisung eines Programmes (2) Alex Altlasten-Expertensystem (1) Automatic Login Executor (1) Globales Dateisystem (1) Altair Stern (Alpha Aquilae) (1) Gebirge in Zentralasien (0) früher Personal Computer (2) Halbbitter Was zum Essen (Schokolade) (1) Strom- und bitsparender Prozessor (0) Was zum Trinken (0) Eure Priorität Anrede des Priors in einem Kloster (0) Anrede des Ersten Sekretärs im Vatikan (0) Anrede des Systemverwalters (6) Zählen Sie Ihre Punkte zusammen. Die Auswertung ergibt Folgendes: ? über 170 Punkte: Überlassen Sie das Rechnen künftig dem Computer. ? 85 bis 170 Punkte: Mit etwas Fleiß wird aus Ihnen ein EDV-Experte. ? 18 bis 84 Punkte: Machen Sie eine möglichst steile Karriere außerhalb der EDV und suchen Sie sich fähige Mitarbeiter. ? unter 18 Punkten: Vielleicht hatten Sie schlechte Lehrer? Seite 396 V GNU Lizenzen V.1 GNU General Public License Kopiert von http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/. Version 2, June 1991 Copyright © 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to sha- re and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software---to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restricti- ons translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribu- te and/or modify the software. Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations. Seite 397 Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. GNU General Public License Terms and Conditions For Copying, Distribution and Modification 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a no- tice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Herein- after, translation is included without limitation in the term "modificati- on".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not co- vered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true de- pends on what the Program does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source co- de as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this Li- cense and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: (a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. (b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. Seite 398 (c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such in- teractive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an an- nouncement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a war- ranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normal- ly print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifia- ble sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: (a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software inter- change; or, (b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physi- cally performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, (c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the Seite 399 program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automa- tically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full complian- ce. 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distribu- ting the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it. 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Pro- gram), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the reci- pients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringe- ment or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simul- taneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free re- distribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or Seite 400 indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Pro- gram. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consis- tent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain coun- tries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copy- right holder who places the Program under this License may add an ex- plicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus exclu- ded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditi- ons either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes ma- ke exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. No Warranty Seite 401 11. Because the program is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for the program, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the program "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expres- sed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. 12. In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will any copyright holder, or any other party who may modify and/or redis- tribute the program as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages ari- sing out of the use or inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustai- ned by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. End of Terms and Conditions Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. Copyright (C) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foun- dation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Seite 402 Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for de- tails type 'show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type 'show c' for details. The hypothetical commands show w and show c should show the appro- priate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be called something other than show w and show c; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items---whatever suits your program. You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program 'Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. , 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General Public License instead of this License. V.2 GNU Free Documentation License Kopiert von