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Re: fblinu pdf unter dos?

Hallo Michael, hallo alle!
abraxas_bEi_hamburg.snafu.de meinte am 11.01.98 um 06:52 zum Thema "fblinu pdf unter dos?":
> Ich habe
> darueber schon ein zwei mal geschrieben und keine Lust, alles zu
> wiederholen.
Das ist einzusehen. Deshalb gebe ich den Plan, das Archiv der Mailingliste
zu spiegeln, auch nicht auf.
Du hast am 15.3. vergangenen Jahres einen Beitrag gepostet. Da zu diesem
Zeit die meisten diese Liste noch nicht bezogen haben, erlaube ich mir,
Deinen Beitrag noch einmal zu posten.
Empfaenger : fblinu_bEi_blinu.langnese-iglo.de
Absender   : abraxas_bEi_mail.hamburg.netsurf.de  (Michael Lang)
Antwort an : fblinu_bEi_blinu.langnese-iglo.de
Betreff    : Pdf-Dateien fuer Blinde zugaenglich machen
Datum      : Sa 15.03.97, 02:54
Groesse    : 3385 Bytes
Pdf-Dateien werden normalerweise mit dem Programm Acrobat gelesen. In
ihnen kann nicht nur Hypertext sondern auch Grafik enthalten sein. Es
gibt seit einiger Zeit ein Zusatzmodul zu Acrobat, mit dem man auch
als Blinder diese Dateien teilweise lesen kann. Nun gibt's noch ein
paar andere Moeglichkeiten, Pdf-Dateien zu lesen: Man kann sie via
E-mail in Text oder Html konvertieren lassen, oder dies direkt im
Browser ueber einen Proxy tun. Da hat die Firma Adobe sich etwas gutes
einfallen lassen. Hier ein kleiner Erfahrungsbericht mit Infos aus der
Guispeak Mailing List.
          <***  ml  ***>
If you check http://access.adobe.com they have very clear step-by-step
instructions on how to do what you want as far as configuring a web
browser to use a proxy server or use the e-mail method of converting pdf
You can either e-mail the URL of a pdf file to pdf2txt_bEi_adobe.com (text
version) or pdf2html_bEi_adobe.com (html version) or set your web browser to
automatically convert the pdf file by use of a proxy server at Adobe.
The main difference between the text and html versions of the converted
files is that the html version contains links to jump to the equivalent of
individual printed pages.  If this is important to you and you are using
the e-mail method of converting, you'll need to save the file Adobe
returns and then load it into Lynx.
If you use the text file  method as an example, you'd send a message like
following to get back an ASCII version of the Commercial Driver License
handbook on the page you gave.
To: pdf2txt_bEi_adobe.com
Subject <whatever you want>
Body: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/hdbk/CDL.pdf
In a couple minutes (the pdf file is over two meg in size) you'll get back
an e-mail message with all the text of the pdf file.  Whether the file is
readable is another story.
For the most part my experiences with this and the other methods Adobe's
introduced to convert pdf files have been positive.  The real question is
how intelligible is the format of the document returned.  In some cases
when the document has a simple layout the resulting text file is very
readable.  In cases like the TimesFax file from the New York Times the
results are mixed.  You have annoying quirks like the story headlines
being placed after the stories as well as some charts like the stock and
weather listings being difficult to understand at all.  Finally you have
cases like the IRS tax forms mentioned here where the result is about the
equivalent of cutting the paper document into individual words and then
drawing them one at a time from a box in mostly random order and trying to
make sense of things.
To instruct Lynx to use an http proxy server requires that you edit a file
called lynx.cfg.  Search for a line that says "http_proxy" and replace
anything after the second colon with "http://access.adobe.com:8080/"
To learn more about the lynx.cfg file or to get a copy tailored for users
who are blind or visually impaired
check http://leb.net/blinux/blynx/index.html.
If your ISP installs Lynx with a standard lynx.cfg not installed in your
own home directory, you may need to run lynx with the -cfg= command line.
The command would be something like:
lynx -cfg=lynx.cfg.
Kelly Ford
See my home page at www.teleport.com/~kford/index.html
fblinu - Mailing-Liste fuer blinde und sehbehinderte Internet-Nutzer und ihre
Freunde - Mail an: majordomo_bEi_blinu.langnese-iglo.de - Body: info fblinu -
Homepage: http://www.lynet.de/~mhaenel
Matthias Haenel, Schwentine- 23a, D22851 Norderstedt, Phone: 49-40-5292519