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PDF file conversion to TXT or HTML


ich dachte, das waere fuer euch von Interesse:

## Nachricht vom 08.02.99 weitergeleitet
## Ursprung : /alt/comp/blind-users
## Ersteller: TiddyOgg_bEi_half.co.ck

I recently downloaded the Eudora Light manual, which was in .pdf
format.  this was some 330k long, but I sent it off for conversion to
the address below, and Got it back converted to .txt very quickly.  I
sent it as a file attachment to an e-mail.

Details of the service follow.

> You can mail a URL to a PDF document or attach the PDF
>document itself as a MIME attachment in the body of an email
>message to pdf2txt_bEi_sun.trace.wisc.edu (for plain text) or to
>pdf2html_bEi_sun.trace.wisc.edu and have the convertor mail back
>the result of translating the PDF file.
> For a detailed description of these accessibility services, read