http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/. Version 1.2, November 2002 Copyright ©2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The purpose of this license is to make a manual, textbook, or other functio- nal and useful document free in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, eit- her commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this license preserves for Seite 403 the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others. This license is a kind of copyleft, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software. We have designed this license in order to use it for manuals for free soft- ware, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this license is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textu- al work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this license principally for works whose purpose is in- struction or reference. 1. APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS This license applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this license. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The Document, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as you. You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law. A Modified Version of the Document means any work containing the Do- cument or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language. A Secondary Section is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject (or to related mat- ters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Sec- tion may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them. The Invariant Sections are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this license. If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none. The Cover Texts are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front- Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this license. A Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words. A Transparent copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, re- presented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, Seite 404 that is suitable for revising the Document straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for dra- wings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text. A copy that is not Transparent is called Opaque. Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML, Post- Script or PDF designed for human modification. Examples of transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG. Opaque formats include proprie- tary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally available, and the machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word processors for output purposes only. The Title Page means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this license re- quires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, TTitle Pagemmeans the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text. A section Entitled XYZ means a named subunit of the Document whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a specific sec- tion name mentioned below, such as Acknowledgements, Dedications, Endor- sements, or History.) To Preserve the Title of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a section Entitled XYZ according to this definition. The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which states that this license applies to the Document. These Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this license, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other implication that these Warranty Disclai- mers may have is void and has no effect on the meaning of this license. 2. VERBATIM COPYING You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either com- mercially or noncommercially, provided that this license, the copyright noti- ces, and the license notice saying this license applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this license. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3. You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies. Seite 405 3. COPYING IN QUANTITY If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have prin- ted covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects. If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages. If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from which the general network-using public has access to download using public-standard network protocols a comple- te Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distri- bution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public. It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Do- cument well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document. 4. MODIFICATIONS You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Mo- dified Version under precisely this license, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version: A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission. B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities re- sponsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement. Seite 406 C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher. D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document. E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices. F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this license, in the form shown in the Addendum below. G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice. H. Include an unaltered copy of this license. I. Preserve the section entitled History, Preserve its title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section entitled History in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence. J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the History section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission. K. For any section entitled Acknowledgements or Dedications, Preserve the title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein. L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not consi- dered part of the section titles. M. Delete any section entitled Endorsements. Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version. N. Do not retitle any existing section to be entitled Endorsements or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section. O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers. If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles. Seite 407 You may add a section entitled Endorsements, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties -- for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organiza- tion as the authoritative definition of a standard. You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one. The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this license give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorse- ment of any Modified Version. 5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS You may combine the Document with other documents released under this license, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, pro- vided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers. The combined work need only contain one copy of this license, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work. In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled History in the various original documents, forming one section entitled History; likewise combine any sections entitled Acknowledgements, and any sections entitled Dedications. You must delete all sections entitled Endorsements. 6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other docu- ments released under this license, and replace the individual copies of this license in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the col- lection, provided that you follow the rules of this license for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects. You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this license, provided you insert a copy of this license into the extracted document, and follow this license in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document. Seite 408 7. AGGREGATION WITH INDEPENDENT WORKS A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an aggregate if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this license does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document. If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate. 8. TRANSLATION Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Inva- riant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copy- right holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sec- tions in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this license, and all the license notices in the Docu- ment, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the ori- ginal English version of this license and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this license or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail. If a section in the Document is entitled Acknowledgements, Dedications, or History, the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title. 9. TERMINATION You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this license. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically termina- te your rights under this license. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this license will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/. Seite 409 Each version of the license is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this license or any later version applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this license, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. ADDENDUM: How to use this license for your documents To use this license in a document you have written, include a copy of the license in the Document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page: Copyright ©YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later ver- sion published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documen- tation License. If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the with...Texts. line with this: with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST. If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combi- nation of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation. If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recom- mend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software. Seite 410 W Zeittafel Die meisten Errungenschaften entwickelten sich über manchmal lange Zeit- spannen, so dass vor einige Jahreszahlen um etwa zu setzen ist. Auch sind an der Entwicklung oft mehrere Personen in unterschiedlichem Maß beteiligt, was sich in der folgenden Übersicht nicht immer berücksichtigen lässt. -10E8 Der beliebte Tyrannosaurus hatte zwei Finger an jeder Hand und rechnete vermutlich im Dualsystem, wenn überhaupt. -2000 Die Babylonier verwenden für besondere Aufgaben ein gemischtes Stellenwertsystem zur Basis 60. Griechen und Perser arbeiten mit Rechenbrettern. -400 In China werden Zählstäbchen zum Rechnen verwendet. 20 In der Bergpredigt wird das Binärsystem erwähnt (Matth. 5, 37). Die Römer schieben Rechensteinchen (calculi) auf dem Abakus herum. 600 Die Inder entwickeln das heute übliche reine Stellenwertsystem, die Null ist jedoch älter. Etwa gleichzeitig entwickeln die Mayas in Mittelamerika ein Stellenwertsystem zur Basis 20. 1200 Leonardo von Pisa, genannt Fibonacci, setzt sich für die Einführung des indisch-arabischen Zahlensystems im Abendland ein. 1550 Die europäischen Rechenmeister verwenden sowohl die römische als auch die indisch-arabische Schreibweise. 1617 John Napier erfindet die Rechenknochen (Napier's Bones). 1623 Erste mechanische Rechenmaschine mit Zehnerübertragung und Multiplikation, von Wilhelm Schickard, Tübingen. 1642 Rechenmaschine von Blaise Pascal, Paris für kaufmännische Rechnungen seines Vaters. 1674 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz baut eine mechanische Rechenmaschine für die vier Grundrechenarten und befasst sich mit der dualen Darstellung von Zahlen. In der Folgezeit technische Verbesserungen an vielen Stellen in Europa. 1714 Henry Mill erhält ein Patent auf eine Schreibmaschine. 1778 Rechenmaschine des schwäbischen Pfarrers Philipp Matthäus Hahn. 1801 Joseph Marie Jacquard erfindet die Lochkarte aus Holz und steuert Webstühle damit. 1821 Charles Babbage stellt der Royal Astronomical Society eine programmierbare mechanische Rechenmaschine vor, die jedoch keinen wirtschaftlichen Erfolg hat. Er denkt auch an das Spielen von Schach oder Tic-tac-toe auf Maschinen. 1840 Samuel Finley Breeze Morse entwickelt einen aus zwei Zeichen plus Pausen bestehenden Telegrafencode, der die Buchstaben entsprechend ihrer Häufigkeit codiert. 1847 George Boole entwickelt die symbolische Logik. 1852 Ada Lovelace stirbt, eine frühe Informatikerin Seite 411 1861 Johann Philipp Reis erfindet das Telephon. 1873 Eliphalet Remington and Sons, NY, stellen außer Gewehren und Nähmaschinen auch Schreibmaschinen her. 1886 trennen sie sich vom Schreibmaschinenbereich, der später den Namen Remington Rand und noch später den Namen Sperry Rand trägt. 1876 Alexander Graham Bell erhält ein Patent auf sein Telefon. 1877 Gründung der Bell Telephone Company, heute AT&T. 1890 Herman Hollerith erfindet die Lochkartenmaschine und setzt sie bei einer Volkszählung in den USA ein. Das ist der Anfang von IBM. 1894 Otto Luegers Lexikon der gesamten Technik führt unter dem Stichwort Elektrizität als Halbleiter Äther, Alkohol, Holz und Papier auf. 1895 Erste Übertragungen mittels Radio (Alexander Popow, Guglielmo Marconi). 1896 Gründung der Tabulating Machine Company, der späteren IBM. 1898 Valdemar Poulsen erfindet die magnetische Aufzeichnung von Tönen (Telegraphon). 1900 01. Januar 1900 00:00:00 GMT Nullpunkt der gegenwärtigen NTP-Ära (eine NTP-Ära umfasst 136 Jahre). 1910 Gründung der Deutschen Hollerith Maschinen GmbH, Berlin, der Vorläuferin der IBM Deutschland. 1918 Das Enigma-Verschlüsselungsverfahren entwickelt. 1924 Aus der Tabulating Machine Company von Herman Hollerith, später in Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company umbenannt, wird die International Business Machines (IBM). 1930 Edwin Link baut -- anstatt Pianos und Orgeln wie sein Vater -- einen mechanischen Flugsimulator für Übungs- und Vergnügungszwecke und erhält ein Patent darauf. Der Link-Trainer erlangt Verbreitung. 1932 Die Firma AEG baut das erste Tonbandgerät mit dem Namen Magnetophon. Die Bänder dazu liefert die BASF. 1936 Erste Direktübertragung im deutschen Fernsehen anlässlich der Olympischen Spiele in Berlin. 1937 Alan Turing veröffentlicht sein Computermodell. 1938 Konrad Zuse stellt den programmgesteuerten Rechner Z 1 fertig. Ein späterer Nachbau schafft 1 Rechenoperation pro Sekunde. Elektronische binäre Addiermaschine von John Vincent Atanasoff und Clifford Berry, Iowa State University, zur Lösung linearer Gleichungssysteme. 1939 Konrad Zuse stellt die Z 2 fertig. Gründung der Firma Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, Kalifornien durch William Hewlett und David Packard. Ihr erstes Produkt ist ein Oszillator für Tonfrequenzen (Messtechnik). 1941 Konrad Zuse stellt die Z 3 fertig. 1942 Die Purdue University beginnt mit der Halbleiterforschung und untersucht Germaniumkristalle. 1943 Der Computer Colossus, Bletchley Park/Buckinghamshire UK, Seite 412 entschlüsselt deutsche Militärnachrichten (Enigma). IBM-Chef Thomas Watson schätzt den weltweiten Bedarf an Computern auf 5 (fünf) Stück. 1944 Die Zuse Z 4 wird fertig (2200 Relais, mechanischer Speicher). Sie arbeitet von 1950 bis 1960 in der Schweiz. An der Harvard University bauen Howard Aiken und Grace Hopper die Mark I in Relaistechnik. Die Maschine läuft bis 1959. 1945 Konrad Zuse entwickelt den Plankalkül, die erste höhere Programmiersprache. William Bradford Shockley startet ein Forschungsprojekt zur Halbleiterphysik in den Bell-Labs. Vannevar Bush entwickelt ein System zur Informationsspeicherung und -suche, das auf Mikrofilmen beruht. 1946 John von Neumann veröffentlicht sein Computerkonzept. John Presper Eckert und John William Mauchly bauen in den USA die ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). Die ENIAC rechnet dezimal, enthält 18000 Vakuumröhren, wiegt 30 t, ist 5,5 m hoch und 24 m lang, braucht für eine Addition 0,2 ms, ist an der Entwicklung der Wasserstoffbombe beteiligt und arbeitet bis 1955. Sie ist der Urahne der UNIVAC. 1948 Claude Elwood Shannon begründet die Informationstheorie. John Bardeen, Walter Houser Brattain und William Bradford Shockley entwickeln in den Bell-Labs den Transistor, der 10 Jahre später die Vakuumröhre ablöst. 1949 Erster Schachcomputer: Manchester MADM. Das Wort Bit kreiert. 1950 An der ETH Zürich geht die Zuse Z 4 in Betrieb. 1952 IBM bringt ihre erste elektronische Datenverarbeitungs- anlage, die IBM 701, heraus. 1953 IBM baut die erste Magnetbandmaschine zur Datenspeicherung (726). 1954 Remington-Rand bringt die erste UNIVAC heraus, IBM die 650. Silizium beginnt Germanium zu verdrängen. 1955 IBM entwickelt die erste höhere Programmiersprache, die Verbreitung erlangt: FORTRAN (Formula Translator) und verwendet Transistoren in ihren Computern. 1956 Konrad Zuse baut die Z 22, die mit Röhren arbeitet. Sie kommt 1958 auf den Markt. Bis 1961 werden 50 Stück verkauft. Bardeen, Brattain und Shockley erhalten den Nobelpreis für Physik. IBM stellt die erste Festplatte vor (IBM 350 Disk File für den Computer RAMAC 305), Kapazität 5 MByte, groß wie ein Schrank, Gewicht 1 to, bestehend aus 50 Scheiben zu 24 Zoll, 50.000 US-$. 1957 Die IBM 709 braucht für eine Multiplikation 0,12 ms. Weltweit arbeiten rund 1300 Computer. Seminar von Prof. Johannes Weissinger über Programm- gesteuerte Rechenmaschinen im SS 1957 der TH Karlsruhe. Karl Steinbuch (Firma SEL, später TH Karlsruhe) prägt den Begriff Informatik. Seite 413 Erster Satellit (Sputnik, Sowjetunion) kreist um die Erde. 1958 Als eine Reaktion auf den Sputnik gründet das us-amerikanische Verteidigungsministerium (DoD) die Denkfabrik Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), die später das ARPANET aufbaut. Marvin Lee Minsky prägt den Begriff Artificial Intelligence. Die TH Karlsruhe erhält ihren ersten Computer, eine ZUSE Z 22, finanziert vom Land Baden-Württemberg. Die Maschine verwendet 400 Vakuumröhren und wiegt 1 t. Der Arbeitsspeicher fasst 16 Wörter zu 38 Bits, d. h. 76 Byte. Der Massenspeicher, eine Magnettrommel, fasst rund 40 KByte. Eine Gleitkommaoperation dauert 70 ms. Das System versteht nur Maschinensprache (Freiburger Code) und läuft bis 1972. Im SS 1958 hält Priv.-Doz. Karl Nickel (Institut für Angew. Mathematik) eine Vorlesung Programmieren mathematischer und technischer Probleme für die elektronische Rechenmaschine Z 22. Die Programmiersprache ALGOL 58 kommt heraus. Bei Texas Instruments baut Jack St. Clair Kilby den ersten IC; im Jahr 2000 erhält er dafür den Nobelpreis für Physik. 1959 Im SS 1959 hält Priv.-Doz. Karl Nickel erstmals die Vorlesung Programmieren I, im WS 1959/60 die Vorlesung Programmieren II. Erstes Werk von Hewlett-Packard in Deutschland. Siemens baut die Siemens 2002. 1960 Programmieren steht noch in keinem Studienplan, sondern ist freiwillig. Die Karlsruher Z 22 arbeitet Tag und Nacht. Die Programmiersprache COBOL wird veröffentlicht. Ein Computerspiel namens Spacewar läuft auf einer Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-1 im MIT eingsetzt. Alan Shugart entwickelt ein Verfahren zur Aufzeichnung von Daten auf einer magnetisch beschichteten Scheibe. 1961 Die TH Karlsruhe erhält im Zuge der Berufungsverhandlungen von Prof. Nickel eine Zuse Z 23, die mit 2400 Transistoren arbeitet. Ihr Hauptspeicher fasst 240 Wörter zu 40 Bits. Eine Gleitkommaoperation dauert 15 ms. Außer Maschinensprache versteht sie ALGOL. Weltweit arbeiten etwa 7300 Computer. 1962 Die TH Karlsruhe erhält einen SEL ER 56, der bis 1968 läuft. An der Purdue University wird die erste Fakultät für Informatik (Department of Computer Science) gegründet. Texas Instruments und Fairchild nehmen die Serienproduktion von ICs (Chips) auf. Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider (1912--1990) hat zwei Visionen: den interaktiven Computer und das galaktische Netz (wenn schon, denn schon). Er wird Direktor in der ARPA und geht an die Verwirklichung seiner Visionen. Ivan Sutherland entwickelt ein Grafiksystem namens Sketchball. Morton Heilig meldet sein Sensorama zum Patent an, einen multimedialen Simulator mit Bild, Ton und Geruch. 1963 Weltweit arbeiten etwa 16.500 Computer. Seite 414 Erster geostationärer Satellit (Syncom). Ivan E. Sutherland entwickelt in seiner Doktorarbeit am MIT das Sketchpad, einen grafischen Bildschirm mit Lichtgriffel, und wird damit zum Vater der Computergrafik. Der ASCII-Standard wird verabschiedet. 1964 John Kemeny und Thomas Kurtz veröffentlichen die Programmiersprache BASIC. Paul Baran entwickelt bei der RAND Corporation die Idee paketvermittelter Netze. Douglas Carl Engelbart erfindet am Stanford Research Institute die Maus und die Fenstertechnik und hat zukunbftsweisende Visionen. IBM legt das Byte zu 8 Bits fest (IBM 360). Ein Chip enthält auf 0,5 cm2 10 Transistoren. 1965 Beginn des Betriebssystems MULTICS bei MIT, Bell und General Electric. Aus dessen Misserfolg erwächst später UNIX. Gordon Earle Moore veröffentlicht das nach ihm benannte Gesetz. Theodor Holm (Ted) Nelson prägt den Begriff Hypertext. 1966 Die TH Karlsruhe erhält eine Electrologica X 8, die bis 1973 betrieben wird. Gründung des Karlsruher Rechenzentrums. Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-9 auf dem Markt. Hewlett-Packard steigt in die Computerei ein (HP 2116 A). 1967 Erster elektronischer Taschenrechner (Texas Instruments) entwickelt. Beim Bundesministerium für wissenschaftliche Forschung wird ein Fachbeirat für Datenverarbeitung gebildet. Die Sekunde wird von ihrer astronomischen Definition auf eine atomphysikalische umgestellt. Ivan E. Sutherland entwickelt an der Harvard University einen Helm mit binokularem Display und bringt damit die Virtual Reality ein gutes Stück voran. Niklaus Wirth beginnt an der ETH Zürich mit der Arbeit an PASCAL. IBM stellt die ersten Disketten her, Durchmesser 8 Zoll, Kapazität ??. 1968 Am 26. Februar entscheiden sich maßgebende Vertreter der Computerwissenschaft im deutschsprachigen Raum im Anschluss an ein internationales Kolloquium in Dresden für die Bezeichnung Informatik nach französischem Beispiel. Die Programmiersprache PASCAL kommt heraus. Gordon Earle Moore und Robert Norton Noyce gründen die Firma Integrated Electronics (Intel). gegründet. Hewlett-Packard baut den ersten wissenschaftlichen programmierbaren Tischrechner (HP 9100 A). 1969 In Karlsruhe wird am 1. Januar das Institut für Informatik gegründet, Direktor Karl Nickel. Im WS 1969/70 beginnt in Karlsruhe die Informatik als Vollstudium mit 91 Erstsemestern. Gründung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) in Bonn. In den Bell Labs UNIX in Assembler auf einer DEC PDP 7 (K. L. Thompson). Beginn des ARPANET-Projektes, erste Teilnehmer U. of California at Los Angeles, Stanford Research Institute, U. of California at Santa Barbara und U. of Utah. Maßgeblich beteiligt sind Steve Crocker, David H. Crocker, Jon Postel, Vinton Cerf, Robert Kahn und Robert Braden. Seite 415 RFC 0001: Host Software, von Steve Crocker, Mitarbeiter der UCLA. 1970 Die Universität Karlsruhe erhält eine UNIVAC 1108, die bis 1987 läuft und damit den hiesigen Rekord an Betriebsjahren hält. Preis 23 MDM, 3 Zentraleinheiten, 256 Kilo-Wörter zu je 36 Bits Arbeitsspeicher, 20 Bildschirme. Die Karlsruher Fakultät für Informatik wird gegründet. Am 01. Januar 1970 00:00:00 GMT beginnt die UNIX-Uhr zu laufen. 1971 UNIX auf C umgeschrieben, erster Mikroprozessor (Intel 4004). Alan Shugart entwickelt bei IBM die Floppy Disk. Die Internet-Protokolle FTP (RFC 114) und Telnet (RFC 137) werden vorgeschlagen und diskutiert. Project Gutenberg von Michael Stern Hart an der U. of Illinois gestartet. 1972 IBM entwickelt das Konzept des virtuellen Speichers und stellt die 8-Zoll-Floppy-Disk vor. Xerox (Robert Metcalfe), DEC und Intel entwickeln den Ethernet-Standard. Das ARPANET wird der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Ein Student namens Stephan G. Wozniak lötet sich einen Computer zusammen, der den Smoke-Test nicht übersteht. In der Bundesrepublik arbeiten rund 8.200 Computer. Erster wissenschaftlicher Taschenrechner (Hewlett-Packard 35). 1973 Erste internationale Teilnehmer am ARPANET: NORSAR (Norwegian Seismic Array), Norwegen und U. College of London. Robert Melancton Metcalfe veröffentlicht Gedanken, die 1975 beim Xerox PARC zur Entwicklung von Ethernet führen. 1974 Der erste programmierbare Taschenrechner kommt auf den Markt (Hewlett-Packard 65), Preis 2500 DM. 1975 UNIX wird veröffentlicht (Version 6), Beginn der BSD-Entwicklung. Die Zeitschrift Byte wird gegründet. Erste, mäßig erfolgreiche Personal Computer (Xerox, Altair). Die Firma Microsoft Corporation von William Henry Gates III. und Paul Allen gegründet. Das Xerox PARC meldet Ethernet zum Patent an. Die Computer-Tomografie dringt in die Medizin und andere Gebiete ein. 1976 Steven P. Jobs und Stephan G. Wozniak gründen die Firma Apple und bauen den Apple I. Er kostet 666,66 Dollar. Alan Shugart stellt die 5,25-Zoll-Diskette vor. Die nichtprozedurale Datenbanksprache SQL -- entwickelt von Edgar F. Codd bei IBM -- wird veröffentlicht. Whitfield Diffie und Martin E. Hellmann veröffentlichen die erste Arbeit über unsymmetrische Verschlüsselung. 1977 Robert E. Kahn und Vinton Gray Cerf veröffentlichen das Konzept von TCP/IP, anfangs Kahn-Cerf-Protokolle (1974) genannt. 1978 In der Bundesrepublik arbeiten rund 170.000 Computer. Der Commodore PET 2001 -- ein Vorläufer des C64 -- kommt heraus, 4 bis 32 kbyte Arbeitsspeicher, Bildschirm 25 Zeilen zu 40 Zeichen. Erste Tabellenkalkulation Visicalc, für den Apple II, von Dan Bricklin und Bob Frankston, Harvard University. Seite 416 Erste Fassung von TeX (Donald Ervin Knuth) veröffentlicht. Das Network Time Protocol (NTP) wird in Gebrauch genommen. 1979 Faxdienst in Deutschland eingeführt. Beginn des Usenet in der Duke University und der University of North Carolina auf der Basis von uucp-Verbindungen (Steve M. Bellovin). Die Zusammenarbeit von Apple mit Rank Xerox führt zur Apple Lisa, ein Mißerfolg, aber der Wegbereiter für den Macintosh. Plattenherstellerfirma Seagate gegründet. Gründung der Satelliten-Kommunikations-Firma Inmarsat. Bjarne Stroustrup beginnt mit der Entwicklung von C++. Programmiersprache Ada veröffentlicht. Betriebssystem DOS für Intel 8086/8088 von Fa. Seattle Computer Products entwickelt, später von Microsoft erworben. 1980 Erster Jugendprogrammier-Wettbewerb der GI. Erster Home-Computer: Sinclair ZX-80, für rund 500 DM. Sony führt die 3,5-Zoll-Diskette ein. In den Folgejahren entwickeln andere Firmen auch Disketten mit Durchmessern von 3 bis 4 Zoll. Microsoft bringt Xenix, ein UNIX für PCs, heraus. 1981 Die Universität Karlsruhe erhält eine Siemens 7881 als zentralen Rechner. IBM bringt in den USA den IBM-PC heraus mit PC-DOS 1.0 (MS DOS) als wichtigstem Betriebssystem. In Berlin wird der Chaos Computer Club gegründet. Xanadu-Projekt von Ted Nelson, ein Vorläufer des Web. 1982 Die Firma Sun Microsystems wird gegründet, entscheidet sich für UNIX und baut die ersten Workstations. Jim Clark gründet Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI) Scott E. Fahlman, damals Student an der CMU, veröffentlicht den ersten Grinsling (Smiley, Emoticon) :-). Beginn des EuNETs, einer der ersten deutschen Internet-Provider, an der Universität Dortmund. William Gibson prägt das Wort Cyberspace. Morton Heilig präsentiert einen Spielautomaten für Motorrad- und Auto-Simulationen mit Stereotonfilm, Gebläse, Gerüchen und vibrierenden Sitzen, echt multimedial, aber erfolglos, da zu teuer. 1983 Die Universität Karlsruhe erhält einen Vektorrechner Cyber 205 und eine Siemens 7865. Die Cyber leistet 400 Mio. Flops. Beginn des Lokalen Informatiknetzes Karlsruhe (LINK), ab 1984 Xlink, in der Fakultät für Informatik der Universität Karlsruhe. IBM bringt den PC auf den deutschen Markt. UNIX kommt als System V von AT&T in den Handel, die erste Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Computertechnik (c't) erscheint (Nr. 12/83 vom Oktober 1983). Gründung der X/Open-Gruppe. MS-DOS 2.0 (PC-DOS 2.0) und Novell Netware kommen heraus. Microsoft Windows wird angekündigt. Das ARPAnet wechselt von NCP auf TCP/IP. Seite 417 Paul V. Mockapetris veröffentlicht in RFC 882 und 883 das Konzept des DNS. 1984 Der erste Apple Macintosh (128K) und der Hewlett-Packard Thinkjet, der erste Tintenstrahldrucker, kommen auf den Markt. GNU-Projekt von Richard Matthew Stallman gegründet. Der IBM PC/AT mit Prozessor Intel 80 286 und MS-DOS 3.0 kommen heraus. Siemens steigt in UNIX (Sinix) ein. Die Universität Karlsruhe wird Email-Relay für Deutschland zum Computer Science Net (CSNet) in den USA. Als erste Mail erhält Prof. Zorn, U. Karlsruhe, einen Gruß vom CSNet. Entwicklung des X Window Systems am MIT. 1985 MS-Windows 1.0, IBM 3090 und IBM Token Ring Netz. XLink an der Universität Karlsruhe stellt als erstes deutsches Netz eine Verbindung zum nordamerikanischen ARPANET her. Hewlett-Packard bringt den ersten Laserjet-Drucker heraus. 1986 Weltweit etwa eine halbe Million UNIX-Systeme und 3000 öffentliche Datenbanken. In den USA nimmt das zivile NFSNET die Arbeit auf. Mit dem Computer-Investitionsprogramm des Bundes und der Länder (CIP) kommen mehrere HP 9000/550 unter UNIX an die Universität Karlsruhe. 1987 Microsoft XENIX (ein UNIX) für den IBM PC/AT IBM bringt die PS/2-Reihe unter MS-OS/2 heraus. Weltweit mehr als 5 Millionen Apple Computer und etwa 100 Millionen PCs nach Vorbild von IBM. Das MIT veröffentlicht das X Window System Version 11 (X11). In Berkeley wird die RAID-Technologie entwickelt. Beginn des baden-württembergischen Landeshochschulnetzes BelWue. 1988 Jarkko Oikarinen, Finnland, entwickelt den IRC. Das Karlsruher Campusnetz KARLA wird durch das Glasfasernetz KLICK ersetzt. VBN-Strecke Karlsruhe - Stuttgart im BelWue-Netz. Frankreich geht ans Internet (INRIA, Rocquencourt bei Paris). Gründung der Open Software Foundation (OSF) und der UNIX International Inc. MS-DOS 4.0 für PCs. Ein Internet-Wurm namens Morris geht auf die Reise, darauf hin Gründung des Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERT). Erster Hoax (2400-baud-Modem-Hoax) im Internet, siehe CIAC. Erstes landmobiles Satellitensystem für Datenfunk (Inmarsat-C). 1989 Das NFSNET löst das ARPANET als Backbone des Internet ab. UNIX System V Release 4 vereinheitlicht System V, BSD und Xenix. Im Rechenzentrum Karlsruhe löst die IBM 3090 die Siemens 7881 ab. ISDN in Deutschland eingeführt. Erster deutscher Internet-Direktanschluss via Xlink, Karlsruhe. 1990 Zunehmende Vernetzung, Anschluss an weltweite Netze. Die Internet Society (ISOC) schätzt das Internet auf 500.000 Knoten. Das ARPAnet stellt seinen Betrieb ein. Computer-Kommunikation mittels E-Mail, Btx und Fax vom Seite 418 Arbeitsplatz aus. Optische Speichermedien (CD-ROM, WORM). Das Web (URL, HTTP, HTML) von Timothy Berners-Lee und Robert Cailliau am CERN in Genf entwickelt. UNIX System V Version 4. Die Hardware eines selbstmontierten PCs mit 386/20 kostet 10.000 DM. Die mittlere Computerdichte in technisch orientierten Instituten und Familien erreicht 1 pro Mitglied. 1991 Das UNIX-System OSF/1 mit dem Mach-Kernel der Carnegie- Mellon-Universität kommt heraus. 17. Sep.: Anfang von LINUX (Linus Benedict Torvalds). Erster Web-Server in den USA: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. MS-DOS 5.0 für PCs. Anfänge von Microsoft Windows NT. Das DE-NIC an der Universität Dortmund gegründet. IBM, Apple und Motorola kooperieren mit dem Ziel, einen Power PC zu entwickeln. 1992 Am Neujahrstag stirbt Grace Murray Hopper, Konteradmiral der US Navy, wesentlich an der Entwicklung von COBOL beteiligt und Entdeckerin des ersten Bugs, einer Motte im Mark II der Harvard University. Die Universität Karlsruhe nimmt den massiv parallelen Computer MasPar 1216A mit 16000 Prozessoren in Betrieb. Novell übernimmt von AT&T die UNIX-Aktivitäten (USL). FORTRAN 90 verabschiedet. Eine Million Knoten im Internet. Weltweit etwa 50 Web-Server. Erster deutscher Web-Server, am DESY in Hamburg. 1993 MS-DOS Version 6.0. Microsoft kündigt Windows-NT an. DEC stellt PC mit Alpha-Prozessor vor, 150 MHz, 14.000 DM. Novell tritt das Warenzeichen UNIX an die X/Open-Gruppe ab. Marc Andreessen, NCSA, schreibt einen Web-Browser für das X Window System mit der Möglichkeit, farbige Grafiken darzustellen. Patrick Volkerding stellt die Linux-Distribution Slackware zusammen, die erste Distribution von einiger Verbreitung. Ian Murdock, Student an der Purdue University, stellt am 16. August das Debian-Projekt vor. Gegen Jahresende Debian GNU/Linux Version 0.90. Das Xlink-Projekt wird aus der Universität Karlsruhe ausgegliedert. Das CERN gibt die WWW-Technologie allgemein frei. Weltweit etwa 250 Web-Server. Das DE-NIC zieht ans Rechenzentrum der Universität Karlsruhe. 1994 Linux 1.0 veröffentlicht. Matthias Ettrich startet das KDE-Projekt. Das Internet umfasst etwa 4 Mio. Knoten und 20 Mio. Benutzer. Erste Spam-Mail (Canter + Siegel). Erste Banner-Werbung (Wired). Marc Andreessen und Jim Clark gründen die Firma Netscape. 1995 Kommerzielle Netze lösen in den USA das NFSNET als Backbone ab. Die X/Open-Gruppe führt die Bezeichnung UNIX 95 für Systeme ein, die der Single UNIX Specification genügen. Die Universität Karlsruhe ermöglicht in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Oberschulamt nordbadischen Schulen den Zugang zum Seite 419 Internet. Ähnliche Projekte werden auch an einigen anderen Hoch- und Fachhochschulen durchgeführt. Die Programmiersprache JAVA wird von Sun veröffentlicht. Online-Auktionshaus Ebay als Sammlerbörse in den USA gegründet. Der Webserver Apache Release 1.0 veröffentlicht. Weltweit etwa 50000 Web-Server. 1996 Die Massen und Medien entdecken das Internet. Debian GNU/Linux Version 1.1 (buzz) wird veröffentlicht, zum Jahresende folgt Version 1.2 (rex). FORTRAN 95, eine revidierte Fassung von FORTRAN 90, fertig. Intel bringt den Universal Serial Bus (USB) auf den Markt. Die Open Software Foundation (OSF) und X/Open schließen sich zur Open Group zusammen. 1997 Fast Ethernet ist erschwinglich geworden, über das Gigabit-Ethernet wird geredet. In Deutschland gibt es rund 20 Mio. PCs und 1 Mio. Internetanschlüsse (Quelle: Fachverband Informationstechnik). Debian GNU/Linux Version 1.3 (bo) freigegeben, rund 1000 Pakete. Single UNIX Specification Version 2 im Web veröffentlicht. HTML 4.0 vom W3C freigegeben. Die Xlink Internet Service Gmbh wird eine hundertprozentige Tochter des niederländisch-amerikanischen Telekommunikationskonzerns KPNQwest, der 2002 insolvent und aufgelöst wird. Der Buchversender Amazon meldet ein Patent an dergestalt, dass man mit einem Mausklick im Internet eine Ware bestellt. 1998 Compaq übernimmt die Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). IBM bringt DOS 2000 heraus, Microsoft kündigt Windows 2000 an. Die Suchmaschine Google Inc. gegründet. Debian GNU/Linux Version 2.0 (hamm) freigegeben, 1500 Pakete. KDE 1.0 veröffentlicht. 9-GB-Festplatten kosten 500 DM. Gigabit-Ethernet-Standard IEEE 802.3z verabschiedet. Gründung der Bluetooth Special Interest Group durch Ericsson, Intel, IBM, Nokia und Toshiba. Jonathan B. Postel, einer der Apostel des Internet und Autor vieler RFCs, gestorben. Siehe RFC 2441: Working with Jon und RFC 2468: I Remember IANA. 1999 Das Y2K-Problem -- die Jahrtausendwende -- beschäftigt die Gemüter, weil die Programmierer früherer Jahrzehnte mit den Bits knauserten. Der RFC 2550 löst auch gleich das Y10K-Problem. Debian GNU/Linux Version 2.1 (slink) kommt heraus. Betreiber großer Suchmaschinen schätzen die Anzahl der Web-Seiten weltweit auf 1 Milliarde. Linus B. Torvalds wird Ehrendoktor der Universität Stockholm. 2000 Das Y2K-Problem hat sich praktisch nicht ausgewirkt. Den 29. Februar 2000 haben wir auch gut überstanden, einen Schalttag nach einer Regel, die nur alle 400 Jahre angewendet wird. Debian GNU/Linux Version 2.2 (potato) kommt heraus, 6500 Pakete. Microsoft Windows 2000 ist erhältlich. Ein Macro-Virus namens Seite 420 Love Letter sorgt für Aufregung -- außerhalb der Linux/UNIX-Welt. Der Intel Pentium kommt bei einer Taktfrequenz von 1,5 GHz an. Zum Jahresende 2 Mio. Internet-Hosts in Deutschland (Quelle: RIPE). 2001 Claude Elwood Shannon gestorben, gilt als Erfinder des Bits und Begründer der Informationstheorie. Jimmy Donal Wales und Lawrence Mark Sanger starten in den USA die Wikipedia, eine internationale Online-Enzyklopädie auf der Grundlage eines Wikis. Die SCO (Santa Cruz Operation) verkauft ihre UNIX-Rechte an Caldera Systems, die sich daraufhin The SCO Group nennt und durch einige Prozesse bekannt wird. 2002 Die Einführung der Euro-Währung führt zu einem neuen Zeichen in internationalen Zeichensätzen. Im Herbst befällt der Wurm Slapper zahlreiche Webserver unter Linux. Debian GNU/Linux Version 3.0 (woody) wird als stabil freigegeben. Die Distribution umfasst 8700 Pakete. 2004 PCs werden zunehmend ohne Floppy-Laufwerk ausgeliefert. Ubuntu Linux, ein Debian-Derivat, erscheint erstmals. Politische Überlegungen, die Patentierung von Software zuzulassen, bedrohen die Open Source Welt. 2005 Anfang Juni wird Debian GNU/Linux Version 3.1 (sarge) nach reiflicher Überlegung als stabil freigegeben und löst 3.0r6 (woody) ab; die Distribution umfasst rund 15.000 Pakete. Woody wird damit zur Old-stable-Version, etch rückt zur Testing-Version auf. In Frankfurt (M) findet die Wikimania 2005 statt, die erste internationale Wikimedia-Konferenz. Die deutsche Wikipedia nähert sich der Marke von 300.000 Einträgen. Internet-Telefonie (Voice over IP) ist stark im Kommen. Prof. Karl Steinbuch gestorben. Ende des Jahres kommt X11R7 heraus. Der weltweit leistungsfähigste Rechner -- ein IBM Blue Gene -- läuft unter einem Linux (Quelle: http://www.top500.org/). 2006 Die englische Wikipedia überschreitet die Marke von 1,5 Mio. Einträgen, die deutsche 500.000, die französische 400.000, die japanische und die polnische 300.000, die schwedische, italienische, niederländische und portugiesische 200.000. Laut http://www.netcraft.com/ sind die am häufigsten besuchten Websites Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, BBC, CNN, Ebay, Fox News, Amazon und Wikipedia. Das Deutsche Forschungsnetz nimmt das X-Win in Betrieb, eine Netzinfrastruktur mit Anschlüssen bis zu 10 Gigabit/s und 43 Kernstandorten. Mitte des Jahres gibt es 10 Mio. Einträge unter der Top Level Domain .de, sie ist damit weltweit nach .com die zweitumfangreichste. 2007 Debian stellt den Sicherheitssupport für woody ein und erklärt zu Ostern die Version 4.0 (etch) mit Kern 2.6.18 als stabil. Apple Inc. erwirbt CUPS von Easy Software Products. Seite 421 Im Sommer überschreitet die deutschsprachige Wikipedia die Marke von 600.000 Einträgen, der RFC 5001 wird veröffentlicht. Die FSF veröffentlicht die Version 3 der GNU GPL und der GNU LGPL. The SCO Group (siehe 2001) beantragt Insolvenz nach Chapter 11. Nach der Statistik von www.top500.org vom November setzen 426 der 500 schnellsten Rechner weltweit ein Linux-Betriebssystem ein. Bei den Herstellern führt IBM vor Hewlett-Packard und Dell, bei den Ländern die USA vor dem UK und Deutschland. 2008 Im Januar überschreitet die deutschsprachige Wikipedia die Marke von 700.000 Einträgen und ist nach der englischen die zweitgrößte. AOL stellt Entwicklung und Vertrieb des Web-Browsers Netscape ein. Im Februar weiht das Forschungszentrum Jülich einen Supercomputer vom Typ IBM Blue Gene ein, der der schnellste zivil genutzte Rechner der Welt ist. Die Kiste ist nicht nur schnell, sondern geht auch sparsam mit der Energie um.